


12/12 When an offender serves their full sentence term in the institution and is let out on their maximum date. Therefore, they have no supervision requirements upon their release except Lifetime Supervision.

120 Day Probation (Also referred to as 120 Day Period in older procedures) Probation granted by a circuit court to an offender any time up to 120 days after being delivered to the department. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D5-8)

/o/ Offender.

/s/ Subject (inmate/offender).


Abandonment Closure of a complaint due to offender’s failure, within applicable time frames, to:

  1. file a formal grievance,
  2. appeal the chief administrative officer’s (CAO) response,
  3. sign receipt of a written response,
  4. failure to provide a forwarding address to the grievance officer per this procedure,
  5. failure to re-submit a complaint in proper format per this procedure. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

ABE Adult basic education.

Absconder An offender under supervision who has left their residence without permission of the supervising officer for the purpose of avoiding supervision. (12-5-15, D3-6.2, D5-4.36, D5-9.1, D5-9.3, D5-10.6)

Abusable Medications Medications, which may be mood altering, psychoactive, addictive; with more potential to be misused and or improperly used. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1)

Abuse of the Offender Grievance Procedure An information resolution request, offender grievance or offender grievance appeal containing abusive or profane language, threats of physical harm or the submission of intentionally unfounded complaints. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

AC Area command.

Academic Education File A permanent file developed for each offender containing documents relevant to academic growth and accomplishments. (1-8-15 legal revised, IS5-1.1, IS7-1.5, IS7-1.7, IS18-3.3)

Academically Unable A determination made by the department director utilizing established criteria to determine an offender’s academic ability to complete the high school equivalency certificate. (10-17-18, D5-8.11)

ACC 1. Acute care center. 2. Algoa Correctional Center.

Access The ability to use information systems applications, as authorized, in the performance of job duties. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Access to Care The ability of an offender to be seen by a clinician, be given a professional clinical judgment, and receive care ordered by a clinician. (10-21-16, IS11-01)

Accessory A person who provides assistance to someone engaging in prohibited behavior. (11-8-18, IS19-1.6)

ACE Accident/incident report.

Accident 1. An unplanned, undesired event that results in injury, illness or property damage. (12-28-20, D4-2.1) 2. For purposes of this procedure, an unexpected or undesirable event that results in injury requiring medical care away from the worksite. This definition is for reporting purposes. (3-1-16, D2-15.5)

Accommodated Faith Group An individual or group of offenders authorized for specific religious or spiritual practices approved within the correctional center, as approved by the department. (4-11-18, IS17-1.1)

Accommodations Special assistance provided to individuals with one or more documented disabilities. (6-14-15, IS18-3.3)

Accounts Payable Section The business section that is responsible for making payments owed by the department to suppliers and other creditors. The accounts payable section is within the fiscal management unit. (8-2-17, D3-3.1)

Acid Fast Bacillus (AFB) Testing A method of staining bacteria during laboratory testing which assists in identifying tuberculosis bacteria. (2-15-15, IS11)

Acknowledgement of Contract (AOC) The formal acknowledgement and assignment of a contract number by the Office of Administration, Division of Purchasing and Materials Management (OA/DPMM) of a memorandum of understanding valued at $25,000 or more that is established by the department with another state agency or governmental entity. (5-2-15, D3-2.4)

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) A medical condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which results in the destruction of the body’s natural defenses against disease and is characterized by certain medical conditions as defined by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and American Medical Association (AMA). (2-2-15, IS11-14.4)

Acting Capacity With Pay A temporary assignment of all duties of a supervisory management position that are at a higher level of responsibility than the employee’s present position with an expected duration of less than 60 consecutive calendar days. The position may be supervisory or management in nature. (4-28-13, D2-2.18)

Acting Capacity Without Pay A temporary assignment to a position in which all of the responsibilities are assigned to an employee with an expected duration of less than 60 consecutive calendar days. The position may be supervisory or management in nature. (4-28-13, D2-2.18)

Active Duty Time spent by employees physically at work. (2-5-20, D2-8.2, D2-8.3)

Active Tuberculosis Disease Tuberculosis infection as evidenced by presence of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis bacilli in sputum specimens or significant findings of tuberculosis on chest x-ray. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Actively Participated A determination made by the corrections manager band I as to whether an offender has actively participated in class curriculum and instruction. (10-17-18, D5-8.11)

Activities of Daily Living Activities that are of central importance to daily life to include functions such as: caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working and meals. (1-20-13, IS18-5.3)

Activity Notes An area of the TAP to record progress through completion of the plan goals and activities. This field will appear on the printed version of the TAP. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Acute A disease or disease symptoms beginning abruptly with marked intensity or sharpness, then subsiding after a relatively short period of time. (10-29-19, IS11-52)

Acute Care A pattern of health care in which an offender is treated for an acute episode of illness, for a condition which is the consequence of a previous disease or injury, in reference to an accident or other trauma or during recovery from surgery. (10-29-19, IS11-52)

Acute Disease A disease characterized by a relatively short duration of symptoms that are usually severe. An episode of acute disease results in recovery to a state comparable to the offender’s state of health and activity prior to the disease, in passage into a chronic phase. (10-29-19, IS11-52)

Acute Hazardous Waste A list of chemicals defined in a table frequently updated by the Environment Protection Agency. (2-28-16, D4-2.10)

Acute Psychiatric Transfer Transfer of an offender to a facility with an acute inpatient psychiatric setting whenever the offender presents a danger to self or others due to acute psychosis or other psychiatric difficulties which cannot be treated effectively within the institution. (3-8-07, IS11-30.1)

Acutely Intoxicated Life threatening overdose of alcohol or other drugs. (10-29-19, IS11-54)

Acutely Suicidal Those offenders who engage in self-injurious behavior or threaten suicide with a specific plan. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

ADA Americans with Disabilities Act.

Addiction Severity Index (ASI) A structured clinical interview designed to collect information about offenders' substance use and functioning in life areas for individuals referred to substance use disorders treatment. (D5-1.5, D5-4.26, D5-4.36)

Additional Fundraiser An offering of a product or service in addition to the ongoing fundraiser. More than one additional fundraiser may be conducted per organization per year, subject to approval by the chief administrative officer or designee. The period of sales may not extend beyond 30 days per product or service, per organization, per additional fundraiser in any given calendar year. (9-8-16, IS9-1.1)

Adjustment Board A 2-member team consisting of a unit manager or treatment unit supervisor and a corrections officer III or higher ranking custody staff person shall be assigned as the adjustment board to conduct hearings on major conduct violations. More than 2 people may be assigned this duty. The treatment unit supervisor shall serve as the chairperson and may be rotated per standard operating procedure. (10-7-20, IS8-1.3, IS19-1.5, IS19-1.6, IS21-1.1)

Administration The act of delivering medications to offenders by a qualified health services professional. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1, IS11-27.10)

Administrative Commander A deputy warden responsible for overseeing member recruitment, processing and organization of all team members to ensure CERTs are compliant with established policies and procedures. (4-9-15, IS24-2.1)

Administrative Costs Those costs associated with the management, oversight and provision of goods or services. Those costs may include office space, hearing, lighting and reviewing of performance. (8-15-05, D3-3.5)

Administrative Enemy (formerly Administrative Flag) A department computer entry of enemy declaration that cannot be placed or removed without approval of the chief administrative officer due to the seriousness of the declaration. (2-17-08, IS21-1.3)

Administrative Evidence Any physical or verbal evidence presented for the purpose of proving a violation of policy or procedure. (D1-8.8 (DRAFT 11-20-20))

Administrative Protective Custody The chief administrative officer or designee assigns segregation of an offender for the safety of himself. (11-26-19, IS21-1.3)

Administrative Leave 1. For the purpose of this procedure, administrative leave must mean an enforced absence from duty in full pay status. (9-1-18, D2-9.1, D2-11.10) 2. Leave with pay as outlined in this procedure. (11-21-16, D2-8.5)

Administrative Mortality Review An assessment of correctional and emergency response actions surrounding an offender’s death for the purpose of identifying areas where facility operations, policies, and procedures can be improved. (12-6-14, IS11-11.1)

Administrative Override A classification process that is used to change the custody level of an offender due to extenuating circumstances or special conditions. (8-19-07, D5-1.2, D5-4.24, D5-4.25)

Administrative Parole (558.041 RSMo) The release granted by the Parole Board to an inmate whose term of imprisonment has been reduced by “Time Credit.” (12-15-93, D5-8)

Administrative Rates A standardized percentage of the cost of the service/product to cover administrative or indirect costs. (8-15-05, D3-3.5)

Administrative Segregation A unit where an offender may be temporarily placed for the security and good order of the institution. (10-7-20, IS5-3.1, IS7-1.10, IS11-41.2, IS13-2.2, IS21-1.1, IS21-1.2)

Administrative Segregation Committee A group of staff members who conduct classification hearings and make recommendations to the chief administrative officer for offender placement, continued assignment or release from an ADSEG unit. The committee shall be chaired by the functional unit manager with a case manager and COIII or above as members. The case manager will act as chairperson in the unit manager’s absence. Another staff member may sit as a member in place of the case manager. At least three members shall be present to hold a hearing. (10-7-20, IS21-1.1, IS21-1.2)

Administrative Supervisor A staff member who is responsible for overseeing the clinical services and/or programs of a substance use disorder treatment unit or an institutional treatment center (ITC). (9-16-16, D5-4.24, IS19-1.5)

Adoption For the purposes of this procedure, adoption will begin either the date the parent is granted temporary legal custody of the child for the purpose of adoption or the date the adoption is finalized. The parent has discretion to choose which date will be used as the “adoption date.” Note: Placement of a foster child with an employee which is not for the purpose of adoption does not qualify for parental leave. (10-18-19, D2-8.14)

ADS Administrative successful.

ADSEG Administrative segregation.

ADU Administrative unsuccessful.

Adult Internal Risk Assessment An instrument utilized to assess offenders during intake screening and upon transfer to another facility for their risk of being sexually abused by other offenders or sexually abusive towards other offenders. (1-8-19, D1-8.13, IS5-3.3, IS18-1.1)

Adulterated Specimen For the purpose of this procedure, a urine specimen which, as shown through testing, contains a substance that would not normally be present in human urine, or contains a substance expected to be present, but in a higher concentration than expected in normal human urine. (5-11-21, D2-11.11, D5-7.1)

Advanced Directives A general term used to describe when a person communicates in advance, health care directives to be implemented in the event he loses the capacity to make or communicate his decisions. (6-15-20, IS11-73)

AEL Adult education literacy.

Affected Staff Member A staff member who has experienced a critical incident or traumatic event and may feel overwhelmed or suffer from emotional or physical trauma. (4-21-20, D2-15.8)

After Action Plan A detailed plan outlining deficiencies identified as a result of a debriefing and the corrective actions needed to address deficiencies to include who is responsible for completion. (10-3-18, D1-12.1)

AHO Adjustment hearing officer; also AJO or AO.

AICS Adult classification system (prior version of classification system).

AIFED Adult incarcerated federal.

AIMS Adult internal management system (prior version of classification system).

AIRA Adult Internal Risk Assessment

AJO Adjustment hearing officer; also AHO or AO.

Alcohol Detection Method Any instrument or test approved by the CAO of the department toxicology laboratory. (4-27-16, D5-7.2)

Alcohol Testing Tests will be determined by breathalyzer tests administered by a certified breath alcohol technician except in the event of an accident when a blood alcohol test will be accepted. The same percentages for breath alcohol content will be utilized. (4-13-08, D4-4.5)

Alcohol Testing Form A form utilized to document alcohol testing. (3-19-15, D2-11.12)

Alerts Electronic monitoring violation notifications sent by the contract vendor by fax or e-mail to the supervising officer/command center to indicate that a violation of rules or conditions have been breached and further investigation needs to be completed. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

All Terrain Vehicle A motorized vehicle manufactured exclusively for off-highway use, which is 50 inches or less in width, with an unloaded dry weight of 600 pounds or less in traveling on 3 or more low pressure tires, with a seat designed to be straddled by the operator and handlebars for steering control. (7-18-08, D4-4.1, IS20-1.10)

ALS Advanced life support.

Alternate Meal Serving When an offender housed in a segregation unit receives her/his normal meal served on a styrofoam tray or tray liner due to negative behavior, e.g. throwing food, food trays, utensils, etc. (3-10-05, IS10-1.9)

Alternate Meals/Serving Methods 30 Day Time Frame The 30 day period shall include an offender's continuous time spent in the segregation unit regardless of assignment between temporary administrative segregation confinement, disciplinary segregation status or administrative segregation. The time frame shall begin with the first incident and shall extend 30 days after each subsequent incident until the offender has 30 days without an incident. (10-7-20, IS21-1.2, IS21-1.4)

Alternate Work Schedule Specific work hours for individuals which are different than the standard work schedule. (2-23-21, D2-8.11)

Alternative Vending Source Any non-mechanical device that dispenses snacks and/or drinks that is provided, maintained and serviced by on-site staff member or provided by an outside source. (8-26-19)

Amendment A written formal change to a solicitation document or contract. (5-2-15, D3-2.4, D3-2.6)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Federal law prohibiting discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, state, and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation and telecommunications. (4-25-10, D5-5.3)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Department Coordinator A staff member appointed by the department director to receive and act on all Americans with Disabilities Act complaints/grievances and proposed resolutions received from American With Disabilities Act site coordinators or those received at the department level. (7-24-11, D5-5.2)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) File A confidential record containing an employee’s ADA related information maintained in accordance with the employee file index reference document and the department procedure regarding employee ADA requests. (4-20-21, D2-5.1)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Grievance A complaint alleging any action prohibited by the Americans with Disabilities Act, the federal Rehabilitations Act, and the Missouri Human Rights Act. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Site Coordinator An individual that is appointed at each institution, office, regional, or field services office, to address and propose resolutions of ADA complaints/grievances at that location. (8-24-14, D1-1.2)

Anger Management Education Program The department-approved curriculum designed to teach offenders strategies to manager anger. (6-28-09, D5-4.13)

Annual In Service Training Mandatory annual training identified by the division directors. (11-29-15, D2-12.4)

Annual Leave A specified amount of time earned by an employee in pay status which may be used as vacation or personal time and is not considered work time. (12-2-19, D2-8.2, D2-8.12)

Anticipated Death A death which may be expected such as in the case of a terminal, serious, or life threatening illness. (12-6-14, IS11-11.1)

AO Adjustment hearing officer; also AHO or AJO.

AOSA Administrative office support assistant.

APC Administrative protective custody.

Applications Computer programs. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Appointing Authority The department director is the appointing authority for employees assigned to the office of the director. Each division director is the appointing authority for employees of his division. (2-1-21, D2-3.2, D2-3.4, D2-9.1)

Approved Absence (Lay In) An outcount, staff member appointment, disciplinary action, visit or other absence approved by the chief administrative officer or designee or through standard operating procedures. (6-21-17, IS18-1.1)

Approved Charitable or Humanitarian Cause A charitable organization, entity or effort recognized nationally or locally. Such determination and approval may be made by the chief administrative officer or designee on a case-by-case basis. (9-8-16, IS9-1.1)

Approved Shotgun Mount/Rack An electronic locking device to securely retain and release a 12 gauge shotgun. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Approved State Credit Cards Cards that are issued and approved through the Office of Administration as valid for the purpose of billing the department. (10-4-14, D2-6.1)

ARB Automated road book.

ARC American Red Cross.

Archiving Retention Schedule Schedule of record categories unique to a division stating the length of retention. (7-31-19, D2-5.4)

ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Services.

ARM Ambulatory restricted mobility program.

Armed Escorting Officer An armed officer who accompanies an offender(s) during transport and is present in the transporting vehicle and provides backup to one or more unarmed officers, when a backup vehicle is not utilized. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

Armed Forces The Air Force, Army, Marines, Navy, Coast Guard, Air National Guard or any reserve component, reserve units, commissioned corps of the Public Health Service and any other category of persons designated by the President in time of war or emergency. (8-26-13, D2-8.7)

Armory A secure room or building designed for the storage of department owned firearms, ammunitions, chemical agents, munitions and other security equipment. (5-5-19, IS20-2.1, IS20-2.7)

Armory Officer A custody staff member designated by the chief administrative officer or designee to perform armory duties in the issuance, inspection, inventory and maintenance of firearms, munitions, chemical agents and other security equipment. (5-5-19, IS20-2.1, IS20-2.7, IS20-3.3)

ARRL American Radio Relay League.

ASEOC Alternate State Emergency Operations Center.

ASI Addiction severity index, an assessment for treatment services.

ASIM Associate superintendent of offender management (prior term, replaced by DWOM).

ASO Associate superintendent of operations (prior term, replaced by DWO).

Assailant Any person who unmistakably indicates, by words and/or actions, that it is her/his intention to cause physical harm to the perimeter patrol officer, other staff or offenders. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Asset An offender’s ability, characteristic, resource or skill, which may contribute to his success. (1-1-11, D5-4.22, D5-4.24, D5-4.25, D5-4.30, D5-10.1, IS5-1.1)

Assets Property, tangible or intangible, real or personal, belonging to or due an offender or a former offender, including income or payments to which offender from social security, workers’ compensations, veterans’ compensation, pension benefits, previously earned salary or wages, bonuses, annuities, retirement benefits or from any other source whatsoever, including any of the following:

  1. money or other tangible assets received by the offender as a result of a settlement of a claim against the state, any agency thereof, or any claim against an employee or independent contractor arising from and in the scope of said employee’s or contractor’s official duties on behalf of the state or any agency thereof;
  2. a money judgment received by the offender from the state as a result of a civil action in which the state, an agency thereof, or any state employee or independent contractor arose from a claim arising from the conduct of official duties on behalf of the state by said employee or subcontractor or for any agency of the state; and
    1. a current stream of income from any source, including salary, wages, disability, retirement, pension, insurance or annuity benefits or similar payments.
  3. Assets shall not include:
    1. the homestead of the offender up to $50,000 in  value; or
    2. money saved by the offender from wages and bonuses up to $2,500 paid the offender while he was confined to a state correctional center. (9-25-09, D3-5.4)

Assistant Division Director for Education Services The department’s central office administrative education professional responsible for all the department’s education staff members and services for the division of offender rehabilitative services. (9-6-15, IS18-4.1)

Assistant Division Director for Medical Services The department’s central office administrative medical professional responsible for all the department’s medical staff members and services for the division of offender rehabilitative services. (3-18-21, D5-8.5, IS11-02, IS11-10, IS11-11.1, IS11-13, IS11-14.1, IS20-1.5, IS11-28.1, IS11-41.2, IS11-72, IS11-73)

Assistant Division Director for Mental Health and Substance Use Recovery Services The department’s central office administrative mental health and substance use disorders professional responsible for all the department’s mental health and substance use staff members and services for the division of offender rehabilitative services. (4-15-21, D5-1.5, D5-4.1, D5-4.4, D5-8.5, D5-8.12, D5-10.5, IS11-02, IS11-10, IS11-11.1, IS11-72, IS12-3.6, IS12-4.1, IS19-1.5, IS20-3.4)

Assistant Field Commander A CERT member who assists the field commander in directing CERT daily operations and tactical deployments. The assistant field commander assumes control of institutional CERTs in the absence of the field commander. (4-9-15, IS24-2.1)

Assistant Platoon Leader A veteran offender who works with the platoon leader assisting as needed. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

Assistant Quartermaster A veteran offender who works with the quartermaster assisting as needed with logistics of programming and unit events. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

Assistant Team Leader A CERT member who assists the team leader in directing team operations and the actual carrying out of orders and tactical maneuvers. The assistant team leader assumes control of the team in the team leader’s absence. (4-9-15, IS24-2.1)

Assistive Device One of a large number of auxiliary aids such as amplifiers, captions, flashing lights, vibrating signalers, etc. that are helpful in communicating information to people who are deaf or hard of hearing. (9-25-18, D5-5.1)

Athletic Activities These activities include, but are not limited to, individual and team sports, unstructured activities and intramural competition. (10-18-16, IS16-1.1)

ATO Assistant training officer.

ATR Access to recovery.

Attempt To engage in an act which is a step in a course of action leading to a prohibited behavior. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)

Attempted Escape Attempted escape includes wearing or making a disguise, possession of instruments of escape, possession of maps, or plans or plots concerning escape by written or verbal communications. (12-10-08, D5-9.1)

Attendance Letter A letter an employee receives requiring them to attend training. (7-31-19, D2-5.4)

Attorney of Record An attorney-at-law licensed to practice in any state or federal jurisdiction who has been retained by the offender or has been appointed to represent the offender, as evidenced by a court record, court order or by the offender’s written authorization. (4-5-19, D1-11.2, IS8-1.1, IS13-2.1)

Audiologist Health care professionals who identify, assess and manage disorders of auditory systems. They are responsible for selecting, fitting, and dispensing amplification systems such as hearing aids and related devices. (9-25-18, D5-5.1)

Auditory The sense of hearing. (7-30-20, IS11-52)

Authorization Permission granted by a departmental designee to gain access to the information systems network and applications. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Authorized Activity Authorized work and/or programs which are assigned to an offender, including, but not limited to, academic education, treatment, assigned individual studies or tasks, workforce readiness. (12-26-10, D3-5.7)

Authorized Employee For the purpose of this procedure, probation and parole officers I, II, and III, unit supervisors, district administrators, regional administrators, transition center associate and assistant superintendents, transition center superintendents, probation and parole assistant division directors, deputy division directors, probation and parole division director, and members of the Missouri parole board who satisfy the necessary requirements to carry a firearm to perform the provisions of 217.650 to 217.810 RSMo as authorized by policies and procedures of the department. (4-26-21, D2-16.1)

Authorized Firearm Firearms approved by the department for use by authorized employees in the course of their job duties. (5-3-21, D2-16.1)

Authorized Medical Care Providers For the purpose of this procedure, those individuals approved to provide health care by the Central Accident Reporting Office. (10-27-15, D2-15.5, D2-15.6)

Authorized Passenger Any state staff member, volunteer in corrections, or other individual involved in the conduct of state business. (7-29-20, D4-4.1)

Authorized Representative Any paralegal or non-lawyer investigative personnel designated by the attorney of record, law firm, or the office of the public defender. (4-2-20, IS8-1.1)

Authorized Staff Member For the purpose of this procedure, a staff member who successfully completes training and certification in the use of firearms by departmental personnel. (5-5-19, IS20-2.1)

Authorized Worksite Any location where a field probation and parole officer may collect a urine sample from an offender including, but not limited to:  any sub, satellite, or district office, a local law enforcement facility, a court house or official governmental building, or a treatment facility. (5-11-21, D5-7.1)

Automated Booking System A computer program designed to assist in the placement of offenders in department programs and to aid in tracking the offender’s movement through those programs. This system allows staff to request, update, modify or cancel bed reservations. (10-26-08, D5-1.2, D5-1.3, D5-4.22, D5-4.24, D5-4.25, D5-4.30)

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) An electronic device that interprets cardiac rhythm and, if appropriate, delivers an electrical shock to the patient. (6-29-20, IS11-41)

Automated Law Enforcement Response Team (ALERT) A regional data processing center serving governmental agencies in the greater Kansas City, Missouri, area. (2-28-10, D5-10.2)

Autonomy The quality of having the ability to function independently. (8-3-14, IS11-03)

Autopsy A postmortem performed by a medical examiner or a forensic pathologist to determine or confirm the cause of death. (8-7-20, D1-8.5)

Auxiliary Aids and Services Includes qualified interpreters, note takers, transcription services, written materials, assistive listening devices, assistive listening systems, or other effective methods of making aurally delivered materials available to individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. (9-25-18, D5-5.1, D5-5.2, D5-5.3)

Auxiliary Chaplain A volunteer who meets the chaplaincy and endorsement requirements of his respective faith group who provides spiritual services and counseling and performs other duties under the supervision of the institutional chaplain. (5-27-20, D2-2.20, IS17-1.1)

AVMA American Veterinary Medical Association.

Avoidable Contact Any contact with an offender, ex-offender, or the significant other or family member of an offender that is not authorized as a responsibility of the staff member’s position.  Avoidable contact includes, but is not limited to:

  1. unauthorized oral or written communication,
  2. business or social interaction, and
  3. other overly familiar act with an offender that includes, but is not limited to:
    1. giving unauthorized gifts of any nature,
    2. name calling,
    3. teasing,
    4. horseplay,
    5. joking,
    6. carrying messages, or
    7. sharing personal information. (8-25-20, D2-11.10, D2-13.1)

AW Assistant warden.

Award of Valor An award bestowed on a staff member who acted in a heroic or courageous manner, on or off duty, despite personal risk. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Away Without Leave (AWOL) Leave taken for which the employee receives no pre or subsequent approval. (10-18-19, D2-8.1, D2-8.3, D2-8.6)


Background Investigation The process used to investigate pertinent information about a new, promotional, transfer applicant, or all final candidate’s background that may include but not be limited to the following information:

  1. educational attainment;
  2. employment – previous and current employment; to include:  electronic applications and employment checks in the Management and Applicant Information Resource System;
  3. military service;
  4. personal references;
  5. criminal history checks;
  6. selective service registration (if applicable);
  7. certification and license status;
  8. compliance with tax laws;
  9. investigative files;
  10. status of driver’s license;
  11. other areas when determined necessary to perform the functions of the position. (11-29-15, D2-2.2)

Backup Vehicle A vehicle with armed staff members, which is assigned to follow the vehicle containing offenders. This vehicle should not have offenders in it during transportation trips. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

Badge A metal symbol of the shield of the department of corrections issued by the department to identify an individual as a member of the department. (4-21-20, D2-14.1, D2-17.1)

Bargaining Unit A group of employees represented by a union or other organization with exclusive bargaining rights. (11-25-19, D1-2.1, D2-11.6, D2-11.15)

Barricade Removal Assistance Device (BRAD) A tool for the removal of an obstruction or barricade to assist in the introduction of a chemical agent or pepper spray into a cell or room. (3-13-14, IS20-3.3)

Barrier An obstacle, problem, or area of concern which may impede or prevent an offender’s success. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Basic Hygiene Items 1. Personal care items that the offender shall purchase from the canteen in accordance with the basic hygiene items reference document. (10-1-19, IS8-1.1, IS8-6.1) 2. Soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, razor, toilet paper, and for female offenders, sanitary napkins.

Basic Orientation Training provided on the first day of employment, which includes information necessary for the health services staff member to function safely in the institution. (4-16-20, IS11-23)

Basic Training This is a session covering general topics that all department staff members must attend. (7-31-19, D2-5.4, D2-12.4)

BCC Boonville Correctional Center.

BCU Biggs Correctional Unit (mental health – MH-Score of MH-5).

Behavior Contract A therapeutic intervention consisting of a written, time limited, specific plan of behavior to be followed by the offender that is designed to assist him to modify inappropriate behavior. (9-16-16, IS19-1.5)

Behavior Directives Specific expectations placed upon an offender to promote consistent, therapeutic management of his behavior. (9-16-16, IS19-1.5)

Behavior Incentives Rewards of carrying degrees that recognize constructive, pro-social behaviors demonstrated by offenders in an effort to reinforce successful behavior. (IS19-1.6)

Beneficiary A person or persons designated by the offender to receive his savings bonds. (8-7-20, D1-8.5)

Benefit Eligible Position A position established for 1040 hours or more per year. (3-18-09, D2-3.2)

Bereavement Video A video of a funeral or a farewell from the bedside of a terminally ill person. (11-4-16, IS13-3.1)

Berm A narrow ledge or path beside a road. The area of level ground between the raised mound of a barrow or other earthwork and the ditch surrounding it. (2-28-16, D4-2.10)

Betterment An addition, renovation, or improvement made to an asset other than routine maintenance, to extend the useful life or improve the effectiveness or efficiency. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

Biggs Forensic Center (BFC) A department treatment unit housed within the Biggs Forensic Center primarily for the purpose of providing acute care psychiatric treatment within an inpatient setting. (5-10-16, IS12-3.1, IS12-3.2)

Biohazard Container An approved puncture resistant and leak-proof container labeled with a biohazard symbol or color-coded red. (4-24-21, IS11-15.1)

Biohazard Material Infectious waste capable of producing an infectious disease. (11-20-20, D1-8.8)

Biohazardous Waste Biohazardous waste is also referred to as regulated, infective, infectious, and medical waste.  OSHA defines biohazardous waste as:

  1. any liquid or semi-liquid blood or other potentially infectious materials;
  2. contaminated items that would release blood or other potentially infectious materials in a liquid or semi-liquid state if compressed;
  3. items that are caked with dried blood or other potentially infectious materials and are capable of releasing these materials during handling;
  4. sharps (includes needles, scalpel blades, glass, pipettes) contaminated with blood and/or body fluids; and
  5. pathological and microbiological wastes containing blood or other potentially infection materials. (9-18-16, IS11-15.1)

BIP Batterer intervention program.

Bleach Solution A 10% dilution of bleach containing a minimum of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. (9-1-15, D2-15.6)

Blind Visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with corrective lens, or the widest diameter of visual field is no greater than 20 degrees. (7-24-11, D5-5.2)

The “Board” Missouri Parole Board.

Board Violator Intervention Process The evaluation and placement of Board offenders in a structured and controlled environment in order to reengage the offender under supervision. (9-7-07, D5-4.30)

Body Alarm Body alarms are a type of personal distress device (PDD), that when activated, sound off an alarm to signal that a staff member needs immediate assistance.  Body alarms are activated by pulling an attached cord with sufficient force to remove the switch pin allowing the alarm to sound off. (3-13-14, IS20-3.3)

Body Armor Special protective clothing worn to protect against gun or knife attack. (5-3-21, D2-16.1)

Body Fluids Any fluid or substance produced within the human body.

  1. Blood and body fluids requiring standard precautions are:
    1. blood (including menstrual blood),
    2. seminal fluid, vaginal secretions,
    3. amniotic (pregnancy) fluid,
    4. cerebrospinal (brain and backbone) fluid,
    5. synovial (joint) fluid,
    6. pleural (chest) fluid, and
    7. saliva in the dental setting (due to the bloody nature of such). 
    8. Most body fluids are locked inside the joints and body cavities and when they are released due to injury, they will usually be mixed with blood.
  2. Body fluids not requiring standard precautions unless visible blood is present include: feces, nasal secretions, saliva, sputum, sweat, tears, urine, and vomit. (2-15-15, IS11-14.4)

Body Scan X-ray technology used to produce an image revealing the presence of contraband concealed on or inside of a subject. (4-15-21, IS20-1.3)

Body Scan Device A system for obtaining full height radiographic images of a person to detect any kind of weapons, explosives, drugs, precious stones and metals either concealed under the clothes, swallowed or hidden in anatomical cavities of the human body without causing harm to the scanned person. (4-15-21, IS20-1.3)

Bomb Threat Any communication, oral or written, whereby a message is conveyed indicating that an explosive, incendiary or chemical device has been placed in a department facility. (2-3-03, D2-15.10)

Bomb Threat Coordinator A staff member assigned the responsibility to implement emergency bomb threat procedures at the time of a bomb threat. (3-3-16, D2-15.10)

Bona Fide Vendor A legitimate entity, including an individual, that has filed the appropriate records with the Missouri Secretary of State, and is primarily engaged in the selling or distribution of goods whether for-profit or not-for profit. The department and/or institution has the sole discretion to determine the legitimacy of the entity or individual. (10-19-20, D5-5.2, IS22-1.1)

Bond Release Release of an offender by court order. A provisional exit of an offender by judicial authority from a prison facility system who has not served his full sentence, whose freedom is conditional on an appeal, a special writ or other special legal proceedings. The offender is not subject to conditions specified by the board of probation and parole. (8-21-18, D1-5.1)

Book Written or printed materials with papers bound along one side and encased between protective covers.  This includes Bibles, large catalogs, large puzzle books, etc. (10-19-20, IS22-1.1)

Booster Test Repeated tuberculin test done two 2 to four 4 weeks after the initial 0 millimeters test (negative). (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Break In Service An employee will have a break in service when the employee is off payroll for an entire calendar month, except when the employee is on an approved leave of absence. An approved leave of absence without pay will not constitute a break in service. (12-2-19, D2-8.2)

Breath Alcohol Contents The alcohol in a volume of breath expressed in terms of grams of alcohol per 210 liters of breath as indicated by a breath test. (3-19-15, D2-11.12, D4-4.5, D5-7.2)

Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) A departmentally trained and approved staff member who is responsible for administering a screening breath alcohol test and/or the confirmation breath alcohol test for staff. (3-19-15, D2-11.12)

Breath Alcohol Testing The process of testing by means of an approved evidential breath tester. (3-19-15, D2-11.12, D4-4.5)

Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) An instrument for assessing the positive, negative, and affective symptoms of individuals who have psychotropic disorders, especially schizophrenia, as well as assessing an offender’s risk for committing violent acts. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1, IS11-27.10)

Broadbanding A grouping of management positions with similar levels of responsibility or expertise into three broad classification bands in the classified and covered services. Two kinds of manager classes, common use and agency specific are encompassed within each band. Band placement is determined by a position rating system based on level of responsibility in 6 specific areas:  program evaluation factors, decision making impact, budget & fiscal management, policy impact, planning impact, and supervision. (3-19-09, D2-2.19)

BSA Board Staff Advisory.

BTC Boonville Treatment Center.

Bubble Envelopes An envelope with a liner consisting of small closed cell air pockets created in the shape of a bubble, designed to keep the contents of the envelope from being broken, smashed, bent or otherwise damaged during mailing, shipping or extended storage. (2-3-15, IS13-1.1)

Budget Organization The functional unit of the department consisting of personal service and/or expense and equipment funding designed to achieve a goal or specific objective. (8-15-92, D3-1)

Budgeted Positions A specific class of personnel included in the justification of a decision item which was approved for funding through the budgeting process, although job duties may vary according to departmental needs or audits and reviews with the State Personnel Division. (8-15-92, D3-1.1)

Bulk Stock Items received from a vendor that are stored and locked in a secure area as reserve inventory. (Legal 6-23-20, IS11-28.1)

Bullet Trap A stationary or portable device designed to contain a bullet if it is discharged during a clearing and/or loading operation of a firearm. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Bung The stopper of the hole in a container. (2-28-16, D4-2.10)

Buyer of Record The individual who is responsible for all aspects of the bid solicitation, whose name is listed on the bid document and to whom potential bidders contact with questions. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

By Laws The operational procedures governing routine functions. (2-10-20, D2-7.10)


C-Level Custody level.  

C-SCORE 1. Custody classification score. 2. Custody level score.

C&T Classification and treatment.  

CAB Citizen’s Advisory Board.

CAC Citizen’s Advisory Committee.  

CAD Computer-aided dispatch.

Calendar Day All days, including weekends and holidays. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Calendar Year January 1st through December 31st. (8-11-03, IS21-1.4)

Call Number The classification assignment used to identify particular item, its size, shape, type of material, etc. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Callout System A method to authorize and control approved offender movement to and from locations. (12-6-19, IS11-37.1, IS20-1.4)

Cancelled Test A test that has a problem identified that cannot be, or has not been, corrected. A cancelled test is neither a positive nor a negative test. (3-19-15, D2-11.12)

Canteen An institutional store where offenders may purchase food and personal items, or an automated machine from which offenders and visitors may purchase food and personal items. (1-28-15, D2-11.12)

Canteen Approved Items List A listing of programs and/or operational expenditures that have been approved to be purchased using Canteen funds. (10-1-15, D3-9.4)

Canteen Fund The master canteen fund account defined in section 217.195.2 RSMo as the Inmate Canteen Fund. The balance of this fund is derived from institutional canteen sales, canteen machine sales and interest revenues generated from the bank balance. (9-8-16, D3-9.4, IS9-1.1, IS18-3.3, IS18-3.15)

Canteen Funds For the purpose of this procedure, offender funds established for the enhancement of educational needs. (IS18-3.3)

Canteen Machines Throughout this procedure, canteen machines shall mean the same as vending machines and shall be governed by departmental procedures regarding vending machines. (10-1-15, D3-9.1)

CAO Chief administrative officer.                

CAP Civil Air Patrol.

Capias A warrant issued by a criminal court which authorizes the arrest and detention of an individual. (12-5-15, D5-4.36)

Capital Improvement (C.I) Requests A request for authorization and funding to undertake a project for repair and replacement of existing facilities, to perform major renovations of such facilities, or to construct and/or equip new structures. (8-15-92, D3-1.1)

Capital Punishment Offender An offender confined in a correctional center under a sentence of death. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

CAR Compact action request.

Cardinal Rules As used in this procedure, rules that uphold the integrity of the community or unit protect against dangers to the community or unit, and ensure physical and psychological safety for all offenders and staff members in accordance with the cardinal rules reference document located in the department’s shared network drive. (9-16-16, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.25, D5-4.26, D5-4.37, IS19-1.5)

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) The act of performing manual chest compressions and rescue breathing for an individual that is not breathing and is without a heartbeat. (11-29-15, D2-12.4)

Career and Technical Education Programs designed to develop and improve technical job skills. (8-3-15, IS18-4.1)

Career and Technical Educational File A permanent file developed for each offender containing documents relevant to career and technical growth and accomplishments. (1-8-15, IS7-1.7)

Career and Technical Education Supervisor A staff member within the division of rehabilitative services in charge of the career and technical education program, responsible for the day to day operations in designated facilities. (4-15-21, IS18-4.1)

Career Progression Promotion A noncompetitive appointment by which an employee moves from a lower to a higher job classification without the use of a promotional or open-competitive register. (6-23-13, D2-2.9, D2-2.12)

Case Information Any available hard copy or electronic information regarding the offender including, but not limited to, classification file, department computer files, prior transition accountability plans, sentence and judgment file, probation and parole file, treatment files. (10-5-16, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.25, D5-4.30, D5-10.1)

Case Management Review/Staffing Case management team evaluation of the offender’s progress toward goals established in the transition accountability plan-treatment plan and overall participation and conduct within the program. (9-7-07, D5-4.22, D5-4.24, D5-4.25, D5-4.26, D5-4.30)

Case Management Team Department or contract staff members, community links or resources, offenders and family members that impact their life may be considered part of a case management team. This team changes as the needs of the offender are being addressed. Not all members of the team will be involved with the offender at the same time and will not necessarily meet at the same time. For offenders with limited criminogenic needs, the case management team may consist of the case manager and the offender. (5-11-21, D5-4.13, D5-4.22, D5-4.24, D5-4.25, D5-4.26, D5-4.30, D5-8.12, D5-10.1, D5-10.4, D5-10.5, D5-10.6, IS18-6.1)

Case Manager The assigned corrections case manager, probation and parole officer, or treatment counselor who is responsible for leading the case management team. (10-14-20, D5-4.11, D5-4.13, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.25, D5-4.26, D5-4.30, D5-8.12, D5-10.1, D5-10.5, D5-10.6, IS5-1.1, IS7-1.4, IS11-11.1, IS11-52, IS12-3.2, IS12-3.3, IS12-3.4, IS12-3.6, IS18-6.1, IS19-1.5)

Case Plan An assessment driven, detailed plan that follows the offender throughout supervision. The plan is developed by designated staff members and the offender and targets desired behavior changes through the utilization of goals, SMART objectives, and techniques to address criminogenic needs. (5-11-21, D5-10.4) Missouri State Courts Automated Case Management System.

Catastrophic Illness or Injury One which is life threatening, terminal or likely to result in a substantial permanent disability. (11-3-16, D2-8.12)

CBRNE Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive.

CBRS Criminal behavior research summary.

CC 1. Control center. 2. Command center. 3. Carbon copy.

CCA Corrections classification assistant.

CCC Chillicothe Correctional Center.

CCJP Certified criminal justice professional.

CCM Corrections case manager (I or II).

CCU Corrections community unit.

CDC Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDS Chronological data sheet.

CDV Conduct violation; also CV or CVR.

CEC Clinical Executive Committee.

Censorship The withholding of an otherwise permissible item of correspondence, written or recorded material or picture. (11-12-14, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2)

Censorship Committee A group, established by the chief administrative officer (CAO), consisting of at least 2 supervisory level staff members that review incoming, outgoing and impounded items to determine whether they meet the guidelines contained in institutional services procedures regarding censorship. (11-12-14, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) One of 8 federal public health agencies within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service. (9-1-15, D2-15.6)

Central Accident Reporting Office (CARO) A division of the Office of Administration that oversees compensability and payment of workers’ compensation claims, and directs medical care. (3-1-16, D2-15.5)

Central Canteen Expenditure Committee A committee responsible for approving department canteen expenditures and approving additions to the canteen approved items list. (10-1-15, D3-9.1, D3-9.4, IS16-1.1)

Central Canteen Product Committee A five member committee responsible for establishing and making revisions to the master canteen list. The committee consists of the deputy division director of the division of adult institutions as chairperson, a representative from the offender financial services office, a representative administrator from an institution housing female offenders, a representative administrator from an institution housing male offenders, and an institutional canteen or business manager. (10-1-15, D3-9.1)

Central Office Fugitive Coordinator A staff member assigned to central office who is responsible for coordination of absconder activities and serves as a liaison to law enforcement. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

Central Office Property Control Staff Individuals at central office assigned to maintain the computerized records of fixed assets for the department. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

Central Repository Computerized mainframe of state-wide criminal/civil information located at the Missouri State highway Patrol. (3-25-10)

Central Transfer Authority (CTA) A unit under the jurisdiction of the division of adult institutions responsible for the approval of institutional reassignment and scheduling of institutional transfers. (12-3-19, D1-8.5, D5-1.2, IS5-1.1, IS5-2.1, IS5-2.5, IS5-2.6, IS7-1.2, IS12-3.1, IS12-3.2, IS12-3.3, IS12-3.4, IS12-3.5, IS12-3.6, IS18-4.1, IS20-4.1, IS20-4.2)

Central Transfer Authority (CTA) Manager The highest ranking individual within the central transfer authority unit. (11-8-16, IS5-2.6)

Central Transportation Unit (CTU) A specialized unit which is responsible for the return of Missouri parole or conditional release violators and escapees to the Missouri Department of Corrections from various locations throughout the United States. Additionally, the unit is responsible for specialized transportation as required department-wide. (12-3-19, IS5-2.6, IS11-21.1, IS12-3.1, IS20-4.1, IS20-4.2)

CERT Corrections emergency response team (formerly known as e-squad).

Certificate A listing of eligible applicants in grade order sent to agencies in the classified service to be used in filling a current or anticipated vacancy at a specific work location.  There are five types of certificates:  reinstatement, reemployment, transfer, open, and promotional. (8-26-13, D2-2.1, D2-2.6)

Certificate of Completion Apprenticeship Issued by the Registration Agency to those registered apprentices certified and documented as successfully completing the apprentice training requirements outlined in the Standards of Apprenticeship. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Certification Documentation that an individual has received training to perform a specified task without direct supervision. (4-25-18, IS2-2.1, IS11-18)

Certified Mediator A person who has received training of 20 hours or more from an accredited or recognized program, and who is trained to conduct a fair and efficient process to help individuals resolve their disputes and reach an agreement. (12-30-15, D2-10.1)

Certified Religious Diet Specific foods or food preparation techniques that satisfy recognized religious dietary requirements. (12-16-16, IS7-1.10, IS10-1.8)

Certified Religious Diet Menu A-2 day cycle menu that is available to offenders upon approval of the chaplain and contains foods in their natural state or processed foods that have been certified by an approved rabbinical authority. (12-16-16, IS10-1.8)

Certified Testing Monitor A staff member selected by the warden and trained to serve as an objective testing monitor for scheduled CERT physical testing. This staff member will not monitor testing of staff members from his assigned facility. (4-9-15, IS24-2.1)

Chain of Command For the purpose of this procedure, an established line of authority and communications modeled after military principles. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

Change-In-Command Audit An audit that is requested upon the resignation, retirement, termination, or transfer of a business manager or CAO at any time during the fiscal year. (4-14-21, D3-4.1)

Chaplain An employee appointed by the director of adult institutions, to administer a spiritual or religious program designed to meet the needs of a population with differing religious and spiritual beliefs. (3-1-21, D2-11.9, D2-2.20, D2-13.1, D2-17.1, IS17-1.1, IS18-3.11)

Checks The act of seeing offenders by health services staff members to make access to care available for routine health services requests (for example, hand out health services requests). (1-4-16, IS11-39)

Chemical A substance obtained by chemical means or used in chemical operations. (2-28-16, D4-2.8, D4-2.9, D4-2.10)

Chemical Agent A synthetic produced chemical in the form of a gaseous or liquid substance such as CN (Chloroacetaphenone) or CS (Orthochlorobenzalmalononitrile) commonly known as tear gas, mace, or blends of OC (Oleoresin Capsicum) containing CN or CS, etc. used in the control of offenders or to defend or provide safety for staff members or others. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1, IS20-3.3)

Chemical Inventory A list of the hazardous chemicals known to be present using an identity that is referenced on the appropriate material safety data sheet. (11-25-02, D4-2.7)

Chemical Name The scientific designation of a chemical in accordance with the nomenclature developed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry or the Chemical Abstract Service rules of nomenclature, or a name that will clearly identify the chemical for the purpose of conducting a hazard evaluation. (11-25-02, D4-2.8)

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) The highest ranking individual at the worksite and in accordance with the CAO reference document available in the department’s computer system. Exception: Staff members at the worksite who do not report to the worksite CAO shall be accountable to the deputy or assistant division directors or central office section heads who are in their chain of command. (10-6-20, All D and IS procedures containing reference to the CAO.)

Chief Law Enforcement Official (CLEO) The county sheriff, except in St. Louis county and St. Louis city. The chief of police is considered the chief law enforcement official for St. Louis city. The superintendent of police is considered the chief law enforcement official for St. Louis county. (5-19-07, D5-8.10)

Chief Medical Administrator Replaced by Assistant Division Director for Medical Services. (D5-8.5)

Chief of Custody The highest ranking custody staff member of a facility who is responsible for maintaining the custody of the offenders and the security of the facility. (10-30-20, D1-8.7, IS11-04, IS20-1.2, IS20-1.5, IS20-2.3, IS20-2.7)

Chief of Financial Management The department’s central office administrative financial professional responsible for all the department’s financial staff members and services. (4-14-21)

Chief of Mental Health Services The department’s central office administrative mental health professional responsible for all the department’s mental health staff members and services. (3-24-21, IS11-04)

Chief of Sex Offender Services The Director of the Missouri Sex offender’s Program. (9-19-14, D5-4.1, D5-4.4)

Chief of Staff Training A staff member who is in charge of all department training programs. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Child 1. For the purpose of this procedure, any person under the age of 18. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, a biological, adopted, foster, or step child, a legal ward of the employee or covered service member; or a child for whom an employee or covered service member stands in loco parentis, who is either under the age of 18, or age 18 or older and incapable of self-care because of a mental or physical disability as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended at the time the FMLA leave is to commence. (10-11-19, D2-8.13, D2-8.15)

Children’s Division Division within the Department of Social Services. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

Chronic A disease or disorder developing slowly and persisting for a long period of time, often for the remainder of the lifetime of the offender. Glaucoma is an example of a disease that may develop gradually and insidiously. (10-29-19, IS11-52)

Chronic Care A pattern of medical, mental health and nursing care that focuses on long-term care of people with an illness or condition that affects an individual’s well-being for an extended interval, usually at least 6 months, and generally is not curable but can be managed to provide optimum functioning within any limitations the condition imposes on an individual. (10-28-19, IS11-33, IS11-52)

Chronic Disease A disease that persists over a long period of time as compared with the course of an acute disease. The symptoms of chronic disease are usually less severe than those of the acute phase of the same disease. Chronic disease may result in complete or partial disability. (10-29-19, IS11-51, IS11-52)

Chronic Illness Requiring care and treatment over a long period of time and are usually not cured. The goal is to restore and maintain a person’s activities of daily living to the extent possible. Example of chronic illnesses include but are not limited to asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. (4-21-15, IS11-08)

Chronic Nonviolent Offender An offender with at least 3 felony findings of guilt; including the present offense, which are not violent offenses. Each felony finding of guilt must be made under a separate court docket number and/or have separate offense dates. A felony finding of guilt may include:

  1. all prior and present suspended imposition of sentence for felony probations,
    1. all prior and present suspended execution of sentence for felony probations, whether or not they resulted in an incarceration, and
    2. may also include verified cause number from any other state. (8-19-07, D5-4.24)

CHRONO Chronological log.

Chronological Log A record of events listed in order of time of occurrence. (2-1-12, IS2-3.5)

CIT Crisis intervention team.  

Citizens Advisory Committee on Corrections Individuals appointed by the governor who review a random sampling of grievance appeals and make recommendations to the department. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Civil Rights Unit (CRU) This unit is a part of the office of professional standards and is responsible for conducting all investigations into allegations that staff members have been subjected to discrimination, harassment, retaliation or certain instances of unprofessional conduct as defined in the office of professional standards procedure, unprofessional conduct section. (6-22-17, D1-8.1)

Civil Rights Actions Challenging Conditions of Confinement Legal actions seeking to protect an offender’s constitutional rights. (7-25-11, IS8-1.4)

Civilian Party The individual (non-offender) who is marrying the offender. (9-28-14, IS8-5.1)

CJI Criminal justice information.

Class A planned, coordinated group of activities or curricula designed to meet one or more identified offender needs that is provided by staff, contracted agencies or community resources. (7-20-13, D5-4.12)

Class Administrator The individual who is responsible for the class. (7-20-13, D5-4.12)

Class Name The name given to identify a class within a program. (7-20-13, D5-4.12)

Class Schedule The location (i.e., district or institution) where the class is offered. (7-20-13, D5-4.12)

Class Transfer Transfer from one classification to a different classification at the same pay range. (8-24-14, D2-2.13, D2-2.12)

Classification Analysis-Medical Needs The classification analysis completed by medical staff members on all offenders committed to the custody of the department for purposes of identifying appropriate assignment related to health needs. (4-21-15, IS11-08)

Classification Analysis-Mental Health Needs The classification analysis completed by mental health staff members on all offenders committed to the custody of the department for purposes of identifying appropriate assignment related to mental health needs. (4-21-15, IS11-08)

Classification File A physical file containing an offender’s records and chronological data. Examples include records regarding institutional adjustment, problems, program participation or other aspects of the offender’s incarceration. (5-5-21, IS7-1.2, IS7-1.4, IS7-1.5, IS12-3.2, IS22-1.1)

Classification Hearing A hearing to determine whether an offender should be referred to administrative segregation, placed in disciplinary segregation status or returned to his previous housing assignment; and the administrative segregation committee and the offender being reviewed are present, except when the offender refuses to be present, is absent from the institution or creates a security risk. (All references in this procedure to the male gender are used for convenience only and shall be construed to include both female and male genders.) (10-7-20, IS21-1.1)

CLEO Chief law enforcement official.

Clergy or Spiritual Advisor Community spiritual leader of any religious group formally authorized and empowered by a religious body to administer ordinances or sacraments, to perform mandatory rites, counsel, or to conduct religious or spiritual services and studies subject to institutional verification of his credentials. (11-24-20, D2-2.20, D5-3.3, IS13-3.1, IS17-1.1)

Clergy Person/Spiritual Advisor Visit The facility approved presence of a clergy person/spiritual advisor for the purpose of delivering appropriate pastoral care and supportive ministry to an offender. (5-25-01, D5-3.3)

Clinical Director A staff member who is responsible for supervising clinical services and programming for a departmental substance use disorders treatment program. (11-4-16, D5-10.5)

Clinical Director of Missouri Sex Offender Program (MOSOP) A contracted mental health professional who serves as the Missouri sexual offender program or sexual offender assessment unit authority responsible for the delivery of contract services consulting with facility administrative staff members concerning pragmatic aspects. (4-15-21, IS11-02)

Clinical Due Process Hearing A hearing in which the clinical executive committee reviews the clinical evidence and determines whether involuntary psychotropic medication is warranted. This committee consists minimally of the following, none of whom have been directly involved in the offender’s diagnosis or treatment:  board certified psychiatrist (chairperson), qualified mental health professional, and chief administrative officer or designee (limited). (8-28-06, IS12-6.1)

Clinical Encounter Interactions between offenders and health services staff members that involve a treatment, exchange of confidential information, or both. (3-13-18, IS11-09, IS11-28, IS11-37.1, IS11-43, IS11-60)

Clinical Executive Committee A committee chaired by the institutional chief of mental health services and composed minimally of the institutional director of nursing or the institutional medical director, the institutional psychiatrist or physician, and the institutional mental health nurse that meets to address health care issues involving offenders with mental illness. At institutions with substance use disorder programs a staff member from the substance use disorder and recovery division shall serve as a committee member. The director of psychiatry, director of mental health services, CAO or designee and the department’s regional mental health contract monitors will be ex-officio members. (5-4-18, IS11-04, IS12-6.1)

Clinical Health Permits Any order given by a staff physician to possess an aid or item ordinarily prohibited, or to not engage in any activity ordinarily required. (9-16-16, IS11-08.1, IS11-32)

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendment (CLIA) Federal requirement of medical providers to delineate what types and kinds of laboratory testing are available within the health care provider’s facility. (4-16-20, IS11-29)

Clinical Mortality Review An assessment of the clinical care provided and the circumstances leading up to a death for the purpose of identifying areas of patient care or system policies and procedures that can be improved. (12-6-14, IS11-11.1)

Clinical Necessity A determination that the offender’s mental illness interferes with his functioning in the institution and requires psychotropic medication management; the offender whose functioning interferes with institutional adjustment without being dangerous to self or others. Clinical necessity also pertains to those who are gravely disabled or those who pose a future likelihood of harm to self or others if treatment is not instituted. For those in the latter group, if consent is denied, a clinical due process hearing may be initiated to institute involuntary medication management. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1, IS11-27.10, IS12-6.1)

Clinical Peer Chart Review or Clinical Performance Enhancement An evaluation by a clinician of timeliness, appropriateness, and clinical care provided to patients. (3-19-21, IS11-06)

Clinical Performance Enhancement Review A process of having a healthcare professional’s work reviewed by another professional of at least equal training in the same general discipline, such as the review of a facility’s physicians by the responsible physician. (11-6-20, IS11-13)

Clinical Restraints A therapeutic intervention initiated by licensed clinical health services staff members to use devices that are designed to safely limit an offender’s mobility. (8-6-18, IS11-66.2, IS20-2.3)

Clinical Trial Any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes. (6-15-20, IS11-72)

Close Contact Individuals who sleep, live, work, or otherwise share air through a common ventilation system (6-8 hours contact per day for several weeks). (4-1-16, D2-7.8, D2-15.7, IS11-14.2)

Close Watch Tools Restricted tools that must be used for their intended purpose only, including but not limited to garden hoses, extension cords, ladders (4 foot or under), and heavy leather work gloves. (1-30-15, IS4-1.6)

Closed Captioned A telecast with captions visible only on a specially equipped receiver. (9-25-18, D5-5.1, D5-5.3)

Closed Individual Confinement Record An individual confinement record is considered closed when offenders are released on parole, conditional release, probation, discharged or is deceased. (2-1-12, IS7-1.10)

Closed Record 1. Any record which is closed to the public.  The following is a non-exhaustive list of closed records:

  1. all probation and parole records except those identified as client public record information or explicitly opened by the chairperson of the board of probation and parole,
  2. offender medical records,
  3. offender HIV infection status,
  4. offender mental health records,
  5. offender institutional substance abuse treatment records,
  6. offender education records,
  7. offender grievance information,
  8. offender adult internal classification system records,
  9. offender enemies,
  10. offender visitor information,
  11. use of force reports,
  12. active criminal investigation reports,
  13. offender finance records,
  14. offenders’ emergency contact information,
  15. offender and employee social security numbers,
  16. offenders’ current work assignment locations,
  17. DNA information,
  18. any and all internal documents relating to institutional security,
  19. employee records not defined as public records-employees, and
  20. crime tips and PREA hotline records. (2-2-14, D1-11.2)

2. Any document authorized by federal or state law to be closed to the public.  For example, any employee human resource file not cited as an open record. (1-10-20, D2-5.1, IS20-5.1)

Clothing Issue Officer A designated staff member at the institutional level that coordinates institutional clothing needs. (7-13-20, D4-5.4)

Clothing Search A thorough inspection of the seams, cuffs, belts, collars, pockets, linings, zippers, etc. of all clothing articles, right side out and then inside out. This is normally used in conjunction with a strip and/or cell search. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

CMCC Central Missouri Correctional Center a.k.a. Churchfarm.

CMO Chief medical officer.

CMS Correctional medical services (prior term, replaced by Corizon Medical).

C/O Central office.

CO I Corrections officer.

CO II Corrections officer two, also referred to as sergeant.

CO III Corrections officer three, also referred to as lieutenant.

COCC Corrections Officer Certification Commission.

Code 16 A designated radio call for medical emergency. (6-29-20, IS11-41)

CODS Court-ordered detention sanction.

COE Army Corps of Engineers.

COG Continuity of government.

Cognitive Benefit Score An assessment tool used to identify and prioritize offenders to determine the level of benefit from placement in pathway to change and other cognitive programs. (7-20-13, D5-4.11)

Collateral Exposure The direct or indirect contact or exposure to pepper spray, chemical agents or less lethal munitions to secondary offenders when the force is directed towards a primary offender. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Collection Site A location, either permanent or temporary, where a staff member provides a specimen. (710-11-19, D2-11.11, D2-11.12)

Collector A departmentally trained and approved employee responsible for collecting a urine specimen from staff members and prospective staff members. The collector shall not be a relative or involved in a personal relationship with the staff member, prospective staff member or collect their own sample. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Comatose A state of profound unconsciousness, characterized by the absence of spontaneous eye openings, response to painful stimuli, and vocalization. The person cannot be aroused. (6-15-20, IS11-73, IS20-4.2)

Combustible Something that is liable to catch fire and burn. (2-28-16, D4-2.10)

Combustible Liquid Any liquid having a flash-point at or above 100°F (37.8°C).  Combustible liquids are subdivided as Class II or Class III as follows:

  1. Class II Liquid:  any liquid that has a flash-point at  or above 100°F (37.8°C) and below 140°F (60°C),
  2. Class IIIA Liquid:  any liquid that has a flash-point at or above 140°F (60°C), but below 200°F (93°C); and
  3. Class IIIB Liquid:  any liquid that has a flash-point at or above 200°F (93°C). (11-25-02, D4-2.7, D4-2.8)

Command Center A unit operated by department staff 24 hours a day to respond to emergencies, including processing of escape/absconder warrants. The command center will issue an escape/absconder wanted person entry mandated by the results of an investigation or notification. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

Commercial Driver’s License A special license issued to an individual who is 18 years of age and over, which permits the operation of a commercial motor vehicle.

  1. Class A:  Any combination of vehicles with a Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) or a registered gross weight of 26,001 or more pounds provided the Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of the vehicle(s) being towed is in excess of 10,000 pounds.  Holders of a Class A license may also, with any appropriate endorsements, operate all vehicles within Class B and C. 
  2. Class B:  Any single vehicle with a Gross Combination Weight Rating (GCWR) or registered gross weight of 26,001 or more pounds or any such vehicle towing a vehicle not in excess of 10,000 pounds Gross Vehicle Weight Rating.  Holders of a Class B license may also, with any appropriate endorsements, operate all vehicles within Class C.
  3. Class C:  Any single vehicle less than 26,001 pounds with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) or any such vehicle towing a vehicle not in excess of 10,000 pounds GVWR. This group applies only to vehicles which are placarded for hazardous materials or are designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the operator. (4-13-08, D4-4.5)

Commercial Driver’s License Operator A staff member whose duties require a commercial driver’s license and who is responsible for performing safety sensitive functions. The operator must be 18 years of age, or older, to obtain a commercial driver’s license. (4-13-08, D4-4.5)

Commercial Motor Vehicle A vehicle with a gross weight of 26,001 or more pounds, or a vehicle which is placarded for hazardous material or a vehicle designed to transport 16 or more persons, including the driver. (4-13-08, D4-4.5)

Commitment Name The name assigned to an offender at the diagnostic center as determined by commitment documentation authenticated by the diagnostic center records officer. (6-9-16, D5-1.1)

Commitment Report A report from the prosecuting attorney displaying charges. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1)

Commodity An article or item of trade or commerce that can be transported. (10-4-13, D3-2.5, D3-2.6)

Commodity Warehouse Supply Manager Senior-level supervisory and administrative work directing a variety of storekeeping, warehousing and related functions at the commodity warehouse. (8-24-01, IS10-1.14)

Communications Verbal or written exchange of information. (6-6-18, D1-3.1, D1-3.2)

Community Based Program Any program, not housed in an institution, under the jurisdiction of the department or which is provided subsistence through contract with the department. This includes the electronic monitoring program and residential facilities. (8-23-13, IS23-1.1)

Community Bed Based Programs Community programs where utilization is based on the number of beds available in a facility at any given time (i.e. community release centers, residential facilities). (10-26-08, D5-1.3)

Community Confinement Facility A community treatment center, halfway house, restitution center, (including residential reentry center), other than a juvenile facility, in which individuals reside as part of a term of imprisonment or as a condition of pre-trial release or post-release supervision while participating in gainful employment, employment search efforts, community service, vocational training, treatment, educational programs or similar facility-approved programs during non-residential hours. (2-22-21, D1-8.6, D1-8.13)

Community Corrections Tracking Screening Referral Sheet A form designed to provide necessary information to assist in the assessment of offenders for placement within various supervision strategies. (7-20-00, D5-4.29)

Community Corrections Tracking System A computer program designed to assist in placement of offenders in departmental programs and to aid in tracking the offender’s movement. (8-30-09, D5-4.3)

Community Information Groups A group of local community citizens invited by the chief administrative officer to attend periodic meetings to keep open lines of communication between the facility and the local community. This group would not act or provide any function or service as outlined for a Citizens Advisory Board. (4-17-06, D1-10.1)

Community Mental Health Center Contracted service provider of the Department of Mental Health charged with providing certain mental health services within a designated area. (6-1-07, D5-8.12)

Community Provider Any approved program, or professionally provided service in the community, needed to assist an offender in recovery from a substance use disorder and criminal lifestyle. (11-4-16, D5-10.5)

Community Release Center A department residential facility, one each in the Kansas City and St. Louis Metropolitan areas, which provides community based transitional services to offenders released from correctional centers and offenders under community supervision who are experiencing problems and are in need of additional stability and control. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

Community Resource An organization or state agency without a memorandum of understanding, agreement, or contract with the department that is available to assist and/or support an offender in achieving success. (10-4-16, IS18-6.2)

Community Substance Abuse Services Replace with Community Substance Use Disorders Services.

Community Substance Use Disorders Services Any approved program, or professionally provided service, in the community, needed to assist the offender in recovery from substance abuse and a criminal lifestyle. (11-4-16, D5-10.5)

Community Supervision Screen Tool (CSST) The Ohio Risk Assessment System tool used with offenders in the community which predicts an offender’s likelihood of recidivism. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Community Supervision Tool The Ohio Risk Assessment System tool used with offenders in the community which predicts an offender’s likelihood of recidivism. A community supervision tool (CST) shall be conducted on offenders that score high risk on the community supervision screening tool. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Community Work Release Rules A document developed by an institution or facility to provide the offender with specific rules that he must abide while working. (3-26-18, IS23-2.1)

Commutation An action on the part of the Governor that changes a sentence to one which is less severe. (8-21-18, D1-5.1)

Commuting The use of state vehicles by department staff members for the purpose of traveling between the state member’s official work site and residence. (6-3-16, D4-4.1)

Companion Dog A dog trained in basic house rules and obedience that provides emotional support, well-being, comfort and companionship. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Compensatory Time Federal, State and holiday balances that may be paid at specific times or may be used, with approval, as paid time off. (2-23-21, D2-8.4, D2-8.11, D2-8.12)

Compensatory Time Notification Schedule A seniority based list of custody staff developed by the institution. This list is used as a rotating system to assign overtime. (2-7-20, D2-8.4)

Competent Offender An offender who is at least 18 years of age or older, of sound mind, and able to receive and evaluate information and communicate decisions. (6-15-20, IS11-73, IS11-74)

Competitive Bid Process The process of inviting and obtaining bids from competing sources in response to a solicitation. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Complete Series Hepatitis-A: Two doses of vaccine given on the regular schedule of 0 and 6 months. Hepatitis-B: Three doses of vaccine given on the regular schedule of 0, 1 and 6 months. (3-8-21, D2-15.2, D2-15.3)

Comprehensive-Continuous Quality Improvement Program A multidisciplinary quality improvement committee, tasked with monitoring of areas specified in the compliance indicators, and an annual review of the effectiveness of the continuous quality improvement program itself. The program should include a process quality improvement study, and an outcome quality improvement study, with both studies that may identify areas in need of improvement and effect remedial actions or strategies. (3-19-21, IS11-06)

Computer Access Forms The forms located on the Department of Corrections Intranet site ( to be used when requesting new, transferring, changing, or deleting access to the computer system. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Computer Accessible Record Any record or related information that is processed and/or stored in a computer system. (2-2-14, D1-11.2)

Computer Equipment Any equipment which may store digital information.  Examples of such equipment include but are not limited to: central processing unit/desktop/tower, laptop/notebook, servers, handheld device (i.e. blackberry, Palm Pilot, etc.) and detachable drives (i.e. external hard drive, thumb drives, etc.). (12-29-06, D1-7.4)

Computer Virus A small program written to alter the way a computer operates, without the permission or knowledge of the user. To be classified as a virus, it must execute and replicate itself. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Computer Voice Stress Analyzer Records psycho physiological stress responses that are present in human voice when a person suffers psychological stress in response to a question. (1-25-21, D1-8.2, D1-8.3)

Concurrent Sentence Two or more sentences being serviced at the same time. (7-21-07, D5-8.8)

Condemned Property which cannot be repaired and is of no use to other agencies. (D4-5.3)

Conditional Acceptance Stamp A rubber stamp used on invoices and/or delivery tickets when an order is received to indicate that a product will be subject to further evaluation. (7-10-09, IS10-1.14)

Conditional Release 1. (558.011 RSMo) Inmates who committed a crime after January 1, 1979, serve an imprisonment term and a conditional release term. A Conditional Release is granted to an inmate after serving the defined term of imprisonment. (12-15-93, D5-8) 2. The conditional discharge of an offender by the board of probation and parole, subject to conditions of supervision. A conditional release is granted to an offender after serving the defined term of imprisonment. (6-7-10, D5-8.2)

Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity Generator A generator who generates less than 100 kilograms of hazardous waste in a calendar month. (2-28-16, D4-2.9, D4-2.10)

Confidential File A file containing confidential information on a reentry partner representative, a community resource representative or a private individual. (10-4-16, IS18-6.2)

Confidential Information Any information which is available to a staff member only because of his status as a staff member of the department and is not a matter of public knowledge or is not available to the public on request. (5-2-15, D3-2.4, D3-2.6)

Confidential Visits Authorized visits with legislators, attorneys, etc. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

Confidentiality 1. For purposes of this procedure, ensuring that information is accessible only to those authorized to have access. (10-27-20, D1-7.1) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, the concept of confidentiality protects the verbal and written information regarding a patient’s health care or treatment and cannot be disclosed to a third party without the patient’s consent. (1-9-15, IS11-60)

Confirmation Breath Test A subsequent test using an evidential breath tester, following a screening test with a result greater than 0.000.  Confirmation testing will be conducted using an approved digital breath analyzer. (D5-7.2)

Confirmation Test A second drug test conducted to support the initial test that received a positive result. The second test will be chemically different from the initial test. (5-11-21, D2-11.12, D5-7.1, D5-7.2)

Confiscated Property The permanent loss of property determined to be unauthorized, including funds or other assets. (10-19-20, IS22-1.1)

Conflicting Sentence 1. For the purpose of this procedure, a conflicting sentence occurs when an offender is received on a sentence stipulated for treatment; however the offender has one or more additional sentences that are not stipulated for treatment, or he is ineligible for treatment on those additional sentences. (9-27-16, D5-1.2, D5-4.22, D5-4.24, D5-4.37) 2. Two or more sentences at least one of which is stipulated by the court for an offender to serve a sentence pursuant to the state of Missouri statute which allows for the opportunity for probation release. (5-13-16, D5-4.36) 3. For the purpose of this procedure, this is when an offender has more than one sentence and the requirements of those sentences are not compatible and would occur when one sentence does not allow for placement in the shock incarceration program. (7-20-00, D5-4.29)

Conspire To agree with one or more other persons to engage in a prohibited behavior, with at least one acting in furtherance of that behavior. (11-8-18, IS19-1.6)

Consultants For the purpose of this procedure, if requested by the central canteen product committee, applicable section heads will designate staff members to serve as consultants. Consultants will only attend committee meetings if requested by the committee’s chairperson. (10-1-15, D3-9.1)

Consumable Items An item to be used or destroyed in service and considered replaceable. These items may include food, food service supplies, clothing, fuel, office supplies, education and recreation supplies, donated religious supplies and materials, donated restorative justice materials, maintenance supplies, all housekeeping supplies, and commissary supplies, excluding canteen items (see D3-9.1 Canteen Operations). (7-20-13, D4-5.1)

Consumable Literature Hard copy pamphlets, brochures, flyers, magazines and booklets. (D5-3.3)

Contacting Authority The person(s) within the department who has authority to enter into contracts on behalf of the department. (5-24-15, D3-2.1)

Container Any portable device in which a material is stored, transported, treated, disposed of, or otherwise handled. (2-28-16, D4-2.8, D4-2.10)

Contaminated Returns Medication that has been in the offender’s possession. (10-23-15, IS11-27.3)

Containment Process for ensuring that tuberculosis transmission does not occur through appropriate diagnostic services and monitoring of treatment compliance. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Continuing Care A process designed to provide services and support continuing recovery from addictions and criminal behavior for offenders completing institutional treatment and reentering the community. Continuing care may include recovery supports, treatment services and/or programs to address other criminogenic needs. (11-4-16, D5-10.5)

Continuing Care Packet A packet of treatment materials that include the discharge summary, the transitional accountability plan – treatment plan, the Authorization for Disclosure of Consumer Medical/Health Information, and the Missouri Department of Corrections Treatment Referral form. (8-19-07, D5-10.5)

Continuous Block Leave that is continuous not intermittent, or a reduced work schedule. (10-11-19, D2-8.13, D2-8.15)

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Committee A multidisciplinary group of health care professionals from various disciplines (for example; medicine, nursing, mental health, dentistry, health records, pharmacy, laboratory, and should include a representative from custody) that designs quality improvement monitoring activities, discuss the results, and implements corrective action. (3-19-21, IS11-06)

Contraband 1. [For purposes of this procedure] Any unauthorized article, item, or substance. (11-10-13, IS13-1.2) 2. For purposes of this procedure, making, transferring or having possession of any unauthorized article (including medical items-e.g. needles, syringes, scalpels, etc.) or substance. Possessing any non-controlled prescribed medication in an unauthorized manner. Possessing unauthorized amounts of over-the-counter medication.  Transferring property in an unauthorized manner. Possessing unauthorized amounts of property. (6-23-20 Legal revised, IS11-28, IS11-28.1, IS22-1.1)

Contract A legal and binding agreement between two (2) or more competent parties, for a consideration for the procurement of supplies. (10-4-13, D3-2.6, D3-3.5)

Contracted Health Department The local health department that has agreed to provide tuberculosis testing and reading of test results for department employees as specified in a contract with the department. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Contracted Offender Telephone System A telephone system established for use by offenders to place PIN access telephone calls outside of the institution. (4-5-19, IS13-2.1)

Contracted Vaccine Provider For most worksites the local health department that has agreed to administer the hepatitis vaccine for employees as specified in a contract with the department. Exempt worksites shall be notified of the contractor providing services. (3-8-21, D2-15.2, D2-15.3)

Contracted Vendor A business providing services to the state based upon a formal written agreement for the purpose of providing drug testing or related services. (6-23-13, D5-7.1, D5-7.2)

Contracted Vendor Contraband Count Book A book used to document control of health services contraband and reusable tools. (11-21-19, IS11-28.1)

Contractors 1. Non department staff members who work within a department facility in a permanent role (i.e. contracted medical and behavioral health services providers). (2-22-21, D1-8.13) 2. For the purposes of this procedure, businesses and their employees who are contracted with or by the department to perform services such as construction work, repair work, etc. These individuals are not considered staff of the department and do not receive a permanent department identification card. (9-24-19, IS20-1.7)

Controlled Medications

  1. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) – Controlled Medications: Medications regulated by the DEA and the Federal Controlled Substance Act.
  2. Institutionally Controlled Medications: Mediations which are considered controlled medications in a correctional facility because of abuse potential, but are not necessarily controlled by the DEA. (10-23-15, IS11-27.3)

Controlled Substance A drug, substance, or immediate precursor in Schedule I. through V. as listed in Chapter 195 RSMo. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Controlled and/or Intoxicating Substance Any medication or substance which alters an offender’s mental state or causes a euphoric response, (e.g. synthetic drugs or derivatives of; marijuana, heroin, bath salts, etc. or prescription medications such a Tramadol, Vicodin, etc.)

  1. EXAMPLE #1:  When an offender is found with a controlled substance or controlled medication, without a prescription, this would fall under Rule #11 – Possession and/or use of a Controlled and/or Intoxicating Substance.
  2. EXAMPLE #2:  When a controlled substance or controlled medication is prescribed to an offender as a watch-take medication, and he is found to be in possession or with more than his prescription, this would fall under Rule #23 – Contraband. (10-23-18, IS19-1.6)

Conviction A disposition of criminal charge whereby a person is sentenced to pay a fine or serve a period of confinement. A conviction includes a suspended execution of sentence, but does not include a suspended imposition of sentence. (12-12-15, D2-2.2)

COOP Continuity of operations.

Coordinated Response The department’s planned response to allegations of offender sexual abuse and harassment to ensure the appropriate actions of first responders, medical, mental health, investigators and administrators. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS11-32, IS11-39, IS20-1.3, IS21-1.3)

Core Curriculum Department approved resources and/or textbooks. (10-17-18, D5-7.4, D5-8.11)

Core Decision Item The core decision item consists of the number of budgeted personnel and appropriated funds for a given purpose for the current year, adjusted for vetoes, transfers, one-time expenditures and other non-recurring costs. (8-15-92, D3-1)

Core Lessons Introductory lesson and modules 1 – 6. (7-20-13, D5-4.11, D5-4.13)

Core Reentry Preparation Programming Programs specially approved by the department director that shall address the risk and needs of the offender. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Core Values Loyalty, Duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, professionalism, and personal courage. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

Coroner A person elected by the county and commissioned by the governor to perform the duties specified in Chapter 58 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri. (3-23-18, D1-8.5)

Correctional Case Manager II The individual assigned to the special needs unit (SNU) as the supervisor of the staff members working in the SNU. (8-17-16, IS12-3.4)

Correctional Center Any facility or institution which houses an offender population under the jurisdiction of the department. State correctional center includes community supervision center, reentry center, or transition center. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D2-11.13, D3-5.4)

Corrections Case Manager (CCM) The assigned classification staff member or treatment counselor who is responsible for all classification functions in the management of offenders assigned to their caseload. (5-4-21, D5-1.5, IS1-1.2, IS5-2.1, IS5-2.3, IS5-2.6, IS8-6.1, IS13-2.1)

Corrections Classification Assistant (CCA) The assigned classification staff member who assists the CCM with classification functions in the management of offenders. (10-29-12, IS1-1.2)

Corrections Emergency Response Team (CERT) A team of department of corrections employees trained in tactical resources to respond to and resolve disturbances and emergency situations within department facilities. (5-5-19, IS2-1.2, IS20-2.1)

Corrections Emergency Response Team Coordinator The chief of custody at each facility shall serve as the CERT coordinator and is responsible for CERT training, planning, recruitment, membership application review and logistical support. (5-5-19, IS24-2.1)

Corrections Emergency Response Team Member A staff member who has completed the application process, met the requirements for becoming a member of the CERT, and has been approved as a CERT member by the CAO. (5-5-19, IS20-2.1, IS24-2.1)

Corrections Evidence Management System (CEMS) A computer database designed to track evidence stored in the evidence vault by the investigations unit at the corresponding facility or regional evidence vault. (8-28-14, D1-8.8)

Corrections Officer I Hiring Unit A central office human resource unit comprised of the corrections officer I hiring coordinator and corrections officer I hiring coordinator assistants. (8-26-13, D2-2.16)

Corrections Treatment Center (CTC) A mental health treatment unit within the Farmington Correctional Center that is staffed primarily for the purpose of providing intermediate to long-term psychiatric treatment to chronic mentally ill offenders within an inpatient setting. (11-3-15, IS12-3.2)

Corrective Action A corrective sanction, administrative action, or classification action. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)

Corrective Hearing Officer 1. A case manager or addiction counselor I/II within each unit who is responsible for holding corrective hearings and recommending corrective actions. More than one person may be assigned this duty. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6) 2. A case manager or treatment counselor I/II within each unit who is responsible for holding corrective hearings and recommending corrective actions. More than one person may be assigned this duty. (10-7-20, IS19-1.5, IS21-1.1)

Corrective Measures Actions taken by, or authorized by, a CAO or designee including, but not limited to: training, counseling, issuing a letter of caution, mandatory referral to an employee assistance program. (9-1-18, D2-9.1)

Corrective Sanction A penalty which may be imposed for misconduct. (8-15-17, IS19-1.6)

Correspondence Courses Educational or religious instruction offered through the mail by colleges and universities, private schools, professional, career or technical and/or religious associations and government agencies utilizing a variety of media and written materials. (1-13-15, IS13-4, IS13-4.1, IS18-3.11)

Corrosive Material Any liquid or solid that causes visible destruction or irreversible damage to human skin tissue; or, a liquid that has a severe corrosive rate on metal. (2-28-16, D4-2.7, D4-2.10)

Cost of Care The cost to the department of corrections for providing transportation, room, board, clothing, security, medical and other normal living expenses of the offenders under the jurisdiction of the department, as determined by the director of the department. (9-25-09, D3-5.4)

Counter A digital counter on an entry or exit door which progresses one number each time a door is opened. (1-30-15, IS4-1.6)

Court Ordered Detention Sanction (CODS) A mandatory 120 day program placement within the division of adult institutions by the court as a probation violation response. (12-5-15, D5-1.5, D5-4.36)

Court Ordered Release Inmates may be totally released by the sentencing court through the normal judicial process for the alteration or setting aside of sentences. (12-15-93, D5-8)

Court Report The report prepared by the institutional parole office/institutional treatment center (ITC) staff at the order of the circuit court, reflecting institutional adjustment, assessment and program participation, if applicable, a release plan, and if requested, other information as well as a recommendation regarding release. (9-15-94, D5-8.4)

Covered Active Duty Duty during the deployment of the military member to a foreign country. (10-11-19, D2-8.15)

Covered Military Member Employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent on active duty or call to active duty status. (10-11-19, D2-8.15)

Covered Servicemember (NOTE: Per Legal, FMLA regulations state “servicemember” as one word.) (Caregiver Leave):

  1. A member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who is undergoing medical treatment recuperation, or therapy, as a result of a serious injury or illness.  Member may be on the temporary disability retired list, or
  2. a veteran who is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, as a result of a serious injury or illness and who was a member of the armed forces, national guard or reserves, at any time during the 5 years preceding the date the veteran undergoes the medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy. (10-11-19, D2-8.15)

Co-worker An employee employed at the same worksite. (12-30-15, D2-10.1)

CP Capital punishment.

CR Conditional release.

CR Date Conditional release date.

CRCC Crossroads Correctional Center.

CRD Certified religious diet.

Credentialed Counselor For the purpose of this procedure, a credentialed counselor is one whose credentials qualifies him, according to Department of Mental Health program standards to administer and complete substance use assessments. (D5-1.5)

Credit Balances The balance of unobligated funds in the account of an offender who is no longer being supervised by the department. (10-29-09, D3-5.12)

Crime An act that would constitute a violation of any criminal statute including an act that may result in an adjudication of delinquency and sentence to the department of corrections. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D1-5.2)

Crime Scene Any location where evidence exists that indicates a crime has been committed and there is a victim of the crime (i.e. homicide, sexual assault, serious physical assault). (11-20-20, D1-8.7, D1-8.8)

Crime Tips Hotlines Term will no longer be utilized. (5-17-17, D1-8.1)

Criminal Act An act that would constitute a violation of any criminal statute including an act that may result in an adjudication of delinquency and sentence to the department of corrections. (1-5-21, D1-8.1)

Criminal Behavior Research Summary Information All department records and other verified findings of guilt including suspended imposition of sentence (SIS) probations. Information from local, in-state, out-of-state, correctional and federal criminal databases, regarding adult and adjudicated juvenile criminal offenses will be included.

  1. Wanteds, warrants, and detainers with no final disposition will not be included.
  2. Prior arrests with no finding of guilt will not be included.
  3. Confidential juvenile records will be included (RSMo 211.321.1 allows the following juvenile code violations, when adjudicated, to be included in CBRS; rape, sodomy, murder, kidnapping, robbery, arson, burglary, or any acts involving the rendering or threat of serious bodily harm). (7-9-15, D5-10.2)


Criminal Evidence Any physical or verbal evidence that is presented for the purpose of providing the occurrence of a violation of a Missouri statute. (Draft 11-20-20, D1-8.8)

Criminal History Check A screening for criminal activity conducted through the Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System and the National Crime Information Center System. (10-04-16, D2-2.1, D2-2.6, D2-11.14, IS18-6.2)

Criminal Investigation Report A record, other than an arrest or incident report, prepared by personnel of a law enforcement agency, including an investigator of the department, inquiring into a crime or suspected crime, either in response to an incident report or in response to evidence developed by law enforcement officers in the course of their duties. (2-2-14, D1-11.2)

Criminogenic Needs Risk factors linked to criminal behavior that when addressed can impact an offender’s risk for recidivism. The risk factors are antisocial attitudes, antisocial peers, antisocial personality, leisure, education/employment, substance use, family, and criminal history. (5-11-21, D5-10.1, D5-10.4)

Crisis A situation involving an offender that requires immediate attention by department staff members to address the offender’s issue(s). (2-27-18, IS20-3.4)

Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Specially trained staff members and mental health practitioners and advocates who provide training and oversight in the deployment of crisis de-escalation techniques. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1, IS20-3.4)

Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Coach A team member, designated by the crisis intervention team steering committee, specifically trained to provide coaching during team trainings. (2-27-18, IS20-3.4)

Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Department Coordinator A custody supervisor, designated by department executive staff members, responsible for the implementation and compliance of the crisis intervention team within the department. (4-10-18, IS20-3.4)

Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Steering Committee At a minimum, a committee comprised of representatives from training in the division of human services, mental health from the division of offender rehabilitative services, and custody from the division of adult institutions that exists to guide and consistently implement the crisis intervention team program throughout the department facilities. (2-27-18, IS20-3.4)

Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training Committee A subgroup of the crisis intervention team steering committee consisting of regional trainers whose purpose is to oversee and support development and implementation of team trainings throughout the department through the development of standardized department curriculum, selection of speakers, establishment of an annual training schedule, and development of online training resources. (2-27-18, IS20-3.4)

Criteria Level The educational level of achievement for a particular age or grade level as established in applicable guidelines for particular educational programs. (9-27-15, IS18-3.1)

Critical Illness A severe condition of such nature that death is considered imminent. (11-8-16, IS11-10)

Critical Incident 1. For purposes of this procedure, a situation, either work or non work related, which leaves an employee feeling overwhelmed and may include an element of physical or emotional loss possibly affecting job performance. This may include situations which involve major rule infractions, verbal or physical threats, blood or body fluid exposures, violations of the law, family or personal issues, etc. An incident is determined by the employee’s perception of an event. (4-21-20, D2-15.8) 2. For purposes of this procedure, a situation occurring in the course of performance of duty which results in damage to property or which causes, or has the immediate potential of causing, physical injury or death to any person. (10-11-19, D2-11.11, D2-11.12)

Critical Incident Stress Debriefing A structured mandatory individual or group meeting conducted by a mental health professional with staff members who were directly or indirectly involved in a traumatic event or critical incident. (4-21-20, D2-7.9, D2-15.8)

Critical Injury An injury that is potentially life threatening or impairs the ability of the staff member to notify a family member or emergency contact. (5-3-21, D2-16.1, D2-17.1)

Critical Service Employees All staff required to maintain the operations of any facility housing offenders. This includes all custody, maintenance, food service and medical staff. Other positions which are needed to carry on the necessary operations of the facility may be designated by the division directors. (12-11-97, D2-8.9)

Critiques Review of drills or actual events to document activities including response time, names and titles of health services staff members, as well as the roles and responses of all participants. The review contains observations of appropriate and inappropriate staff member responses to the drill. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Cross Divisional Transfer from one division to another division within the department. (8-24-14, D2-2.13)

Cross Gender Thorough Pat Search A search where a staff member of the opposite gender runs the back of their hands over the clothed body of an offender, examination of pockets, shoes, mouth, hair and all articles found in that person’s possession at the time of the search to determine whether the individual possesses contraband. (8-35-18, IS20-1.3)

CRTC Central Region Training Center.

CS I Corrections supervisor one, also referred to as captain.

CS II Corrections supervisor two, also referred to as the major or chief of custody.

CSC Community supervision center.

CSO Constituent services office.

CSQ Carrier squelch.

CSR Case summary report.

CSST Community supervision screening tool.

CST 1. Corrections service trainee (prior term, has been replaced with CCM I or chief of staff training). 2. Civil support team and community supervision tool.

CTA Central Transfer Authority.

CTC Corrections treatment center.

CTCC Cremer Therapeutic Community Center.

CTCSS Continuous tone coded squelch system.

CTO 1. Corrections training officer. 2. Community transition officer.

CTU Central transportation unit.

Cultural Activities These activities include, but are not limited to, arts and crafts, music, drama, literature, movies, radio, television and social activities. (10-16-16, IS16-1.1)

Curriculum Design Unit or Designee A unit in the training academy whose duties entail curriculum and lesson plan development. (5-2-19, D2-12.4, IS20-3.4)

Custodian or Designee of Record The individual who is responsible for maintaining, releasing, copying and/or certifying the records assigned to his jurisdiction in accordance with the custodian of record reference document. (5-11-21, D1-11.2, D2-5.1, D2-5.2)

Custody Basic Training Consists of basic, institutional basic and hard skills. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Custody Completion Reason The grounds by which an offender is released from custody or supervision of the department. (6-28-09, D5-2.1)

Custody Count A count of offenders taken when the maximum number of offenders are in the housing units. The offenders will either sit up on the beds, stand in the cell or room, or stand on-line outside the room door. Offenders shall not be counted lying down. (10-2-19, IS20-1.2)

Custody Position Corrections officer I, corrections officer II, corrections officer III, corrections supervisor I, corrections supervisor II, probation and parole assistant I, and probation and parole assistant II. (5-10-14, D2-2.2, D2-2.14)

Customer Department staff, public agencies, nonprofit private agencies, and private sector enterprises engage in cooperative vocational education and training efforts in the department. (4-3-08, D3-5.10)

Customer Support Center The customer support help desk center operates by the Information Technology Services Division within the department. The customer support center can be contacted by e-mail using the sends email) mailbox or by telephone at 573-522-8403. (2-8-15, D1-7.1)

CV Conduct violation; also CDV or CVR.

CVR Conduct violation report; also CDV or CV.

CVSA Computerized voice stress analysis.

Cycle A period of supervision by the department from first entry into the department through completion of the original sentence as well as any additional sentences received during the course of supervision. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)


D-SEG Disciplinary segregation; also Dis Seg, Disseg and DS.

DA District administrator.

DAI Division of Adult Institutions.

Daily 1. For purposes of this procedure, means 7 days a week. (12-6-19, IS11-37.1) 2. [For purposes of this procedure] 24 hour period, 7 days a week. (10-29-19, IS11-52)

Daily Institutional Schedule A chronological summary of regularly scheduled daily institutional activities. (11-5-18, IS20-1.4)

Daily Living Assistant Offender that has been assigned to assist an ECU offender with activities of daily living. This could include, but is not limited to: assistance with grooming, dressing, laundry, canteen, correspondence, getting to meals, medical, visits, etc. (1-20-13, IS18-5.3)

Dangerous Contraband Making, transferring or having possession of a firearm, knife, razor blade, bludgeon or other weapon, instrument, material or substance which is readily capable of causing or inducing fear of death or physical injury. (10-19-20, IS22-1.1)

Dangerous Felony An offense for which an offender is not eligible for conditional release and must serve a minimum prison term of 85% pursuant to state statute. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D5-8.1)

Dangerous Offender One who:

  1. is being sentenced for a felony during the commission of which he knowingly murdered or endangered or threatened the life of another person or knowingly inflicted or attempted or threatened to inflict serious physical injury on another person; and has pled guilty to or has been found guilty of a Class A or B felony or a dangerous felony. (12-9-16, D5-8.1)

DAP Disaster assistance programs.

DAR Disciplinary action report.

DASV Department of Agriculture State Veterinarian.

Data Base An organized collection of specific pieces of information that has been selected for retention or is needed for manipulation of data to produce reports or documents. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

De Minims The personal use of a state vehicle that is of so small a value that accounting for it would be unreasonable or administratively impractical. De minims personal use does not include unauthorized use. (7-18-08, D4-4.1)

Deadly Force Force which is likely to cause death or serious bodily injury. Knives and firearms are considered to be instruments of deadly force. A blow or a hold to the head, neck, throat, or other vulnerable areas of the body may also be deadly force. (4-8-21, D2-16.1, IS20-3.1)

Deadly Weapon, Dangerous Instrument/Device/Substance Any item or substance which under the circumstances used, attempted or threatened to be used, or capable of being used, may cause death or serious physical injury. (6-27-10, IS19-1.6)

Deaf A hearing loss so severe that an individual, even under the most favorable conditions, which may include the use of amplification (hearing aids), cannot process spoken language consistently by hearing along that will affect everyday performance. Reliance on visual communication such as sign language, writing, lip-reading or gestures may accompany this hearing loss. (9-25-18, D5-5.1)

Death (Legal Definition) Missouri Revised Statutes, Chapter 194, Death – Disposition of Dead Bodies, Section 194.005. For all legal purposes, the occurrence of human death shall be determined in accordance with the usual and customary standards of medical practice, provided that death shall not be determined to have occurred unless the following minimal conditions have been met:

  1. when respiration and circulation are not artificially maintained, there is an irreversible cessation of spontaneous respiration and circulation, or
  2. when respiration and circulation are artificially maintained and there is a total and irreversible cessation of all brain function, including the brain stem and such determination is made by a licensed physician. (6-15-20, IS11-73, IS11-74)

Debt A liability or obligation owed by an offender to the department, state or federal court, or other state

agency. (9-28-14, D3-5.11, D3-5.13, D3-5.14)

Deceased Group (black tag) Those who are dead or severely injured that only with prolonged and complex hospital care would provide any chance for survival.

  1. This includes irreversible shock, severe burns, critical central nervous system injuries, and critical injuries to the respiratory system.
  2. These are the lowest priority and should receive the minimum of time expenditure.
  3. Keep these persons as comfortable as possible. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Dedicated Less Lethal 12 Gauge Pump Shotgun A specially marked shotgun designated for less lethal only munitions. The stocks and forearms should be clearly marked with orange designating them as a dedicated less lethal weapon. (3-13-14, IS20-3.3)

Deferment To delay treatment until such time as the offender’s circumstances have improved to the point the offender can participate in treatment. (9-23-16, D5-4.1)

Delayed Treatment Group (yellow tag) Persons with spinal cord injury, multiple major fractures, moderate burns, or uncomplicated head injury. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Demotion A status change whereby an employee is assigned from a position in one classification to a position in another classification of lower rank. (9-6-18, D2-2.15)

Demotion for Cause For the purpose of this procedure, an involuntary reduction to a lower job classification for disciplinary reasons. (9-6-18, D2-2.15)

Denominational or Special Needs Program A separate and distinctive regularly scheduled chapel service or program allowed only when directly supervised and led by a volunteer in corrections or the chaplain. (1-18-15, IS17-1.1)

Dental Emergency A dental problem requiring immediate dental treatment for relief of acute oral and/or maxillofacial condition characterized by trauma, infection, severe pain, swelling or bleeding which are likely to remain acute or worsen without intervention. (6-23-20, IS11-36.1)

Dental Prophylaxis Treatment prescribed by the dentist which may include but is not limited to fluoride toothpaste or oral rinse. (6-23-20, IS11-36.1)

Dental Prostheses Replacement of a tooth or of a section of teeth by partial or full dentures. (2-1-16, IS11-59)

Department The Missouri Department of Corrections unless specified otherwise. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Department American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator An employee appointed by the department director responsible for monitoring department compliance with state and federal disability laws by working with worksite ADA coordinators and division directors or designees to respond to requests for accommodations, complaints, or grievances. (10-30-19, D1-1.3, D5-3.2)

Department Approved Assessment Tool A tool used by field or institutional staff to identify an offender’s risk and need and to determine his priority level for access to institutional and community services. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Department Central Canteen Committee A central group of employees that will oversee the use of the offender canteen funds expended by each institution and will review and approve new canteen items for sale in the institutional canteens. (4-8-07, D3-6.2)

Department Chartered Organization An offender organization sanctioned by the department, that does not have an organization on the outside with which it shares its charter, whose purpose is to function as a service organization for the betterment of the community and the institutional environment. Departmentally chartered organizations will not be of a religious nature and will not collect any dues. (9-8-16, IS9-1.1)

Department Computer Systems All computer systems used by staff members for department business in accordance with the department computer system reference document. (4-8-21, All D and IS procedures containing reference to the departments computer system.)

Department Employee of the Month An employee selected through the prescribed procedures herein who is performing their duties in an outstanding manner, and who may also have accomplished greater than normal achievements or contributed above and beyond the expectations of their position. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Department Facilities For purposes of this procedure, an institution complex, including one or more buildings identified as a unit of the department, or any warehouse, structure, building or office space whether owned, leased or operated by the department. (6-2-20, D2-11.9)

Department Job Opportunity Announcement An internal notice sent by electronic mail to announce the opening of a position within the department. (2-8-18, D2-1.2)

Department Mentoring Committee A group of employees that have responsibility for oversight and management of the mentoring program. Additionally, the mentoring committee is responsible for the recruitment of participants. Mentoring committee members must be permanent employees with the department for a minimum of 2 years. (12-11-15, D2-7.12)

Department of Corrections Contract Monitoring Team Department of corrections staff members appointed by the division director of offender rehabilitative services to monitor health care services provided by the contracted provider. (3-24-21, IS11-04, IS11-14.2, IS11-18, IS11-67.1)

Department of Corrections (DOC) Fixed Asset Any fixed asset under the control of the department, regardless of the funding source used to acquire the asset.  Throughout this procedure, the term fixed asset is used in lieu of the DOC fixed asset.

  1. Fixed assets possess the following characteristics:
  2. are real or personal tangible property such as:
    1. land,
    2. land improvements,
    3. buildings and fixtures,
      1. equipment,
      2. furniture,
      3. vehicles,
      4. arts, and
      5. historical treasures.
  3. have a useful life extending beyond a single reporting period,
  4. have a cost (or estimated fair market value if  actual cost is not available at or over the applicable threshold amount at the time of the acquisition, and
  5. the asset is not for resale or for investment purposes. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

Department of Corrections (DOC) Number An identification number assigned to each offender by the department. (6-9-16, D5-1.1, D5-2.1)

Department of Corrections Online Training Academy (DOCOTA) Learning management system that houses online training courses on the Intranet. (11-29-15, D2-12.4)

Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) The Missouri state agency responsible for the oversight of the high school equivalency (HSE) testing, and awarding the high school equivalency (HSE) certificate. (1-28-15, IS18-3.3)

Department of Revenue (DOR) A database of Missouri driving record information. (2-28-10, D5-10.2)

Department Procurement Authority Delegation (DPAD) A document issued by the Office of Administration (OA), Division of Purchasing and Materials Management (DPMM) and signed by the DOC department director that gives the department local procurement authority to make most purchases pursuant to Chapter 34.100 RSMo. (9-4-19, D3-2.1, D3-2.6)

Department Puppies for Parole Program Coordinator A staff member selected by the department director or designee who is responsible for the administration, management, and oversight of the puppies for parole program throughout the department. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Department Record (MODOC) A record involving a period of incarceration or supervision within the Missouri Department of Corrections. (8-10-15, D1-11.2, D1-11.3, D5-10.2)

Department Sponsored Activities Includes ceremonies recognizing awards, accomplishments, tenure, retirement, etc., of an employee(s), business partners and other associates. (9-28-14, D3-2.3)

Department Strategic Plan A formal written document outlining information pertinent to the department’s strategic issues, key outcomes, key objectives and strategies. (11-29-02, D1-6.1)

Department Test Coordinator An employee designated by the department director or designee to coordinate alcohol and drug testing throughout the department. Normally this individual shall be the health and safety coordinator or safety coordinator. (10-11-19, D2-11.11, D2-11.12, D4-4.5)

Department Tuberculosis (TB) Coordinator A licensed health care professional that coordinates TB testing and reporting for the department in the employee health and safety unit in the division of human services. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Department Wellness Committee A subcommittee of the Personnel Planning Committee. The committee is composed of representatives of all divisions of the department. (2009, D2-7.5)

Depicts Represents in a picture. (11-12-14, IS13-1.2)

Describes Represents in words. (11-12-14, IS13-1.2)

Designated Dates of Recognition A period of time set aside for the study/celebration or acknowledgment of persons or groups of people to include, but not be limited to:

  1. African Americans (Black History Month-February),
  2. Women (Women’s History Month-March),
  3. Asian Pacific Peoples (Asian Pacific Heritage Month-May)
  4. Hispanic Americans (Hispanic American Heritage Month-September 15-October 15),
  5. Native Americans (Native American Heritage Month-November),
  6. Correctional Employees (Correctional Employee’s Week –observed in May),
  7. State Employees (State Employees Month-May),
  8. Crime Victim’s Rights Week (traditionally observed in April). (12-5-03, D2-7.1)

Designated Health Care Provider A doctor of medicine or osteopathy authorized to practice medicine in the state of Missouri who has contracted or agreed to provide services for employee’s to determine if he is infectious, and to provide follow up care related to his tuberculosis status. The designated health care provider must be approved by the employee health and safety coordinator. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Designated Treatment Areas An area within the institution designated for the treatment of staff members or offenders. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Designated Triage Area The area of the institution designated for the triage of injured persons. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Designated Vehicle Perimeter Patrol Area An area for which the perimeter patrol officer is responsible for providing security. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Designee 1. For the purpose of this procedure, an employee specialist, employee relations specialist, or deputy division director whose responsibilities include handling issues relating to employees within their respective division. (1-28-20, D1-1.3) 2. For purposes of this procedure, an employee appointed to serve as custodian when the custodian is not available, or who normally physically maintains the records and has been appointed by the custodian to act in his place. (2-2-14, D1-11.2) 3. For the purpose of this procedure, an employee designated through policy, procedure, or practice to act on the part of the appointing authority or chief administrative officer in certain matters. (9-1-18, D2-9.1) 4. For the purpose of this procedure, a staff member chosen to replace the person normally occupying a specific position during his absence. (5-8-10, D4-2.1)

DEST Domestic Emergency Responder Team.

Destructive, Potentially Self-Injurious Behavior Behavior which is determined not to result from mental illness or other serious psychological disturbance. Examples would include: repeated verbal threats of harm, instances of superficial self harm in an attempt to obtain special privileges or housing arrangements. (7-29-16, IS12-2.2)

Detoxification The process by which an individual is gradually withdrawn from a drug by the administration of decreasing doses of the drug upon which the person is physiologically dependent, one that is cross-tolerant (antagonistic) to it, or one that has been demonstrated to be effective on the basis of medical research. (10-29-19, IS11-54)

Developmentally Disabled Offenders that are intellectually limited, who may need habilitation planning, assistance accepting the limitations of their conditions, and special attention to his physical environment. (11-22-19, IS11-08)

DFO Disaster field office.

DHO Disciplinary hearing officer.

DHS 1. Department of Homeland Security. 2. Division of Human Services.

DHSS Department of Health and Senior Services.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV-TR A manual containing the definitions and symptomology of mental disorders. (8-17-15, D5-4.24)

Diagnostic Interview An offender interview conducted by a case manager for the purpose of identifying or updating the offender’s assets, liabilities and relevant personal information. (1-8-19, D5-10.6, IS5-1.1)

Diagnostic Services Includes biomedical or imaging services and the results that are used to make clinical judgments. These diagnostic services may be provided by reference laboratories, hospital radiology and laboratory departments, public health agencies or correctional facilities. (4-16-20, IS11-29)

Diagnostic Team A group of appropriately certified professional education staff members. (9-27-15, IS18-3.1)

Dike Spill control measure designed to control or stop the spread of a hazardous substance by blocking its flow or absorbing the material. (2-28-16, D4-2.10)

Diluted Specimen For the purpose of this procedure, a urine specimen which, as shown through testing, has a creatinine level that could indicate excessive amounts of fluid were consumed that would reduce drug levels in the specimen and cause specific gravity levels at a level lower than expected in normal human urine. (5-11-21, D2-11.11, D5-7.1)

Direct or Indirect Participation Involvement through decision, approval, disapproval, recommendation or preparation of any part of a purchase request, or influencing the content of any specification or procurement standard, rendering the advice, investigation, auditing, or participating in any other advisory capacity. (5-2-15, D3-2.4, D3-2.6)

Direct Patient Care Clinicians Licensed practitioners providing a facility’s medical, dental, and mental health care including physicians, dentists, mid-level practitioners and/or psychologists (e.g., nurse practitioners, physician assistants), qualified mental health professionals, RNs and LPNs. (11-6-20, IS11-13)

Direct Supervision 1. The offender is within sight of an assigned staff member at all times. (2-22-21, D1-8.13) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, an offender is within arms-reach of an assigned staff member at all times. (10-7-20, IS21-1.3)

Directive For the purpose of this procedure, a directive is a verbal or written authoritative instruction from P&P staff deemed reasonably necessary to reduce the likelihood of an offender violating a condition of probation, parole, conditional release or special program. (12-5-15, D5-4.36)

Director of Dental Services A contracted professional who serves as the responsible chief dentist for a specific region of dental services, overseeing all dentists providing dental services for the offender population; ensures the dental services provided comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, department contract requirements and National Commission on Correctional Health Care Standards for Health Services in Prisons. (6-29-20, IS11-02, IS11-41)

Director of Forensic Services A Missouri Department of Mental Health central office position who also serves as a member of the multidisciplinary team. (9-19-14, D5-4.4)

Director of Missouri Sex Offender Program (MOSOP) A contracted professional who serves as the Missouri sex offender program authority responsible for the delivery of contracted sex offender treatment services. (4-20-09, D5-4.1)

Director of Nursing A contracted professional who serves as the director of nursing services for an assigned facility or region, regarding either site or facility operations, and is therefore responsible for overseeing all nursing operations for the offender population. This professional ensures the nursing services provided comply with applicable Federal, State, and Local laws regulations, department contract requirements and National Commission on Correctional Health Care Standards for Health Services in Prisons. (3-24-21, IS11-01, IS11-02, IS11-04, IS11-10, IS11-11.1, IS11-14.2, IS11-27.3, IS11-41, IS11-43, IS11-67.1, IS12-3.1, IS12-6.1, IS18-5.4)

Director of Operations for Mental Health Services A qualified mental health professional appointed by the healthcare services contractor responsible for the overall oversight of the operations and mental health services provided to department of correction’s offenders throughout the State of Missouri. (7-7-16, D5-8.12, IS12-4.1, IS12-6.1)

Director of Psychiatry Replaced by Regional Director of Psychiatry. (7-7-16)

Director of the Division of Offender Rehabilitative Services (DORS) The resource authority for staff members within the division of offender rehabilitative services. (3-18-21, IS11-02)

Director’s Release The final release of an offender from incarceration not requiring further supervision by the board of probation and parole, either after 3/4ths of the sentence has been completed under the old criminal code, or after the entire sentence has been completed under the new criminal code. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D5-8, D5-8.3, D5-8.12)

DIS Discharged.

DIS SEG Disciplinary segregation; also D-Seg, Disseg and DS.

Disability A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity to include conditions which are episodic or that are in remission. An impairment that is episodic or in remission is a disability if it would substantially limit a major life activity when active. (10-30-19, D1-1.3, D5-5.2)

Disaster Box A box containing medical supplies that can be utilized for emergency treatment. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Disbanding The removal of an organization from operating within an institution. (9-8-16, IS9-1.1)

Disbursement Committee A committee selected by the puppies for parole program coordinator to authorize disbursements from the puppies for parole fund as warranted. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Discharge Final release from any supervision of the department including director’s release and release from probation and parole. (3-25-10, D5-1.6)

Discharge Planning Group An educational group provided by institutional mental health staff to offenders who have a mental health score of a 3 or above prior to release from the division of adult institutions, within the Missouri department of corrections. (6-1-07, D5-8.12)

Discharge Summary A report summarizing an offender’s progress and participation in a treatment program. (10-5-16, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.25, D5-4.26, D5-4.30, D5-4.37, IS11-27.10)

Discipline File A record containing an employee’s official discipline related information maintained in accordance with the employee file index reference document and the department procedure regarding employee discipline. (4-20-21, D2-5.1)

Disciplinary Hearing A due process hearing conducted to determine the guilt or innocence of an offender accused of a conduct rule violation and to recommend sanctions. (3-9-12, IS8-1.3)

Disciplinary Segregation Unit A housing unit where offenders may be assigned for disciplinary purposes. (2-1-12, IS7-1.10, IS21-1.4)

Discretionary Hiring Delay Any act that delays the normal process for filling a vacancy. (4-28-13, D2-2.18)

Discrimination 1. For the purpose of this procedure, unfair treatment of an employee based on pregnancy, childbirth, or medical conditions related to pregnancy or child birth. (5-29-20, D2-7.14) 2. Unfair treatment of a staff member based on a protected characteristic such as race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex (including sex-specific conditions such as pregnancy and childbirth and treatment based on non-conformance with sex-stereotypes), age (40 and above), religion, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, political affiliation, labor organization membership or veteran status. (10-4-17, D2-10.3, D2-11.4, D2-11.10)

Dismissal The termination of employment by the appointing authority. (1-23-20, D2-9.1, D2-3.1)

DISSEG Disciplinary segregation; also D-Seg, Dis seg and DS.

Dissemination Any release of research findings by the researcher to a third party outside the department. This includes the formal or informal release of research findings or reports, publication of research findings, participation in news or other interviews where research findings are discussed or any other distribution. (12-23-15, D1-6.3)

Distinguished Service Award An award bestowed on a staff member by their colleagues for performing exceptional actions that promote professionalism, teamwork, integrity and/or safety. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Distraction Techniques Approved techniques as identified in the departments basic defensive tactics training that are appropriate and reasonable to redirect the focus of the offender to enable a staff member to escape or gain control over an offender or situation. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Distributor A business, other than a chemical manufacturer importer, which supplies hazardous chemicals. (11-25-02, D4-2.8)

District Investigation Supervisor A person who supervises an investigative district in a region of the investigation unit. (8-28-14, D1-8.8)

Diversionary Device A less lethal explosive device that creates a momentary distraction using any combination of loud noise, bright flash of light and/or small rubber ball-type projectiles. Commonly referred to as string ball devices, aerial distraction, etc. (3-13-14, IS20-3.3)

Division DNA Coordinator Staff designated by the division director who are responsible for overseeing and coordinating all activities within the division required by this procedure. (3-25-10, D5-1.6)

Division Employee of the Month An employee selected from a specific division for performing their duties in an outstanding manner. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Division of Comprehensive Psychiatric Services The division of Missouri Department of Mental Health that is responsible for oversight of mental health services in the State of Missouri. (6-1-07, D5-8.12)

Division of Offender Rehabilitative Services (DORS) A division of the department responsible for overseeing the rehabilitation of offenders through the following services: medical services, behavioral services, academic and vocational education, and vocational industries. (4-20-21, IS11-06, D5-4.1)

Division of Offender Rehabilitative Services (DORS) – Education A division of the department responsible for correctional education. (1-28-15, IS18-3.3, IS18-4.1)

Division of Purchasing (DP) The division within the Office of Administration (OA) that provides state agencies with direction and the procurement authority delegation for purchasing. (5-2-15, D3-2.1, D3-2.4, D3-2.6)

Division of Service For purposes of this procedure, division of service includes: Office of the Director, Division of Human Services, Division of Offender Rehabilitative Services, Division of Adult Institutions and Division of Probation and Parole. (2-17-13, D2-3.4)

Division Standard Operating Procedure (DVSOP) Division requirements that describe specific tasks, actions, or activities relative to the organization’s procedures. (4-21-21, D2-8.16)

Division-Wide Account Appropriations which can be utilized for expenditures of several budgeting organizations within a division of the department. (8-15-92, D3-1.1)

Divisional Training Training segments that are based on identified divisional or institutional needs. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

DLA Daily living assistant.

DMAT Disaster medical assistance teams.

DMH/ADA Department of Mental Health/Alcohol and Drug Addictions.

DMORT Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team.

DNA Sample The cells remove from the inside of the mouth by swabbing the inside of the cheek or under the tongue; or blood drawn by authorized highway patrol employees or trained department DNA collectors. (3-25-10, D5-1.6)

DNR Department of Natural Resources.

DO Duty officer.

Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) A document authorized by an offender in his health services record that indicates resuscitative measures or advanced cardiac life support techniques will be withheld in the event of cardiac or pulmonary arrest. (1-13-20, IS11-74)

DOC 1. Department of Corrections. 2. Department operations center.

DOC Access Mailbox An Outlook e-mail mailbox ( sends email)) established to receive Computer Access Request forms.  This mailbox is monitored by Information Technology Services Division – Department of Corrections staff responsible for processing computer access requests. (2-8-15, D1-7.1)

DOCOTA Department of Corrections Online Training Academy.

DOCOTA Enrollment Key A one-time password to access a DOCOTA course. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Documents For the purpose of this procedure, a document is any form of prepared material that can be stored, manipulated, viewed or printed from the department’s information system network. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

DOD Department of Defense.

DOE Department of Energy.

DOI Department of the Interior.

DOJ Department of Justice.

DOL Department of Labor.

Dollar Value Threshold land – all parcels of land (no threshold amount); land improvements - $15,000. Or more; buildings - $15,000 or more; equipment - $1,000. or more; additions or betterments to buildings - $15,000. or  more; additions or betterments to equipment - $1,000. or more; software - $5,000 or more; vehicles - $1,000 or more. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

Domestic Animals Common household pets such as cats and dogs. (12-20-02, IS4-1.3)

DON Director of Nursing.

Donations For the purpose of this policy, a donation is property both real and personal, checks or money orders, given freely with no obligations or favors expected in return and accepted by the department. (9-12-10, D3-7, D3-7.1)

Donor For the purpose of this procedure, a person who provides a urine specimen. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

DOR Department of Revenue.

DORS Division of Offender Rehabilitative Services.

Dose-by-Dose Single practitioner prescribed medication dose given by a nurse to an offender at specific medication pass time. (10-23-15, IS11-27.4, IS11-27.10)

Dosimeter An instrument to detect and measure accumulated radiation exposure. (4-16-20, IS11-29)

DOT Department of Transportation.

Doubtful Account An offender account that the department believes is unlikely to be collected because the offender is no longer under supervision and has debt less than three years old. (10-25-09, D3-5.14)

DRC Disaster recovery center.

Driver The criminogenic need that is the dominant force behind the delinquent behavior. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

DROP Disaster recovery operations phase.

Drop-In Any offender who has been recommended for program placement but has not been referred or updated in the department computer system. (12-30-16, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.29, D5-4.37)

Drug Test Review A review of drug test reports by a medical review officer of the contracted testing services vendor who interprets and evaluates the results to determine whether or not a positive test resulted from illegal drug use. (4-13-08, D4-4.5)

Drug Testing The analytical testing of a urine or oral fluid specimen for the purpose of detecting the recent use of illegal or unauthorized substances. (5-11-21, D2-11.11, D4-4.5, D5-7.1)

Dry Cell The placement of an offender in a cell or room without running water, in full restraints, to include handcuffs, handcuff cover, a waist chain and leg restraints for the purpose of recovering drugs, contraband or other unauthorized items that may be hidden in a body cavity or ingested. (4-8-21, IS20-1.3, IS20-2.3, IS20-3.1)

DS Disciplinary segregation; also D-Seg, Dis seg and Disseg.

DSCA Defense Support of Civil Authorities.

DSO Designated sex offender.

DSP Division of State Parks.

DTMF Dual tone multi frequency.

Dual Nationals An offender who is a national or citizen of two or more countries other than the U.S. who is to be treated in accordance with the rules applicable to each of those countries. An offender who is a citizen of the U.S. and another country may be treated exclusively as a U.S. citizen when in the U.S. Consular notification is not required if the detainee is a U.S. citizen. This applies even if the detainee’s other country of citizenship is a mandatory notification country. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1)

Duplicate Informal Resolution Requests or Offender Grievances Those informal resolution requests or offender grievances filed more than once by the same offender on an issue and which have been, or are currently being, addressed through the offender grievance process. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Durable Medical Equipment Items such as wheelchairs, back braces, walkers, crutches, canes, etc. (10-19-20, IS22-1.1)

Duty Officer A staff member designated by the CAO to be available to make decisions during holidays, weekends and after normal working hours. (10-29-19, D1-8.7, IS1-1.3, IS11-52)

Duty Officer Roster A listing of duty officers’ names, telephone numbers and dates of assignment. (1-3-16, IS1-1.3)

DV Domestic violence.

DWD Division of Workforce Development.

DWITS Driving while intoxicated traffic system.

DWO Deputy warden of operations.

DWOM Deputy warden of offender management.

DYS Division of Youth Services.


E-Card A department approved electronic greeting card image sold by the media service provider that can be attached to an e-mail. (IS13-2.2)

E-Score Educational score.

E-Squad Emergency squad (prior term, replaced by CERT).

E-Verify An internet based system that allows employers to electronically verify the employment eligibility of newly hired employees. (1-6-16, D2-2.1)

EAP Employee Assistance Program.

EAS Emergency Alert System.

ECC Earned compliance credit.

Ectoparasite An organism that lives on the outside of the body. (2-11-15, IS11-17)

ECU Enhanced care unit.

Education Corrections Manager A staff member, at the level of corrections band manager I within the division of rehabilitative services, who is assigned to a department operated academic school or educational program and has the responsibility of the day-to-day operations, supervision and management of an academic school or educational program. (3-9-16, IS7-1.7, IS18-3.3, IS18-3.11, IS18-3.15, IS18-4.1)

Education Program Refers solely to the delivery of information designed to provide knowledge and understanding of substance use, abuse and addiction.  No confrontation or intervention is intended or required at this stage. (5-15-00, D5-7.4)

Education Review Panel A committee consisting of at least 3 staff members including the corrections manager band I, offender case manager, and either the mental health professional and/or medical professional or the institutional chaplain, that shall review circumstances surrounding an offender’s unwillingness or inability to participate in required academic education programs. (10-17-18, D5-8.11)

Education Zone Manager A staff member, at the level of corrections band manager II, within the division of offender rehabilitative services, who is assigned to oversee the operations of multiple academic schools and programs within the prison system. (3-9-16, IS18-3.11, IS18-3.15)

EEO Equal employment opportunity.

EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

EER Environmental Emergency Response.

Electronic Application System (EASe) An electronic application system, maintained by the Office of Administration, Division of Personnel, that collects pertinent employment information about an applicant and depending on the job class applied for, determines an applicant’s rating of education and experience based upon their responses to a series of questions. (8-26-13, D2-2.1)

Electronic Cigarette A battery powered electronic water vapor inhaling device, personal vaporizer, or electronic nicotine delivery system. (6-2-20, D2-11.9)

Electronic Communications Includes voice mail, text message, email, the Internet, fax machines, hardware, software, local area networks, files, and all information composed, transmitted, accessed, received or stored in these systems. (4-2-20)

Electronic Filing For the purpose of this procedure, electronic filing is the electronic submission of documents to the U.S. Court for the Western District of Missouri. (4-2-20, IS8-1.1)

Electronic Monitoring Program The assignment of an offender to a home environment under the supervision of the division utilizing electronic monitoring surveillance. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D5-9.3)

Electronic Signatures An electronic sound, symbol, or process attached to or logically associated with a record and executed or adopted by a person with the intent to sign the record. (1-8-19, D2-6.1)

Electronic Stun Shield (ESS) A polycarbonate capture shield that produces a charge of electricity, to induce involuntary muscle contractions that cause temporary incapacitation. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1, IS20-3.3)

Electronic Technician Staff member hired for their skilled technical work in the installation, maintenance, and repair of complex multiple electronic systems to include security, fire, life safety, public address, and clock systems and other related electronic and electrical systems in single and multiple building complexes. (5-5-12, D4-4.8)

Eligible Employee Any active state employee who is eligible for health benefits through the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan. (3-6-03, D2-7.9)

EMAC Emergency Management Assistance Compact.

EMC Emergency management coordinator.

Emergency Appointment An appointment made when conditions require that a position be filled immediately for a period of time not to exceed 90 calendar days. (8-4-16, D2-2.4)

Emergency Care Care for an acute illness or an unexpected health need that cannot be deferred until the next scheduled sick call or clinic. This may at times include a response to a self-declared emergency. (6-29-20, IS11-41)

Emergency Condition An emergency condition is defined as any condition that requires immediate attention in order to preserve life or bodily function.  This list is not all-inclusive:

  1. potential for loss of life or limb,
  2. profuse or uncontrolled bleeding,
  3. chest pain or shortness of breath,
  4. acute injury to limb(s) with or without deformity, with or without swelling,
  5. severe pain that may or may not be accompanied by other symptoms,
  6. fever,
  7. seizures,
  8. exacerbation of asthma condition,
  9. mental health emergency. (6-29-20, IS11-41)

Emergency Count A count when all offenders are called back into housing units for a custody count. (10-2-19, IS20-1.2)

Emergency Drug Box A box containing a stock of emergency medications. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Emergency Findings Observations that raise immediate concern or pose serious risk for the safety and orderly operation of the institution. (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

Emergency Informal Resolution Request A complaint concerning matter that, under regular time limits, would subject the offender to a substantial risk of personal injury or cause other serious risk or irreparable harm to the offender. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Emergency Keys Keys that are used to provide access for emergency purposes when originals are not available. (10-6-07, IS20-1.6)

Emergency or Disaster Any event, man-made or natural (e.g. arson, tornado, flood, earthquake), including an internal disaster (e.g. riot, kitchen explosion), or external disaster (e.g. bomb threat, or power outage) of such magnitude that it significantly disrupts the normal function of the institution. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Emergency Preparedness Coordinator A person, appointed by the department director, who is responsible for coordinating department emergency preparedness. (6-7-10, D1-9.1)

Emergency Procurement A situation in which there exists a threat to life, property, public health or public safety or when immediate expenditure is necessary for repairs to state property in order to protect against further loss of, or damage to, state property, to prevent or minimize serious disruption in state services or to ensure the integrity of state records. (5-2-15, D3-2.4, D3-2.6)

Emergency Repair Intermittent and unplanned work of short duration performed to restore service or prevent impending breakdowns or to correct hazardous conditions. (10-15-19, D4-3.5)

Emergency Response Bags A tote or canvas bag that at a minimum contains personal protective equipment. (8-2-16, IS11-14.5)

Emergency Response Coordinator A person appointed by the division director of human services who is responsible for oversight and coordination of the workplace violence program. (4-21-20, D2-15.8)

EMP Electronic monitoring program.

Employee 1. For the purposes of this procedure, an individual employed by the department (full time, temporary, part-time, hourly, per diem) paid by the State of Missouri’s payroll system and volunteers or interns of the department. (12-13-19, D1-1.3) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, an individual employed by the department on a permanent or temporary basis who works full-time, temporary, part-time, hourly, or per diem and is paid by the State of Missouri’s payroll system. (2-26-21, D2-2.1, D2-2.7, D2-2.18, D2-5.1, D2-5.2, D2-6.4, D2-7.2, D2-7.14, D2-8.1, D2-8.11, D2-8.13, D2-8.14, D2-8.15, D2-9.1, D2-10.4, D2-11.3, D2-11.11, D2-12.3, D4-2.1, IS8-5.1, IS10-1.6, IS24-2.1) 3. For the purpose of this procedure, the term employee will include any person who is hired to perform work for the department, including volunteers, and student interns, excluding contract staff. (3-1-16, D2-15.2, D2-15.3, D2-15.4, D2-15.5, D2-15.9)

Employee Agent An individual authorized by the employee to act on his behalf. (5-11-21, D2-5.1, D2-5.2)

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) A confidential program for state employees as well as the immediate members of their households to assist them in resolving problems. The program is also designed to provide counseling referrals for employees who are experiencing problems that may affect their ability to perform their duties and responsibilities. (4-8-21, D2-11.12, D2-15.8, D2-15.9)

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Provider Replaced by Strive Employee and Family (SELF). (2-28-19, D2-7.9)

Employee Assistance Program Specialist Replaced by Strive Employee and Family (SELF). (2-28-19, D2-7.9)

Employee Conduct Unit (ECU) This unit is a part of the office of professional standards and is responsible for investigating instances where staff members are accused of serious policy or procedure violations (examples could be, but are not limited to, the following: assault of another employee, offender abuse, avoidable contact, possession of cell phone or components behind the perimeter, contraband possession behind the perimeter, accessing confidential records for non-business related reasons, misuse of state property [i.e. using the computer to look at social media; inappropriate emails], making a false statements in department records, narcotics possession or conspiracy with an offender, property destruction, weapon possession for non-business related reasons, theft of state property, misconduct outside of the workplace, fraud related to official duties, forgery related to official duties, arson by an employee, violations of the department’s social media procedure). (1-5-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.6)

Employee Disqualification List (EDL) The Employee Disqualification List maintained by the Department of Health and Senior Services is a listing of individuals who have been determined to have:

  1. abused or neglected a resident, patient, client, or consumer;
  2. misappropriated funds or property belonging to a resident, patient, client, or consumer; or
  3. falsified documentation verifying delivery of services to an in-home services client or consumer. (4-25-18, IS11-18)

Employee File Index An authorized list, established and maintained by the personnel director or designee, of records and documents and the affiliated file in which they are to be retained. (4-20-21, D2-5.1)

Employee Health and Safety Coordinator A licensed health care professional that coordinates activities in the division of human services employee health and safety unit. (11-18-16, D2-5.2, D2-7.8, D2-15.3, D2-15.5, D2-15.6, IS2-1.2, IS2-1.3, IS2-1.4, IS11-14.2)

Employee Health and Safety Physician A licensed physician that works under agreement with the department to provide consultative services for employees’ health care. (9-1-15, D2-15.6)

Employee Health and Safety Unit A section in the division of human services responsible for coordinating and monitoring health education, occupational health and safety issues and other health, wellness, and safety issues for employees. (5-11-21, D1-12.1, D2-5.2, D2-7.8, D2-15.2, D2-15.4, D2-15.5, D2-15.7)

Employee Health File A confidential record which contains information concerning an employee’s work related medical care such as work related injuries and all other relevant medical information, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and Americans with Disabilities’ Act (ADA), in accordance with the employee file index reference document and this procedure. (5-11-21, D2-5.2, D2-7.8, D2-8.12, D2-15.2, D2-15.3, D2-15.5, D2-15.6)

Employee Health Nurse (EHN) A person who is a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse employed or contracted by the department to provide direct services to employees in communicable disease testing, vaccination, evaluation, occupational health, and health education or promotion. (5-11-21, D2-5.2, D2-7.8, D2-15.3, D2-15.5, D2-15.6, IS24-2.1)

Employee Personnel Club The single authorized club or group within a work location responsible for planning personnel functions and other personnel related activities. (4-13-08, D2-11.7)

Employee Specialist or Employee Relations Specialist An employee appointed by the department director responsible for handling issues relating to employees within their respective departments. (12-16-19, D1-1.3)

Endorser For purposes of this procedure, a religious entity in a position of authority in its respective faith community which can provide official approval of the appointee. (5-27-20, D2-2.20)

Enhanced Care Unit (ECU) A unit to provide secure residential placement to offenders with a limiting medical or mental health condition(s) which cannot be accommodated in general population; however, does not require 24 hour medical care (such as an infirmary bed). (6-23-20, IS11-33, IS11-34.1, IS11-35, IS18-5.3)

Enhancements Additions or changes to an existing system or application which are brought about as a result of a change in business conditions or new requirements of a minor nature. They require a minimal amount of effort or several weeks depending on the nature of the request. (10-27-20, D1-7.1, D1-7.3

Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) The initial laboratory test procedure used to detect HIV antibodies in the blood: results are either positive or negative. (2-15-15, IS11-14.4)

Entry Roster The master clearance list at a facility that includes persons who are approved to enter the facility, when they are approved to enter, and what supplies are approved to bring with them when entering the facility. (2-13-18, D2-13.1, IS18-6.2)

EOC Emergency operations center.  

EOP Emergency operations plan.

EPA Environmental Protection Agency.

EPI Emergency public information.  

EPZ Emergency planning zone.

Equipment Anything kept, furnished, or provided for a specific reason (i.e. boilers, HVAC equipment, food service equipment, etc.). (10-15-19, D4-3.5)

Equivocal Test Result Western blot test results that are neither positive nor negative, thus requiring re-testing as there exists a high possibility of positive HIV. (2-15-15, IS11-14.4)

ERDCC Eastern Reception, Diagnostic & Correctional Center.

ERP Effective radiated power.

Erroneous Commitment A Missouri county has delivered the offender to the department instead of returning the offender to the original jurisdiction. (7-21-07, D5-8.8)

Erroneous Release The release of an offender from a foreign jurisdiction prior to release on the Missouri Sentence. (7-21-07, D5-8.8)

Error Correction Training Training provided to breath alcohol technicians and urine specimen collectors following an error(s). (3-19-15, D2-11.12)

ERTC Eastern Region Training Center.

Escape 1. An offender who does not return to the institution within 3 hours. This does not include an offender getting back to the institution late. (8-23-13, IS23-1.1) 2. The following are definitions for the various types of escapes:

  1. Perimeter Escape:  Any time an offender, without authorization, leaves:
    1. a defined area (i.e., the security perimeter or grounds of an institutional treatment center or institution);
    2. an institutional work release assignment;
    3. when being transported under escort; or
    4. from direct supervision.
  2. Community Release Center Escape:  Any time an offender assigned to a community release center:
    1. who is housed in temporary administrative segregation confinement of a community release center and leave the grounds without authorization; or
    2. who is under escort or supervision while in restraints and leaves the control of departmental staff members. (11-15-19, D3-6.2, D5-9.1, D5-9.3)

Escape in Progress An action on the part of an offender that indicates the offender’s immediate intent to exit the perimeter of the institution or leave institutional grounds without proper authorization. Such action may include, but is not limited to, exit over or under the perimeter fence or other exit points. For the purpose of this procedure, an escape in progress is one directly witnessed by staff members. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

ESF Emergency support function.

Essential Core Service Documents Identified as birth certificates, state identification card, social security card, and certificate of release or discharge from active duty, high school diploma, or hi-set. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Ethyl Glucuronide (EtG) A direct metabolite of alcohol present in urine. (6-23-13, D5-7.1)

Evaluation 1. The process of reviewing bids or proposals to secure the business of a vendor. (5-2-15, D3-2.4, D3-2.6) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, a process of collecting health information from offenders. (11-16-14, IS11-39

Evaluation Report Summary of the testing and diagnostic processes used to determine whether the student is eligible for special services through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). (1-9-15, IS7-1.7)

EVE Educational/vocational evaluation.

Event An occurrence that required submission to the central repository such as: receipt, escape, execution, death, releases (parole, conditional, directors). 120 day probation release, pardon, commutation of sentence, granting of executive clemency, transfer into Missouri, transfer out of Missouri, legal name change or discharge of an offender. (6-28-09, D5-2.1)

Event Effective Date The exact date that an event occurred. (6-28-09, D5-2.1)

Evidence 1. Objects and/or testimony that assists in determining the facts of an event. (For the purpose of this procedure all alcohol and drugs, as well as medications resulting in a request for investigation shall be sent to the investigator in accordance with department procedures regarding collection, accountability and disposal.) (10-19-20, IS22-1.1) 2. Objects and/or testimony that assists in determining the facts of an event. (11-20-20, D1-8.8)

Evidence Based Objective, balanced and responsible use of current scientific research utilizing the best available data to support the existence of programs. (7-20-13, D5-4.12)

Evidence Custodian An investigator who is responsible for the maintenance and security of evidence stored within an evidence vault. (11-20-20, D1-8.8)

Evidence Locker A secure locking device capable of storing evidence pending physical possession by the investigator or evidence custodian. Supplies for proper documentation and packaging shall be made readily available by the institution (i.e. evidence bags, tubes, tape, evidence voucher, etc.). (11-20-20, D1-8.8)

Evidence Vault A secure room or enclosed area for the purpose of storing evidence associated with an investigation until proper disposal. (11-20-20, D1-8.8)

Evidential Breath Tester An evidential breath testing instrument that is on the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Conforming Products list and is approved for use by the CAO of the department toxicology laboratory. (3-19-15, D2-11.12, D5-7.2)

Ex-Offender An offender who has been released from all supervision of any division of the department. (4-9-15, D2-11.10, D5-10.3)

Exacerbation An increase in the seriousness of a disease or disorder as marked by greater intensity in the signs or symptoms of the offender being treated. (10-29-19, IS11-52)

Exam Camera (video) The camera typically used to examine the general condition of the offender. (IS11-30.2)

Exempt Employees The following individuals will not receive Hepatitis vaccination:

  1. interns,
  2. employees of contractual providers,
  3. temporary or emergency appointments,
  4. pregnant or nursing mothers unless consent is provided by the attending physician, and
  5. other persons medically disqualified by their attending physician. (3-8-21, D2-15.2, D2-15.3)

Exceptional Circumstances Any act or event associated with a use of force that is uncommon, well above average, extraordinary or devices widely from the norm. This includes positive, as well as negative acts or events. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Exception-Paid Employees Employees who are paid an established salary each pay cycle for hours worked in a standard pay cycle. (11-30-08, D2-2.7)

Excessive Use Use of department telecommunications service/equipment beyond that which is necessary for the performance of the staff member’s job. (8-14-11, D4-4.7)

Excluded Offenses For Work Release

  1. arson in the first degree;
  2. assault in the first degree;
  3. rape and attempted rape;
  4. sodomy and attempted sodomy;
  5. kidnapping;
  6. murder in the first and second degree; and
  7. robbery in the first degree. (3-26-18, IS23-2.1)

Exclusionary Conviction A current conviction for an offense listed in the Missouri Sentencing Advisory Commission’s Recommended Sentencing User Guide as violent or determined by the department to be inappropriate for program placement due to public risk or other statutory restriction or prohibition from parole. Ineligible offenses include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. murder 1st degree, 2nd degree or other attempts to  murder,
  2. voluntary and involuntary manslaughter,
  3. kidnapping,
  4. forcible rape,
  5. forcible sodomy,
  6. robbery 1st degree, robbery 2nd degree,
  7. assault 1st degree,
  8. arson 1st degree,
  9. armed criminal action,
  10. attempted forcible rape, if physical injury results,
  11. attempted forcible sodomy, if physical injury results,
  12. assault of a law enforcement officer in the 1st degree,
  13. domestic assault in the 1st degree,
  14. elder abuse in the 1st degree,
  15. felonious restraint,
  16. aggravated stalking 1st offense or stalking 2nd offense,
  17. statutory rape in the 1st degree when the victim is a child less than 12 years of age at the time of the commission of the act giving rise of the offense,
  18. statutory sodomy in the 1st degree when the victim is a child less than 12 years of age at the time of the commission of the act giving rise of the offense,
  19. abuse of a child pursuant to subdivision (2) of subsection 3 of section 568.060 RSMo,
  20. any sexual offense under Chapters 566, 567, 568 or 573 RSMo. (1-2-10, D5-4.26)

Execution The process by which an offender is put to death in compliance with a legal court order. (8-16-16, IS11-69)

Executive Agencies Any administrative governmental entity created by the constitution or statutes of this state under the executive branch, including any department, agency, board, bureau, council, commission, committee, board of regents or board of curators of any institution of higher learning supported in whole or in part by state funds, any subdivision of an executive agency, and any legally designated agent of such entity. (2-2-14, D1-11.2)

Executive Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Committee A multidisciplinary group of health care administrator with representatives from the division of offender rehabilitative services, and the contracted medical and mental health providers that are tasked to review facility quality improvement monitoring activities, discuss the results, and implements corrective action. (3-19-21, IS11-06)

Executive Staff Members Is compromised of the department director, department deputy director and the division directors. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Exemption An employee who, for specific reasons, is not eligible for an annual performance appraisal. (11-12-12, D2-4.1)

Exhaustion Completion of the formal grievance procedure at the appeal level. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Exigency Leave Leave granted to an eligible employee who is the spouse, son, daughter or parent of a covered military member serving in a covered active duty assignment or has received notice of an impending call to a covered active duty assignment, for the purposes identified in this procedure. Employees designated as next of kin are not eligible. (10-11-19, D2-8.15)

Exigent Circumstances Any set of temporary unforeseen circumstances that require immediate action in order to combat a threat to the security or institutional order of a facility. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, D2-2.22, IS20-1.3)

Exit Interview A scheduled meeting between the departing employee and the chief administrative officer or designee to give the employee the opportunity to provide confidential, qualitative feedback in response to a series of questions in a non-threatening atmosphere. (10-25-09, D2-3.5)

Expected Completion Date The date a plan goal or plan activity is expected to be completed. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Expense and Equipment That portion of appropriated funds related to purchase of equipment or supplies or for payment for service obtained. (8-15-92, D3-1.1)

Experienced Treatment Counselor A treatment counselor II or above who is both trained in and experienced with providing the department approved substance use assessments. (9-16-16, D5-1.5, IS18-1.1)

Exposure Control Plan A document that describes staff member actions to be taken to eliminate or minimize exposures to pathogens. (2-10-15, IS11-14.1)

External Classification System A system of risk instruments utilized to validate and determine an offender’s custody classification and facility assignment. (3-30-15, IS5-2.1)

External Lease An agreement to grant use or occupation of property during a specific period of time between the department and an outside vendor. These leases go through the Office of Administration, Division of Facilities Management for review, bidding, negotiation and contract development. These leases are included in the facilities management funding appropriation and such anticipated changes need to be communicated to Office of Administration for inclusion in their annual budget requests. (10-14-05, D4-6.2)

External Public Individuals, groups and entities with an interest in the activities of the department. (6-6-18, D1-3.1)

External Request A research request that originates from an individual, institution, or agency outside of the department.  This request may be from other Missouri state government entities, other state or federal agencies, colleges and universities, or private individuals or organizations.  Staff members who submit a request for their own interests, degree, certificate, or other academic credit are considered private individuals for the purposes of this procedure. (11-26-19, D1-6.3)

External Security Audit A security audit that is conducted by designated trained SIU staff members and members that are assigned to a different institution than the institution being audited. (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

Externally Chartered Offender Organization A group of offenders officially sanctioned by the department, whose purpose is to function as a community service organization for the betterment of the community and the institutional environment. Such an organization will share its charter with an organization in the community (e.g. NAACP.) Such organizations will not be of a religious nature and may collect dues. (9-8-16, IS9-1.1)

Extra Duty An assignment of additional responsibilities that are different from the employee’s present duties. (4-28-13, D2-2.18)

Extraordinary Actions Actions taken that would not normally or routinely be considered part of that staff member’s duties. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Extraordinary Circumstances A substantial flight risk or some other extraordinary medical or security circumstance that dictates restraints be used to ensure the safety and security of a pregnant offender in her third trimester, a postpartum offender forty-eight hours post-delivery, the staff of the correctional center or medical facility, other offenders, or the public. (8-6-18)

Extreme Emergency Condition Any condition that requires immediate attention in order to preserve life or bodily function. (4-10-15, IS11-66.2)

Extreme Isolation Refers to situations in which offenders are seen by staff members or other offenders fewer than 3 times a day. (12-22-15, IS11-39)


Facilitator [For purposes of this procedure] An individual trained to conduct victim-offender dialogues. This person may be an employee or community volunteer who has received specialized training through the office of victim services or the office of restorative justice. (7-21-06, D1-5.4)

Facility Any location that houses offenders supervised by the department of corrections to include institutions, community supervision centers, community confinement facilities, the release center and the transition center. (2-22-21, D1-3.3, D1-8.1, D1-8.5, D1-8.13, D2-14.1, D4-2.1, IS13-3.1)

Facility Administrator The person(s) responsible for the oversight of a program. (4-26-21, D3-4.2)

Facility Crisis Intervention Team Committee This committee is chaired by the crisis intervention team site coordinator and is responsible for implementation and guidance of CITs within a facility. (2-27-18, IS20-3.4)

Factory Certified Armorer A staff member who has provided documentation of a current certification that he has attended an armorer certification course which is recognized by the manufacturer of the specific firearm. (5-3-21, D2-16.1, IS20-2.7)

Family (next update refer to “Immediate Family” definition also) For the purpose of this procedure, family shall include:

  1. spouse,
  2. parents/step-parents and their spouses,
  3. siblings and their spouses,
  4. children/step-children and their spouses,
  5. grandparents/step-grandparents and their spouses,
  6. grandchildren/step-grandchildren,
  7. aunt,
  8. uncle,
  9. niece,
  10. nephew, and
  11. cousin. (10-4-17, D2-11.10)

Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) File A record containing an employee’s FMLA related information maintained in accordance with the employee file index reference document and the department procedure regarding family and medical leave. (4-20-21, D2-5.1)

Family Member For the purpose of this procedure, a spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandparent, or legal guardian of a victim. (4-21-20, D1-5.1, D2-17.1)

Family Members For the purpose of this procedure, family members will include the staff member’s spouse, parents, children, brothers, sisters, grandparents, and grandchildren, including all blood, step and foster relationships. (11-8-16, IS5-2.6)

Faraday Bag A bag made of a material that blocks electromagnetic signals, and employing special sewing techniques such as dual paired seam construction, used to hold devices such as cell phones in order to prevent outside signals from interfering with the contents of the device. (10-19-20, IS22-1.1)

Farm Tractor A tractor used exclusively for agricultural purposes. (7-18-08, D4-4.1)

FATS Firearms training simulator.   

FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations.

FBS Fixed base system.

FBT Fixed base temporary.

FCC Farmington Correctional Center.

FDS Food service.

Federal Fiscal Year October 1st through September 30th. (8-26-13, D2-8.7)

Federal Overtime Federal overtime hours calculated at time and one-half when an employee covered by the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act physically works in excess of 40 hours during a standard work week. (9-22-20, D2-8.4)

FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Field Commander A CERT member selected by the administrative commander and approved by the CAO to directly command the team during tactical deployments. This position is also responsible for readiness, equipment accountability, member evaluations, audits, meeting notices, monthly reports and after action reports. (5-9-15, IS24-2.1)

Field Probation and Parole Officer The staff member assigned with the primary responsibility for assessment and case plan development of an offender assigned to probation, parole, or other community supervision. (5-11-21, D5-8.12, D5-10.4)

Field Risk Reduction Assessment (FRRI) An assessment tool used to calculate the intervention level and predict the potential benefit of community supervision strategies and community treatment. (12-18-12, D5-10.6)

Field Status An assignment that begins the day the offender is placed on probation, parole, conditional release, drug court or deferred prosecution supervision within the community. (1-8-19, D5-4.11, D5-10.1, IS5-1.1)

Field Training Officer (FTO) A staff person certified for the purpose of on-the-job training for new correctional officers. (7-22-16, IS2-1.2)

Final Audit Report A document based off the department’s security audit reference document consisting of a narrative listing of observations and possible recommendations for each of the deficiencies identified in the preliminary audit report. The report will include a summary of auditor’s observations related to staff member and offender morale, cleanliness, maintenance, and repair of the institution. (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

Final Review Committee A committee that reviews all use of force packets, associated photographs and visual records referred by the initial review committee to ensure compliance. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Finding of Guilt A judicial determination of culpability to include a fine, suspended of imposition of sentence probation, suspended execution of sentence probation, jail sentence or incarceration. (7-9-15, D5-10.2)

Firearm Any weapon that is designed or adapted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive. Devices used to propel chemical agents will not be considered firearms. (4-8-21, IS20-2.1, IS20-2.7, IS20-3.1)

Firearm Instructor A staff member trained and certified at the department level to provide approved training in the use of firearms. (5-5-19, IS20-2.1)

Firearms Locker A lockable commercial or manufactured storage locker for securing handguns and long guns belonging to outside agencies prior to their entering the secure perimeter of an institution by vehicle or on foot. The firearms locker may be located in either sally port or other designated area of a facility or institution. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

First Aid Help given to a sick or injured offender until full medical treatment is available. (10-24-09, IS11-07.2)

First Responder The first person arriving to the scene of an incident or the first person having contact with the alleged victim. (2-22-21, D1-8.7, D1-8.13)

First Time Offender An offender who has pled guilty or been found guilty of his first felony offense. Probation may be granted with either a suspended imposition of sentence or a suspended execution of sentence. (11-29-16, D5-4.23)

First Trimester of Pregnancy Beginning of pregnancy until the end of the third month. (8-6-18, IS20-2.3)

Fiscal Management Unit This unit provides oversight to all departmental financial activities and coordinates those activities with other state offices. This unit reviews proposed policies and procedures, regulations and legislation to determine fiscal or procedural impacts on the department. (4-30-21, D3-3.1, D3-8.1, IS9-1.1)

Fiscal Report Application This is a process that is accessed through a website by the Office of Administration Information Technology Services Division. This processes uses computer programming to copy the data from the Statewide Accounting System warehouse to the department of corrections warehouse.  The data is then transformed into the report tables using the software.

  1. These reports will be updated daily Monday through Friday before 8:00 AM and have accurate data to reflect what occurred in the Statewide Accounting System the day prior. (8-2-17, D3-3.1)

Fiscal Year Canteen Budget Request A request developed by the division directors, on an annual basis, for the offender canteen funded programs and services within their divisions. (10-1-15, D3-9.4)

Fixed Asset Audits Physically located and accounting for 20% or more of all institutional/office fixed assets to ensure proper controls are being followed. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

Fixed Asset Tag A rectangular tag with a number for property control and record keeping purposes permanently attached to a fixed asset that denotes the appropriate fund from which the item was purchased. (10-1-15, D3-9.4, D4-5.2)

FJOC Federal Joint Operations Center.

Flammable Liquid Any liquid having a flash-point below 100°F (37.8°C) except any mixture having components with flash-point of 100°F (37.8°C) or higher, the total of which make up 99% or more of the total volume of the mixture.  Flammable liquids shall be classified as Class I as follows:  

  1. Class IA Liquid: any liquid that has a flash-point below 73°F (22.8°C) and a boiling point below 100°F  (37.8°C),
  2. Class IB Liquid: any liquid that has a flash-point below 73°F (22.8°C) and a boiling point at or above 100°F (37.8°C), and
  3. Class IC Liquid: any liquid that has a flash-point at or above 73°F (22.8°C) and a boiling point below 100°F (37.8°C). (2-28-16, D4-2.7, D4-2.10)

Flash-Point The lowest temperature of a flammable liquid at which it gives off vapor sufficient to form an ignitable mixture with the air near the surface of the liquid or within the vessel used. Combustion is not continuous at the flash-point. Flash-point is the basic characteristic used by the National Fire Protection Association to classify the relative hazards of liquids. (2-28-16, D4-2.7, D4-2.8, D4-2.10)

Fleet Manager A department employee that is responsible for administering the fleet vehicle tracking system through the Office of Administration State Fleet Information System as a means to evaluate the cost of owning and operating each state vehicle. The fleet manager is also responsible for reviewing all replacements to meet both state and federal mandates as well as ensuring both state and departmental vehicle policies and procedures are followed. (7-18-08, D4-4.1)

Flexible Work Schedule An approved schedule which allows the employee to work varying hours during the work week. (2-23-21, D2-8.4, D2-8.11)

FMLA Family Medical Leave Act.

FMU Fiscal management unit.

FOG Field operations guide.

Follow-up Testing Drug testing that occurs following a confirmed positive result conducted within the following 12 months. (10-11-19, D2-11.11, D2-11.12)

Food Service Director A registered dietitian at central office within the division of human services, who establishes and maintains appropriate standards for food preparation, service, sanitation, menu planning, nutritional analyses and procurement. (4-26-21, D3-4.1, IS10-1.6, IS10-1.8, IS10-1.14, IS10-1.15)

Food Service Manager A senior-level supervisor who plans and directs the preparation and serving of food in a moderate-size facility, or directs the food production activities within a regional cook/chill facility. (11-18-16, IS2-1.3, IS10-1.3, IS10-1.6, IS10-1.8, IS10-1.14, IS10-1.15, IS11-47, IS11-66.2)

Foot Patrols Officers assigned to conduct perimeter inspections and respond to electronic surveillance alarms, on foot. This includes roving patrols, utility officers, yard officers, etc. (9-24-19, IS20-1.7)

Forced Medical Treatment Treatment against an offender’s will in response to a medical need for treatment determined by the responsible physician involving a significant risk of harm to self or others without treatment. (4-28-20, IS11-67.1, IS12-6.1)

Forecasting Planning for the approximate number of persons to be served. (9-11-01, IS10-1.10)

Foreign Jurisdiction An out-of-state of federal facility where the offender is incarcerated. (7-21-07, D5-8.8)

Foreign National Any person who is not a U.S. citizen. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1)

Forensic Information Physical or psychological data collected from an offender that may be used against him in disciplinary or legal proceedings. (2-9-21, IS11-68)

Formal Hearing A hearing in which the protective custody committee and the offender being reviewed are present except when the offender refuses to be present or creates a security risk or in the event the offender is absent from the institution. (11-26-19, IS21-1.3)

Form A fillable document that is assigned a 931 number and used to retrieve various information. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Form Request Used when a staff member is requesting the development, revision, or obsoletion of a current form or reference document. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Format The form of a publication such as paperback, hardback, CD-Rom, etc. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Former Department Staff Member Check A screening for former staff members that may have been terminated from the department or resigned from the department while under investigation or to avoid termination. (10-04-16, IS18-6.2)

Formulary An approved list of preferred prescription and non-prescription medications utilized by the prescribing authority. (6-17-16, IS11-27.1, IS11-27.10)

Foster Parent A resource provider licensed under the Missouri Code of State Regulation who operates a foster family home, or relative of a child in foster care who are licensed to provide relative care. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

Four-Point Restraint The authorized use of leather straps (or other suitable material) to securely hold each limb of an out of control offender to a bed, gurney or table. (8-6-18, IS20-2.3, IS20-3.1)

FPC 65 Federal Preparedness Circular 65.

FPD Fire protection district.

Frail or Elderly Offenders include those who suffer from conditions that impair their ability to function to the extent that they require assistance in activities of daily living (for example, dress, feed, transfer, and toilet). (11-21-19, IS11-08)

FRDC Fulton Reception and Diagnostic Center.

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) An educational right of students with disabilities in the United States that is guaranteed by the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the IDEA. (1-9-15, IS7-1.7)

FRERP Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan.

Frisk Search The search of a person, including skimming the body with the hands and/or metal detector, examination of pockets, shoes, mouth, hair and any and all articles found in that person’s possession at the time of the search, and a visual check of the mouth, ears and nose. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

FRP Federal response plan.

FSA Functional space analysis.

FSM Food service manager.

FSW Food service warehouse.

FTC Farmington Treatment Center.                             

FTO Field training officer.

Full Restraints 1. For the purpose of this procedure full restraints requires the use of handcuffs and black box, waist chain and leg restraints, unless CTU supervisors or medical restrictions dictate otherwise. (4-10-15, IS20-4.1) 2. Requires the use of handcuffs, waist chain, leg restraints and handcuff cover unless supervisor or medical restrictions dictate otherwise. Full restraints will be applied in accordance with institutional services procedures regarding mechanical restraints. (12-3-19, IS20-2.3, IS20-4.2)

Full Suicide Watch Specialized procedures whereby potentially suicidal offenders are placed in a segregated or protective housing unit, observed by staff members and provided ongoing assessment and treatment by qualified mental health professionals. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Full-Time Assignment to one or more job units totaling a minimum of 6 hours per day, 5 days per week, running Sunday through Saturday. (6-21-17, IS18-1.1)

FUM Functional unit manager.

Function Specific Vehicles State vehicles used for specific purposes or sections, i.e. warehouse, maintenance, specific correctional industry factory, mail run, cargo van for food services that cannot be used for any other function, etc. (7-18-08, D4-4.1)

Functional Unit A complex of offender housing areas supervised by a functional unit manager (FUM). (10-29-12, IS1-1.2, IS18-6.1)

Functional Unit Manager (FUM) A staff member that supervises the total operation of a functional unit or units, including, but not limited to, custody and classification staff members. (11-8-18, IS1-1.2, IS5-2.1, IS5-2.6, IS7-1.4, IS11-11.1, IS18-5.4, IS19-1.6)


Gambling A person engages in gambling when he stakes or risks something of value upon the outcome of a contest of chance or a future contingent event not under his control or influence, upon an agreement or understanding that he will receive something of value in the event of a certain outcome. (10-18-16, D2-11.7)

GAR Governor's Authorized Representative.

GCWR Gross combination weight rating.

GED General educational diploma (prior term, replaced by HSE).

Gender A construct used to classify a person as male, female, both or neither. Gender encompasses aspects of social identity, psychological identity, and human behavior. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1, IS5-3.3)

Gender Affirming Items Department approved gender specific items, either state issue or sold in the canteen, that are not offered at the offender’s assigned facility, but are requested based upon the offender’s gender identity. (1-8-19, IS5-3.3)

Gender Expression Includes mannerisms, clothing, hair style, and choice of activities. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1, IS5-3.3)

Gender Identity A person’s sense of their own gender which is communicated to others by their own gender expression. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1, IS5-3.3)

Gender Non-Conforming A person whose appearance or manner does not conform to transition societal gender expectations. (1-8-19, IS5-3.3)

Gender Responsive Assessment (GRA) Tool An evidence-based assessment tool that identifies women offenders’ risks and needs, which are used to facilitate case management planning while such offenders are incarcerated or on supervision. The GRA identifies such gender responsive needs as trauma and abuse, unhealthy relationships, parent stress, self-efficacy, and current mental health symptoms. There are three (3) gender responsive assessment tools: Institutional, Pre-Release and Field. (12-18-12, D5-10.6)

Gender Responsive Screening Tool An evidence-based screening tool that triages low, medium and high risk offenders. There are two (2) gender responsive screening tools: Institutional and Field. (12-18-12, D5-10.6)

Gender Specific Job Assignment A post designated to be assigned to staff of the same gender. (3-19-15, D2-2.22)

General Deterrence Time A required period of incarceration to be served by Class A and B felony offenders in addition to the 6 month period of time served in the offenders under treatment program. (1-2-10, D5-4.26)

General Hobby Craft Items Craft tools or supplies used by offenders in participation of hobby craft activities (examples of general hobby craft items include, but are not limited to, paper, glue [non-toxic], colored pencils, pens chalk, paint [water soluble], plastic ruler, plastic scissors, yarn, string art, paint brushes, sketch boards, plastic model kits [non-toxic glue], calligraphy [water soluble, no metal tips], etc.). (10-19-20, IS16-1.2, IS22-1.1)

General Population Basic Assignment Housing for an offender that provides the minimal standards for housing, program participation, and related privileges. (11-14-05, IS5-3.2)

General Population Offenders All offenders except those assigned to diagnostic processing, reception and orientation processing, disciplinary segregation, administrative segregation or protective custody, offenders with a mental health 5 initial classification analysis or reclassification analysis score, or any offender on a status that restricts them from general population privileges. (6-21-17, IS13-4.2, IS18-1.1, IS18-5.4)

General Public For the purpose of this procedure, “general public” is defined as any person who is not:

  1. employed by the department, or
  2. acting in an official capacity as an employee of another government or law enforcement agency. (2-2-14, D1-11.2, This definition has been removed from this procedure and is no longer in any other procedures.) 

General Retention Schedule (GRS) The Missouri General Retention Schedule is maintained by the Missouri Secretary of State and is a retention schedule that assigns the retention period to the most common types of records maintained by multiple state agencies. All state agencies should follow the General Retention Schedule as well as their agency specific schedule.

  1. The record series listed on the General Retention Schedule may or may not be applicable to every location. (6-27-10, D1-11.3)

General Services Services provided to the department such as, but not limited to, pest control, maintenance, repair, waste removal, laundry, janitorial, etc. by individuals or companies specializing in such activities. (5-2-15, D3-2.4)

Generator For purposes of this procedure only, the generator shall be the supervisor of the worksite generating the waste or material. (9-8-03, D4-2.9, D4-2.10)

Genetic Information Information regarding genetic testing, genetic services, the participation in clinical research that includes genetic information of a fetus or an embryo, or the medical history of a staff member or a staff member’s family members. (6-24-16, D2-11.4)

Geographical Layoff A layoff that is approved by the Office of Administration, Division of Personnel, for a certain area (county, institution, region, etc.) versus a statewide layoff. (2-17-13, D2-3.4)

GIS Geographic information system.

G/O Grievance officer; also GO.

GO Grievance officer; also G/O.   

Good Faith Effort Efforts that a reasonable person would determine are sincerely undertaken to reach an agreement. (9-19-19, D2-10.4)

Good Standing For the purpose of this procedure, good standing will mean that at the time of application, the staff member is not under investigation, has no pending disciplinary actions, is not on a performance plan and has no pending criminal charges. (12-11-15, D2-7.12)

Good Time Credit Days subtracted from the confinement time. (9-5-10, D5-8.1)

Governor’s Award for Quality and Productivity As defined by the Governor’s office in the annual solicitation for nominations, the award has traditionally recognized team effort for:

  1. customer service,
  2. efficiency or process improvement,
  3. technology in government, and
  4. innovation. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Governor’s Award for Quality and Productivity Coordinator An employee appointed by the department director to fulfill the duties outlined within this procedure. (10-13-20)

GP General population.

GPS Global positioning system.

GRA Gender responsive assessment.

Graduation A ceremony conducted within the institution for the recognition of students who have successfully completed an educational program during their current incarceration. (3-9-16, IS18-3.15)

Grandfathered Property Items of property that are no longer authorized for purchase by offenders but may be retained in the personal property of the offender who purchased it as long as procedural guidelines continue to be met. (10-19-20, IS22-1.1)

Grants Administrator Professionals who are responsible for writing grant applications, managing grant-funded projects, and working with external stakeholders to help achieve the department’s mission and vision. (4-13-21, D3-8.1)

Gravely Disabled A condition in which a person, as a result of a mental disorder, either presents a danger of serious harm to himself by failing to provide for his essential human needs of health or safety; or manifests severe deterioration in routine functioning as evidenced by repeated and escalating loss of cognitive or volitional control over his actions; and is not receiving care that is essential for his health or safety. (8-28-06, IS12-6.1)

Grievable Issue Any perceived misinterpretation or misapplication of a union agreement that cannot be brought before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or Missouri Commission on Human Rights. (10-5-13, D2-11.15)

Grievable Issues 1. For purpose of this procedure, employment conditions and related matters over which the department has complete or partial jurisdiction and which affect the employee personally. (12-30-15, D2-10.1) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, all matters related to institutional life except probation and parole matters; actions of state legislature or other federal, state and local agencies; actions in institutions where the offender does not reside, unless said actions personally involve or directly affect the offender; judicial proceedings; conditions which affect another offender without affecting the grieving offender personally. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Grievance An employee’s expressed concern that certain incidents or events in his work area are having a negative impact on the work situation or environment, or are affecting a condition of employment. (12-30-15, D2-10.1)

Grievance Officer A caseworker assigned to perform tasks set forth by this procedure. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Grievant The employee attempting to resolve a concern using the grievance process. (12-30-15, D2-10.1)

Ground Rules Agreed upon standards for the conduct of the dialogue meeting. (7-21-06, D1-5.4)

GTS Grievance tracking system.

Guest For the purpose of this procedure, a classification of approved person not employed by, representing or acting under the control of the department, a partnering agency, or a community resource that is available to assist and/or support the offender in achieving success in reentry and with chapel programming. This could include impact of crime on victim speaker, community dignitary, corrections professional, etc. (3-2-21, D2-13.1)

Guests For the purpose of this procedure guests may include other health organizations or correctional professionals. (3-24-21, IS11-04)

Gun Safe A lockable commercially manufactured container for the secure storage of firearms, ammunitions, chemical agents, munitions and other security equipment. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

GVWR Gross vehicle weight rating.


HA Hazard analysis.

Habeas Corpus Action A post-conviction proceeding instituted in state or federal court to determine whether a defendant is being unlawfully deprived of his liberty. (4-2-20, IS8-1.1, IS8-1.4)

HAN Health Alert Network.

Handler The staff member primarily responsible for the training, care, and handling of the tracking dog who has completed a formal dog training program or who has a minimum of 240 hours experience in handling tracking dogs. (9-16-15, IS24-4.1)

Handcuff Port An opening in a door, cage, etc. in which an offender’s hands are accessed by staff members to be restrained or unrestrained. (8-6-18, IS20-2.3)

Handcuff Retainer The handcuff retainer is a restraint control device with snap swivel bolts on each end of a strap material or short length of chain used to safely apply handcuffs, escort restrained offenders, safely remove and control handcuffs when such action is taking place through a handcuff port. (8-6-18, IS20-2.3)

Hard of Hearing A hearing loss, whether permanent or fluctuating, that permits an individual to comprehend spoken language primarily by hearing alone under the most favorable conditions which may include the use of amplification (hearing aids). Communication difficulties may accompany this hearing loss requiring supplemental strategies such as lip-reading and/or sign language. (9-25-18, D5-5.1)

Hard Skills Shotgun, defensive tactics, first aid and CPR. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Hard Skills Firearms Training Shotgun certification training for new corrections officers, normally scheduled immediately following institutional basic training. Hard skills firearms training is conducted at the regional training center under the supervision of the regional training administrator. (5-5-19, IS20-2.1)

Hardship Lateral Transfer When an employee has a personal situation that develops outside of the work environment after the employee is hired and it necessitates the employee to request relocating to another worksite. (8-24-14, D2-2.13)

Harassment Unwelcome verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct that offends, denigrates, or shows hostility toward an individual or group based on race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex (including sex-specific conditions such as pregnancy and childbirth and treatment based on non-conformance with gender-stereotypes), age (40 and above), religion, disability, genetic information, sexual orientation, political affiliation, labor organization membership or veteran status. (10-4-17, D2-10.3, D2-11.4, D2-11.10)

Harm Financial, physical, or emotional injury caused by the conduct of another person. (5-8-16, D1-5.2)

Hazardous Chemical Any chemical that is a physical or health hazard. (11-25-02, D4-2.8)

Hazardous Material A substance or matter sometimes referred to as a hazardous substance, which has been determined by the Secretary of Transportation to be capable for posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety and property when transported in commerce and which has been so designated. (11-20-20, D1-8.8, D4-2.7)

Hazardous Waste Any material that is subject to the hazardous waste manifest requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency specified in 40 Code Federal regulations part 262. (9-3-03, D4-2.9, D4-2.10, D4-2.11)

Hazardous Waste Management The systematic control of the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, processing, treatment, recovery and disposal of hazardous waste. (2-28-16, D4-2.10)

Hazardous Waste Manager A staff member designated to handle the coordination of hazardous waste materials for the facility.  This person is usually the safety manager appointed by the chief administrative officer or designee. This individual shall have completed at least 40 hours of hazardous waste handling and operations training and maintain recertification. (2-28-16, D4-2.9, D4-2.10, D4-2.11)

Hazardous Waste Manifest A document (shipping paper) on which all hazardous waste is identified. A copy of the manifest must accompany each shipment of waste from the point of pick up to the destination. (12-13-02, D4-2.11)

Head of Maintenance The highest ranking maintenance supervisor at a facility responsible for supervising designated staff members and all maintenance activities. (10-14-19 (per Jay Edwards), IS2-1.4, IS20-1.5, IS20-1.6, IS20-1.7)

Health Assessment A process where the health status of an offender is evaluated and he is questioned regarding symptoms. The extent of the health assessment is defined by the responsible physician. (6-23-20, IS11-32, IS11-34.1, IS11-34.2)

Health Care Provider A doctor of medicine or osteopathy authorized to practice medicine in the state; a licensed dentist, clinical psychologist, optometrist or other health care professional, as defined by the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 and amended in January 2009. (5-11-21, D2-5.2, D2-8.1, D2-8.3, D2-8.13, D2-8.15, D5-7.1)

Health Education Information on preventing disease and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. (11-22-19, IS11-46)

Health Services Administrator (HSA) A contracted professional who serves as the site medical health administrative authority responsible for the delivery of contract services at an assigned institution. (3-18-21, All D and IS procedures containing reference to the HSA.)

Health Services Authority For the purpose of this procedure, the health services administrator is designated as the administrative authority responsible for the provision of health services at the institution. The responsible physician at each institution is the clinical authority. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1)

Health Services Contractor A vendor providing contracted health services. (4-16-20, IS11-11.1, IS11-28, IS11-30.2)

Health Services Record A written or electronically stored transcript of information obtained from a patient, guardian, or health care professional.  It shall contain the patient’s history, diagnoses, treatment, prognoses, etc. (3-19-21, All D and IS procedures containing reference to the health services record.)

Health Services Report A summary of monthly health services statistics to include medical, dental, and mental health. (3-24-21, IS11-04)

Health Services Request (HSR) A verbal or written petition from an offender for health assistance of medical, dental, or mental health services. (6-29-20, IS11-01, IS11-37.1, IS11-41)

Health Services Staff Members Includes all contracted qualified medical and mental health care professionals as well as administrative and support staff members. (3-19-21, IS11-01, IS11-03, IS11-04, IS11-06, IS11-11.1, IS11-14.4, IS11-18, IS11-19, IS11-21, IS11-23, IS11-28.1, IS11-32, IS11-34.1, IS11-36.1, IS11-37.1, IS11-39, IS11-40, IS11-42, IS11-46, IS11-41, IS11-60, IS11-68, IS11-69, IS18-5.3, IS20-3.1)

Hearing Aid An electronic device which affords hearing assistance by amplifying sound in varying degrees, but does not restore normal hearing. (9-25-18, D5-5.1)

Hearing Officer A department staff person who conducts post transfer hearings at the Biggs Forensic Center for offenders involuntarily transferred there, usually the designated regional mental health manager. (3-23-16, IS12-3.1)

Heroic or Courageous Manner Actions taken, whether in the staff member’s line of duty or otherwise, that demonstrate a brave, intelligent decision to place the department’s, the public’s or a colleague’s interests above one’s own. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

HHS Department of Health and Human Services.

High Risk Blood or Body Fluid Exposure An incident involving exposure to blood, semen or body fluids (to which universal precautions apply) through an individual’s eye, mouth, laceration, non-intact skin, needle-stick puncture or incision.  A human bite that breaks the skin is included for possible hepatitis B infection. (9-1-16, D2-15.6)

High Risk Level Offenders at this level require considerable officer monitoring, engagement, and strategy/plan development and supervision. The Ohio Risk Assessment System for these offenders indicate a high risk of recidivism. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

High Security Risk Offenders All capital punishment offenders, and other offenders that may require special security precautions because of current or past behavior, high profile crimes they have committed, or other security risk factors such as not being able to apply full restraints on the offender due to medical restrictions. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

High School Equivalency (HSE) Certificate Certificate issued by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education based upon passing the high school equivalency test which is equivalent to a high school diploma. (1-28-15, IS18-3.3)

High School Equivalency (HSE) Prep Room An academic classroom identified by the education corrections manager for the purpose of preparation for the high school equivalency test for qualifying offenders. (1-28-15, IS18-3.3)

High School Equivalency (HSE) Pretest A series of practice tests which can determine an offender’s readiness to take the high school equivalency test. (1-28-15, IS18-3.3)

High School Equivalency (HSE) Test A series of tests, which upon passing, allows the offender to receive a certificate that is equivalent to a high school diploma earned from an accredited institution. (10-17-18, D5-8.11, IS7-1.7, IS18-3.3)

High Security Risk Offenders All capital punishment offenders, and other offenders that may require special security precautions because of current or past behavior, high profile crimes they have committed, or other security risk factors such as not being able to apply full restraints on the offender due to medical restrictions. (6-28-18, IS20-4.2)

Highest-Ranking Staff Member The staff member with the highest rank at a worksite at any given time. (10-30-20, D1-8.7)

Highway Any public thoroughfare for vehicles, including state roads, county roads, public streets, avenues, boulevards, parkways or alleys in any municipality. (7-18-08, D4-4.1, IS20-1.10)

Hit Confirmation The act of providing verification to requesting law enforcement agencies as to whether or not an active department wanted person entry exists. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

HIV Positive Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus. (2-15-15, IS11-14.4)

HIV Related Illness Infection with HIV and some, but not all, of the symptoms of AIDS. Infections and symptoms may be successfully treated, but damage to the immune system is permanent. (2-15-15, IS11-14.4)

Hobby Crafts Activities that provide offenders with an opportunity to participate in art and craft projects as a means of entertainment and demonstration of skill. (10-19-20, IS16-1.2, IS22-1.1)

Hold Treatment Group (green tag) Persons who should not die if treatment is delayed such as all minor and uncomplicated fractures, wounds, other injuries, burns and psychological problems. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Holiday An 8 hour period of leave which is granted to all state employees as covered by statute or declared by the Governor of the State of Missouri or the President of the United States for days which are proclaimed holidays. (2-23-21, D2-8.1, D2-8.4, D2-8.10, D2-8.11)

Holiday Time Hours calculated at straight time when a code 1 or 2 employee physically works 8 hours or less on a designated holiday, or when the holiday is a scheduled regular day off. (9-22-20, D2-8.4)

Home Base The site which holds the official volunteer, reentry partner, or guest file and is assigned as determined by the volunteer services coordinator or reentry manager in relation to the nature of the program, the service being provided and the specific facility(s) the services are provided. (3-1-21, D2-13.1, IS18-6.2)

Honest Good-Faith Effort A description of an offender’s participation in class curriculum, instruction and other established criteria in accordance with this procedure. (10-17-18, D5-8.11)

Hospice A comprehensive program of comfort care for offenders that are terminally ill or have a clinical diagnosis (for example amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis (MS), protein interaction confidence kernel scores (PICKS) disease, etc.) that limits their ability to accomplish activities of daily living. (1-13-15, IS18-5.4)

Hospice Coordinator The staff member assigned to hospice who oversees the administrative duties of the program under the supervision of the chief administrative officer. (1-13-15, IS18-5.4)

Hospice Team This team coordinates an inner-disciplinary approach to care giving to provide effective palliative (rather than curative) care for offenders. The hospice team includes a physician, the health services administrator, the hospice coordinator assigned to the program and the hospice nurse. The hospice team may include other disciplines such as psychological services, institutional chaplain, food service and recreation on a consulting or as needed basis. (1-13-15, IS18-5.4)

Hospital Restraints Requires the use of two sets of leg restraints, one set of handcuffs, one waist chain and one padlock as described in a two-point restraint system. (12-3-19, IS20-2.3, IS20-4.2)

House Arrest Release (217.541, 217.542 RSMo) House arrest release is the release by order of the department director of an offender to a home environment under the supervision of the Board of Probation and Parole utilizing electronic monitoring control. (12-15-93, D5-8)

House Contact Persons living in the same house (not housing unit) or cell. (6-1-99, D2-15.7)

House Dog A dog adopted by an institution as part of the puppies for parole program that will permanently reside in the institution. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Household Member Any member of the eligible employee’s household or for whom the employee is designated as legal guardian or care giver. (3-6-03, D2-7.9)

HR Human resources.

HRO Human relations officer.

HSA 1. Health services administrator. 2. Health savings account (with MCHCP).

HSAS Homeland Security Advisory System.  

HSE High school equivalency (formerly known as GED).

HSERP Hazardous substance emergency response plan.

HSPD - 5 Homeland Security Presidential Directive 5.

HSR Health services request form (formerly known as MSR).

HSRT Homeland Security Response Team.

HU Housing unit.  

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) The virus known to cause Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease Syndrome (AIDS). (2-15-15, D2-15.6, IS11-14.2)

Human Relations Officer I (HRO I) In the context of this procedure, the regional human relations officers are the employees designated to investigate, analyze and/or facilitate discussion regarding allegations of discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation and may mediate disputes between employees or between the employee and management. (4-14-13, D2-3.5)

Human Relations Officer II (HRO II) In the context of this procedure, the regional human relations officers are the employees designated to investigate, analyze or facilitate discussion regarding employee grievances and may mediate disputes between employees or between the employee and management. (12-30-15, D2-10.1)

Human Resources Director An individual in the division of human services that is responsible for the supervision and management of the department’s human resources unit. (9-28-17, D2-2.18, D2-5.1)

Human Resources Manager The employee charged with the responsibilities of reviewing complaints from employees, supervisors, the Missouri Commission of Human Rights, and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; and for assigning responsibility for responses to those complaints. (3-31-16, D2-10.1)

Hunger Strike When an offender declares he is on a hunger strike or is observed by staff members to be refraining from eating food for a period of time ordinarily in excess of 72 hours. The intake of liquids will not be considered as food intake unless deemed by a physician as providing nutritional benefits. (11-21-16, IS11-41.2)

Hunger Strike Discontinued (Ended) When an offender is observed and documented by staff members to be ingesting solid food, nutritional supplements or the site physician has written hunger strike ended. (11-21-16, IS11-41.2)

HVAC Heating, ventilation, air conditioning.

HZ Hertz.


I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9 is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. (1-6-16, D2-2.1)

I-9 File A record that contains documentation on the identity and residential status of employees in accordance with the employee file index reference document and this procedure. (4-20-21, D2-5.1)

I-Score Institutional risk score.

IAC 1. Institutional activity coordinator. 2. Initial assessment phase.

IAP Incident action plan.

IC Incident commander.

IC/VC Impact of Crime on Victims classes.

ICA Initial classification analysis.

ICAOS Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision.

ICC Interstate Corrections Compact.

ICE Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

ICMHS Institutional chief of mental health services.

ICOTS Interstate Compact Offender Tracking System.

ICP Incident command post.

ICR Individual confinement record.

ICS Incident command system.

ICTS Improving Community Treatment Success. Formerly Justice Reinvestment Treatment Pilot.

Identification (ID) Image Set A set of facial images consisting of a frontal and profile images without placard, and a frontal image with placard. (6-9-16, D5-1.1)

Identification Numbers A federal environmental protection agency or state identification number assigned to those who generate more than 100 kilograms of hazardous waste or more than 1 kilogram of acutely hazardous waste a month, transport, own or operate a hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility in Missouri. (2-28-16, D4-2.10)

Identification Worksite Coordinator A human resources employee or designee at each worksite assigned to process staff identification cards for that particular worksite. (4-9-20, D2-14.1)

IED Improvised explosive device.

IG Inspector general.

Ignitable A liquid with a flash-point of less than 140 degrees Fahrenheit, or solids that catch fire easily and burn so rapidly they create a hazard. Examples of wastes that may be ignitable are:

  1. solvents,
  2. degreasers,
  3. Lacquer thinners,
  4. epoxy resins,
  5. Adhesives,
  6. oil based paints, and
  7. paint sludges. (2-28-16, D4-2.10)

Illegal Drug Any substance for which the possession, sale, distribution, manufacture, or use by unlicensed persons is prohibited by state or federal law, including medical marijuana and marijuana-infused products. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Immediate Family 1. For the purpose of this procedure, immediate family shall be defined as the offender’s: 

  1. spouse,
  2. parents, stepparents and their spouses,
  3. siblings, stepsiblings and their spouses,
  4. grandparents, stepgrandparents and their spouses,
  5. great-grandparents, stepgreat-grandparents and their spouses,
  6. legal guardian, primary support person and his spouse,
  7. children, stepchildren and their spouses,
  8. grandchildren, step grandchildren and their spouses,
  9. great-grandchildren, step great-grandchildren and their spouses. (5-25-01, D5-3.3)

2. For purposes of this procedure, immediate family shall be defined as the employee’s:

  1. spouse,
  2. parents,
  3. children, including a legal ward or a child of a person standing in loco parentis,
  4. brothers and their spouses,
  5. sisters and their spouses,
  6. grandparents, including great grandparents,
  7. grandchildren, to include great grandchildren,
  8. sons-in-law and daughters-in-law,
  9. including all blood, step and foster relationships; or
  10. members of the employee’s household, and
  11. all such relationships of the employee’s spouse. (1-31-18, D2-8.5)

3. For the purpose of this procedure, immediate family is defined as the offender’s:

  1. spouse,
  2. parents or stepparents, mother-in-law, father-in-law and their spouses,
  3. siblings or stepsiblings and their spouses,
  4. grandparents or step-grandparents and their spouses,
  5. great-grandparents or step-great-grandparents and their spouses,
  6. children or step-children and their spouses,
  7. grandchildren or step-grandchildren and their spouses, and
  8. great-grandchildren or step-grandchildren and their spouses. (9-23-13, D3-5.1, IS13-1.1)

4. For the purpose of this procedure, immediate family is defined as the offender’s:

  1. spouse,
  2. parents or step parents, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and their spouses,
  3. siblings or step siblings and their spouses,
  4. grandparents or step grandparents and their spouses,
  5. great-grandparents or step great-grandparents and their spouses,
  6. legal guardian, primary support person and his spouse,
  7. children or step children and their spouses,
  8. grandchildren or step grandchildren and their spouses, and
  9. great-grandchildren, step great-grandchildren and their spouses. (8-25-20, D2-13.1, D2-13.2, IS13-3.1)

5. For the purpose of this procedure, immediate family shall include:

  1. spouse,
  2. parents or step-parents and their spouses,
  3. siblings or step-siblings and their spouses, and
  4. children or step-children and their spouses. (10-3-17, D2-11.10)

Immediate Treatment Group (red tag) Persons who need and should respond to immediate treatment such as airway-respiratory deficit, cardiac problem, uncontrolled hemorrhage, open chest-abdomen, severe head injury, reversible shock, and burns to 15-40% of body surface. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Imminent Danger There is an overwhelming likelihood that the offender will act to harm himself or others in the immediate foreseeable future. (11-2-15, IS12-3.1, IS12-6.1)

Imminently Terminal Medical Condition Medical illness diagnosed as one which will likely result in the death of the offender within six months. (3-7-08, D5-8.5)

Immunocompromised Individuals in whom the immune system response is weakened by immunosuppressive drugs, radiation, malnutrition, or by some disease process (for example, cancer). (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Impact of Crime on Victims Class An interactive lecture by trained staff/volunteers/offenders that emphasizes for offenders the negative impact crime has on victims and communities as well as their own families. (11-13-06, D5-4.33)

IMS Incident management system.

In Loco Parentis Includes those with day-to-day responsibilities to care for and financially support a child; or, who had such responsibility for the employee when the employee was a child.  A biological or legal relationship is not necessary. (10-11-19, D2-8.13, D2-8.15)

Inactive Individual Confinement Record An individual confinement record will be considered inactive for any offender who was previously active and whose current housing unit assignment is general population. (2-1-12, IS7-1.10)

Inactive Status A period of time authorized by the CAO in which a CERT member will not receive stipend because he is not performing CERT related duties due to an injury, medical opinion, extended medical leave, extended military leave, or other situation affecting his ability to perform CERT duties. (5-9-15, IS24-2.1)

Incapable of Self-Care Requiring active assistance or supervision to provide daily self-care in 3 or more of the activities of daily living or instrumental activities of daily living. Activities of daily living include activities such as: caring appropriately for one’s grooming, hygiene, bathing, dressing, and eating. Instrumental activities of daily living include activities such as: cooking, cleaning, shopping, taking public transportation, paying bills, maintaining a residence, using telephones and directories, and using a post office. (10-11-19, D2-8.13, D2-8.15)

Incapacitation A condition in which an offender is unable to evaluate information or communicate decisions concerning essential matters such as consumption of food, use of clothing or the need for shelter and safety to the extent that physical injury, illness or disease would be likely to occur. (6-15-20, IS11-73, IS20-4.2)

Incident 1. For the purpose of this procedure, a minor unexpected or undesirable event that may result in no injury or requires only minor first aid or evaluation at the worksite only. This definition is for reporting purposes. (4-4-10, D2-15.5) 2. An unplanned, undesired event. (9-19-05, D4-2.1)

Incident Command System (ICS) The incident command system is used as an emergency management tool consisting of procedures for organizing personnel, facilities, equipment, communications, and other resources at the scene of the emergency. Incident command system divides an emergency response into five manageable components essential for emergency response operations: command, operations, planning, logistics, and finance. (6-7-10, D1-9.1)

Incident Commander The individual responsible for all incident activities, has overall authority and responsibility for conducting incident operations, and is responsible for the management of all incident operations at the incident site. (3-13-14, D2-15.10, IS20-3.3)

Incompatible Waste A hazardous waste which is unsuitable for:

  1. placement in a particular device or facility because it may cause corrosion or decay of containment materials  (e.g. container inner liners or tank walls); or;
  2. mixing with another waste or material under conditions which may produce heat or pressure, fire or explosion, violent reaction, toxic dusts, mists, fumes or gases, or flammable fumes or gases. (2-28-16, D4-2.10)

Inconclusive Test Results The initial ELISA test is positive and the confirmatory Western Blot test is negative. Follow-up testing is indicated in these cases. (2-2-15, IS11-14.4)

Increased Risk Employees Individuals working in the following areas or positions are considered to be increased risk employees:

  1. food service;
  2. maintenance;
  3. custody;
  4. institutional investigators
  5. nurses providing patient care;
  6. corrections classification assistants;
  7. probation and parole assistants;
  8. recreation officers;
  9. probation and parole officers;
  10. corrections case managers I and II;
  11. those with chronic liver disease;
  12. storekeepers;
  13. functional unit managers; and
  14. other front line staff working directly with offenders in an institutional or clinical setting. (3-8-21, D2-15.2)

Incubation Period The period of time between exposure and the time of developing disease. (8-25-15, D2-15.4)

Incumbent The individual occupying a particular position. (6-23-13, D2-2.12)

IND Improvised nuclear device.

Indecent Exposure Intentional exposure of part of one’s body where exposure is likely to be offensive.

Identifying Items Photos, memos, documents, hand signs, insignia, logos, notations, drawings, graffiti, tattoos, brands or any other specific identifying characteristics related specifically to a security threat group. (4-1-21, D1-8.11)

Independent Examiner A certified examiner obtained through contract or from another law enforcement agency. (1-25-21, D1-8.2, D1-8.3)

Independent Review Assessment of a health care professional’s compliance with discipline specific and community standards. (11-6-20, IS11-13)

In-Depth Orientation Training that includes a full familiarization with the health services delivery system at the facility and focuses on the similarities as well as the differences between providing health care in the community and in a correctional setting. (4-16-20, IS11-23)

Individual Assigned Vehicles Vehicles assigned to specific individuals within the department. (7-18-08, D4-4.1)

Individual Confinement Records Folder A folder containing prescribed records and chronological data of offenders in temporary administrative segregation confinement, administrative segregation, and disciplinary segregation. (2-1-12, IS7-1.10)

Individual Education Program (IEP) Team A legal document that defines a student’s special education program. (1-9-15, IS7-1.7)

Individual Work Schedule The hours assigned to work within the standard work week. (2-23-21, D2-8.4, D2-9.1, D2-8.11, IS9-1.1)

Induration A palpable area of hardened tissue in relation to skin testing. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Infection Control Committee A multidisciplinary group of health care professionals from various disciplines (for example: medicine, nursing, dentistry, laboratory) that oversee and is responsible for the infection control program at the facility. (3-19-21, IS11-06, IS11-14.1)

Infection Control Coordinator A contracted professional who serves as the responsible coordinator of infection control services for a specific region overseeing infection control issues for the offender population; ensures the infection control services provided comply with applicable federal, state and local law and regulations, as well as department contract requirements, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, and National Commission on Correctional Health Care Standards for Health Services in Prisons. (3-18-21, IS11-02, IS11-14.1)

Infection Control Nurse (TB Nurse/HIV/STD/etc.) A health services nurse at the institution assigned by the health services administrator to assist with the responsibility of implementing and coordinating the institutional health service infection control processes. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2, IS11-14.4)

Infectious A state of being able to transmit the disease to other persons after having been exposed to tuberculosis and developing active disease of the lung or voice box. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Infectious Disease A disease caused by an invasion of the body by pathogenic organisms, which subsequently grow and multiply.  Some infectious diseases can be classified as contagious diseases or communicable diseases. (12-3-19, IS11-14.1, IS20-4.2)

Infirmary A unit within the correctional facility where offenders receive medical attention and are confined due to medical needs. (10-29-19, IS10-1.8, IS11-41.2, IS11-54, IS11-66.2, IS13-2.1, IS17-1.1, IS18-5.4)

Infirmary Care Care provided to offenders with an illness or diagnosis that requires daily monitoring, medication and/or therapy or assistance with activities of daily living at a level needing skilled nursing intervention. (7-30-20, IS11-52)

Informal Resolution Request The first step in the grievance process which attempts to resolve an offender’s complaint through discussion between the offender and appropriate staff members. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Informal Sanctions These sanctions include counseling, warning or reprimand, phone restriction, living are restriction, extra duty, and property impoundment. If documented, they are not intended to be utilized for classification purposes. Informal sanctions may be placed into an offender’s file and noted on an offender’s chronological log. (4-1-19, IS19-1.5, IS19-1.6)

Information Quality Task Force (TQTF) A committee formed to prioritize improvements to existing computer systems so the office of information systems can enhance offender related or OPII applications to increase user efficiency and effectiveness. (12-29-06, D1-7.3)

Information Systems Liaison The information systems liaison assigned by the chief administrative officer at each department worksite.  Information system liaison is responsible for activities associated with information system access requests. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Information Systems Network All devices connected to a server or department computer system and data stored within, monitored, and maintained by the Office of Administration, Information Technology staff members. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Information Systems Specialist A contracted professional who serves as the regional information systems authority responsible for a specific region overseeing information systems related to computerized medical records of contract services. (3-18-21, IS11-02)

Information Technology Any equipment, hardware or software, which includes as a part of its function, the acquisition, storage, retrieval, processing, transmission, display or printing of digital information, including data, text, voice and image.  Any services relating to the above such as consultation, installation, movement (relocation), development/construction, modification, maintenance/repair, or any other support activity necessary for the equipment and/or software to function. (10-27-20, D1-7.1, D1-7.2)

Information Technology Services Division (ITSD) Help Desk The ITSD help desk is operated by the Office of Administration, Information Technology Services Division. The help desk can be contacted by submitting a ticket to the online help desk. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Informational Debriefing A group meeting conducted by the CAO or designee with staff following a traumatic event or critical incident stress debriefing. This is an informal, informative process which allows questions from staff members and feedback from administration. Information and feedback may include updated information on the security of the facility, injured staff, steps being taken to procure the safety of the work environment, etc. This debriefing helps reduce rumors and empower employees to continue to perform quality and effective job related duties. (4-21-20, D2-15.8)

Informed Consent The agreement by an offender to a treatment, examination, or procedure after he receives the material facts about the nature, consequences, and risks of the proposed treatment, examination, or procedure, the alternative to it, and the prognosis if the proposed treatment is not undertaken. (4-28-20, IS11-67.1, IS11-70)

In-House Construction Project Projects under $25,000, that include construction and renovation projects that alter the layout, function of buildings and grounds. (7-19-15, D4-1.2)

Initial Assessment Phase (IAP) The initial phase is for offenders new or returning to community supervision in which they are assessed for criminogenic needs, related factors, and receive information relative to the expectations of supervision. This phase lasts 90 days, after which the Field Risk Reduction Instrument (FRRI) will determine the Intervention level and required activities. (12-18-12, D5-10.6)

Initial Assignment The institutional placement determined by the department based upon a comprehensive analysis of the offender’s needs and the resources of the department determined at the reception and diagnostic center. (4-27-14, IS5-2.5)

Initial Band Appointment The appointment of a new employee to a position in the broad classification bands or the appointment of an employee from a position in a range to a position in the broad classification band. (3-19-09, D2-2.19)

Initial Classification Assessment (ICA) The first classification instrument completed by classification staff members at the diagnostic center on all offenders committed to the custody of the department for purposes of initial assignment to an institution. (9-7-07, D5-1.2)

Initial Classification Assessment (ICA) Instrument The first classification instrument completed by case managers at the diagnostic center on all offenders committed to the custody of the department for purposes of initial assignment to an institution. (3-30-15, IS5-2.1)

Initial Classification Assessment-Substance Abuse (ICA-SA) A classification instrument utilized in conjunction with the substance use assessment to assist staff members in identifying current placement needs for treatment of offenders. (9-16-16, D5-1.5, D5-4.26, D5-4.36)

Initial Review Committee A committee that reviews all use of force packets, photographs and associated visual recordings to ensure compliance. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Initial Standardized Assessment Protocol (ISAP) An automated system for collecting information to being an individual’s assessment for substance abuse related problems. As part of this process, the system collected information directly from offenders and assessment staff which helps to determine the offender’s need for services. It includes the Addiction Severity Index. (5-24-08, D5-1.5 – This definition has been removed from this procedure and is no longer in any other procedures. 11-4-16)

Injury Damage to the body, prosthesis or such disease, infection, or illness that naturally results from such damage. (4-8-21, D2-15.5, D2-15.6, IS20-3.1)

Inmate Canteen Fund A fund for the acquisition of goods sold and other expense used for the benefit of offenders in the improvement of recreational, religious and educational services. (D3-5.1)

Inmate Revolving Fund A fund to be used to support offender education programs, residential treatment facilities, other community based sanctions, electronic monitoring, or work or educational release programs. (2-15-07, D3-5.1)

Inmates Those individuals under the jurisdiction of the Division of Adult Institutions and the Division of Classification and Treatment. (1-4-88, D5-3)

Inquiry (replaced Administrative Inquiry) A fact finding process conducted when an allegation has been made, or information exists, that indicates violation of rules, policies or procedures has been committed; wherein, the staff member who is the subject is not interviewed. (1-25-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.4, D2-10.1)

Insects Pests which include, but are not limited to, spiders, ticks, ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, wasps, bees, hornets, termites, fleas and silverfish. (12-20-02, IS4-1.3)

Inservice Training Training performed by training academy employees based on departmental or professional growth needs. (D2-5.4)

Insignificant Reaction A skin test induration between 5 and 9 millimeters of a non-immunocompromised or no contact to active tuberculosis disease. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Inspection The institutional or regional training officer or designee shall inspect the firearms range before and after each use and shall report damage which was caused by negligent or intentional misuse to the warden. (10-29-11, D2-12.7)

Inspector General A person serving as administrator over the investigation unit of the department. (9-19-14, D1-8.9)

Institutional Activity Coordinator (IAC) A staff member assigned by the chief administrative officer or designee to supervise and establish offender programs. (10-4-16, IS9-1.1, IS18-6.2)

Institutional Basic Training This is a 2 week session, held at the training academy, that all staff members who are assigned to an institution must attend. This training includes topics applicable to staff members who may have contact with offenders. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Institutional Bed Based Programs Programs that require a reservation within a department facility prior to the offender’s arrival. (10-26-08, D5-1.3)

Institutional Canteen Committee A committee established at each institution or community based facility responsible for requesting the use of canteen funds. (10-1-15, D3-9.4)

Institutional Chief of Mental Health Services (ICMHS) A contracted mental health professional who serves as the mental health authority responsible for the delivery of contract services at an assigned institution. (3-24-21, All D and IS procedures containing reference to the ICMHS.)

Institutional Clothing Issue Officer A person designated at the institutional level to coordinate institutional clothing needs. (11-18-16, IS2-1.2, IS2-1.3, IS2-1.4)

Institutional Custody Staff Members Includes custody officer I, custody officer II, custody officer III, custody supervisor I, and custody supervisor II and correctional administration. (8-3-14, IS11-03)

Institutional Employer A facility or institution which is governmentally owned, operated, or managed by, or provides services on behalf of, any political subdivision; and which is:

  1. for persons who are mentally ill, disabled, developmentally disabled, chronically ill or handicapped;
  2. a jail, prison, or other correctional facility;
  3. a retrial detention facility;
  4. for juveniles. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, D2-2.2, D2-5.1, D2-13.2)

Institutional Fiscal Year Canteen Request A request developed by the institutional canteen committee and submitted to the program coordinators indicating canteen funding needs for the upcoming fiscal year. (10-1-15, D3-9.4)

Institutional Investigator An employee assigned to a particular worksite who has received training in conducting investigations in accordance with the department’s procedure regarding institutional investigations. (5-5-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.4, D1-8.5, D1-8.7, D1-8.8, D1-8.13, D4-5.4, IS20-1.3, IS20-2.3, IS21-1.3, IS22-1.1)

Institutional Mental Health Treatment Team A group of professionals from the institution comprising treatment and non-treatment staff members, to include DAI, who work together to guide mental health treatment progress as outlined in department policy and the health services contract. (10-14-20, IS12-3.6)

Institutional Offender Contracted Telephone Coordinator A staff member designated by the chief administrative officer to act as liaison with the contracted phone provider. (4-5-19, IS13-2.1)

Institutional Parole Officer (IPO) The officer assigned to investigate and provide information to the court or parole board on offenders confined to a DAI facility and facilitate the transition to community supervision the with case management team. (5-11-21, D5-8.12, D5-10.4)

Institutional Phase The phase that begins the day the offender is assigned to an institution following diagnostic processing and reflected in the transition accountability plan. (IS18-6.1)

Institutional Puppies for Parole Fund An institutional fund consisting of offender fund raising activities and donations to support the puppies for parole program. (D5-4.34)

Institutional Puppies for Parole Program Coordinator An individual selected by the chief administrative officer (CAO) or designee of each site who is responsible for the administration and oversight of the puppies for parole program at the institution. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Institutional Reassignment A transfer of an offender from one institution to another. (12-8-00, IS5-2.5)

Institutional Resource Grid A document maintained by the central transfer authority (CTA) listing the institutional security level(s), special services, medical, mental health, and other treatment programs available. (3-30-15, IS5-2.1)

Institutional Restorative Justice Coordinator A staff member under the supervision of the chief administrative officer or designee who coordinates restorative justice activities at the institution level. (9-8-16, D5-4.32, D5-4.33, IS9-1.1)

Institutional Review Board (IRB) A formal group of individuals that has at least five members, with varying backgrounds to promote complete and adequate review of research activities commonly conducted by an affiliated institution and registered with the United States Department of Health and Human Services in accordance with US Code of Federal Regulations section 45 part 46 that regularly meets to review and approve research studies proposed by individuals who are affiliated with that particular institution. (11-26-19, D1-6.3)

Institutional Risk Reduction Assessment (IRRA) An assessment tool used to identify and prioritize offenders to determine the level of placement into reentry services. (7-20-13, D5-4.11, D5-10.6)

Institutional Risk Score (I-Score) A component of the initial and reclassification assessment that is used in combination with the public risk score component, to determine an offender’s custody level. A score of 1, 2, or 5 is assessed with 5 demonstrating the greatest risk. (10-31-16, D5-1.2)

Institutional Status An assignment that begins the day the offender is assigned to an institution. (1-8-19, D5-10.1, IS5-1.1)

Institutional Telephone System A telephone system with outside line capabilities for staff member use only unless designated otherwise by the chief administrative officer on a specific case need. (4-5-19, IS13-2.1)

Institutional Tour A tour guided by institutional staff members in any area inside the perimeter as approved by the chief administrative officer (CAO). (11-19-18, IS1-5.2)

Institutional Training Officer A corrections training officer employed for the express purpose of providing practical and technical instructions at the institution. (9-24-19, D2-12.3, IS2-1.2, IS10-1.6, IS13-3.1, IS20-1.7, IS20-2.1)

Institutional Treatment Center (ITC) A facility with highly structured treatment programs for parole board and court referred offenders with emphasis placed on substance use disorders treatment, relapse prevention, criminality, life skills and community release planning. (9-20-16, D5-1.2, D5-4.30, D5-4.36)

Institutional Treatment Center Programs Grid A guideline that is used to determine placement in an institutional substance use facility. (9-20-16, D5-1.2)

Institutional Treatment Phase The phase of the Missouri post-conviction drug treatment program that takes place in an institutional treatment center. This is also referred to as “Phase II” of the Missouri post-conviction drug treatment program. (11-29-16, D5-4.23)

Institutional Worksite For the purpose of this procedure, this includes all facilities housing offenders under the jurisdiction of the division of adult institutions and division of offender rehabilitative services. (3-8-21, D2-11.13)

Instructional Theory Into Practice An approved method of lesson plan development recommended for use by the National Institute of Corrections. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Instructor A staff member who is qualified under this procedure to teach the Anger Management Education Program. (6-28-09, D5-4.13)

INT Intermediate treatment program (180-day treatment).

Intake Screening A process of structured inquiry and observation of all offenders being admitted, designed to obtain immediate treatment for offenders who are in need of emergency health care, identify and meet ongoing current health needs, and isolate those with communicable diseases. (10-20-16, IS11-32)

Integrated Livescan System An inkless, digital fingerprinting system with the capability to electronically transfer fingerprint images and personal identification information to authorized users and from which a fingerprint card may be generated locally by the machine operator. (6-9-16, D5-1.1)

Intelligence Unit Manager Deleted per Term will no longer be utilized. (5-17-17, D1-8.1)

Interactive Process An informal, interactive discussion between an employee or applicant requesting an accommodation and the worksite ADA coordinator or designee for the purpose of identifying the reason for the request, the precise nature of the problem that is generating the request, whether and what kind of accommodation would overcome the problem to enable the employee to perform the essential functions of the job. (3-19-18, D1-1.3)

Interagency Spending Agreement (IASA) An agreement between the department and another state agency allowing that agency to expend department funds on behalf of the department. The IASA is normally project specific with a not-to-exceed dollar amount. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Inter-Band Transfer A manager transfer from a position in one band to a position in another band. (3-19-09, D2-2.19)

Inter-Department Re-employment Re-employment of an employee to the department from any other merit system agency in the State of Missouri. (10-20-17, D2-2.10)

Interferon-Gamma Release Assays (IGRA) Tests FDA approved tests that measure how a person’s immune system reacts to tuberculosis (TB) bacteria by testing the person’s blood in a laboratory. A positive test means that the person has been infected with TB bacteria, and additional tests are needed to determine if the person has latent TB infection or TB disease. There are 2 types of IGRAs approved by FDA and they are QuantiFERON-TB Gold In-tube (QFT-GIT) and T-Spot TB tests. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Intermediate Treatment Process (INTP) A substance abuse process which serves male board violators stipulated for institutional substance abuse treatment. (9-7-07, D5-4.30)

Intermittent Leave Leave taken in separate periods of time due to a single qualifying event. (10-11-19, D2-8.13, D2-8.15)   

Internal Classification A system utilizing the adult internal risk assessment instrument to assess offenders for risks of sexual abuse and to determine appropriate housing, program and work assignments. (1-8-19, IS5-1.2, IS5-2.3, IS5-3.1, IS18-1.1)

Internal Lease An agreement to grant use or occupation of property during a specified period of time within the department between divisions. Ex: Central Training Academy, Education and Information Systems lease of space from Missouri Vocational Enterprises at 1717 Industrial Drive. These are handled within the department and funding comes from equipment and expense funding. (10-14-05, D4-6.2)

Internal Phone System A telephone system restricted to communication within the institution which does not have access to telephones outside of the institution. Communication on outside direct lines will be connected through the institutional switchboard. (4-5-19, IS13-2.1)

Internal Public Staff members of the department. (6-6-18, D1-3.1)

Internal Request A research request that originates from an individual, committee, or organizational entity within the department explicitly acting as an agent of the department by job duty or as requested in writing by the department director. (11-26-19, D1-6.3)

Internal Security Audit A security audit of an institution authorized by the chief administrative officer and conducted by designated or trained staff members assigned to the institution being audited.  (2-12-20, IS20-5.1)

International Standard Book Number (ISBN) A 10 or 13 character code given to a book or other non-serial publication as a means of identification. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) A 7 character code given to a periodical publication as a means of identification. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Interpreter A department staff person with a proficient knowledge of a non-English speaking offender’s native language, who is willing to translate information to and from English and who has been approved by the chief administrative officer or designee. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)

Intersex Offender An individual whose sexual, reproductive anatomy or chromosomal pattern at birth does not seem to fit typical definitions of male or female. Intersex medical conditions are sometimes referred to as disorders of sex development. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS5-1.1, IS5-3.1, IS5-3.3, IS11-34.1, IS20-1.3)

Interstate Corrections Compact (ICC) A contractual agreement with other states for the exchange of incarcerated offenders. (1-8-19, D1-8.5, IS5-1.1, IS5-2.6)

Interstate Corrections Compact (ICC) Coordinator A position under the supervision of the central transfer authority manager responsible for coordinating and documenting actions taken under the provisions of the interstate corrections compact. (11-8-16, IS5-2.6)

Interstate Corrections Compact (ICC) Referral Packet Information submitted to the interstate corrections compact coordinator to include an offender transfer request indicating the rationale for transfer consideration, a protective custody needs assessment waiver, a current transfer/screening-health services form, and an initial diagnostic receiving interview form. (11-8-16, IS5-2.6)

Intervention Level I At this level, offenders have supervision plans in place that they have developed with their officer, which they are primarily responsible for addressing. The staff member’s role is to monitor the plan, guide the offender as needed, and redirect the supervision plan based on changing circumstances. The Field Risk Reduction Instrument for these offenders indicates a low risk of supervision failure. (12-18-12, D5-10.1, D5-10.6)

Intervention Level II Offenders at this level require more than the standard activities in Level I, based upon their Field Risk Reduction instrument score (moderate risk of supervision failure). These offenders need ongoing staff member direction, guidance and assistance in meeting their supervision plan goals. (12-18-12, D5-10.6)

Intervention Level III This supervision level requires considerable staff member monitoring, engagement, strategy/plan development and supervision activity as offenders are at high risk of supervision failure, based on the Field Risk Reduction Instrument. (12-18-12, D5-10.6)

Interview and Assessment Worksheet A division-approved offender background questionnaire. (12-18-12, D5-10.6)

Interview File A confidential record which contains information and supporting documentation of applicants in accordance with the employee file index reference document and the department procedure regarding selection. (5-12-21, D2-2.1, D2-2.2, D2-2.7)

Intra-Divisional Transfer within the same division. (8-24-14, D2-2.13)

In-Training Appointment An appointment to a lower or equivalent level classification when an insufficient number of candidates are available for a position. The employee serves a designated in-training period to achieve eligibility and is then promoted to the higher level position. (10-20-17, D2-2.10)

Intrasystem Transfer Offenders who transfer from one facility to another, offenders returning from furlough, court, or other offenders brought to the facility with an already established health record for their current incarceration. (10-29-19, IS11-33, IS11-44.1)

Invalid Results or Specimen The results reported by the laboratory for a specimen that contains an unidentified adulterant or substance, has an abnormal physical characteristic, or has an endogenous substance at an abnormal concentration that prevents the laboratory from completing testing or obtaining valid drug test results; or a urine specimen which, as shown through testing, has a creatinine level that is so diminished that it is not consistent with human urine, yet the specific gravity indicates a normal level. (10-11-19, D2-11.11, D5-7.1)

Inventory Record Manual or computer-based record of the quantity and kind of inventory (1) at hand, (2) committed (allocated) to firm-orders or to work-in-progress, and (3) on order. It often also includes a history of the recent transactions in each inventory item. (9-25-09, IS10-1.15)

Investigation A search for information, facts and evidence conducted by an investigator to determine whether a staff member or an offender has committed a violation of rules, policies or procedures has occurred. (1-25-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.2, D1-8.3, D1-8.4, D1-8.7, D1-8.8)

Investigation File A file maintained in the department’s designated computer system containing the final investigative report and supporting documentation. (1-25-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.2, D1-8.3, D1-8.4, D1-8.7, D1-8.8)

Investigation Manager A manager within the office of professional standards (OPS) who manages an investigative unit responsible for conducting investigation in accordance with the department procedures regarding OPS. (1-25-21, D1-8.2, D1-8.9)

Investigation Unit A unit of investigators established for the purpose of investigating criminal acts suspected or known to have occurred within the operations of the department. The unit will have authority to investigate all matters or events established by procedure and will work closely with other criminal justice agencies during the performance of the investigation process. (8-28-14, D1-8.9, D1-8.10)

Investigator An employee assigned to the office of professional standards (OPS) or an institutional investigator as defined in accordance with the department procedure regarding the OPS and institutional investigations. (1-25-21, D1-8.2, D1-8.3, D1-8.5, D1-8.7, D1-8.8, D1-8.9)

Invitation for Bid (IFB) A formal request to prospective vendors soliciting bids that contains, or incorporates by reference, the bid specifications and all contractual terms and conditions that are used when negotiations are not allowed and when requesting a subjective evaluation. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Involuntary Demotion An involuntary reduction to a lower job classification for disciplinary reasons. (11-24-19, D2-2.15, D2-9.1)

Involuntary Medications The use of psychotropic medications against the offender’s will following a clinical due process hearing decision that the offender is mentally ill and presents an imminent danger to himself and/or others or is gravely disabled. (8-28-06, IS12-6.1)

Involuntary Post-Transfer Hearing A hearing, chaired by the assigned regional mental health manager, held for an offender who is suffering from a mental disorder for which adequate treatment is not readily available at the institution where she/he is assigned or at another Department of Corrections treatment program. (11-2-15, IS12-3.1)

Involuntary Transfer Transfer to another position or work location at the discretion of the department or division director as considered necessary for the good of the service and with the approval of the Office of Administration, Division of Personnel director. (8-24-14, D2-2.13)

IOC Interoffice communication.

IP Address A unique string of numbers separated by periods that identifies each computer using the internet protocol to communicate over a network. (2-26-19, D4-4.8)

IPO Institutional probation and parole officer.

Iris Scan Automated method of biometric identification of the iris. (6-9-16, D5-1.1, IS5-1.1)

IRR Informal resolution request.

IS Institutional services procedure.

iSeries A server line that hosts many of the department’s custom applications and databases. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Isolated Post or Work Area An assigned position or staff work area where physical barriers, such as walls, doors, or distance inhibit the ability of other staff members to visually and audibly monitor the area. (11-5-18, IS20-1.4)

ISP Intensive supervision program (prior term for supervision program).

ITAB Informational Technology Advisory Board.

ITC 1. Intensive therapeutic community. 2. Institutional treatment center. 3. Institutional training center.

Item Identification Number A unique number assigned to each item in the approved database program provided by the library services coordinator. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

ITO Institutional training officer.

ITSD Information Technology Services Division. This is a division of the Office of Administration that provides each executive department with staff to support any information technology (IT) needs.


Jail Time (558.031 RSMo) Jail time is credit toward time served of a sentence of imprisonment. (12-15-93, D5-8)

Jail Time Endorsement A form provided by the sheriff’s department which certifies all applicable jail-time credit for a particular cause number. This form must be given to the records officer or designee prior to or upon delivery of the offender. (9-6-18, IS5-1.1)

Jaundice Yellow appearance of the skin and mucous membranes. (8-25-15, D2-15.4)

JCCC Jefferson City Correctional Center.

JFO Joint field office.

JIC Joint information center.

JIS Joint information system.

Job Opportunity Announcement A written official public notice provided by email, from the Office of Administration, Division of Personnel, of each open competitive examination and promotional examination which states the total duties and pay of positions in the class for which the examination is to be held and the necessary or desirable qualifications required, therefore, the time, place and manner of making application for admission to such examination and any other information this is considered pertinent and useful. (2-8-18, D2-1.2)

Job Restructuring Reallocating or redistributing marginal job functions that an employee is unable to perform because of a disability, and altering when or how a function, essential or marginal, is performed. Redistributing marginal job functions may involve switching those functions that an employee cannot perform with those marginal job functions of a co-worker that the employee can perform. (3-19-18, D1-1.3)

JOC Joint operations center.

Judgment Documentation of an obligation created by decree of a District or Circuit Court, child support and/or institution regarding a debt owed by an offender. Documentation may be received from courts, Attorney General’s Office, Prosecuting Attorney Office, a child support agency, or institutions. (9-28-14, D3-5.11)


Karnofsky Scale – Criteria of Performance Status An index which allows patients to be classified as to their functional impairment:

>100 – normal, no complaints, no signs of disease
>90 – capable of normal activity, few symptoms or signs of disease
>80 – normal activity with some difficulty, some symptoms of signs
>70 – caring for self, not capable of normal activity or work
>60 – requiring some help, can take care of most personal requirements
>50 – requires help often, requires frequent medical care
>40 – disabled, requires special care and help
>30 – severely disabled; hospital admission is indicated although death not imminent
>20 – very ill, urgently requiring admission, requires supportive measures treatment necessary
>10 – fatal processes progressing rapidly
>  0 – death. (7-19-18,

KCRC Kansas City Reentry Center.

Key Control Assessment Committee A three member key control security review team comprised of the chief of custody, locksmith and one other staff member designated by the superintendent which conducts an annual assessment of all institutional key rings. (10-6-07, IS20-1.6)

Key Issue Officer The staff member designated to control key issue boards and be responsible for checking out/in all keys. (10-6-07, IS20-1.6)

Key Tags Metal tags issued to staff for the purpose of exchanging key rings. (10-6-07, IS20-1.6)

Kiosk An interactive computer terminal utilized by an offender to access specific offender services. (8-31-16 revised by DAI & Gil Long 4-5-19, D3-5.1, D3-5.13, IS13-2.1)

KITE Paperwork requesting an appointment with staff.


Label Any written, printed or graphic material on or affixed to containers of hazardous chemicals. (11-25-02, D4-2.8)

Labor Organizations An organization of employees with the purpose of representing said employees pursuant to the meet and discuss provisions of state statute or other applicable laws, and engaging in such other representative activities as authorized by law or by an agreement between the labor organization and the department. (9-20-13, D2-11.6)

Lack of Therapeutic Gain Any offender’s consistent and serious failure to apply reasonable effort and attainment of therapeutic goals as documented by the treatment team. (11-29-16, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.30, D5-4.37)

Landed Cost The total external costs incurred in obtaining an item (item cost plus handling fees, delivery fees, sales tax, etc.). (10-1-15, D3-9.1)

LAR Living area restriction.

Large Quantity Generator A generator who generates 1000 kilograms or more of hazardous waste in a calendar month. (9-8-03, D4-2.9, D4-2.10)

Lateral Transfer Movement of an employee from one position to another position in the same class. (6-23-13, D2-2.13, D2-2.12)

Law Enforcement Notification System (LENS) A system created specifically to assist the law enforcement community in providing secure internet-based access to information relating to offenders who are incarcerated or under the supervision of the department. (6-9-16, D5-1.1)

Lay Advisor A unit team member who is not involved in the treatment or diagnosis of the offender, who understands the procedural issues and will serve as an independent observer for the clinical due process hearing. This individual is appointed by the chief administrative officer or designee. (8-28-06, IS12-6.1)

Lead Case Planner The department case manager, field probation and parole officer, or institutional probation and parole officer who assumes primary responsibility for the case plan and case planning process. The lead case planner engages with the offender and case management team to ensure consistency in case planning and accurately targeted inventions, based upon the risks and needs identified by department assessments. The department assessment proves relative to the offenders’ phase of incarceration or supervision, determines who serves as lead case planner. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Lead Instructor A certified institutional or regional firearms instructor who has been designated for the purpose of ensuring the safety of departmental staff and equipment during all actual firearms training outside the classroom. The range lead instructor will be armed at all times with a standard issue side arm. (10-29-11, D2-12.7)

Learning Experience (LE) Therapeutic community assignments given to help an offender learn from his inappropriate behavior (for example, written assignments, songs, skits, and poems that may be lighthearted in nature). (10-24-16, IS19-1.5)

Lease A contract giving one party the right to use real or personal property owned by another for a specified time, in return for compensation. (5-2-15, D3-2.4)

Least Restrictive Environment That there be imposed only such restraint as is necessary to prevent the offender from injuring himself or others and to provide the offender with such care and treatment as are appropriate for the offender with consideration of his physical and mental condition. (11-5-15, IS11-37.1, IS12-6.1)

Least Restrictive Housing Housing that affords victims of offender sexual abuse the most access to programming and privileges while ensuring the safety of the victim and the security of the institution. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS21-1.1)

Leave of Absence Without Pay (LOA) An extended period of time of more than 30 consecutive calendar days not exceeding 180 calendar days, when an employee is absent from work without receiving pay. (2-10-20, D2-8.6, D2-8.12)

Leave Without Pay (LWOP) A period of time not to exceed 30 consecutive calendar days when the employee is absent from work without receiving pay. (2-10-20, D2-8.6, D2-8.12)

Legal or New Name A name change authorized by the court which may be used as stipulated in this procedure. (11-2-16, D5-1.1)

Legal Materials 1. Library items that are provided to facilitate an offender’s access to the courts and legal information needs. (7-25-11, IS8-1.4, IS15-1.1) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, legal materials are defined as pleadings, interrogatories and motions in pending and active lawsuits, including legal research, which is limited to case law and articles on law. This does not include law books. (2-25-21, IS12-3.1, IS22-1.1)

Legal Pleadings The formal allegations by the parties to a lawsuit of their claims and defenses, including the complaint, answer, reply and counterclaim. (4-2-20, IS8-1.1, IS8-1.4)

Legal Supplies Those materials used by an offender in preparing and mailing legal pleadings, including, but not limited to, pens, pencils, notepads, envelopes, and first class postage. (4-2-20, IS8-1.1)

Legal Tender Account books, bonds, checks, credit or debit cards, gift cards, lottery tickets, money orders, savings securities, or any type of item which may be utilized to gain money. (10-19-20, IS22-1.1)

Legally Acceptable Agent A personal agent designated by the offender and recognized by state law to make health care decisions for the offender. Currently, Missouri law recognizes properly appointed guardians, or an individual legally recognized in a living will or a durable power of attorney for health care decisions. (2-28-20, IS11-74)

Legally Deceased When a determination is made by a licensed physician that respiration and circulation are not artificially maintained, and there is an irreversible cessation of spontaneous respiration and circulation, or when respiration and circulation are artificially maintained, and there is a total and irreversible cessation of all brain function, including the brain stem. (12-28-20, D1-8.5)

Legislative Tour State legislators, with appropriate identification, shall be approved to visit any area of the institution they request. (8-26-19, IS1-5.2)

Leisure Library Those materials in the library excluding legal materials. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Leisure Materials Media (audio/video), printed, periodical and other items that are provided to meet the non-legal needs or educational, informational, recreational, and entertainment needs of offenders. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

LEOP Local emergency operations plan.

LEPC Local Emergency Planning Committee.

Less Lethal Intermediate non-deadly force which normally causes neither death nor serious bodily injury. (3-13-14, IS20-3.3)

Less Lethal Munitions Projectiles not likely to cause death or serious bodily injury, including noise or flash diversionary devices that can be fired, launched, thrown or otherwise propelled. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1, IS20-3.3)

Letter of Caution A non-disciplinary form of performance counseling issued by the CAO and filed in the employee’s official and working files. (9-1-18, D2-9.1)

Letter of Support A letter from the department director or designee, on department letterhead stating that the department will support the efforts the individual or organization requesting the letter of support is proposing in order to receive grant funds to perform those efforts. (3-28-13, D3-8.2)

Level II Retention Holster A firearm holster which employs a friction based grip and has the addition of an active mechanical element, such as a hood, back strap, or finer/thumb operated lever. (D2-16.1)

LFA Lead federal agency.

Liability An obstacle, problem or area of concern, which may impede or prevent success. (1-1-11, D5-4.22, D5-4.24, D5-4.30, D5-10.1)

Library Materials Media (audio/video), printed, and periodical items which constitute the library collections such as books, periodicals, audio and videotapes, compact discs, etc. These items are for the benefit of the offender library and are for offender use only (staff may not utilize these resources for personal use). (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Library Services Assistance provided by library workers and offender library workers for the use of legal and leisure materials including, but not limited to, reference, circulation and copies. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Library Services Coordinator A person who directs and oversees library programs, services and procedures in order to ensure offenders are provided with library services and is accountable to the division of offender rehabilitative services-assistant division director-education. (7-25-11, IS8-1.4, IS15-1.1)

Library Staff Librarian II, librarian I or others as assigned by the correctional manager/education and/or warden/deputy warden of offender management. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Licensure Documentation that an individual has been issued a license under Missouri law to perform specific job functions according to his field of training. (11-8-16, IS2-2.1, IS11-18)

Life Prolonging Procedures A medical procedure or intervention which would service only to artificially prolong the dying process and which, in the judgment of the attending physician relying upon usual and customary medical standards, would not prevent death from occurring within a short period of time. Under Missouri law, life-prolonging procedures do not include medication or procedures necessary to provide comfort care, pain relief, hydration or nutrition to an offender who is incapacitated or incompetent. (6-15-20, IS11-73)

Lifesaver Award An award bestowed on a staff member who has taken actions to save the life of another person. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Limited English Proficiency Individuals who are unable to communicate, read or speak, effectively in English because their primary language is not English and they have not developed fluency in the English language. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

Limited Temporary Appointment An appointment to fill a position with no intent of permanence, limited to 89 calendar days in duration. (11-18-02, D2-2.5)

LOC Line of communication (treatment).

Local Add Any offender applying for a class that is offered at the institution where he resides. (1-13-15, IS18-4.1)

Local Citizens Advisory Boards A local citizens advisory board is a nonprofit organization providing varied assistance to department facilities and offenders. (4-17-06, D1-10.1)

Local Wellness Committee Committee organized at the local worksite for the purpose of developing, implementing, and evaluating wellness activities for local department employees. This may be an existing committee formed to serve other purposes. (2009, D2-7.5)

Locksmith A staff member, under the supervision of the lead maintenance staff member, who has been trained in and assigned the duties of maintaining and controlling all locks within an institution. (10-5-15, IS20-1.6)

Locksmith Shop A secure room or building designated for the storage, security and maintenance of keys and locks. (IS20-1.6)

Loitering Activities not related to the library or any of its functions or materials. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Long Term Substance Use Disorders Program A program for the treatment of offenders stipulated to a 12 month substance use disorders program. (11-4-16 per Marta Nolin, D5-1.2, D5-4.24)

Low/Medium/High Designation Profile of offenders and treatment facilities, which includes specific factors for placement. (9-7-07, D5-1.2)

Low Risk Blood or Body Fluid Exposure Exposure to blood or body fluid to intact skin or clothing; splashes or exposure to urine, feces, saliva and other unknown substance that is not obviously bloody; puncture or cut wound from an object that was not bloody. (6-1-07, D2-15.6)

Low Risk Level Offenders at this level require supervision plans in place they have developed with their probation and parole officer, which they are primarily responsible for addressing. The PPO’s role is to monitor the plan, guide the offender as needed, and redirect the supervision plan based on changing circumstances. The Ohio Risk Assessment System for these offenders indicate a low risk of recidivism. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

LT Long-term treatment program (12-month treatment)

LT Chronic DWI Long-term treatment, chronic DWI - 577.23 RSMo.

LTB Long-term treatment (Board ordered)

LTC Long-term treatment (court ordered)


M-Score Medical score.

MAC Medical audit committee.

Maintenance Corrections to an existing application because of an operational emergency which has occurred that causes the system to stop functioning completely or in a specific area causing loss of data integrity and operational continuance. (10-27-20, D1-7.1, D1-7.3)

Maintenance Management Operations The day-to-day activities necessary for buildings and their systems and equipment to perform their intended function including preventative maintenance. (6-18-15, D4-1.2)

Maintenance Management System (MMS) A computer program utilized for a facility’s maintenance inventories and operations, including work orders and preventive maintenance. (6-18-15, IS4-1.6)

MAIRS Management and Applicant Information Resource System.

Major Conduct Violation Any of the first 9 conduct violation rules listed (1-9.5) as stated in the offender rulebook or rules of conduct reference document or any conduct violation which could be considered serious due to the circumstances surrounding the violation. (4-1-19, IS9-1.1, IS19-1.6)

Major Disturbance A spontaneous or planned act involving a large number of offenders attempting to or taking control of an area within the facility for a minimal period of time. The disturbance resulted in some property damage and minor injuries to offenders however no hostage situation occurred and staff members were not injured. (10-3-18, D1-12.1)

Major Life Activity Includes but is not limited to walking, speaking, breathing, performing manual tasks, seeing, hearing, learning, caring for oneself, working, sitting, standing, lifting, reading, and operation of a major body function. (3-19-18, D1-1.3)

Major Life Changes Major life changes include, but are not limited to, the use of an intoxicating substance or arrest for possession. (11-10-16, D5-1.5)

Malware Software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner’s informed consent.  It includes computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware, dishonest adware, and other malicious and unwanted software. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Management Persons within the department that are managers of sections, facilities, divisions, zones, etc. (9-19-05, D4-2.1)

Management and Applicant Information Resources System MAIRS An automated applicant tracking system which stores the names of applicants for merit system positions on registers. (8-26-13, D2-2.1)

Management Position A position involving responsibility for participation in the management process either as a supervisor or manager of employees and/or programs. (8-7-11, D2-12.3)

Management Training Any training that satisfies the components of the leadership development rule authored by the Office of Administration.

Manager of Operations – Missouri Sex Offender Program (MOSOP) A contracted professional who serves as the Missouri sex offender program (MOSOP) authority responsible for the delivery of contracted sex offender treatment services. (9-23-16, D5-4.1, D5-4.4)

Mandate A court document commanding a specific course of action based on a separate court order. (D5-8.9)

Mandated Single Cell Assignment Assignment of an offender to a single cell within an administrative segregation unit for documented safety and security reasons, such as offenders who are considered an immediate or a long term danger to other offenders that would be celled with that offender, based on extremely violent, aggressive, threatening actions toward others, which may include murder/manslaughter, sexual assault/rape, assault with serious physical injury, sexually active HIV positive offender. This offender is not to be celled with other offenders. (10-7-20, IS21-1.2)

Mandatory Academic Education All general population offenders who do not have a verified high school graduation diploma or high school equivalency certificate must enroll in a part-time academic education program unless otherwise exempt. (10-17-18, D5-8.11, IS18-3.3)

Mandatory Savings Fund A savings account established for an offender by the finance office. Deposits in this account may be made on a voluntary basis as well as a mandatory basis. (12-26-10, D3-5.1, D3-5.7)

Mandatory Use Contract A contract established by OA/DPMM or by the department purchasing section, the use of which is required when purchasing commodities included in the contract. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Man-Down Drill A simulated emergency affecting one individual who is in need of immediate medical intervention. It involves life-threatening situation commonly experienced in correctional settings. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Manifest 1. A list or print out of medication prescriptions and/or medications enclosed in the packaged medications received at the facility from the pharmacy services provider. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1) 2. A document (shipping paper) on which all materials being shipped are identified. (9-8-03, D4-2.9)

Mantoux Testing (PPD) A test for hypersensitivity to tuberculin in which tuberculin is introduced by injection underneath the skin of the individual tested and the appearance of inflammation or induration at the site of introduction is construed as indicating past or present tubercular infection. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Marijuana Cannabis indica, Canabis sativa, and Cannabis ruderalis, hybrids of such species, and any other strains commonly understood within the scientific community to constitute marijuana, as well as resin extracted from the plant and marijuana-infused products. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Marijuana-Infused Products Products that are infused with marijuana or an extract thereof and are intended for use or consumption other than by smoking, including, but not limited to, edible products, ointments, tinctures, and concentrates. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Marking Placing on the outside of a shipping container, one or more of the following: the proper shipping name, hazard class, identification number, instructions, caution and/or weight. (12-13-02, D4-2.11)

Marriage Facilitator The chaplain or auxiliary chaplain or designee assigned to the institution and assigned by the warden to perform the duties associated with offender marriages. (9-28-14, IS8-5.1)

MARS Medical Accountability Records System.

Mass Disaster Drill A simulated emergency or disaster involving multiple casualties that require triage by health services staff members. It frequently involves a natural disaster, an internal disaster, and/or external disaster. (10-25-16, IS11-07)

Mass Movement A large release of an offender population to facilitate offender access to various areas and services in the institution, for example to attend meals, recreation, etc. (10-2-19, IS20-1.2, IS20-1.4)

Master Arms Inventory A complete listing of all firearms and munitions delivery systems by date of purchase, make, type, location, departmental control number (if applicable), manufactures’ serial number and expiration date. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Master Canteen List An official list of approved canteen items available in the department computer system, including brand and size, to be sold in institutional canteens. (10-1-15, D3-9.1, D3-9.4)

Master Instrument List A complete list of all reusable dental and medical instruments to include working and bulk stock. This list must include, at a minimum, the instrument name, description, identification number, location and quantity. (6-23-20, IS11-28, IS11-28.1)

Master Menu A 6-week cycle menu used by all department facilities. The master menu is planned by a menu committee and is analyzed and approved by a registered dietitian. (12-16-16, IS10-1.8)

MAT Medication-assisted treatment.           

MATC Mineral Area Treatment Center.

Material Safety Data Sheets Material safety data sheets (formerly known as safety data sheets [SDS]) are designed to give sufficient information about hazardous chemical products to make proper decisions on items such as storage, use, personal protective equipment and disposal. (10-19-20, D4-2.8, D4-2.10, IS22-1.1)

Maximum Release Date The release date of an inmate serving the full term of a specific sentence as set by the court. (12-15-93, D5-8)

MCC Moberly Correctional Center.

MCHR Missouri Commission on Human Rights.

MCI Mass casualty incident.

MCP Mobile command post.

MCV Mobile communications vehicle.

MDA Missouri Department of Agriculture.

MDCC Missouri Department of Conservation Commission.

MDHSS Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

MDMH Missouri Department of Mental Health.

MDNR Missouri Department of Natural Resources.

MDPS Missouri Department of Public Safety.

MDSS Missouri Department of Social Services.

ME Minimum eligibility.

Meal Loaf A nutritionally balanced meal served in the form of a baked loaf. (3-10-05, IS10-1.9)

Meat Alternate A vegetarian substitute for the meat entrée on the master menu. (12-16-16, IS10-1.8)

MECC Missouri Eastern Correctional Center.

Mechanical Restraints Items that limit the physical activities of an offender including: handcuffs (chained or hinged), handcuff retainer (tether), leg restraints, leg brace restraint, waist chains, leather restraints, disposable plastic flex-cuffs, handcuff cover, waist chain variation or combination, pad lock, spit net, restraint chair and the security bench. (4-8-21, IS11-66.2, IS20-2.3, IS20-3.1)

Media Materials Any audio/visual item either on cassette, CD-Rom, VHS or DVD. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Media Record Audio/visual/CD-Rom records that shall include, but not be limited to: call number, barcode number and item ID, title, publisher information, international standard book number (when available), list cost and funding source (canteen, general revenue and donation). (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Medical Assist When a staff member applies trained life saving techniques or when requested by medical to assist and no restraints are used. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Medical Audit Committee (MAC) A group chaired by the medical director or health services administrator (HSA) that meets monthly to facilitate discussion of contracted health care administrative issues, and is composed minimally of the health services administrator, medical director, director of nursing, institutional chief of mental health services, chief administrative officer, and chief of custody or designee. The highest ranking administrative authority for contracted health services, regional medical director and the department contract monitoring team will be ex-officio members. (3-24-21, IS11-04, IS11-19)

Medical Care and Treatment Prevention, improvement, or cure of an offender’s physical and mental illness or incapacity, or effort to achieve the same, to include diagnostic testing, medications, and alternatives to protect health and well-being. (4-28-20, IS11-67.1, IS12-6.1)

Medical Diet Diets ordered for temporary or permanent health conditions that restrict the types, preparation, and/or amounts of food. Examples include pureed, soft, liquid, and nutritional supplementation diets. (2-5-16, IS10-1.8, IS11-47)

Medical Director A contracted professional who serves as the site responsible physician of an assigned institution. (4-26-21, IS11-02, IS11-11.1, IS11-15.1)

Medical Emergency An injury or illness that could result in loss of life, limb, or permanent disability requiring prompt medical care. (10-13-07, D2-15.5, D2-15.6, IS12-3.1)

Medical Examiner A person appointed by the governing body of a county and charged with performing the duties specified in Chapter 58 of the Revised Statues of Missouri. (8-7-20, D1-8.5)

Medical Futility A decision a physician makes when there is a high degree of probability that a medical treatment cannot accomplish its goal. (2-28-20, IS11-74)

Medical Isolation Housing in a room separate from other offenders with a separate toilet, hand washing facility, soap, and single-service towels and appropriate accommodations for showering. (2-10-15, IS11-14.1)

Medical Mental Health Status Report Report of all medication, care and treatment provided to the offender while in jail. If the offender has had no physical or mental health care or medications while in jail, the sheriff or other officer should certify that no physical or mental health care or medication records are available. This report must be provided to the record’s officer or designee prior to or upon delivery of the offender. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1)

Medical Observation Area An area that allows for short-term observation of an offender’s health status. It may or may not be a part of the infirmary. (7-30-20, IS11-52)

Medical or Emergency Contact The person or persons designated by the offender that are to be contacted in the event of serious illness, injury, or death of the offender. This will be listed on the offender’s face sheet and will be reviewed with the offender annually. (8-7-20, D1-8.5)

Medical Parole Release of an individual by the parole board to receive medical treatment not available in the department, or because the individual is terminally ill. (12-15-93, D5-8, D5-8.5)

Medical Research Defined as any scientific and diligent study, investigation, or experimentation in order to establish facts and analyze their significance concerned with any phase of medical science. (6-15-20, IS11-72)

Medical Review Officer (MRO) A person who is a licensed physician, certified as a MRO by a nationally recognized entity and is responsible for reviewing test results generated by a drug and alcohol testing program and evaluating medical explanations for certain drug and alcohol test results. (10-11-19, D2-11.11, D2-11.12)

Medical Score A component of initial and reclassification assessment that determines the medical needs of an offender. A score of 1 to 5 is assessed with 5 requiring the greater need. (10-31-16, D5-1.2)

Medication Administration The manner in which medication is provided to an offender: self-administration using blister cards, dose-by-dose watch take in pill line or keep on person. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1, IS11-27.10)

Meet and Confer A face-to-face meeting between designated representatives of the department and the exclusive bargaining representatives of the labor organization which represent the employees of the department for the purpose of discussing salaries and other conditions of employment as permitted under the laws of Missouri. (9-20-13, D2-11.6)

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) A formal agreement between the department and a partnering agency outlining the expectations and responsibilities of each agency. (12-11-20, D3-2.4, D5-4.34)

Mental Abnormality A congenital or acquired condition affecting the emotional or decision making capacity which could predispose the person to commit sexually violent offenses in a degree constituting such person a menace to the health and safety of others. (9-19-14, D5-4.4)

Mental Health Close Observation Placement of an offender in a controlled environment to determine mental health signs and symptoms and potential harm to self, others, or property due to a mental disorder. (10-29-19, IS11-33, IS12-4.1, IS12-4.3)

Mental Health Contract Monitors Regionally assigned administrative managers responsible for the oversight of contracted mental health services provided to department offenders throughout the State of Missouri. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Mental Health Director A qualified mental health professional appointed by the healthcare services contractor responsible for the oversight of mental health services provided to department of correction’s offenders within a predetermined number of institutions throughout the State of Missouri. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Mental Health Representative A mental health professional assigned by the department’s mental health designee, who provides input from the perspective of individuals who live with mental health illness and/or family members. (2-27-18, IS20-3.4)

Mental Health Score A component of initial and reclassification assessment that determines the mental health needs of an offender. A score of 1 to 5 is assessed with 5 requiring the greater need. (10-31-16, D5-1.2, D5-8.12)

Mental Health Staff Member Those who are not licensed as mental health professionals, but are employed by the mental health contractor and provide services to offenders with mental illness (for example, activity therapists, case managers, psychometrics, etc.). (6-23-20, IS11-34.1, IS11-35)

Mental Health Unit Manual A department approved set of guidelines specific to each individual mental health unit that identifies all processes and procedures of that program. (10-14-20, IS12-3.5)

Mental Health Unit Treatment Coordinator A contracted mental health professional who serves as the mental health authority responsible for the delivery of contract services at an assigned special mental health unit as outlined in that specific unit’s mental health unit manual. (10-14-20, IS12-3.5)

Mental Health Unit Treatment Team A group of professionals who work in the MHU comprising of treatment and non-treatment staff members, to include the division of adult institutions, that work together to guide offender progress and maintain the unit’s goals as outlined in the MHU manual. (10-14-20, IS12-3.6)

Mental Health Units Units designed to provide the security, medication, and counseling services required to maintain the optimum level of institutional and mental health adjustment possible for offenders with significant mental illness who cannot adequately function in general population. These units are not intended to provide either acute psychiatric care or intermediate hospital care. (10-14-20, IS12-3.5)

Mental Impairment Any mental or psychological disorder such as developmental disability, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness and specific learning disabilities. (10-30-19, D1-1.3)

Mentee An employee who has established a formal relationship, with clearly defined goals, with a more experienced employee. For this program, a mentee must be a full-time employee with the department in good standing. (12-11-15, D2-7.12)

Mentor An employee who provides guidance and direction on setting and achieving goals.  A mentor is also described as a teacher, coach, adviser, trainer, or tutor. For this program, a mentor must be a full-time employee with the department for a minimum of 2 years in good standing. (12-11-15, D2-7.12)

Mentoring A process whereby a mentor and mentee work together to enhance the mentee’s personal and professional growth. (12-11-15, D2-7.12)

MERC Missouri Emergency Response Commission.

Merit Counting Examination A required video examination that tests an applicant’s ability to track activity and count. A passing score of 70 percent must be obtained. (8-26-13, D2-2.16)

Merit Reading Examination A required written examination that tests an applicant’s reading and language comprehension. A passing score of 70 percent must be obtained. (8-26-13, D2-2.16)

Merit Selection Group The top 15 or 15 percent (whichever is larger), as indicated by the Office of Administration, Division of Personnel, of successively ranking available applicants including all eligibles with a score which ties with the last ranking eligible. If more than one appointment is to be made from the same certificate, 5 additional eligibles may be considered after each appointment. This is to include all tied scores with the 5th additional eligible.  The top 15 or 15 percent does not apply to those classifications with noncompetitive registers; the entire register may be used. (1-6-16, D2-2.1)

Merit Video Examination A required, multiple choice, video examination that depicts different correctional scenarios. A passing score of 70 percent must be attained. (8-26-13, D2-2.16)

MERS Mobile emergency response support.

Metal Detector A hand-held or walk through device used in the detection of metallic items. (3-8-21, D2-11.13, IS20-1.3)

MFDA Missouri Funeral Directors Association.

MFDADRT Missouri Funeral Directors Association Disaster Response Team.

MH-Score Mental health score.

MHA Missouri Hospital Association.  

MIAC Missouri Information Analysis Center.

Military Caregiver Leave Up to 26 weeks of leave to care for a spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin who is a covered service member, and has incurred a serious illness or injury while in the line of duty. (10-11-19, D2-8.15)

Military Leave Leave which an eligible employee may utilize for military duty or military training obligations. This leave may be paid or unpaid. (8-26-13, D2-8.7)

Military Service A period of voluntary or involuntary service under orders from competent authority, for which a person is absent from a position of employment for the purpose of service in a uniformed service to include both active duty and inactive duty for training; absences for an examination to determine the fitness of the person to perform such duty; and absences for performing military funeral honors; and upon designation by the President of the United States, members of the National Disaster Medical System and Public Health Service are treated as members of the uniformed services. (8-26-13, D2-8.7)

Minimum Prison Term The time required by statute to be served by the offender before he is eligible for parole, conditional release or other early release. (9-5-10, D5-8.1)

Minimum Release Date The date of the offender’s conditional release. (12-15-93, D5-8)

Minor Any person under the age of 18 years, unless emancipated by order of the court. (4-28-20, D5-8.10, IS11-67.1, IS12-6.1)

Minor Conduct Violation Rules 10 through 41.9 as stated in the offender rulebook or the rules of conduct reference document unless it is determined to be serious due to the circumstances surrounding the violation. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)

Minor Disturbance A spontaneous or planned act involving a group of offenders refusing staff members’ directives to disburse, lock down or comply with institutional rules. The disturbance is resolved in a minimal amount of time and offenders did not control any portion of the facility. Some property damage may occur however no injuries to staff members or offenders occurred. (10-3-18, D1-12.1)

Missouri Charge Code A unique number assigned by the Office of state courts administrator to an offense for tracking and grouping offenses. (3-25-10, D5-1.6)

Missouri Corrections Integrated System (MOCIS) The department’s modern web based offender management system. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) This is one of three information or intelligence fusion centers in Missouri providing a public safety partnership consisting of local, state and federal agencies, as well as the public sector and private entities, that shall collect, evaluate, analyze and disseminate information and intelligence to agencies tasked with Homeland Security responsibilities in a timely, effective and secure manner. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Missouri Reentry Process (MRP) This process is designed to prepare offenders to be successful, productive, taxpaying citizens upon their release from prison. (12-21-13, IS5-1.2)

Missouri Reentry Process (MRP) Liaison The designated staff contact person at each field probation and parole office. (8-19-07, D5-10.5)

Missouri Sex Offender Program (MOSOP) Case Manager As defined by this procedure an institutional DORS staff member responsible for tracking, scheduling, and other classification duties related to non-clinical MOSOP programming and functioning. (9-23-16, D5-4.1)

Missouri Sex Offender Program (MOSOP) Classification Hearing A hearing that is conducted by Missouri sex offender program (MOSOP) case managers to discuss the disposition of an offender’s MOSOP status following the refusal to participate in treatment or an offender’s termination from MOSOP treatment as determined by a treatment team decision. (9-23-16, D5-4.1)

Missouri Sex Offender Program (MOSOP) Operational Manual A manual maintained by the MOSOP Manager of Operations that outlines programmatic requirements, procedures, and guidelines. (9-23-16, D5-4.1)

Missouri Sex Offender Program (MOSOP) Therapist A qualified mental health professional who provides sex offender treatment. (D5-4.1)

Missouri Sex Offender Program (MOSOP) Treatment Team A group that is comprised of MOSOP treatment staff members, and when determined by this team, can be multi-disciplinary to include classification, custody and any other staff member that may aide in assessing an offender’s progress and compliance, amenability to treatment, and suitability for continuation in the program. (9-23-16, D5-4.1)

Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES) Missouri Highway Patrol criminal information database. (2-28-10, D5-10.2)

Missouri Victim Automated Notification System (MOVANS) Replaced with Department Computer System. (8-21-18, D1-5.1)

Misuse of the Offender Grievance Procedure Improper or incorrect use of the offender grievance process, including filing of duplicate or expanded informal resolution requests or offender grievances. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Mixture Any combination of two or more chemicals if the combination is not, in whole or part, the result of a chemical reaction. (11-25-02, D4-2.8)

MMPT Minimum mandatory prison term.

MOA Memorandum of agreement.

MOCIS Missouri Corrections Integrated System.

MOCODE Missouri charge code.

Moderate Risk Level Offenders at this level require more than the standard activities of the low risk level. These offenders need ongoing officer direction, guidance and assistance in meeting their case plan goals. Male offenders scoring moderate risk and female offenders scoring moderate or low/moderate risk are supervised at the moderate level. The Ohio Risk Assessment System for these offenders indicate a moderate risk or recidivism. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Modified Suicide Watch An individualized plan which may result in less restrictive actions than the full suicide watch as determined by a qualified mental health professional. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Modified/Temporary Alternate Duty Assignment A temporary change of duties or duty assignment from the employee’s normal position which meets the needs of the worksite and is consistent with the medical restrictions of the employee during the employee’s recovery from an occupational injury or illness. (4-4-10, D2-15.5)

MODOC Missouri Department of Corrections.

MODOT Missouri Department of Transportation.

MOMM Missouri Offender Management Matrix.

MONAP Missouri Nuclear Accident Plan.

Money Any United States Government or foreign government printed bills or minted coin. (10-19-20, IS22-1.1)

MONG Missouri National Guard.

Monitoring Station A contracted organization which provides 24 hour monitoring services for offenders assigned to electronic monitoring in compliance with the terms outlined in the contractual agreement. It is the function of the monitoring station to verify, record and communicate program compliance to district probation and parole offices and command center staff members. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

MORET Missouri Radiological Emergency Team.

MOSERT Missouri State Computer Emergency Response Team.

MOSOP Missouri Sex Offender Program.

Motivational Interviewing A direct, offender-centered interviewing style intended to help offenders explore and resolve ambivalence about behavior change. (12-18-12, D5-10.6)

Motorized Equipment Vehicle Motorized equipment vehicles that by design require a driver to include agricultural motorized implements, motorized apparatus utilized for construction purposes, carryall type vehicles and riding lawnmowers. (6-5-06, IS20-1.10)

MOU Memorandum of understanding.

Mourning Bands A black ribbon placed over a staff member’s badge in the event of a staff member’s death. (4-21-20, D2-17.1)

Movement Control Post An assigned position or staff member work area with specific responsibilities to monitor and manage offender movement. Examples of custody posts include, but are not limited to sally port officers, tower officers, housing unit control room officers, yard officers, programs officers as well as non-custody positions such as required activities supervisors. (11-5-18, IS20-1.4)

MPCT Missouri Post-Conviction Treatment.

MPSH Supervision history modify.

MPT Minimum prison term.

MQA Missouri Quality Award.

MRP Missouri Re-Entry Process.

MRU Mobile response unit.

MRV Mobile response vehicle.

MSCA Military support to civil authorities.

MSD Military support detachment.

MSHP Missouri State Highway Patrol.

MSP Missouri State Penitentiary.

MSR Medical service request (prior term, replaced by HSR).

MSU Minimum security unit.

MSWP Missouri State Water Patrol.

MTAC Missouri tactical channel.

MTC Maryville Treatment Center.

MULES Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System.

Multi-Allocated Position A position that has been determined by the state personnel division to be established at more than one classification level. These are positions in which the core functions are basically the same, with more independence of action, less supervision and perhaps, more complex or difficult functions occurring at the higher level. (2-2-14, D2-2.8)

Multidisciplinary Team A committee, appointed jointly by the Director of the department of corrections and Department of Mental Health, whose function is to review documents in order to assess whether an individual referred from the department of corrections or from the Department of Mental Health meets the definition of a sexually violent predator and provide a recommendation to the Attorney General. (9-19-14, D5-4.4)

Multilevel Position A position that has been determined by the state personnel division to be established at more than one classification level. (2-10-10, D2-2.9)

Multi-Location Access A volunteer or reentry partner or guest that is approved to provide services at more than one site. (3-1-21, D2-13.1)

MVE Missouri Vocational Enterprises.

MVMA Missouri Veterinary Medical Association.

Mycobacterium Tuberculosis A highly contagious bacteria that causes tuberculosis. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)


NAERG North American Emergency Response Guidebook.

National Crime Information System (NCIS) A nationwide, computerized information system providing and maintaining accurate and timely documented criminal justice information from 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and Canada. (2-28-10, D5-10.2)

National Incident Management System (NIMS) Provides a consistent nationwide approach for federal, state and local governments to work effectively and efficiently together to prepare for, respond to and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size, complexity. Providing for interagency cooperation among federal, state and local government emergency response capabilities, the National Incident Management System includes a core set of concepts, principles, terminology, and technologies covering the incident command system; multi-agency coordination systems; unified command; training, identification and management of resources (including systems for classifying types of resources); qualifications and certification; and the collection, tracking, and reporting of incident information and incident resources. (6-7-10, D1-9.1)

National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Narrative Instrument The narrative instrument is a listing of points of review that represent the priority concerns of an agency as related to basic security topical areas (for example: searches, visitation, key control, etc.). (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

National Law Enforcement Telecommunication System (NLETS) A computerized, high-speed message switching system created to provide for the interstate and/or interagency exchange of criminal justice related information.  NLETS is made up of representatives from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Canada and several federal law enforcement agencies. (2-28-10, D5-10.2)

NATO North American Treaty Organization.

NAWAS National Warning System; also NWS.

NBC Nuclear, biological and chemical/radiological.

NCCER National Center for Construction Education and Research.

NCCHC National Commission on Correctional Health Care (Standards for Health Services in Prisons).

NCIC National Crime Information Center System.

NDMS National Disaster Medical System.

NECC Northeast Correctional Center.

Negative A tuberculosis test reading that is 0mm to 9mm in duration except close contact testing. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Negative Results-Breath Alcohol An alcohol test result of 0.000. (3-19-15, D2-11.12, D5-7.2)

Negligent Discharge The unplanned discharge of a firearm caused by a failure to observe firearms safety rules. (5-5-19, IS20-2.1)

Nepotism Hiring or providing benefits to a relative through the powers of an employee’s office, regardless of that employee’s rank. (2-5-20, D2-11.3)

NERRTC National Emergency Response & Rescue Training Center.

NEST Nuclear emergency search teams.

New Canteen Budget Request A single request for approval of canteen funding for an item or program not on the canteen approved items list. (10-1-15, D3-9.4)

New Charge An offender is charged with a new crime while on extended limits of confinement assignment. (8-23-13, IS23-1.1)

New Criminal Code The Missouri Criminal Code in effect for those offenders committing crimes after January 1, 1979. (12-15-93, D5-8, D5-8.3)

New Decision Item A unified request for new funding for a specific purpose, perhaps a new program, enhancement of an existing program or simply additional funds to maintain an existing program at the same level of operation. (8-15-92, D3-1)

New Development The provision of application support in areas which are not now automated or where existing support is found to be so inadequate that a completely new approach is warranted. (10-27-20, D1-7.1, D1-7.3)

News Media A news gathering organization, or its representatives, that collects information with the intent of disseminating it through print, broadcast or digital means. (6-6-18 per K. Pojmann, D1-3.1)

Next of Kin of a Covered Service Member The nearest blood relative, other than the covered service member’s spouse, parent, son or daughter, in the following order of priority:

  1. Any blood relative the covered service member has specifically designated in writing as his or her nearest blood relative for purposes of military caregiver leave under the FMLA. When this designation has been made, the designated individual shall be deemed to be the covered service member’s only next of kin.
  2. blood relatives who have been granted legal custody of the service member by court decree or statutory provisions;
  3. brothers and sisters;
  4. grandparents;
  5. aunts and uncles; and
  6. first cousins. (10-11-19, D2-8.15)

NFIP National Flood Insurance Program.

NHAS National Homeland Security Advisory System; also NHSAS.

NHSAS National Homeland Security Advisory System; also NHAS.

NIC National Institute of Corrections.

NIMS National Incident Management System.

NIRT National Incident Response Team.

NLETS National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System.

NMRT National Medical Response Team.

No Body Received (NBR) (Also referred to as an “AIFED” offender or a “papers only offender”) An offender serving a Missouri sentence(s) concurrently with an out-of-state or federal facility. Both Missouri and the confining agency have jurisdiction over the offender. (3-25-10, D5-1.6)

No Contact Visits Visits where physical contact between the visitor and offender is not permitted. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

No Show An offender who upon release from a division of adult institutions facility fails to report for assigned placement in a department or contracted residential facility. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

NOA Notice of arrival.

NOAA The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.

NOC Notice of citation.

Nonacutely Suicidal Those offenders who express current suicidal ideation such as expressing a wish to die without a specific threat or plan, and/or have a recent prior history of self-destructive behavior. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Noncompliance An offender who is on psychotropic medication and has missed all doses of medication for 5 consecutive days or has missed 50% of all doses in a given month. (10-23-15, IS11-27.3, IS12-3.1, IS12-3.2)

Noncontact Security Search The search of a clothed person by use of a metal detector or other electronic detection devices, visual examination of pockets, shoes, mouth, hair and any and all articles found in that person’s possession at the time of the search which excludes physical contact. (8-24-18, IS20-1.3)

Noncontaminated Returns Medication that has not been in the offender’s possession or exposed from its original sealed packaging from the pharmacy. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1)

Non-Deadly Force Force that normally causes neither death nor serious bodily injury. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Nondepartment Record (NONMODOC) Any finding of guilt occurring in another jurisdiction or state outside of the Missouri Department of Corrections. (8-10-15, D5-10.2)

Nondiscretionary Charges Funds from an offender’s account used to pay for basic hygiene items, necessary legal supplies, court fines, child support payments, or victims fees. (4-2-20, IS8-1.1)

Nondomestic Animals Animals such as bats, raccoons, skunks and foxes that do not meet the definitions for insects, rodents or domestic animals. (12-20-03, IS4-1.3)

Non-English Speaking Offender An offender who does not speak English as his primary language, and who has a limited ability to read, speak, write or understand English. (4-1-19, IS13-1.1, IS19-1.6)

Nongrievable Issues For the purpose of this procedure, all matters concerning probation and parole; actions of state legislature or other federal, state and local agencies; actions in institutions where the offender does not reside unless said actions personally involve or directly affect the offender; judicial proceedings; conditions which affect another offender without affecting the grieving offender personally. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Nonmandatory Use Contract A contract established by OA/DPMM or by the department purchasing section, the use of which is not required when purchasing commodities included in the contract. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Nonmerit Appointment An appointment made outside of merit system provisions at the discretion of the appointing authority which does not require merit system examinations and is not covered by merit system rules and regulations. (11-30-08, D2-2.7)

Nonmerit Benefit Eligible Position A non-merit position established that requires the employee to work 1040 hours or more per year and is benefit eligible. (11-30-08, D2-2.7)

Nonmerit Nonbenefit Eligible Position A non-merit position established for employees that work less than 1040 hours per year. (11-30-08, D2-2.7)

Nonmerit (Unclassified) Positions

  1. department director, deputy department director, division directors, deputy/assistant division directors and members of the board of probation and parole,
  2. designated principal assistants to department and division directors,
  3. principal assistants to the board of probation and  parole,
  4. interns employed as part of their formal training at a college, university, business, trade or technical school,
  5. special assistants as designated by the appointing authority not to exceed one percent of the department’s total authorized full-time equivalent work force,
  6. persons whose employment is such that selection by competitive examination and standard classification and compensation practices are not practical under all circumstances as determined by the Office of Administration, Division of Personnel director to include the following:
  7. new positions for which allocation to an existing class is not practical when those positions must be filled pending classification,
  8. interns, trainees, participants in special state or federal training, rehabilitation or employment programs and cooperative education programs,
  9. positions involving short-term, part-time or intermittent work schedules which do not exceed the equivalent of 1040 hours in a year,
  10. positions in which the special needs of the service cannot be met by other appointment or classification and pay procedures provided in these rules.

Other specific exemptions:

  1. attorneys,
  2. chaplains, or
  3. positions authorized by the Office of Administration or the Personnel Advisory Board. (11-30-08, D2-2.7)

Nonpassive Alert Dog A dog trained to smell illegal substances or items and given an alert. The use of drug detection dogs requires prior removal of all individuals from the area being searched. (9-16-15, IS24-4.1)

Nonprescription Drug Any substance which is not legally controlled and is available without a medical prescription but which, when inappropriately used, may hamper the ability to perform assigned duties or impair judgment, alertness, and any other physical, emotional, and mental capacity. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Nonreservation Class Any class which does not require a reservation for the offenders’ arrival or participation in the class. (7-20-13, D5-4.12)

Nonsequential Ranges Classification specific pay grid ranges added October 1, 2013.  These ranges include:

  1. 66C (corrections officer I, comparable range 16)
  2. 68C (corrections officer II, comparable range 18)
  3. 60 (education assistant II, comparable range 10)
  4. 80 (registered nurse-clinical operations, comparable range 30. (9-24-15, D2-2.8)

Nonuniformed Maintenance Staff Members Maintenance staff members not required to wear the standard maintenance uniform: maintenance supervisor II, storekeeper and clerical. (10-5-15, IS2-1.4)

Nonviolent Offense An offense listed as nonviolent in the Missouri Sentencing Advisory Commission’s Recommended Sentencing User Guide. (1-2-10, D5-4.26)

Notary Public A person selected by the chief administrative officer and commissioned by the secretary of state to serve the public as a disinterested witness; to take acknowledgments, administer oaths and affirmations; to certify true copy of documents; and to perform such other acts as are permitted by law. (4-28-13, D3-3.4)

Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) A notification of activity in a case sent by email to the filer and all registered case participants immediately after each electronic filing. The NEF contains a hyperlink to the filed document and the docket sheet. (4-2-20, IS8-1.1)

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

NRP National Response Plan.

NTE Not to exceed.

NTIA National Telecommunications and Information Administration.

Nude Pictures Any picture showing the human male or female genitals, totally nude buttocks, pubic area or any part of the female nipple including the following:

  1. Any picture that appears to be of a child, male or female, that is bare-chested will be considered a nude picture.
  2. Any pictorial depiction with less than a fully opaque covering is considered a nude picture.  Opaque refers to something impervious to the passage of light or not transparent and that cannot be removed or made transparent by the viewer.
  3. Any picture displaying g-string or thong style apparel will be considered a nude picture.
  4. Pictures in a magazine or other publication of general circulation shall not be considered a nude picture.
  5. Computer generated pictures or pictures that appear to be from the Internet will be considered nude pictures. (11-12-14, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2)

Nuisance Contraband Any item or article which may be or may have been previously authorized for possession but which now is prohibited because of excessive quantities or otherwise presents a fire, sanitation, security or housekeeping problem. (10-19-20, IS22-1.1)

Nursing Assessment Protocols Written instructions or guidelines that specify the steps to be taken in evaluating a patient’s health status and providing interventions. Such protocols may include acceptable first-aid procedures for the identification and care of ailments that ordinarily would be treated by an individual with over-the-counter medication or through self-care. They also may address more serious symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, or intoxication. They provide sequence of steps to be taken to evaluate and stabilize the patient until a clinician is contacted and orders are received for further care. (12-6-19, IS11-37.1, IS11-43)

Nursing Staff Members A contracted healthcare professional who is licensed to provide nursing services (e.g., RN, LPN, GN, GPN). (4-8-21, IS11-14.2, IS20-1.3, IS20-3.1)

NWC National Warning Center.

NWS National Warning System; also NAWAS.


OA Office of Administration.

Objectives Short-term, measurable, achievable, reasonable and time oriented steps a staff member or offender takes to achieve the individualized goal. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Observation Beds assigned or designated as use for medical or mental observation for specific purposes, such as watching the offender’s response to a change in medication regimen; preparation for diagnostics, outpatient procedures or recovering from day surgeries, medical procedures, or behavioral actions that appear questionable. (7-30-20, IS11-52)

Observation Zones A section or sections of the security perimeter in which perimeter lights illuminate to allow vehicle patrol and roving or foot patrols to have an uninterrupted view of the section without darkness. (9-24-19, IS20-1.7)

Observe To make some special observation through communication, planned activities, promotional efforts, or other means. (12-5-03, D2-7.1)

OC Oleoresin capsicum (pepper spray).

OCC Ozark Correctional Center.

OCCDTP Ozark Correctional Center Drug Treatment Program.

Offender Any individual under the custody or supervision of any division of the department, including any person confined in a community supervision center. (1-25-21, D1-5.1, D1-5.2, D1-8.1, D1-8.3, D1-8.4, D1-8.9, D2-11.1, D2-11.10, D2-13.1, D4-2.1, D5-3, D5-1.2, D5-7.1, D5-7.2, D5-9.3)

Offender Abuse When a staff member knowingly injures the physical well-being of any offender under the jurisdiction of the department by beating, striking, kicking or wounding the offender. This does not include authorized uses of force as permitted by department and divisional procedures. (1-5-21, D1-8.1)

Offender Canteen Funds Account An account where the revenues from the institutional canteens are deposited and then expended by the appropriate division for the benefit of the offenders for the improvement of recreational, religious, and educational services, as well as the operation costs of the canteen. (10-10-07, D3-6.2)

Offender Certificate of Achievement A standardized document that reflects that an offender received training or completed a set curriculum as established by a department recognized source. (1-8-15 legal revised, IS7-1.5)

Offender Classification Manual A manual maintained by the central transfer authority (CTA) and available in the department computer system for use by correction’s case managers in providing definitions and detailed scoring instructions for the initial classification analysis (ICA) and reclassification analysis (RCA) instruments. (3-30-15, IS5-2.1)

Offender Council A group of offender representatives from each of the general population housing units and protective custody units selected by the chief administrative officer or designee. (10-16-02, IS13-4.2)

Offender Counsel Substitute Any general population offender who assists another offender upon request during disciplinary hearings for major conduct violations and in the preparation of legal materials. This person is not required to have any legal training. (4-1-19, IS8-1.3, IS19-1.6)

Offender Count A regularly scheduled count conducted as designated by standard operating procedures. (10-2-19, IS20-1.2)

Offender Discharge Offender has served his entire sentence and will be discharged from the institution with no supervision. (5-3-21, D5-8.6)

Offender Document Documents from partnering agencies such as birth certificates, state identification cards, driver’s license, etc. (1-8-15, IS7-1.5)

Offender Drug Test Coordinator An employee designated by the CAO to direct and monitor all necessary duties related to the collection, labeling, control, documentation and transportation procedures for offender drug testing. (6-23-13, D5-7.1)

Offender Exam Camera (video) This is the camera typically used to examine the general condition of the offender. (4-8-20, IS11-30)

Offender Files Physical files regarding an individual offender, including sentence and judgment, classification, health services, education, and property. (1-7-15, IS7-1.2, IS11-60)

Offender Financial Services Office This office provides fiscal oversight, support and assistance to the offender population by managing the offender canteen and offender banking system. (9-8-16, D3-9.1, IS9-1.1, IS12-3.1)

Offender Handler/Trainer An offender who has been selected using established criteria to be responsible for the care and training for dogs entered in the puppies for parole program. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Offender Identification (ID) Back-Up Card A printed document containing frontal and profile facial images, offense information, and other personal identification information for an incarcerated offender. (6-9-16, D5-1.1)

Offender Image Management System (OIM) A computerized system used for storage of offender photographic images and other offender personal identification information. (6-9-16, D5-1.1)

Offender Law Library Assistant Those offenders assigned to work in the law library under the supervision of library staff. (7-25-11, IS8-1.4, IS15-1.1)

Offender Legal Documents/Papers Includes items essential to the preparation of formal legal pleadings such as:

  1. All handwritten/typewritten drafts of pending briefs or petitions;
  2. Materials that the offender intends to include in the completed pleading to the court;
  3. Copies of formal discovery documents relating to pending litigation including transcripts of depositions and verbatim court proceedings;
  4. Copies of completed and signed complaints, petitions, motions, or briefs which have been filed with the court and are pending a court decisions or order;
  5. Any item of legal mail previously received through any prison facility mail procedure and relating to a pending legal pleading. (3-9-12, IS8-1.3)

Offender Library A place in which a collection of library materials are maintained and a variety of library services are made available to offenders. Services are made available and supervised by institutional library staff for the purpose of educating, informing, entertaining and providing access to courts to offenders in general population and any other special unit including, but not limited to administrative segregation, protective custody, social rehabilitation, transitional care, treatment and youthful offenders. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Offender Library Assistants Those offenders assigned to work primarily with leisure materials. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Offender Library Workers Those offenders assigned to work in the library under the supervision of library staff. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Offender Management Team (OMT) A group of staff members consisting of a minimum of 2 individuals, at least one of whom will be a treatment staff member and preferably one individual from one of following areas: classification, probation and parole and/or custody. The offender management team will be chaired by either the classification or departmental substance use treatment staff member. (11-30-16, D5-4.29, D5-10.5, IS19-1.5)

Offender on Offender Sexual Abuse Replaced by Offender Sexual Abuse. (7-7-16, D1-8.1, D1-8.4, D1-8.9, D1-8.13, D1-12.1, D5-3.2, IS21-1.3)

Offender Personal Account The section of offender’s account for regular usage, not frozen funds. (2-15-07, D3-5.1)

Offender Personal Property List A record of items belonging to an offender which will be given to him upon release or discharge from a department institution. This property list is maintained in the sentence and judgment file and inventoried in the department computer system. (1-8-15, IS7-1.3, IS7-1.5)

Offender Physical Abuse When a person, including a staff member or another offender, knowingly injures any offender by beating, striking, kicking, or wounding. This does not include authorized uses of force as permitted by department and divisional procedures. (1-25-21, D1-8.4, D1-8.6, IS21-1.3)

Offender Records Any and all information maintained by the department that relates to a specific offender, including electronic records. (1-7-15 revised by legal, D1-11.2, IS7-1.2, IS7-1.6)

Offender Religious Advisory Council A group of offender religious community designated representatives whose purpose is to receive information and to give feedback regarding religious or spiritual programming, and to promote tolerance and cooperation among faith communities. (4-11-18, IS17-1.1)

Offender Religious Community Designated Representative An offender whose role shall be to assist the respective religious community, the chaplain, and volunteers in corrections. (1-18-15, IS17-1.1)

Offender Religious Declaration An offender’s official selection from a category of accommodated faith groups. (4-11-18, IS17-1.1)

Offender Sexual Abuse 1. For the purpose of this procedure includes: sexual abuse by another offender, detainee, or resident; and sexual abuse of an offender by a staff member, contractor, or volunteer. (5-5-12, D4-4.8, IS21-1.3) 2. Includes sexual abuse of an offender by another offender and sexual abuse of an offender by staff member.

  1. Offender on Offender Sexual Abuse:  Sexual abuse of one offender by another offender includes any of the following acts, if the victim does not consent, is coerced into such act by overt or implied threats of violence, or is unable to consent or refuse:
    1. Contact between the penis and the vulva or the penis and the anus, including penetration, however slight.
    2. Contact between the mouth and the penis, vulva, or anus.
    3. Penetration of the anal or genital opening of another person, however slight, by a hand, finger, object, or other instrument.
    4. Any other intentional touching, either directly or through the clothing, of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or the buttocks of another person, excluding contact incidental to a physical altercation.
  2. Staff Member on Offender Sexual Abuse:  Sexual abuse of an offender by a staff member, including any of the following acts, with or without consent of the offender:
    1. Contact between the penis and the vulva or the penis and the anus, including penetration, however slight.
    2. Contact between the mouth and the penis, vulva, or anus.
    3. Contact between the mouth and any body part where the staff member has the intent to abuse, arouse, or gratify sexual desire.
    4. Penetration of the anal or genital opening, however slight, by a hand, finger, object, or other instrument, that is unrelated to official duties or where the staff member has the intent to abuse, arouse, or gratify sexual desire.
    5. Any other intentional contact, either directly or through the clothing, of or with, the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or the buttocks, that is unrelated to official duties or where the staff member, has the intent to abuse, arouse, or gratify sexual desire.
    6. Any attempt, threat, or request by a staff member to engage in the activities described in paragraphs (1) through (5) of this definition.
    7. Any display by a staff member of his or her uncovered genitalia, buttocks, or breast in the presence of an offender.
    8. Voyeurism by a staff member which is an invasion of privacy of an offender, for reasons unrelated to the staff members’ official duties, such as peering at an offender who is using a toilet in his cell to perform bodily functions; requiring an offender to expose his buttocks, genitals, or breasts; or taking images of all or part of an offender’s naked body or of an offender performing bodily functions. (2-22-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.4, D1-8.13, D1-12.1, D5-3.2, IS5-2.5, IS21-1.3)

Offender Sexual Abuse by a Staff Member, Contractor, or Volunteer Replaced by Offender Sexual Abuse (7-7-16, D4-4.8)

Offender Sexual Abuse by Another Offender, Detainee, or Resident Replaced by Offender Sexual Abuse (7-7-16, D4-4.8)

Offender Sexual Abuse Incident Debriefings A fact finding process used to determine information regarding a serious incident following an investigation. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

Offender Sexual Harassment

  1. Repeated and/or unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal comments, gestures, or actions of a derogatory or offensive sexual nature by one offender directed toward another offender.
  2. Repeated and/or unwelcome verbal comments or gestures of a sexual nature to an offender or resident by a staff member, contractor, or volunteer, including demeaning references to gender, sexually suggestive or derogatory comments about body or clothing, or obscene language or gestures. (2-22-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.4, D1-8.9, D1-8.13, D1-12.1, D4-4.8, D5-3.2, IS21-1.3)

Offender Sign-In System A method of movement control requiring an offender’s signature to access specified institutional locations. (11-5-18, IS20-1.4)

Offender Under Treatment A highly structured treatment program for parole board referred offender with emphasis placed on substance use disorders treatment, relapse prevention, criminality, and community release planning. (9-16-16, D5-4.26)

Offender Visit System Check A screening of individuals who are authorized to visit an individual offender. (10-4-16, IS18-6.2)

Offender Volunteer Offenders who have been trained in hospice care and are assigned to work with offenders. (10-1-99, IS18-5.4)

Offenders Offering Alternatives (OOA) Program A program or tour established by the department for probationers court ordered to participate in the program. (8-26-19, IS1-5.2)

Offender’s Representation Anyone acting on the behalf of the offender (i.e. family member, advocate, fiend, attorney, etc.). (3-7-08, D5-8.5)

Offenders Required to Register

  1. Any person who, since January 1, 1995, has been or is hereafter convicted of, been found guilty of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to committing, or attempting to commit an offense of chapter 566 RSMo, or any offense of chapter 566 RSMo where the victim is a minor, or a felony offense of chapter 556 RSMo, except for the following offenses:
    1. Section 556.203 (abusing an individual  through forced labor);
    2. Section 556.206 (trafficking for the purpose of slavery);
    3. Section 556.125 (contributing to human trafficking); and
    4. Section 556.221 (relating to international marriage brokers).
  2. Any person who, since January 1, 1995, has been or is hereafter convicted of, been found guilty of or pled guilty or nolo contendere to committing, or attempting to commit one or more of the following offenses:
    1. kidnapping when the victim is a minor and the offender is not a parent or guardian of the minor;
    2. felonious restraint when the victim is a minor and the offender is not a parent or guardian of the minor;
    3. sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a resident of a nursing home under section 565.500 RSMo;
    4. endangering the welfare of a child under section 568.045 RSMo when the endangerment is sexual in nature;
    5. genital mutilation of a female child under section 568.065 RSMo;
    6. promoting prostitution in the first, second and third degree;
    7. sexual exploitation of a minor;
    8. promoting child pornography in the first or second degree;
    9. possession of child pornography;
    10. furnishing pornographic material to minors;
    11. public display of explicit sexual material;
    12. coercing acceptance of obscene material;
    13. promoting obscenity in the first degree;
    14. promoting pornography for minors or obscenity in the second degree;
    15. incest;
    16. use of a child in a sexual performance;
    17. promoting sexual performance by a child; or
    18. attempting to commit or committing any of the above offenses against a victim who is a minor.
  3. Any person who, since July 1, 1979, has been committed to the Department of Mental Health as a criminal sexual psychopath, or
  4. Any person who, since July 1, 1979, has been found not guilty as a result of mental disease or defect of any offense listed in II.B.1. or II.B.2. of this procedure, or
  5. Any person who is a resident of this state and who has, since January 1, 1995, or is hereafter convicted of, been found guilty of, or pled guilty to or nolo contendere in any other state, foreign country or under federal jurisdiction or military jurisdiction to committing, or attempting to commit an offense which, if committed in this state, would be a violation of chapter 566 RSMo, or a felony violation of any offense listed in section II.B.2. of this procedure.
  6. Any person who is a resident of this state and who has been or is required to register in another state, or has been or is required to register under federal or military law, or
  7. Any person who has been or is required to register in another state or has been or is required to register under federal or military law and who works or attends school or training on a full-time or on a part-time basis in Missouri. (5-19-07, D5-8.10)

Offenders With Special Needs Those offenders who are unable to utilize the library facilities without special assistance. They include, but are not limited to, offenders with physical disabilities, offenders who are illiterate or have a documented educational reading and/or language score equal to or below an eighth grade reading level; or offenders who do not read or write in English. (3-9-12, IS8-1.3, IS8-1.4, IS15-1.1)

Offense A crime committed for which the offender has been convicted and sentenced to the department. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1)

Offenses Requiring Mandatory Notification In accordance with the state of Missouri statute, includes dangerous felonies and the attempt to commit any dangerous felony, and the offense of murder in the first degree and voluntary manslaughter. (8-21-18, D1-5.1)

Office of the Chief Counsel Responsibilities When requested, the office of the department’s chief counsel shall be responsible for performing the following services for, and on behalf of, the department.

  1. Preventive law:  In the area of preventive law, the office of the chief counsel may:
    1. review and provide advice to administrative staff on statutes, case law, policies, procedures and administrative rules developed at the departmental and divisional level,
    2. review and provide advice to administrative staff and grievance officers on responses to offender grievances,
    3. advise records officers and parole analysts when questions arise on the legality of criminal sentences and length of time to serve computations, and
    4. provide advice to administrative staff on proposed departmental actions and procedures to manage litigation risks. (5-4-01, D1-4.1)

Office of Personnel A section under the division of human services responsible for maintaining the official files. (1-19-21)

Office of Professional Standards (OPS) A section under the office of the director responsible for conducting internal department investigations in accordance with the department’s procedure regarding the OPS. (1-25-21, D1-1.3, D1-8.2, D1-8.3, D1-8.6, D1-8.7, D1-8.8, D1-12.1, D2-10.3, D2-10.4, D2-11.4, D2-11.10, D2-16.1, D2-14.1)

Office of Victim Services A unit of employees within the department that ensures the rights and interest of crime victims are represented in accordance with the state of Missouri statute. (8-21-18, D1-5.1)

Official Business Includes meetings (closed or open), commission and board meetings, hearings, seminars, training sessions and similar functions when conducted as part of an agency’s operation. (9-28-14, D3-2.3)

Official Domicile The work location of an employee that best serves the interests of the department and not for convenience or benefit of the employee. (2-7-20, D2-6.1, D2-8.4)

Official File The authorized personnel records of employees that are maintained in accordance with the employee file index reference document and the department procedure regarding maintenance of employee records. (4-20-21, D2-2.2, D2-2.10, D2-3.1, D2-3.2, D2-5.1, D2-11.4, IS20-3.4)

Officiant The approved individual (such as clergy person, judge or other recognized entity) performing the marriage ceremony. (9-28-14, IS8-5.1)

Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS) A dynamic risk and needs assessment system designed to assess offenders at various stages in the criminal justice system. The ORAS consists of the following tools utilized by the department of corrections:

  1. Community Supervision Screening
  2. Community Supervision
  3. Prison Intake
  4. Reentry
  5. Supplemental Reentry (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Old Criminal Code The Missouri Criminal Code in effect for those offenders committing crimes prior to January 1, 1979. (12-15-93, D5-8, D5-8.3)

OMP Offender management process.

OMT Offender management team.

On Call When an employee is required to be available outside his normal working schedule. (9-22-20, D2-8.4, D2-11.12)

On Call Service Availability of a licensed practitioner; physician, psychiatrist, or dentist by means of telephone or in person to confer regarding an offender’s health status. (8-3-14, IS11-03)

On Call Schedules A list of physician, dental and psychiatric staff members designated for contact when none is available on-site. (12-6-19, IS11-41)

On-the-Job Training Position specific training occurring at the worksite under the guidance of an experienced staff member. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Ongoing Fundraiser A single fundraising event implemented at the beginning of the calendar year and perpetuated throughout the year. (9-8-16, IS9-1.1)

Online Help Desk Ticket A computerized form located on the department intranet site ( used to complete, attach and submit to ITSD staff members for processing and to contact ITSD help desk to request assistance for computer problems or issues. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Online Training Training that is delivered partially or entirely through electronic hardware, software, or both. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Onsite Audit A review of job duties, responsibilities and authority of a position through a personal interview by an Office of Administration, Division of Personnel, Classification Analyst. (6-23-13, D2-2.12)

Onsite Testing Drug testing conducted at the location where the specimen is collected and tested by the use of hand-held technology that provides immediate feedback to the staff member and offender. (6-23-13, D5-7.1)

OP-II AS-400 or the green screen (pronounced “OP two”).

OPC Outpatient clinic.

Open Competitive Certificate A listing of eligibles for employment in the classified service in grade order, irrespective of employment status who have indicated that they wish to be considered for employment at a specific work location where a current or anticipated vacancy exist within a specific class. (2-2-14, D2-2.8)

Open Movement Period An authorized release of an offender population to specified areas of the institution within a predetermined time frame. (11-5-18, IS20-1.4)

Open Record-Employees The name, position, salary and length of service of any person employed by the department. (2-2-14, D1-11.2)

Open Record-Offender Any record maintained by the department that relates to a specific offender who is or was at one time under the department’s jurisdiction, if not considered closed as provided in this procedure. (D1-11.2)

Open Records-Department All department records unless otherwise exempted under the provisions of sections 610.021, 217.075, 549.500, 559.125 RSMo, or other state or federal law, and as provided in this procedure. (2-2-14, D1-11.2)

Open Sick Call Controlled sick call with set times during the day for the offender population to access routine unscheduled nurse visits to request or discuss health care needs. (12-6-19, IS11-37.1)

Operational Test The authorized setting and verification of programming, calibrations and sensitivity levels in accordance with the walk-through metal detector manufacturer guidelines and recommendations. (3-8-21, D2-11.13)

Operational Test Piece A commercially obtained metallic item designed to simulate in size, shape and composition the smallest forbidden object for testing and verifying calibration settings of the walk-through metal detectors. (3-8-21, D2-11.13)

Oral Care Includes instruction in oral hygiene, as well as the examination and treatment of dental problems.  Instruction in oral hygiene minimally includes information on plaque control and the proper brushing of teeth. (6-23-20, IS11-36.1)

Oral Examination Conducting or reviewing an offender's oral history, an extra oral head and neck examination, charting of teeth, and examination of the hard and soft tissue of the oral cavity with a mouth mirror, explorer and adequate illumination by a dentist. (6-23-20, IS11-36.1)

Oral Screening Visual observation of the teeth and gums, and notation of any obvious or gross abnormalities requiring immediate referral to the dentist. (6-23-20, IS11-36.1)

Oral Treatment Includes the full range of services that in the dentist’s judgment are necessary for proper mastication and maintenance of the offender’s health status. (6-23-20, IS11-36.1)

ORAS Ohio Risk Assessment System.

Order Restricting Visitation Official documentation from a criminal or juvenile court or the Children’s Division that restricts any type of visitation between an offender and his victim who is under the age of 18. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

ORI Originating Agency Identifier.

ORI Number Originating agency identifier number. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

Orientation First week of employment in which all administrative paperwork is complete, uniforms (if applicable) are ordered, tuberculosis testing is scheduled and identification cards are issued. Pre-training job shadowing for new corrections officers will also be included in this week. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Orthoses A device used to correct malalignment or dysfunction of joints. (10-16-19, IS11-59, IS22-1.1)

OSA Office support assistant.

OSA-C Office support assistant – clerical.

OSA-K Office support assistant – keyboarding.

OTC Out to court.

Other Aids to Impairment May include, but not be limited to eyeglasses, hearing aids, canes, crutches, or wheelchairs. (10-16-19, IS11-59, IS22-1.1)

Other Sexual Offenses Offenses that must be referred for Missouri Sex Offender Program (MOSOP) participation but statutes do not mandate MOSOP completion. For the purposes of this procedure, these include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Sexual contact with a student while on public school property;
  2. Unlawful sex with an animal;
  3. Sexual contact with a prisoner or offender;
  4. Trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation;
  5. Sexual trafficking of a child;
  6. Sexual trafficking of a child under the age of 12;
  7. Endangering the welfare of a child involving sexual contact;
  8. Genital Mutilation of a female child;
  9. Promoting sexual performance of a child;
  10. Sexual exploitation of a minor;
  11. Promoting child pornography in the 1st degree;
  12. Promoting child pornography in the 2nd degree;
  13. Promoting child obscenity in the 1st degree;
  14. Promoting child obscenity in the 2nd degree;
  15. Possession of child pornography;
  16. Furnishing pornographic material to minors;
  17. Coercing acceptance of obscene material;
  18. Sexual contact or sexual intercourse with a resident of a nursing home;
  19. Age representation with intent to solicit a minor; and
  20. Attempts to commit any of the above crimes. (11-9-16, D5-4.1)


Other Work Maintenance/repair or duties not included in the facility preventative maintenance schedule or the facility programmed maintenance plan. (10-15-19, D4-3.5)

OUT Offenders Under Treatment Program.

Out of Band Transfer Movement from a band position to a range position that does not constitute a promotion or demotion. (3-19-09, D2-2.19)

Outcome Quality Improvement Studies An examination of whether expected outcomes of patient care were achieved. (3-19-21, IS11-06)

Outcount Any departure from institutional grounds by an offender under the supervision of a staff member or law enforcement agency or for work release programs. (6-29-20, D1-5.1, IS11-41, IS11-42, IS12-3.1, IS19-1.5, IS20-1.2, IS20-1.9, IS20-4.2)

Outside Consultant Specialist, recognized physician, or other healthcare professional, not an employee or independent contractor of the department or its health services contractor. (2-15-15, IS11-11.1, IS11-14.2)

Outside Training Training not conducted within the division and/or department or under the auspices of the division and/or department. (5-2-19, D2-5.4, D2-12.2)

Over the Counter (OTC) Medication Medication that can be obtained without being prescribed by a licensed prescribing authority. (6-17-16, IS11-27.1)

Overpack Container A device that is used to contain spills or leakage from a chemical container. (9-8-03, D4-2.10)

Overtime Time worked beyond the normal daily shift or beyond 40 hours in a standard work week, except for those staff members impacted by the 207K exemption who work 12 hour shifts or are otherwise exempted in this procedure or by the department director. (2-23-21, D2-8.11)

Overtime Code O Employees in classifications or unclassified positions that are exempt from federal and state overtime provisions, as listed in the pay plan and index of classes. (2-23-21, D2-8.1, D2-8.4, D2-8.11)

Overtime Code 1 Employees in classifications or unclassified positions that are not covered by a federal overtime provisions, but are eligible under state law for state overtime, as listed in the pay plan and index of classes. (2-23-21, D2-8.1, D2-8.4, D2-8.11)

Overtime Code 2 (FSLA applies) Employees in classifications or unclassified positions for which wages and hours are regulated by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) guidelines for overtime, as listed in the pay plan and index of classes. (2-23-21, D2-8.1, D2-8.4, D2-8.11)


P&P Division of Probation and Parole.

P-Score Public risk score.

PAA Public Assistance Assessment.

PAB Personnel advisory board.

PACT Peer Action Care Team.

Padded Envelope An envelope with a liner consisting of fiber or layered plastic, designed to keep the contents of the envelope from being broken, smashed, bent or otherwise damaged during mailing, shipping or extended storage. (9-23-13, IS13-1.1)

PAFMU Procedures and forms management unit.

Paid Documents Without Purchase Order Types of documents that may be paid without encumbering funds are:

  1. PVE (Expense Account Voucher): used when paying employees for reimbursements submitted on expense reports.
  2. PVQ (Quick Payment Voucher): used for purchases not encumbered or on a purchase order such as the P card, landline telephone bills, cell phone bills, etc. (8-2-17, D3-3.1)

Pamphlets or Booklets Small usually unbound book or leaflets. Reading material that is stapled in the center of the publication. Small books which are bound and about the same thickness as a magazine. (2-25-21, IS22-1.1)

Pardon An action on the part of the Governor that releases an offender from all or part of the punishment issued for the offense and reinstates his civil liberties. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D5-8)

Parent 1. Biological, adoptive, step or foster mother/father or any individual who stood in loco parentis to an employee or a covered service member when the employee or covered service member was a child (i.e. prior to age 18). This does not include parents-in-law. (10-3-19, D2-8.13) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, a mother or father by birth or adoption. (10-18-19, D2-8.14)

Parent of a Covered Servicemember (NOTE: Per legal, FMLA regulations use the term “servicemember” as one word.) Biological, adoptive, step or foster mother or father or any individual who stood in loco parentis to the covered service member. This does not include parents-in-law. (10-11-19, D2-8.15)

Parental Leave Paid leave to an eligible employee following the birth or adoption of a child. (11-27-19, D2-8.14)

Parenting Program Visit A visit conducted in conjunction with an approved institutional parenting program. (18-23-19, IS13-3.1)

Parents’ Bill of Rights Document required by Missouri State Statute to be given to parents/educational decision makers at specific times during the special education eligibility determination and individual education plan process. (1-9-15, IS7-1.7)

Parole Release of an offender by the parole board, prior to the expiration of the offender’s term, subject to conditions imposed. (12-15-93, D5-8, D5-8.5)

Parole Return Relapse Process (PRRP) Per Marta Nolin, this process no longer exists and has been deleted from this procedure. (11-4-16) A substance abuse process which serves male board violators stipulated for institutional substance abuse treatment. (9-7-07, D5-4.30)

Parolees and Conditional Releases Offenders released to the community under the supervision of the board of probation and parole. (8-21-18, D1-5.1)

Part Time 1. For the purpose of this procedure, assignment to a job unit for 3 hours. (6-21-17, IS18-1.1) 2. More than 14 days in any 12 month period. (5-19-07, D5-8.10)

Partial Restraints The use of handcuffs with a waist chain; or leg restraints, if unable to use handcuffs. (12-3-19, IS20-2.3, IS20-4.1)

Partisan When the individual files for election by party and/or the candidate is identified on the ballot by party label. Filing as an independent is a party label. (9-26-02, D2-11.2)

Partnering Agency An agency which provides dogs services, supplies and facilitates the adoption process for the dogs through a memorandum of understanding. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Parts Parts stored for emergency use on equipment critical to the continued operation of the facility. Examples include specialty components for dishwashers and other food service equipment, electronic parts for control center master panels, fence detection systems, fuses, boiler flame controllers, etc. (10-15-19, D4-3.5)

Pass System An authorized, organized and coordinated method to monitor the assembling offenders for movement utilizing a form, which is issued to the offender by a staff member. (11-5-18, IS20-1.4)

Passive Alert Dog A dog trained to smell illegal substances or items and give a passive alert. (10-17-15, IS24-4.1)

Pathologist A physician who specializes in the study of disease. (4-2-18, D1-8.5)

Pay Card An alternative pay method for employees who do not have an existing direct deposit account. The employee’s net pay is electronically transferred to a debit type card each pay period. The employee may use the card in the same manner as a debit card. (1-31-08, D2-7.11)

Pay Period Intervals of 30 days from the first day of the month to the last day of the month. All day rates will be based on a 30-day period. (12-26-10, D3-5.7)

Pay Status Time worked and all paid time off (annual leave, sick leave, administrative leave, and compensatory time) in a semi-monthly pay cycle based on 86.667 hours. (12-2-19, D2-8.2, D2-8.3, D2-8.10)

PBTC Park Building Treatment Center.

PC Protective custody.

PCC Potosi Correctional Center a.k.a. Potosi.

PCU Protective custody unit.

PDD Presidential Decision Directive.

PDTP Partial-day treatment program (10-week treatment).

PE Pending enemies.

Pediculicide An agent that kills lice. (6-1-99, D2-15.7)

Pediculosis Infestation of body lice in the hair, on the body, and/or on clothing. (10-17-19, D2-15.7, IS11-17)

Peer Action and Care Team (PACT) A group of staff members selected by the chief administrative officer or designee with input from the PACT leader and who are trained by the workplace violence coordinator, PACT leaders and the training academy to provide information, referrals, and support to staff members who experienced a critical incident or traumatic event. Supervisors are primarily responsible for monitoring their staff members and offering support and assistance. PACT members are an additional resource that supervisors can utilize. (7-14, D2-15.8, D2-15.9, D2-17.1, IS2-1.2)

Peer Action and Care Team Leader A peer action and care team member designated by the CAO or designee who is the primary contact person for the worksite or probation and parole region. This person is responsible for mobilizing the peer action and care team, ensuring proper procedure for peer action and care team member replacement, maintaining a current member list, maintaining confidential files and other activities as designated. (4-21-20, D2-15.8)

Pepper Spray A substance discharged from a delivery device, containing Oleoresin Capsicum (OC), a naturally occurring inflammatory agent found in cayenne peppers. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1, IS20-3.3)

Performance Based Exam A test based on a demonstration of learned skills. (8-2-08, D2-5.4)

Performance Counseling Regular constructive feedback on performance issues between a supervisor or manager and an employee. (4-25-19, D2-4.1)

Performance Evaluation Committee A committee established within each institution consisting of the institutional activities coordinator as the chairperson, chief of custody, and the business manager. Exception: For the restorative justice committee the restorative justice coordinator will serve as the chairperson. (9-8-16, IS9-1.1)

Performance File A record containing pertinent information relating to the employee's work performance in accordance with the employee file index reference document and the department procedure regarding maintenance of employee records. (4-20-21, D2-4.1, D2-5.1, IS20-3.4)

Performance Goal Short-term objectives related to specific duties or tasks in the employee’s current position that the employee is expected to perform in order to be successful. (4-25-19, D2-4.1)

Performance Improvement Plan A tool used by supervisors to identify employee performance related goals, to define the ways to achieve these goals, and to outline the corresponding time frames. (4-25-19, D2-4.1, D2-4.3, IS20-2.1)

Performance Log An ongoing record of significant events as they relate to an employee’s job performance or behavior. (4-25-19, D2-4.1)

Performance Objectives Discontinued due to Merit Reform. (D2-4.1)

Performance Planning Meeting A meeting where the supervisor reviews the performance goals with the employee. (4-25-19, D2-4.1)

Perimeter Patrol Vehicle A patrol vehicle, outfitted with standard equipment, used to provide security for the institutional perimeter. Perimeter patrol vehicles will not be authorized to leave the perimeter patrol area without specific authorization from the warden or designee. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Periodical Any magazine, newspaper or information type packet, except books, which is distributed on a regular basis. (9-23-13, IS13-1.1, IS15-1.1)

Periodical Record A record of periodical subscriptions (magazines and newspapers) that will include, but not be limited to title, provider/publisher, international standard serial number (ISSN), account number, subscription provider, subscription period, frequency and cost. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Permanent Contract Workers Individuals who are contracted to perform services within a department facility (i.e., medical services, mental health services, education services, substance use services, information systems, etc.) and employment is anticipated to continue beyond one year. (4-9-20, D2-14.1)

Permanent Issue Keys Keys that designated staff members may retain in their possession at all times. (10-6-07, IS20-1.6)

Perpetual Inventory A continuous record of consumable items showing receipts, disbursements and quantity remaining. (7-20-13, D4-5.1, IS10-1.15)

Persistent Offender One who has pled guilty to, or has been found guilty of, two or more felonies committed at different times. (9-5-10, D5-8.1)

Persistent/Predatory Sexual Offender A sexual offender as defined by Section 558.018 RSMo where statutory prohibitions limiting parole eligibility exists. (9-5-10, D5-8.1)

Personal Achievements Information such as achieving a high school equivalency on the general educational development, reestablishing a relationship with a significant other, obtaining a vocational/technical certificate and other milestones or accomplishments that are important to the offender. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Personal Correspondence Any written form of communication to or from an offender, including but not limited to letters, notes, postcards, and greeting cards, but not including publications or pictures. (11-12-14, IS13-1.2)

Personal Health Care Provider A doctor of medicine or osteopathy authorized to practice medicine in the State of Missouri. The personal health care provider is not contracted by the department or approved for payment through the department. (11-29-15, D2-7.8)

Personal Identification Number (PIN) A unique numeric password which authenticates an offender’s identification. (4-5-19, IS13-2.1)

Personal Property Any item owned by an offender, including money. (2-25-21, D3-6.2, IS22-1.1, IS22-2.1)

Personal Property List An official inventory of an offender’s personal property items. (10-16-19, IS22-1.1)

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Consist of goggles, mask, gloves, CPR mask with a one-way valve and an impervious gown. (8-2-16, IS11-14.5)

Personal Relationship A relationship that consists of more than mere social interaction between individuals; it includes, but is not limited to, romantic involvement with another person, dating, sexual activity, or cohabitation. (10-11-19, D2-11.3, D2-11.11, D2-11.12)  

Personal Risk Physical (or other) endangerment to the nominee. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Personal Service That portion of appropriated resources relating to salaries, wages, and other pay of employees. (8-15-92, D3-1.1)

Personnel Club Officers The duly elected representatives of all staff members at the work site, as established in the by-laws, who are responsible for the general management of the club. (2-10-20, D2-7.10)

Personnel Director An individual in the division of human services that is responsible for the supervision and management of the department’s office of personnel. (5-13-21, D2-2.1)

Personnel Manager This individual is responsible for activities associated with information systems access requests for new employees. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

PFA Primary federal agency.

Pharmacist A person licensed to dispense medications on the order of a prescribing authority. (6-17-16, IS11-27.3)

Pharmacy Director A contracted professional who serves as the responsible pharmacist for a specific region or department, overseeing all pharmaceutical operations for the offender population; ensures the pharmacy service provided comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, as well as department contract requirements and National Commission on Correctional Health Care Standards for Health Services in Prisons. (3-18-21, IS11-02)

Pheresis Procedure where blood is withdrawn from a donor, a portion (plasma, etc.) is separated and retained and the remainder is re-transfused into the donor. (1-31-18, D2-8.5)

Phosgene A poisonous gas. (9-8-03, D4-2.10)

Physical Agility and Skills Test A specific set of performance based tests designed to evaluate the physical ability and overall fitness of applicants and members of the CERT to determine suitability and eligibility. (5-9-15, IS24-2.1)

Physical Agility Evaluation A series of physical tasks used to determine if an applicant can perform the essential functions of the corrections officer I position. (8-26-13, D2-2.16)

Physical Custody Institution The institution that is responsible for custody of the offender. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

Physical Disabilities Can refer to mobility impairments (for example amputation, paraplegia) or to other disabilities that limit a person’s daily functioning (for example visual impairments, hearing impairments, and speech impairments). (11-22-19, IS11-08)

Physical Examination An objective hands-on evaluation of an offender, involving inspection, palpation, auscultation, and percussion of the patient’s body to determine the presence or absence of physical signs of disease. (6-23-20, IS11-34.1, IS11-34.2)

Physical Force Physical contact applied to overcome passive or active resistance. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Physical Impairment Any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems:  neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory (including speech organs), cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genitourinary, hemic, lymphatic, skin and endocrine. (10-30-19, D1-1.3)

Physical Inventory Actual count of consumable items at the end of a month or quarter. (7-20-13, D4-5.1, D4-5.2)

Physical or Mental Disability A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual, as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended and outlined in the procedure on Employee ADA Requests. (10-11-19, D2-8.13, D2-8.15)

Physical Plant Supervisor Replaced by Lead Maintenance Staff Member.

Physician or Attending Physician A physician is a person licensed to practice medicine and/or surgery by a state licensing authority. An attending physician is a physician with primary responsibility for the treatment and care of the offender. (6-15-20, IS11-73, IS11-74)

Picture A visual representation of, for example, a person(s), object or scene, including but not limited to photographs, drawings, cartoons sketches, computer generated images, or pictures that appear to be from the Internet. (4-24-19, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2)

PIN Personal identification number.

PIO 1. Public information office. 2. Public information officer.

PIP Planning issue proposal.

PIT Prison intake tool.

PITT Psychologically incompetent to stand trial.

Plan Goal Activities Short-term, measurable, achievable, reasonable and time oriented steps a staff member or offender takes to achieve the individualized goal. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Plan Goals The desired outcome related to the identified problem or self-defeating behavior. (5-11-21, D5-10.1, D5-10.4)

Plan Narratives An area of record specific or sensitive information about the offender’s level of effort or motivation towards completion of plan goals and activities. This area will not appear on the printed version of the TAP and is not to be shared with the offender. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Plan Notes The area of the TAP where personal achievements and accomplishments may be recorded.  All items captured in this area will appear on the printed version of the TAP. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Plan Providers A person, organization or agency, including partnering agencies and faith-based entities, available to assist and/or support the offender in achieving success. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Planned Force A planned use of physical force with an offender to resolve an incident or respond to negative behaviors. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1, IS20-3.4)

Plant Maintenance Engineer (PME) Replaced by Lead Maintenance Staff Member.

Platoon A subdivision of the veterans unit. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

Platoon Leader A veteran offender who ensures the day-to-day operations of the unit as prescribed by the unit commander as performed. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

POA Point of arrival.

POFT Print offender field transfer form.

Polygraph Examination Measures and records physiological indices while a subject is asked and answers a series of questions. (1-25-21, D1-8.2, D1-8.3)

Pool Vehicles Vehicles assigned to a division, institution, office or unit of the department which are to be utilized by any approved staff member for official state business. (7-18-08, D4-4.1)

POS Point of sale system for canteen purchases. (2-1-14, D3-5.8)

Positive A tuberculosis test reading that is 10mm or greater induration indicating that the staff member has been exposed to tuberculosis, but may or may not be contagious to other people. The employee health and safety coordinator, along with the consulting physician and the department of health and senior services, will determine close contact guidelines. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Positive Drug Test Test results in which one or more of the panel drugs were detected by the laboratory equipment at a certain concentration. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Positive Paid Employees Employees paid on an hourly basis for the actual hours physically worked. Per diem non-merit employees who are paid an established rate are also established as positive-paid. (11-30-08, D2-2.7)

Positive Reaction A skin test induration of 10 mms or greater. If the individual is immunocompromised, has been a contact to active disease, or has a chest x-ray finding suggestive of previous tuberculosis infection, a skin test of 5-mms induration to 9-mms is significant. If the individual is HIV seropositive, a skin test of 1-mm to 4-mms induration and chest x-ray findings suggestive of tuberculosis infection is significant. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Positive Results –Breath Alcohol An alcohol test result greater than 0.000. (3-19-15, D2-11.12, D5-7.2)

Possession An offender is considered to be in possession of an item if it is in his physical possession, or if it is in an area in which he occupies or to which he is assigned, such a living space, bed, or locker. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)

Post-Accident Testing Testing conducted after an accident when a staff member is operating a state vehicle and is directly involved in an accident. (10-11-19, D2-11.11, D2-11.12, D4-4.5)

Post Audit Briefing Upon completion of an audit, a meeting conducted by the security audit team with the audited institution’s chief administrative officer and designated staff members to review significant deficiencies identified in the preliminary audit report. (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

Post Orders A written statement of responsibilities and duties to be performed by officers assigned to specific or general areas including Corrections Officer I’s through Corrections Supervisor II’s. (8-29-14, IS20-1.1)

Post Test A uniform testing instrument used to measure the offender’s knowledge and experience with regard to substance use and abuse, to be administered at the conclusion of the delivery of the core curriculum. (5-15-00, D5-7.4)

Postpartum of Pregnancy For the purpose of this procedure, this applies to 48 hours post-delivery. (8-6-18, IS20-2.3)

Potentially Hazardous Foods Moist, high protein foods such as meats, dairy products, poultry, fish, eggs, cooked beans and other heated vegetables and starches that provide the best conditions for bacterial growth. These foods are most often implicated in food borne illness. (9-11-01, IS10-1.10)

Potential Sexually Violent Predator Any offender under the jurisdiction of the Missouri department of corrections who has been convicted of a sexually violent offense. (9-19-14, D5-4.4)

POTR Print offender field transition form.

PPA 1. Probation and parole administrator. 2. Probation and parole assistant.

PPD 1. Purified protein derivative (mantoux/TB Testing). 2. Presumptive parole date.

PPI Personal property inventory.

PPICU Probation and Parole Interstate Compact Unit.

PPO Probation and parole officer.

Practice Treatises A systematic exposition or argument in writing including a methodical discussion of the facts and principles involved and conclusions reached. (7-25-11, IS8-1.4)

Practitioner A physician, dentist, psychiatrist or nurse practitioner. (6-24-20, IS11-27.1, IS11-40)

Practitioner Card A ready-made card of medication by the pharmacy provider labeled with medication name, strength and other pharmaceutical information that can be issued to an offender by a practitioner. (10-23-15, IS11-27.3)

PRC Program review committee.

PRD Presumptive release date.

PREA Prison Rape Elimination Act.

Pre-Audit Briefing A meeting conducted by the security audit team with the audited institution’s chief administrative officer and designated staff members to provide introductions of all audit participants and review of audit processes and expectations. (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

Predatory Acts Acts directed towards strangers or individuals with whom relationships have been established or promoted for the primary purpose of victimization. (9-19-14, D5-4.4)

Predatory Sexual Offender An offender who has:

  1. previously pled guilty to, or has been found guilty of the felony of forcible rape, rape, statutory rape 1st degree, forcible sodomy, sodomy, statutory sodomy 1s degree, or an attempt to commit any of the preceding crimes or child molestation 1st degree when a class B felony or sexual abuse when a class B felony;
  2. has previously committed an act which would constitute one of these listed offenses, whether or not the act resulted in a conviction, or
  3. has previously committed an act or acts against more than one victim which would constitute one of these offenses, whether or not the offender was charged with an additional offense or offenses as a results of such act or acts. (8-30-09, D5-4.3)

Preemployment Process A process to include: a formal interview; background investigation; and physical agility test. (8-26-13, D2-2.16)

Preferred Use Contract A contract established by the OA/DPMM or by the department purchasing section, the use of which is preferred but not required when purchasing commodities included in the contract, if a more economical price can be obtained elsewhere. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Preliminary Audit Report A document of initial audit findings by the security audit team compiled by the security intelligence unit, outlining discrepancies and significant deficiencies for submission to the chief administrative officer of the audited institution. (IS20-5.1)

Preponderance of Evidence Enough proof to show that something is more likely to have occurred than not to have occurred. (2-22-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.13)

Prescribing Authority A licensed individual, such as a physician, optometrist, dentist, nurse practitioner, psychiatrist, or physician assistant, authorized to write prescriptions. (6-24-20, IS11-08.1, IS11-14.2, IS11-14.4, IS11-17, IS11-23, IS11-27.1, IS11-27.10, IS11-29, IS11-34.2, IS11-40, IS11-59, IS11-66.2, IS12-3.4, IS12-6.1, IS20-2.3)

Prescription Drug Any controlled substance for which possession and use is legal when prescribed by a licensed health care provider. Medical marijuana is not a prescription drug. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Prescription Summary A print-out from the department computer system showing the medication orders entered on the prescription medication screen for the period of time entered when generating this report. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1)

Prescriptive Training Program A training program specifically designed, by the CAO or designee and the regional training administrator, to meet the learning needs of a specific staff member. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Presentence Investigation A report prepared at the request of the court which provides information and an assessment of an offender’s suitability for supervision. (8-30-09, D5-4.3)

Presenter An individual trained in the use of the equipment must be available at the originating site to present the offender, manage the cameras and perform and hands-on equipment activities to successfully complete the examination. (IS11-30.2)

Presumptive Parole Release Date A tentative release date assigned to an offender by the board of probation and parole which is contingent upon continued appropriate institutional behavior and an acceptable release plan. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D5-8)

Pretest A uniform testing instrument used to measure the offender’s knowledge and experience with regard to substance use and abuse, to be administered prior to the delivery of the core curriculum. (5-15-00, D5-7.4)

Prevailing Wage Prevailing hourly rate of wages as defined in section 290.210 RSMo. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Preventive Law The use of proactive legal advice to keep the department and its employees out of litigation. (4-20-12, D1-4.1)

Preventative Maintenance Planned work performed on a pre-established schedule for inspection, cleaning and adjustment to prevent or reduce service interruptions. (10-15-19, D4-3.5)

Primary Care Physician Institutional physician directing the care of the patient. (3-7-08, D5-8.5)

Primary Care Provider Licensed practitioners providing the facility’s primary care including medical physicians, psychiatrists, dentists, midlevel practitioners, (such as nurse practitioners, physician assistants), licensed psychologists, licensed professional counselors and licensed clinical social workers. (11-12-19, D5-8.5)

Primary Caregiver The parent who provides full-time care to a child following birth or adoption with or without the assistance of a secondary caregiver. (10-18-19, D2-8.14)

Primary Counselor The counselor with primary responsibility for supervising an offender in the program and facilitating and monitoring progress in treatment. (11-29-16, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.25, D5-4.26, D5-4.37, IS19-1.5)

Primary Risk Factors These factors include attitudes, behaviors, peers, and personality and when targeted, will likely address secondary risk factors. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Primary Service Weekly religious service for fully accommodated faith groups whereby the main focus is worship or ritual. (1-18-15, IS17-1.1)

Primary Substance Abuse Counselor Replaced by Primary Counselor. (9-22-16)

Primary Support Person One person designated by treatment or case management staff members and the offender to have served in the place of a mother or father prior to incarceration (foster parent, etc.). (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

Print Materials Those materials whose format is books, pamphlets, etc., not including periodical publications. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Print Record A record of printed materials (books, pamphlets, etc.) including, but not limited to the following information:  call number, barcode number and item ID number, author/authority statement, title and subtitle, international standard book number, list cost of printed material, funding source (canteen, general revenue, donation) and publisher information. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Printed Materials All or any portion of books, booklets, magazines, catalogues, newspapers, periodicals, circulars, brochures, flyers, pamphlets, manuals, and comic books, whether originals or photocopies. (11-12-14, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2)

Prison Intake Tool (PIT) A standardized assessment tool used to determine offenders risk and needs at the time they enter an institution. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Federal law established to address the prevention, detection, response and monitoring of offender sexual abuse and harassment in prisons, jails, and community confinement facilities. (2-24-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.4, D1-8.9, D1-8.13, D1-12.1, D2-2.22, D2-5.4, D4-4.8, D5-3.2, D5-5.1, IS5-1.1, IS5-1.2, IS5-2.5, IS11-04, IS11-06, IS11-19, IS19-1.6, IS23-2.1)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Emergency Informational Resolution Request/Emergency Complaint Utilized when an offender is in substantial risk of imminent sexual abuse. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Prison Rape Elimination Act Hotline Number established for offenders in the institutions to report allegations of offender sexual abuse or harassment by other offenders or staff members. (6-6-17, D1-8.1)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Manager (previously PREA Coordinator) A staff member responsible for the implementation and compliance of the PREA within the department. (2-22-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.13, D1-12.1, IS5-3.1, IS20-1.3)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Notification Checklist Checklists utilized by institutions and community confinement facilities in accordance with the coordinated response to offender sexual abuse and harassment to ensure appropriate notification and response to all allegations of offender sexual abuse and harassment. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Offender Management Team A facility team chaired by the PREA site coordinator tasked with addressing behavioral issues of offenders who make repeated false PREA Allegations. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Risk Assessment An instrument utilized to assess offenders during intake screening and upon transfer to another facility for their risk of being sexually abused by other offenders or sexually abusive towards other offenders. (9-15-14, IS5-2.3)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Site Coordinator A facility staff member at the level of deputy warden or associate superintendent or higher; who is responsible for ensuring compliance of the PREA standards at his assigned facility. (2-22-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.13, IS5-3.1, IS5-3.3, IS11-39, IS20-1.3)

Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Unit This unit is part of the office of professional standards and is responsible for investigating allegations of offender sexual abuse. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, D1-8.8)

Private Individual Any person not employed by, representing or acting under the control of the department, a partnering agency, or a community resource that is available to assist and/or support the offender in achieving success. This could include impact of crime on victim speaker, community dignitary, corrections professional, etc. (10-4-16, IS18-6.2)

Privileged Mail Mail being sent to, or received from, consulates, judges, attorneys, courts, elected and appointed state officials, sheriffs, chief administrative officers, associates/assistants and central office sections heads.

  1. Mail received from privileged categories will be determined by the return address on the envelope.
  2. This does not include mail between offender counsel substitutes, offender library aides and offenders and their offender codefendants, candidates not elected as police chiefs and other law enforcement agency personnel. (11-12-14, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2)

Probable Cause 1. For the purpose of this procedure, when there is physical evidence or trustworthy information which would support a determination that any inappropriate written material or other inappropriate material are concealed. (11-10-14, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2) 2. [For the purpose of this procedure] Occurs when there is physical evidence or trustworthy information that would support a determination by a reasonable staff member that another person is concealing contraband on or about his person. (8-24-18, IS20-1.3) 3. [For the purpose of this procedure] A reasonable belief that a crime has been committed, and that the person suspected of committing the crime is linked to the crime with the same degree of certainty. (1-5-21, D1-8.1, D1-8.10)

Probation and Parole Initial Pre-service Training This is a 3-week mandatory training session for all newly hired probation and parole officers which includes probation and parole specific topics. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Probation and Parole Intermediate Training This is a 2-week training session that is delivered one week a month over a 3 month period. Newly hired probation and parole officers that have attended initial pre-service training attend this training after approximately 9-12 months. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Probation and Parole Safety Training This is a 5-day mandatory training session for all newly hired probation and parole officers under the division of probation and parole officers which includes topics relevant to the safety of all probation and parole officers. (5-2-19, D2-12.4)

Probationary Performance Appraisal An evaluation that is used to document performance for an employee in original reemployment, provisional, or reinstatement appointment status. (11-12-12, D2-4.1, D2-4.3)

Probationary Period (offender) A length of time to evaluate the progress of a newly hired offender worker, monitor interactions with co-workers and supervisors and determine appropriate assignments. (1-18-19, IS23-2.1)

Procedural Safeguards Documents explaining the rights and responsibilities of parents of students (or the student if he is his own educational decision maker) in the special education process. (1-9-15, IS7-1.7)

Procedure Request Used when a staff member is requesting the development, revision, or a rescission of a current procedure. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Procedure Review Comments Used when responding to reviews. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Procedures and Forms Management Unit (PAFMU) The development, revision, rescission and obsoletion of all operations standards (policy statements, procedures, forms, and reference documents) are led by this section. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Process Quality Improvement Studies Examines the effectiveness of the health services delivery processes. (3-19-21, IS11-06)

Procurement The system for ordering medications for the facility. (10-23-15, IS11-27.12, IS11-27.2)

Productivity, Excellence and Results for Missouri (PERforM) This is an on-line performance appraisal system used by the State of Missouri which is accessed by supervisors who have been identified through position information maintained by worksite human resources managers in SAM-II. (11-12-12, D2-4.1)

Professional Organization or Association An organization or association which is unique to the employee's profession or whose function is relative to, and recognized by the department. (10-6-20, D2-6.4)

Professional Services Services provided to the department such as therapy, treatment, etc., by qualified individuals or organizations. (5-2-15, D3-2.4)

Program The generic description or category of a class. (1-20-13, D5-4.12)

Program Coordinator 1. A person appointed by the division director to approve and monitor canteen funded programs. (10-1-15, D3-9.4) 2. A staff person assigned to oversee the functions of the community corrections unit, to include institutional treatment programs, community release centers, and residential facilities. (10-26-08, D5-1.3, D5-4.30)

Program Director A staff member who is responsible for supervising the clinical services and/or a contracted substance use disorders treatment program or substance use treatment program unit. (11-4-16, D5-10.5)

Program Facilitator A staff member or a volunteer liaison for an outside agency who provides and presents a program. (2-22-15, IS7-1.5)

Program Plan A strategy designed to provide an offender with opportunities to modify unacceptable behavior patterns. (10-7-20, IS21-1.2)

Program Review Committee (PRC) A committee that evaluates an offender’s progress in treatment and recommends continuation or exit from the program. (3-18, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.26, D5-4.37, D5-10.5, IS19-1.5)

Program Review Team The team designated by department executive staff members as being responsible for reviewing and approving all programs proposed for inclusion into program tracking. (1-20-13, D5-4.12)

Program Specific Distribution (PSD) PSDs are major expenditures which are incidental to the program, such as grants, refunds and distributions. (8-15-92, D3-1.1)

Program Tracking A component within the department’s offender management system that provides information on identified programs and specific information concerning offender participation. (12-5-15, D5-4.12, D5-4.13, D5-4.30, D5-4.36)

Program Tracking Exits When an offender leaves the class as a participant. (1-20-13, D5-4-12)

Program Tracking Super User A designee at each location that is trained to enter class schedules into program tracking for that location. (1-20-13, D5-4.12)

Program Tracking Wait System A referral system driven by bed availability that is entered into program tracking while waiting for an actual program assignment and projected entry date. Entry will be completed by field or institutional staff. (1-2-10, D5-1.3, D5-4.22, D5-4.24, D5-4.26, D5-4.30)

Program Update Changes to classes including, but not limited to:

  1. capacity,
  2. length,
  3. location,
  4. additional location(s),
  5. work type,
  6. gender, and
  7. eligibility. (1-20-13, D5-4.12)

Program Visit A visit to a program that lasts the duration of the program. (3-1-21, D2-13.1)

Programmed Maintenance/Repair The department’s basic maintenance plan following established priorities for work needed to correct non-emergency deficiencies or hazards emphasizing repair to the physical plant and functional integrity of the facility or system. (10-15-19, D4-3.5)

Programs Unit A unit that is responsible for reserving and managing entry dates for specified programs and assists in appropriate placement of offenders in a requested program. (10-5-16, D5-1.2, D5-1.3, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.25, D5-4.26, D5-4.30, D5-4.37)

Progress Notes Entries by appropriate staff members documenting the offender’s activities, progress towards achievement of the substance treatment plan goals, treatment contacts, significant events, services delivered and future follow-up. (9-21-16, D5-4.22, D5-4-24, D5-4.26, D5-4.30, D5-4.37, IS19-1.5)

Promotional Appointment An appointment by which an employee moves from a lower to a higher job classification. (2-2-14, D2-2.8)

Promotional Certificate A list of eligible applicants who have passed the appropriate examination and who have obtained regular status within the department. (2-2-14, D2-2.8)

Proof of Military Service Presentation of official document DD-214, NGB22, or any other document certifying release or discharge from active military. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

Property Any authorized item owned by an offender, including money held in accounts under control of the department. (10-16-19, IS22-1.1)

Property Control Staff Member Individuals assigned the responsibility of maintaining records and location of fixed assets within a work location. (9-19-17, D4-5.2, D4-5.3)

Property Control Supervisor Supervisor of the central office property control staff who is also responsible for maintaining the computerized records system of fixed assets for the department. (9-19-17, D4-5.2, D4-5.3)

Property File An electronic and paper record of authorized property items. The electronic record is considered the official file. (5-5-21, IS22-1.1)

Property Impoundment The loss of use of authorized property for a specified period of time. (10-16-19, IS22-1.1)

Property Tag A rectangular tag without a number permanently attached to a piece of property not classified as a fixed asset that denotes the appropriate fund from which the item was purchased. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

Prophylactic Treatment Preventive healthcare that consists of measures taken for disease prevention. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS11-14.2)

Proposed Counselor A departmentally approved individual to serve in the role as premarital counselor. The marriage facilitator may provide premarital counseling. (9-28-14, IS8-5.1)

Prosecutor’s Review Committee A five member committee, appointed by the prosecutor’s coordinators training council composed of prosecutors, whose function is to review documents and provide recommendations to the attorney general whether to proceed with filing a petition on a potential sexually violent predator. (9-19-14, D5-4.4)

Prospective Employee Individuals that are being offered a position within the department. (4-9-20, D4-4.5)

Prospective Staff Member Applicants that are being considered as final candidates for a position within the department. (10-11-19, D2-2.1, D2-2.7, D2-11.11)

Prostheses Replacement of a missing part of the body by an artificial substitute, or a device to supplement performance of a natural function (for example: hearing aid or prescription glasses). (10-16-19, IS11-59, IS22-1.1)

Protective Custody Assigned segregation of an offender for his own safety. (11-26-19, IS5-1.2, IS5-2.6, IS5-3.1, IS12-3.2, IS18-1.1, IS21-1.3)

Protective Custody Committee A group of staff members assigned to a protective custody unit who conduct formal hearings and make recommendations to the CAO for offender placement, continued assignment or release from protective custody. An administrative segregation committee may also be utilized by those facilities that do not have protective custody units. The committee shall be chaired by the functional unit manager with the case manager as a member. The case manager shall act as chairperson in the unit manager's absence.  Another staff member may sit as a member in place of the case manager (COII or above). At least three committee members shall be present to hold a formal hearing. (11-26-19, IS21-1.3)

Protective Custody Unit A housing area where protective custody offenders live, separated from other categories of offenders. Protective custody units shall be maintained at institutions specified by the director, division of adult institutions. (11-14-05, IS5-3.2, IS21-1.3)

Provider Any licensed professional who has prescribing authority. (4-16-20, IS11-08.1, IS11-23)

Provider Consultant A provider licensed as a physician in the state of Missouri and for the purpose of this procedure may include but not limited to endocrinologist, neurologist, internal medicine, oncologist, etc. (4-16-20, IS11-30)

Provider’s Clinic Sick call held by physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, dentists, or mental health clinicians. (12-6-19, IS11-37.1)

Provisional Appointment An appointment of a new employee in instances where, with at least 30 days’ notice of the vacancy, the Division of Personnel is unable to certify the names of at least 10 eligible applicants available for appointment from a register. (10-29-09, D2-2.6)

PRT Program review team.

PSC Public Service Commission.

PSE Psychological stress examination.

PSI Pre-sentence investigation (prior term, replaced by SAR).

PSVP Potential sexually violent predator.

Psychological Autopsy A written reconstruction and/or review, of an offender’s life with an emphasis on factors that led up to and may have contributed to the offender’s death. (4-20-21, IS11-11.1)

Psychotropic Medications Those pharmacological agents with psychoactive properties, generally prescribed by a qualified psychiatrist or physician to treat mental disorders. (10-23-15, IS11-27.10, IS12-6.1)

PTC Pathway to Change.

Public Information 1. For purposes of this procedure, the name, classification, salary, and lengths of service of an employee. All other information is considered closed information. (2-9-14, D2-5.1) 2. Statistical data, policy, procedure or other information that does not compromise institutional safety or security or state statutes. (6-6-18, D1-3.1)

Public Information Office A resource unit in the department director’s office responsible for the collection, coordination and dissemination of information pertinent to the department. (8-4-20, D1-3.2, D5-9.1)

Public Record Any record of the department, whether written or electronically stored. (2-2-14, D1-11.2 This definition has been removed from this procedure and is no longer in any other procedures.)

Public Relations The practice of communicating and promoting the department’s objectives, goals, accomplishments and needs. (6-6-18, D1-3.2, D1-3.1)

Publication Any printed material that is published and made available for commercial purposes. (10-16-19, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2, IS22-1.1)

Pull Up Written or verbal awareness of an offender’s negative behavior utilized in a therapeutic community. (12-9-16, IS19-1.5)

Puppies for Parole A program in which participating institutions partner with animal shelters to train rescue dogs within the institution for the purpose of making them more desirable for adoption and saving dogs from euthanization. Dogs of all breeds are trained as companion dogs. Partnering shelters or rescue organizations are responsible for all adoptions. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Puppies for Parole Central Fund A centralized fund consisting of donations to support the puppies for parole program. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Puppies for Parole Website A website, viewed by public to gather information regarding available dogs, location and partnering shelters via a link through the department of corrections website. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Purchasing Card (P-Card) A specialized purchasing card established specifically for use by institutional activities coordinators or institutional restorative justice coordinators for offender organizations. (9-8-16, D3-9.1, IS9-1.1)

Purchasing Section Under the direction of the fiscal management unit (FMU), the purchasing section is responsible for the development and procurement of professional and general service, and commodity contracts as well as the maintenance of the master canteen list. (10-1-15, D3-9.1)

Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) The substance used in the intradermal Mantoux method of skin testing. (2-15-15, D2-7.8, IS11-14.2)

Push Up Written or verbal awareness of an offender’s positive behavior utilized in a therapeutic community. (12-9-16, IS19-1.5)


QMHP Qualified mental health professional.

Qualified Firearms Instructor Instructors who have successfully completed the Missouri Department of Corrections Firearms Instructor certification program through the training academy. (10-29-11, D2-12.7)

Qualified Health Services Professional Includes physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, nurse, mental health professional, or those by virtue of his education, credentials and experience are permitted by law within the scope of his professional practice act to evaluate and administer prescribed medications. (10-23-15, IS11-27.15)

Qualified Individual with a Disability An employee or applicant with a disability who satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education and other job related requirements of the employee’s employment position or desired employment position and who, with or without reasonable accommodation, can perform the essential functions of the position. (10-30-19, D1-1.3)

Qualified Interpreter A person certified and licensed by the Missouri Interpreter Certification System or deemed competent by the Missouri Commission for the Deaf. (10-23-18, D5-5.1)

Qualified Legal Claim Any legal action challenging an offender’s conviction or sentence, or challenging the conditions of an offender’s confinement. This includes direct appeals of conviction, federal and state habeas corpus actions, and civil rights complaints. (4-2-20, IS8-1.1, IS8-1.4)

Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP) Includes psychiatrists, psychiatric nurse practitioners, psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, licensed masters’ social worker, licensed professional counselors, provisionally licensed professional counselors and others who by the virtue of their education, credentials and experience are permitted by law to evaluate and care for the mental health needs of patients. (2-22-21, D and IS procedures containing reference to staff member.)

Qualified Non Personal Use Vehicle Any vehicle the staff member is not likely to use more than minimally for personal purposes because of its design including, but not limited to:

  1. clearly marked police and fire vehicles;
  2. unmarked law enforcement vehicles when used for authorized purposes by a full time law enforcement officer;
  3. delivery truck with seating for only the driver;
  4. flatbed, dump and garbage trucks;
  5. school and passenger buses with over a 20-person capacity;
  6. ambulances;
  7. specialized utility repair trucks; or
  8. pickup trucks or vans with a gross vehicle weight rating of 14,000 pounds or less are also considered to be qualified non personal use vehicles if they are modified with permanently affixed state agency decals or insignia and meet one of the following requirements:
    1. pickup trucks must be equipped with at least one of the following:
      1. a hydraulic lift gate;
      2. permanent tanks or drums;
      3. permanent side boards or panels that materially raise the level of the sides of the truck bed; or
      4. other heavy equipment. (7-18-08, D4-4.1)

Qualified Offender with a Disability An offender with a disability who, with the assistance of a reasonable accommodation, meets the essential eligibility requirements to receive services or to participate in programs or activities. (9-25-18, D5-5.1, D5-5.2)

Qualified Staff Member A health services professional by the nature of his qualifications, licensure, and/or certification is authorized by law to accept and carryout a direct order. (6-24-20, IS11-40)

Qualified Victim Impact Instructors Departmental staff, trained offenders, contract providers and volunteers who have completed formal training in the standard curriculum. (11-13-06, D5-4.33)

Qualifying Patient Identification Card A card issued by the Department of Health and Human Services identifying the holder as a Missouri resident diagnosed with at least one qualifying medical condition under Article XIV Medical Cannabis of the Missouri Constitution. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Quality Case Planning Manual The department approved document that provides specific guidance to staff members and supervisors on the creation and updates of case plans, offender contact and interaction requirements, case note and case plan documentation, and quality control and quality assurance expectations. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Quality Improvement Coordinator A contracted professional who serves as the responsible coordinator of services for a specific region overseeing a comprehensive continuous quality improvement program of a multidisciplinary quality improvement that measures processes and outcomes to effect remedial actions or strategies. (3-18-21, IS11-02, IS11-06)

Quartermaster A veteran officer who oversees the logistics of the programming and unit events. (IS5-3.4)

Questionable Circumstances Any act or event associated with a use of force that is inappropriate or uncommon and deviates from procedure or trained departmental techniques. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Quick Weapons Search A pat search conducted in a quick manner during mass movements for the sole purpose of searching for weapons. (8-24-18, IS20-1.3)


R&D Reception and diagnostic.

R&O Reception and orientation unit.

RA Regional administrator (P&P).

RACES Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service

Random Testing 1. For the purpose of this procedure, drug testing performed without prior warning on staff members selected from the pool of all staff members in test designated positions.  This selection shall be made by a computer program or by other means as determined by the research unit that allow an equal chance for each staff member to be chosen. (10-11-19, D2-11.11) 2. Selection from a population of offenders so that each offender has an equal chance to be selected. This may be made by a computer program selecting offenders or by other means which does not target a specific offender. (4-21-21, D5-7.1, D5-7.2)

Range Safety Officer A certified institutional or regional firearms instructor who has been designated for the purpose of ensuring the safety of departmental staff members and equipment during all actual firearms training outside the classroom. (5-5-19, IS20-2.1)

Rape and Abuse Crisis Center A community agency that provides intervention and related assistance to victims of sexual assault. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

RCA Reclassification Analysis

RCPB Residential Community Placement Bed

RDD Radiological Dispersal Device

RDO Regular Days Off

RDP Regimented Discipline Program

RE Reentry Tool

REACT 1. Radio Emergency Associated Citizens Team 2. Radio Emergency Associated Communications Team 3. Required Educational Assessment & Community Treatment.

Reactive Waste Wastes that are normally unstable, react violently with water, can explode or release poisonous gases.  Examples of reactive wastes are:

  1. gun powders,
  2. sodium metal,
  3. red/yellow phosphorus, and
  4. wastes containing cyanides or sulfides. (9-8-03, D4-2.10)

Readers’ Advisory Readers’ advisory is a service which involves assisting offender patrons by suggesting or directing them to relevant fiction and nonfiction titles within the library collection that match a person’s interests. The service promotes and encourages both recreational and educational reading. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Reading Level Ability to read written materials corresponding with a particular grade level validated by a standardized test or informal evaluations. (9-27-15, IS18-3.1)

Reading of Results The results of the skin test will be read:

  1. perpendicular on the arm; and
  2. in “mm” induration only.  Results read as “negative” or “positive” will not be accepted. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Reallocation A change in classification of a position resulting from a change in duties or authority and responsibilities. (6-23-13, D2-2.12)

Reasonable Accommodation Modifications or adjustments to a job application process, the work environment or the manner under which the position held or desired is customarily performed, that enables a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of that position and enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment as employees without disabilities. (10-30-19, D1-1.3, D5-5.2, D5-5.3)

Reasonable Cause For the purpose of this procedure, reasonable cause is a basis in fact that would lead a person of ordinary care and prudence to believe that an offender has been abused. Some examples of what may demonstrate reasonable cause are:

  1. a staff member reports abuse,
  2. law enforcement agency reports allegations of abuse,
  3. a public official reports allegations of abuse,
  4. a staff member observes unexplained wounds or injuries on an offender,
  5. an offender reports abuse to himself to a staff member,
  6. an offender who has provided reliable information in the past reports that another offender has been abused, and
  7. a person, other than a staff member, who has provided reliable information in the past reports that an offender has been abused. (6-8-17, D1-8.6)

Reasonable Suspicion 1. For the purpose of this procedure, specific facts which are sufficient to lead a reliable person to reasonably suspect that a staff member may be under the influence of alcohol, a substance, or using or misusing a drug. (7-12-19, D2-11.11, D2-11.12, D4-4.5, D5-7.1, D5-7.2) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, when the observations, experience, training and education of a person cause a determination to be made that inappropriate materials are concealed. (11-10-14, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2) 3. [For the purpose of this procedure] Occurs when the observations, experience, training and education of a reasonable staff member cause that person to reasonably suspect that another person is concealing contraband on or about his person, property, or vehicle. (3-8-21, D2-11.13, IS20-1.3)

Receiving Report A report utilized by staff members to verify items received and record the receipt of supplies. (8-2-17, D3-3.1, IS10-1.14)

Receiving State A state to which an offender is sent for confinement other than a state in which conviction or court commitment was occurred. (8-7-20, D1-8.5, IS5-2.6)

Reception and Orientation Unit A housing area for the reception, intake, evaluation, classification and institutional assignment of offenders received into the department’s supervision. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1, IS5-3.1, IS5-3.2)

Reception Receiving Packet Prior to creation of a sentence and judgment file, this temporary packet will contain sentence and judgment file material. (1-8-15, IS7-1.3)

Reception Status The period of time from when an offender is received into the department at a reception and diagnostic center until he has been processed through the classification system for assignment to an applicable facility. (9-28-14, IS8-5.1)

Recipient Fund General revenue fund or any other appropriated fund (i.e., federal funds, general revenue and other revolving funds). (10-23-10, D3-3.3)

Reclassification A noncompetitive appointment that normally occurs after an employee has worked for a designated amount of time as indicated in the experience and education section of the applicable class specification in a multilevel position; or, if the Office of Administration, Division of Personnel, reallocates an employee’s position and indicates this action be taken. (6-23-13, D2-2.9 , D2-2-12)

Reclassification Analysis (RCA) An instrument designed to analyze an offender’s present custody status, completed at regular intervals or as needed, by institutional classification staff. (12-18-12, D5-1.2, D5-10.6)

Reclassification Assessment 6-month (RCA-6mos) Instrument An instrument designed to analyze an offender’s present custody status, completed after 6 months at their first institutional assignment following the ICA. (3-30-15, IS5-2.1)

Reclassification Assessment 12-month (RCA-12 mos) Instrument An instrument designed to analyze an offender’s present custody status, completed at regular annual intervals after the 6-month reclassification is completed as directed in the offender classification manual. (3-30-15, IS5-2.1)

Recognized Medical Standards A do not resuscitate order must be consistent with community medical practice, and in no way should be associated with assisting suicide, voluntary euthanasia or expediting the death of an offender. (2-28-20, IS11-74)

Recognition Committee A committee of 10 members appointed by the director to serve 3 year terms:

  1. two members from the division of probation and parole,
  2. two members from the division of adult institutions,
  3. two members from the division of human services,
  4. two members from the division of offender rehabilitative services, and
  5. two members from the office of the director. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Recognition Committee Advisor An individual with a medial background appointed by the director to review nominations and provide expert advice and opinions to the recognition committee. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Recognition Committee Clerk The division of human services administrative assistant who provides continuous support for the committee, including, but not limited to, meeting minutes, file maintenance, pick up and distribution of mail, and the reproduction and distribution of nominations for committee review. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Record 1. Also see Department Record. 2. For purposes of this procedure, any written or electronic data or collection of information that documents departmental activity; individual offender status, performance or history; employee history, status or performance. Records of this nature include, but are not limited to, offender case files, computerized records, department budget and expenditures records and employee records, and department procedures. (4-10-20, D1-2.1, D1-6.3)

Record Keeping The process of maintaining written information or data that exists in a format that is readily retrievable. (9-8-03, D4-2.9)

Recorded Materials Including, but not limited to, compact discs, audio tapes, and cassette tapes. (10-16-19, IS13-1.1, IS13-1.2, IS22-1.1)

Records Management Liaison (RML) Designated divisional liaison that communicates with the Records Management Division of the Secretary of State’s office and is responsible for creating and revising retention schedules and overseeing the disposition of department records. (1-19-17, D1-11.3)

Records Officer A staff member that manages the operations of an institutional records office. (1-7-15 Legal revised, IS7-1.2, IS7-1.3, IS7-1.4, IS8-1.8, IS11-11.1, IS18-3.3)

Recruitment Activities

  1. Traditional: college, university and technical school career fairs, job and employment fairs, expos, etc.
  2. Nontraditional: churches, civic organizations, Masonic lodges, chambers of commerce, job service and other employment offices, internet, etc. (6-14-01, D2-1.1)

Recruitment Coordinators Human relations officers located in Kansas City, St. Louis and Jefferson City with responsibility for departmental recruitment activities. (6-14-01, D2-1.1)

Recycling Expenses Recycling related items to be purchased from the state recycling fund includes: bins, containers, bags and items relating to recycling, etc. (5-2-15, D3-2.2)

Recycling or Recycle To pass a substance through a system that enables that substance to be reused. Recycling waste means that fewer new products and consumables need to be produced, saving raw materials and reducing energy consumption. (5-2-15, D3-2.2)

Reduced Work Schedule A leave schedule that reduces an employee’s usual number of working hours per week or hours per work day. (10-11-19, D2-8.13, D2-8.15)

Reduction of Sentence An order by the sentencing court under RSMo 558.046 to reduce the term of sentence, probation, parole or conditional release. (9-1-96, D5-8.9)

Reentry Center Designated area within designated institutions that shall act as a hub for offender reentry and releasing planning services. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Reentry Center Coordinator The staff member at designated institutions who is responsible for overseeing the daily operations of a reentry center, and serves as liaison between the reentry unit, institution, outside resource and service providers, and the case management team. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Reentry Manager The employee designated by the department director who is responsible for the implementation and overall direction of the Missouri reentry process. (3-1-21, D2-13.1, IS18-6.2)

Reentry Partner A classification of approved individual(s) and/or representative(s) from any state agency or community resource that has entered into a contract or a memorandum of understanding with the department to provide supportive services to offenders. (3-1-21, D2-13.1, IS18-6.2)

Reentry Phase A treatment phase immediately following the required treatment phase where the offender continues to participate in programming until she/he is released to probation or incarcerated. (8-19-07, D5-4.22, D5-4.24)

Reentry Tool (RT) A standardized assessment tool designed to be used with offenders being released from an institution after serving more than 4 years. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Reference Document An informational document to assist staff members with job duties. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Reference Materials Those legal and leisure materials whose use is restricted to the library because of continual demand or value, of whose limited number makes sharing a necessity. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Reference Service Assistance provided by library assistants to library users in pursuit of information. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Referring Authority The person or authority directly responsible for the placement of the offender into a community based program. (11-15-19, D5-9.3)

Regional Contracted Health Authority Serves as the administrative health authority for a specific region is and responsible for the oversight of contract healthcare services in assigned institutions. (3-24-21, D1-8.5, IS11-02, IS11-04, IS11-06, IS11-10, IS11-18, IS11-27.17 (draft), IS11-28, IS11-28.1, IS11-30, IS11-33, IS11-40, IS11-67.1, IS12-1.1)

Regional Director of Nursing A contracted nursing professional who is responsible for overseeing all nursing care that is provided for the offender population; ensures the nursing services provided comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, as well as department contract requirements and National Commission on Correctional Health Care Standards for Health Services in Prisons. (12-18-19, IS11-43)

Regional Director of Psychiatry A contracted professional who serves as the responsible psychiatrist for a specific region or department, overseeing all psychiatrists providing mental health care for the offender population; ensures mental health services provided comply with applicable federal, state, local laws and regulations, department contract requirements and National Commission on Correctional Health Care Standards for Health Services in Prisons. (3-24-21, IS11-02, IS11-04, IS11-06, IS11-08.1, IS11-11.1, IS11-27.10, IS11-71, IS12-3.1, IS12-3.5, IS12-4.1, IS12-6.1)

Regional Food Service Coordinator A registered dietitian at the regional cook/chill offices supervised by the food service coordinator, who assists in establishing and maintaining appropriate standards for food preparation, service, sanitation, menu planning, nutritional analyses and procurement. (11-6-11, IS10-1.6, IS10-1.14)

Regional Health Manager Replaced by Regional Mental Health Contract Monitor. (7-7-16)

Regional Human Relations Officer In the context of this procedure, the regional human relations officers are the staff members designated to investigate, analyze, or facilitate discussions regarding employee grievances and may mediate disputes between employees and between the employee and management. This employee is designated to conduct inquiries/investigations of staff member to staff member harassment, allegations of sexual or other harassment or discrimination and/or retaliation. (6-6-17, D1-8.1)

Regional Infection Control Nurse The contracted professional staff member responsible for overseeing the implementation, process, and liaison of infection control for offender health services under department contract health service facilities,  and to ensure reporting requirements with the Department of Health and Senior Services, and regional reporting. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Regional Investigation Manager A person selected by the inspector general to serve as an investigative supervisor over the investigation unit within a region. (12-28-17, D1-8.5)

Regional Justice Information System (REJIS) A regional data processing center serving governmental agencies in the greater St. Louis Missouri area. (2-28-10, D5-10.2)

Regional Medical Director A contracted professional who serves as the responsible physician for a specific region or department, overseeing all physicians providing health care for the offender population; ensures the health services provided comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations, as well as department contract requirements and National Commission on Correctional Health Care Standards for Health Services in Prisons. (3-18-21, IS11-02, IS11-06, IS11-1)

Regional Mental Health Contract Monitor A department of corrections mental health professional assigned to oversee and coordinate the mental health services of offenders within a designated region. (10-14-20, IS11-04, IS12-3.1, IS12-3.2, IS12-3.3, IS12-3.4, IS12-3.5, IS12-3.6)

Regional Mental Health Director A contracted professional who serves as the regional mental health administrative authority responsible for the delivery of contract services. (3-24-21, IS11-02, IS11-04, IS12-3.1, IS12-3.2, IS12-3.3, IS12-3.4, IS12-3.5, IS12-3.6, IS12-4.1)

Regional Mental Health Manager Replaced by Regional Mental Health Director. (7-7-16)

Regional Mortality Review The process of reviewing the health services rendered to a deceased offender during incarceration. (4-20-21, IS11-11.1)

Regional Pharmacist Contracted Missouri licensed pharmacist responsible for completion of medication area inspections. Also serves as a resource in all aspects of medication and operations. (6-17-15, IS11-27.3)

Regional Recruitment Officer Human relations officers located in Western, Eastern, and Central Region with responsibility for departmental recruitment activities. (11-19-15, D2-13.2)

Regional Training Administrator A staff member of the training academy who is responsible for all training programs within his geographical region. (5-2-19, D2-12.4, IS20-2.1)

Regional Training Center Location where the regional training office is located. (11-29-15, D2-12.4)

Regional Training Coordinator The person in a Probation and Parole region responsible for all training activities in that region. (5-2-19, D2-12.3)

Regional Vice President A contracted professional who serves as the administrative mental health authority for a specific region or department; is responsible for the delivery of mental health contract services in all institutions. (3-24-21, IS11-02, IS11-04, IS11-06)

Register For purposes of this procedure, a register is a complete listing of all active applicants available for a classification, to be sorted on a certificate by score, location, salary, time, and date of availability. Because applicants may add themselves to a register without verification of eligibility, inclusion on a register does not necessarily ensure an applicant is eligible for the selected classification. (1-6-16, D2-2.1)

Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN) A regulated healthcare professional licensed to assess, diagnose and treat nutritional problems. (11-22-19, IS10-1.8, IS11-46)

Register of Eligible Applicants A listing of names, in descending numerical merit score, provided to the department for consideration for employment. (10-29-09, D2-2.6)

Registration Agency The U.S. Department of Labor Office of Apprenticeship or a recognized State Apprenticeship Agency that has responsibility for registering apprenticeship programs and apprentices; providing technical assistance; conducting reviews for compliance with Title 29, CFR parts 29 and 30 and quality assurance assessments. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Regular Branches of Armed Forces The United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. Does not include National Guard or reserve components. (8-26-13, D2-8.7)

Rehabilitative Program A program offered to offenders that is designed to meet needs in specific areas, i.e. education, substance use and recover education and treatment, vocational education, and the Missouri Re-entry Process. (11-4-16 per Marta Nolin, D5-10.3)

Reimbursable Travel Expenses Expenses which are authorized and essential for the transaction of official business of the department or the state. Expenses such as laundry, bar bills, newspapers, movie rentals, personal telephone charges and other like charges are not reimbursable. (1-8-19, D2-6.1)

Reinstatement Appointment An appointment from a reinstatement register which restores employment to an employee previously laid off or demoted in lieu of lay off due to shortage of work or funds. (2-17-13, D2-3.4)

Reinstatement Register A merit system register that contains the names of persons who have been regular employees in a particular classification and who have been laid off or demoted in lieu of layoff. (2-17-13, D2-3.4)

REJIS Regional Justice Information Service.

Related Child The biological, adopted or step child of the offender. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

Related Graffiti Any form of unauthorized inscription, word, figure, or design that is marked, etched, scratched, drawn, sprayed, painted, or otherwise affixed on any structural component of any state property building structure, facility, or personal property belonging to an offender identifying their relationship to a gang. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Relative For the purpose of this procedure, relative shall be defined as the following: spouse, ex-spouse, parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, first cousin, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, and shall include in-law, blood, step, and all foster relationships. (10-11-19, D2-11.3, D2-11.11, D2-11.12)

Release Includes anyone leaving prison on probation, parole, interstate compact or director’s release, conditional release, parole board administrative discharge. (3-25-10, D5-1.6)

Release Manager A staff member who prepares Missouri parole board legal documents, in conjunction with the records and institutional parole offices, to facilitate the release of offenders on parole or conditional release. (5-3-21, D5-8.6)

Release Monies Release monies shall only include transportation costs provided by the department. (10-26-15, D3-5.3)

Release Planning Checklist An assessment tool designed to evaluate and track an offender’s resources and needs that are necessary for successful release and reentry from incarceration. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Release Readiness Report A report that updates the parole board of progressions or digressions of the client prior to presumptive or conditional release. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Released Offender An individual released from incarceration to the community under the supervision of federal or state probation and parole, or local law enforcement. (9-14-06, D5-10.3)

Reliable Person A person who has personal knowledge of the facts being relayed and has either provided accurate information in the past or is generally known to be a reliable, honest, and a trustworthy person. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Religious Certified Processed Foods Food items that have been processed in accordance with Jewish dietary laws and have been certified by an approved rabbinical authority. (12-16-16, IS10-1.8)

Religious Communities A group of offenders of an accommodated faith group. (1-18-15, IS17-1.1)

Religious Food Event A meal shared by a fully accommodated religious community as part of the observance of a departmentally accommodated holy day of the respective religious community cited in the department’s religious profiles. (1-18-15, IS17-1.1)

Religious Profiles Approved, non-exhaustive collection of full and solitary accommodated faith group summaries outlining basic faith tenets, holy days, traditions, property and religious practice. (1-18-15, IS17-1.1)

Religious Program Sign Up A method by which an offender registers to attend a specific regularly scheduled religious program. (1-18-15, IS17-1.1)

Religious Programming Advisory Council A committee of individuals recommended by the supervisor of religious and spiritual programming and appointed by the department director. The committee consists of non-departmental members representing the diversity of religions accommodated by the department, department staff members, and the supervisor of religious and spiritual programming. Its sole purpose is to advise in the general area of policy, procedure, program development pertaining to religious accommodation, and chaplaincy services as requested by the supervisor of religious and spiritual programming. (5-27-20, D2-2.20, IS17-1.1)

Religious or Spiritual Resources Books, audio or video tapes, audio compact discs, literature, equipment and ritual items used for a program of religious study and worship. (4-11-18, IS17-1.1)

Relocation Expense The dollar costs incurred by an employee or new hire to assume a position within the department which requires the employee to establish a new residence, including limited travel expenses, temporary living expenses and moving household goods. (6-21-15, D2-6.2)

Remand When an appellate court orders a trial court to conduct limited new hearings or an entirely new trial or to take some other further action. (8-26-16, D5-8.9)

Remedy An action taken in response to an information resolution request, grievance or grievance appeal to resolve a grievable issue. (1-1-15, D5-3.2)

Remote Access The ability to view live or prerecorded visual images from an alternate location other than the primary source. (5-5-12, D4-4.8)

Remote Computer A computer connected to the department network at any site that is not a department worksite. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Renunciation The formal process through which an offender can voluntarily disassociate from their STG by completing the renunciation and debriefing process along with discontinuing STG activity. A subject shall be considered for renunciation only upon their request, although staff may ask whether they want to renounce and go through the renunciation process. (4-1-21, D1-8.11)

REP Radiological emergency preparedness.

Repairable Property in need of major repair to be usable. (9-19-17, D4-5.3)

Repairpersons Businesses and their employees who are contracted by the department to perform services such as repairs to copy machines, computer equipment, etc. These individuals are not considered staff members of the department and do not receive a permanent department identification card. (9-24-19, IS20-1.7)

Reporting Instructions A directive given to the offender to report to a designated person or place, at a specific date and time. (12-5-15, D5-4.36)

Request for Proposal (RFP) A formal written request to vendors soliciting competitive proposals, used only when the OA/DPMM is handling the solicitation and negotiations are allowed. (5-2-15, D3-2.4, D3-2.6)

Request for Quotation (RFQ) An informal solicitation where written quotes are obtained from vendors without formal advertising or receipt of sealed bids. (5-2-15, D3-2.4, D3-2.6)

Required Activities Activities to which an offender is assigned and must attend in accordance with institutional services procedures regarding required activities. (11-5-18, IS18-1.1, IS20-1.4)

Required Data Information which must be included when entering data in the department’s computer system. Required transaction fields include arrest date, offense type, offense description, disposition date, type, subtype and source. If information is available, all transaction fields should be completed. (10-15-15, D5-10.2)

Required Treatment Phase This process is no longer used and has been deleted from these procedures. (11-4-16) A period of programming (approximately nine months for long term, six weeks for short term) that the offender must successfully complete as part of a longer term plan for the treatment of substance abuse. (8-19-07, D5-4.22, D5-4.24)

Research A study that uses department data, interviews, or questionnaires to collect factual data and/or the opinions of staff members or offenders. (12-23-15, D1-6.3)

Research Analyst A representative from the department research, planning and process improvement section or approved academic partner responsible for collecting and analyzing statistics, outcomes measures, and other data related to crisis intervention teams. (2-27-18, IS20-3.4)

Research Design A written, organized and systematic plan for conducting a research or evaluation project. The research design must also include the objective of research and the intended use of data or final research finding. (6-1-99, D1-6.3)

Reservation Class Any class which requires a bed reservation scheduled in advance for the offender to participate. Offender is actually placed on a waiting list and the probation and parole booking unit decides eligibility and an available bed date. (1-20-13, D5-4.12)

Reserve The holding of an item upon its return by a library user for a prescribed length of time at the request of another library user. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Residence For purposes of this procedure, the city or town in which the staff member has a primary abode or a dwelling place. (1-8-19, D2-6.1)

Resident 1. For purposes of this procedure, any person confined or detained in a community supervision center. (9-28-17, D2-5.1, D2-11.10) 2. Those offenders who are under the supervision of the Department of Corrections, who are assigned under a contract to a halfway house, are eligible to receive monies from this fund. (5-18-90, D3-5.5)

Residential Facility A community based facility contracted by the department for the housing of offenders and services, which may vary depending on facility. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D5-9.3)

Resignation A notice of voluntary separation of employment by an employee to his supervisor, the worksite personnel office, or other superior within his chain of command. (1-23-20, D2-3.1)

Respiratory Isolation/Negative Airflow Room An area with separate ventilation to the outside, negative pressure in relation to adjacent areas that should have a minimum of 6 air exchanges per hour. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Respondent The employee at each level of the grievance process who responds to a complaint in an attempt to resolve the issue or concern within the parameters of his authority. (12-30-15, D2-10.1)

Response Team A selected team consisting of a minimum of five staff members trained to work in concert with one another to use force to move an offender from one location to another location. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1, IS20-3.3)

Responsible Dentist Supervises clinical judgments regarding the dental care provided to offenders. This includes establishing and implementing procedures for clinical aspects of the program; monitoring the appropriateness, timeliness and responsiveness of dental care and treatment; and reviewing the recommendations for treatment of offenders made by healthcare providers in the community. (3-18-21, IS11-02, IS11-03, IS11-36.1, IS11-40)

Responsible Health Authority A person who by virtue of education, experience, or certification is capable of assuming responsibility for arranging all levels of health care and ensuring quality and accessible health services for offenders. (3-19-21, IS11-02, IS11-13, IS11-37.1)

Responsible Physician Supervises clinical judgments regarding the health care provided to offenders at a specific institution. This includes establishing and implementing procedures for clinical aspects of the program; monitoring the appropriateness, timeliness and responsiveness of care and treatment; and reviewing the recommendations for treatment of offenders made by healthcare providers in the community. (5-6-21, IS10-1.3, IS10-1.6, IS11-02, IS11-03, IS11-06, IS11-13, IS11-14.2, IS11-17, IS11-23, IS11-29, IS11-30, IS11-32, IS11-34.1, IS11-34.2, IS11-37.1, IS11-40, IS11-41, IS11-42, IS11-51, IS11-52, IS11-54, IS11-55, IS11-60, IS11-67.1, IS11-71, IS11-74, IS11-75, IS12-6.1, IS18-5.4)

Responsible Psychiatrist 1. Supervises clinical judgments regarding the mental health care provided to offenders at a specific institution. This includes establishing and implementing procedures for clinical aspects of the program; monitoring the appropriateness, timeliness and responsiveness of care and treatment; and reviewing the recommendations for treatment of offenders made by healthcare providers in the community. (6-24-20, IS11-03, IS11-14.1, IS11-29, IS11-30, IS11-40, IS11-60) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, supervises clinical judgments regarding the mental health care provided to offenders at a specific institution. (10-4-16, IS11-69)

Responsivity Factors The individual characteristics of an offender which may impact the response to interventions. These factors shall be considered when developing case management plans. They include, but are not limited to, intelligence, learning style, gender, age, culture, race, ethnicity, communication style, mental or physical health, or history of abuse/neglect. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Restorative Justice Activity Activities established within the department’s correctional facilities that encourage the offender to engage in activities and offer expressions of sincere remorse for the offenses committed and the impact of that conduct on the victim(s) and the community. This activity may include approved community service activities while incarcerated and other activities approved by the superintendent. (12-03-04, D5-4.32)

Restorative Justice Coordinator A person selected by the deputy director who is responsible for oversight of all restorative justice programs. (11-13-06, D5-4.32, D5-4.33)

Restricted Hobby Craft Items Craft tools or supplies used by offenders in participation of hobby craft activities that, by their design or function, could be used as a weapon, aid in the manufacture of dangerous contraband or aid in an escape. Examples of restricted craft tools include, but are not limited to, leather crafting supplies, chisels, punches, saws, glass cutters, knitting needles, toxic paints, solvents, etc. (3-11-10, IS16-1.2, IS22-1.1)

Restricted Keys Keys with restricted authorization for use. (10-6-07, IS20-1.6)

Restricted Tools Tools which, by their design or function, may be used by offenders as weapons, aid in the manufacture of dangerous contraband, or could aid in an escape. This would include, but not be limited to, saw blades, files, wire cutters, bolt cutters, acetylene torches, jacks, heavy leather work gloves, ladders, axes, hatchets, ropes, chains, garden hoses, torches and cutting tips, explosive driven tools or any additional tools listed in the standard operating procedure which may be considered restricted depending upon the security level of the institution. (1-30-15, IS4-1.6)

Restrictively Endorsed Authorized for deposit only to the department of corrections account funds. (10-23-10, D3-3.3)

Retaliation 1. In the context of this procedure, adverse action taken by a supervisor or fellow co-worker against a staff member based on a staff member’s participation in an inquiry, investigation or proceedings involving charges of discrimination, harassment, retaliation or unprofessional conduct. (6-30-17, D2-11.4) 2. In the context of this procedure, adverse action taken based upon a person’s reporting and/or participating in an inquiry, investigation or proceeding involving charges of offender sexual abuse or offender sexual harassment. This is applicable to both staff members and offenders. (2-22-21, D1-8.6, D1-8.13) 3. For the purposes of this procedure, retaliation occurs when a staff member knowingly and intentionally punishes a small business in direct response to questions, concerns or complaints raised by the small business regarding department policies, procedures and/or actions. (7-15-09, D3-2.5)

Retention Options Options that would enable the department to retain the employee, subject to necessary and normal approval from the appointing authority and notification to the human resources director. (10-25-09, D2-3.5)

Retention Schedule A document that lists all records created and maintained.  For each record, the schedule explains what the records are, when they become inactive, how long to keep them and what happens to the records when they are no longer needed.

  1. The schedule should list all records created and maintained in addition to the records to be stored in the State Records Center. (6-27-10, D1-11.3)

Return to Duty – Alcohol A breath alcohol test result that is performed after a previous confirmed positive test result and prior to returning to duty. (3-19-15, D2-11.12)

Return to Duty Test – Drugs Testing required when a staff member wants to return to work after being absent from work for more than 180 days for any reason or absent from work to participate in treatment for drug use. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Return to Work Coordinator An employee in Employee Health and Safety assigned to monitor the employees assigned to Early Return to Work modified or alternate duty. (4-4-10, D2-15.5)

Reusable Tool/Instrument Count A complete list of all reusable medical or dental instruments that are used daily in the health services unit. (6-23-20, IS11-28.1)

Revenue Cash, check or money order. (10-23-10, D3-3.3)

Revenue Accounting Includes cash management and accounts receivable. (10-23-10, D3-3.3)

Reverse and Discharge The decision of an appellate court judge to reverse and set aside the conviction of an individual by a lower court, and order the release and discharge without further action. (8-26-16, D5-8.9)

Reverse and Remand The decision of an appellate court judge to reverse the conviction of an individual by a lower court and remand the case for a new trial. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D5-8, D5-8.9)

Reverse and Remand Decisions – Other The decisions of an appellate court judge to reverse, remand, or otherwise change the conviction, sentence or any other action by a lower court, which will have specific guidance as to the disposition of the individual and the requirements of law enforcement agencies and/or personnel. (8-26-16, D5-8.9)

Reverse and Remand of Convictions The decision of an appellate court judge to reverse the conviction of an individual by a lower court, and remand the case for a new trial. (8-26-16, D5-8.9)

Reviewer The person designated to review an employee’s performance, normally the rater’s direct supervisor. (11-12-12, D2-4.1)

Revocation 1. For purposes of this procedure, when an offender communicates, in any manner, his wishes to discontinue or change a health care directive or a durable power of attorney for health care decisions. (6-15-20, IS11-73) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, revocation is when an offender communicates, in any manner, his wishes to discontinue a do not resuscitate order. (1-13-20, IS11-74)

RF Residential facility.

RFI Radio frequency interference.

RFI Request for investigation.

RFT Request for training.

RFP Request for proposal.

Right to Refuse Treatment An offender’s decision to refuse or discontinue medical treatment even though advised by competent health personnel to consent or continue. (5-12-07, IS11-71)

Risk Assessment A process of identifying and analyzing relevant risks to the achievement of department objectives and forming a basis for determining how the risks should be managed. (D3-4.1)

RJO Restorative justice organization.

RRP Regional response plan.

RO Reporting officer.

Rodents Mammals such as mice, rats, squirrels or beaver characterized by large incisors adapted for gnawing or nibbling. (12-20-02, IS4-1.3)

Room, Bay or Cell Search A thorough inspection of the living quarters of a particular offender and all items within that area. (8-24-18, IS20-1.3)

Rounds The act of seeing offenders by health services staff to make access to care available for routine health care requests (for example, hand out health services requests). (11-16-14, IS11-39)

RSMO Revised Statute of Missouri.

RTA Regional training administrator.

RTC Regional training coordinator.

RTF Residential treatment facility (prior term, replaced by RF).

Rules of Conduct The department’s list of behavioral rules, available in the department's shared network drive, which offenders must abide. Any violation of these rules may result in the issuance of a conduct violation with appropriate corrective actions imposed, in accordance with the rules of conduct reference document, located in the shared computer drive and the offender rulebook provided to each offender. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)

RX Receive.


SA 1. Salvation Army. 2. Staging area.

SAC I Substance abuse counselor.

SAC II Substance abuse counselor two.

SAC III Substance abuse counselor three (supervisor).

SACA Substance Abuse Classification Analysis.

Sack Meal A meal provided in the form of sandwiches, or items to be eaten without utensils, etc. and served in a paper bag. (3-10-05, IS10-1.9)

Sacred Test As defined in MDOC Religious Profiles and as considered by respective faith groups. (8-19-16, D5-3.3)

SAE Substance abuse education.

SAFE Sexual assault forensic examiner.

Safekeeping Property Savings bonds being held on behalf of the offender by the department. (8-7-20, D1-8.5)

Safety Can An approved container of no more than five gallons capacity, which has a spring-closing spout cover and designed so that it will safely relieve internal pressure when subjected to fire exposure. (11-25-02, D4-2.7)

Safety Committee A committee developed and maintained at each facility who purpose is to establish and review health and safety practices and standards in accordance with this procedure. (9-19-05, D4-2.1)

Safety Coordinator An individual assigned to the health and safety unit that is responsible for coordinating and assisting with activities relating to health and safety in all departmental facilities. (5-5-21, D1-12.1, D2-5.2, D2-15.6, D2-15.10, D4-2.1, D4-2.7, D4-2.8, D4-2.9, D4-2.10, IS4-1.3, IS10-1.6)

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Safety data sheets (formerly known as material safety data sheets [MSDS]) are designed to give sufficient information about hazardous chemical products to make proper decisions on items such as storage, use, personal protective equipment and disposal. (12-16-14, IS16-1.2)

Safety Manager An individual who is responsible for department health and safety plans and conducting health and safety inspections at a facility. (4-21-20, D1-12.1, D2-15.5, D2-15.6, D2-15.10, D2-17.1, D4-2.1, IS4-1.3, IS11-07, IS10-1.6)

Safety Program Activities and facility operating procedures that are developed to ensure a safe and healthful working environment. (9-19-05, D4-2.1)

Safety Sensitive Function A work activity by a staff member responsible for the operation of a motor vehicle requiring a commercial driver’s license that involves actions which could place the safety of others, and in particular, the general public in jeopardy, including:

  1. all time spent at any facility or otherwise waiting to be dispatched, unless the driver has been relieved from duty by the supervisor,
  2. all time inspecting equipment as required by regulations, policies or procedures,
  3. all driving time as the operator of the vehicle,
  4. all time, other than driving, in any commercial motor vehicle, except time spent resting in a sleeper berth,
  5. all time loading or unloading a vehicle, supervising or assisting in the process, or
  6. all time spent performing the requirements relating to accidents. (12-18-14, D4-4.5)


SAM II Statewide Advantage for Missouri (financial and payroll system).

SANE Sexual assault nurse examiner.

Sanitary Free from elements such as dirt, litter or pathogens that endanger health and safety. (10-4-02, IS4-1.1)

Sanitation Purging, wiping, or removing all traces of information from a disk or hard drive which renders the information unrecoverable. (10-27-20, D1-7.4)

SAP Substance abuse program.

SAR Sentencing assessment report (formerly known as PSI).

Satellite Accumulation Container A system approved by the National Fire Protection Agency that allows for the accumulation of hazardous waste at or near the point where it is initially generated and collected during daily operations and defined in 40 Code Federal Regulation. (9-8-03, D4-2.10)

SATOP Substance Abuse Traffic Offenders Program.

SAUS Substance abuse unit supervisor.

SAVE Structural Assessment and Visual Evaluation Coalition.

SBA Small Business Administration.

Scabies A contagious skin disease caused by the itch mite. (2-11-15, IS11-17)

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System.

SCBA Self-contained breathing apparatus.

SCCC South Central Correctional Center.

Scope of Work The detailed specifications contained within a document which delineates the responsibilities of the contractor and includes the contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement. (5-2-15, D3-2.4, D3-2.6)

Screened Vehicle A vehicle (car, van, bus) having a security screen between the driver and offenders. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

Screening Coordinator A designated staff member who tracks the completion of screening for alcohol and chemical abuse. (9-28-16, D5-1.5)

Screening for Alcohol and Chemical Abuse (SACA) A substance use screening instrument to assist staff members in identifying the need for further substance use assessment. (11-4-16, D5-1.5, D5-4.36, D5-10.6)

Screening Test The initial test, using an evidential breath tester to determine the possible presence of alcohol in the tested individual. (3-19-15, D2-11.12)

SECC Southeast Correctional Center.

Secondary Caregiver The parent who provides support to the primary caregiver in the care of a child following birth or adoption. (10-18-19, D2-8.14)

Secondary Coordinator Staff member assigned by the CAO or designee to disseminate the primary workgroups draft (after receiving it from PAFMU) to his worksite’s secondary reviewers and collect their comments for submission to PAFMU. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Secondary Employment Employment outside the department or employment within the department that is secondary to the staff member’s major position. (2-20-07, D2-11.1)

Secondary Offender Handler/Trainer An offender who has been selected using established criteria to be responsible for assisting the care and training of dogs entered in the puppies for parole program during   periods of absence of the assigned offender handler/training. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Secondary Reviewers Subject matter experts (SME) in each worksite assigned by the CAO or designee to review and offer comments. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Secondary Risk Factors These factors include leisure, education, employment, substance use and family and shall be addressed after primary risk factors. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Secondary Service Weekly religious service for fully accommodated faith groups whereby the main focus is study. (1-18-15, IS17-1.1)

Section Head The manager or supervisor over a designated section or unit who has supervisory authority over a particular function or activity and directs all routine activities of his assigned staff members. (12-11-20, D2-7.10, D2-10.1, IS11-55, IS20-1.5)

Secure Social Rehabilitation Unit (SSRU) A mental health unit within the Jefferson City Correctional Center that provides residential mental health care of maximum security level offenders with significant mental illness who cannot adequately function in the general population due to mental illness. The unit is designed to provide the security, medication and counseling services required to maintain the optimum level of institutional and mental health adjustment possible for offenders with significant mental illness. This unit is not intended to provide hospital care. (11-5-15, IS12-3.6)

Secure Social Rehabilitation Unit Admissions and Discharge Committee A committee comprised of a designated regional mental health contract monitor, psychiatrist, SSRU treatment coordinator, mental health nurse, functional unit manager, and designated correctional officer who is tasked with reviewing specific admissions and discharge criteria. (11-5-15, IS12-3.6)

Secure Social Rehabilitation Unit Treatment Coordinator A designated qualified mental health professional assigned to oversee and coordinate the mental health services of the secure social rehabilitation unit at the Jefferson City Correctional Center. (11-5-15, IS12-3.6)

Secure Social Rehabilitation Unit Treatment Team A team typically comprised of a psychiatrist, treatment coordinator, activity technician, mental health nurse, functional unit manager, case manager and designated custody officer for the purpose of reviewing secure social rehabilitation unit participants’ individual treatment progress. (11-5-15, IS12-3.6)

Security Methods undertaken to protect the equipment and data in the department’s information systems network. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Security Access Coordinator A department staff member assigned to the central office complex who is responsible for coordinating security access cards for the central office. (4-9-20, D2-14.1)

Security Access Officer The employees designated by the Office of Administration, Information Technology Services Division who monitor and grant access to the department’s information systems network. (3-13-17, D1-7.1)

Security Administrator The chief administrative officer (CAO) of the security intelligence unit (SIU) responsible for the development and implementation of the agency security posture, including policies and procedures impacting the general public, staff members and offenders or clients, and serves as the lead auditor of the security audit team. (4-8-21, D1-12.1, IS20-3.1, IS20-5.1)

Security Audit A process for determining the extent to which policy, procedure, standards, and practice combine to provide a safe and secure institutional environment. Included in this process is a detailed evaluation of every major aspect of an institution’s security program. (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

Security Bench A seating device, secured to the floor, where one or more offenders in restraints may be temporarily, seated and secured to the bench. (8-6-18, IS20-2.3)

Security Cabinet A commercial or manufactured metal lockable cabinet for the secure storage of firearms designated as less lethal, less lethal munitions, chemical agents and other security equipment assigned to a designated area inside the secure perimeter or security tower not accessible to offenders or unauthorized personnel. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Security Camera Committee A group of staff members established at each facility that meets monthly to review all requests for new or additional equipment and conduct annual assessments of the security camera systems of the entire facility and make recommendations to the CAO. This committee comprises the deputy warden of offender management, chief of custody, camera monitor, and the head of maintenance. (10-8-19, D4-4.8)

Security Camera Equipment Any equipment by design that is used to capture, record, or playback photographs or video recordings of offender behaviors or to enhance security. This will include but not limited to VHS cameras, digital video recorders, monitors, external or internal playback or recording equipment, or visual recordings. (5-5-12, D4-4.8)

Security Camera Operations Administrator Staff member assigned by the chief administrative officer responsible for the overall configuration settings and user privileges of security camera equipment as approved by the chief administrative officer. (5-5-12, D4-4.8)

Security Cameras Stationary or hand-held video cameras used to monitor offender behaviors or to enhance security. (5-5-12, D4-4.8)

Security Coordinator A central office staff member appointed by the director of the division of adult institutions who is responsible for overseeing the security operations of the division. (5-9-15, D1-3.3, IS20-3.1, IS20-3.3, IS20-4.2, IS24-2.1)

Security Equipment Items such as radios, flashlights, rescue shears, security shields, batons, helmets with protective face masks, body alarms, video cameras, metal detectors, gas launcher, stab vests, grenades, electronic stun shield and BRAD. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1, IS20-3.3)

Security Incident The suspected or known loss or unauthorized disclosure of data to unauthorized parties. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Security Intelligence Unit (SIU) A central office unit responsible for the development and implementation of the agency’s security posture, including policies and procedures impacting the general public, staff members and offenders. (4-1-21, D1-8.11, D1-12.1, IS20-3.1, IS20-5.1)

Security Mattress A mattress comprised of three state blankets layered together, folded in half lengthwise, stitched around the edges, and stitched crosswise from corner to corner. (10-8-20, IS21-1.1, IS22-1.1)

Security Perimeter The outermost physical containment perimeter or boundary of a department facility or institution, wherein offenders dwell unrestrained and without special out-count, designed to securely incarcerate an offender within, for the prevention of their escape or access by persons not authorized to enter. (3-8-21, D1-3.2, D1-5.2, D2-11.13, D4-4.8, IS18-1.1, IS20-1.4, IS20-1.7, IS20-2.1, IS20-2.7, IS20-3.3, IS23-2.1)

Security Related Issue Any documentation or information that addresses specific security concerns or processes or that may compromise the safety or security of an offender, employee, facility or the public, if released. (2-2-14, D1-11.2 This definition has been removed from this procedure and is no longer in any other procedures.)

Security System Checks A simulated emergency designed to test the adequacy of emergency plans and to test staff knowledge, practice, response and equipment in various situations. (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

Security Threat Group (STG) Any organization, association or group of three or more subjects, whether formal or informal, with a common name or common identifying sign or symbol, whose members individually or collectively engage in, or have engaged in, a pattern of criminal activity and whose attempts to commit unlawful acts or an act that would violate the department’s written instructions would detract from the safe, orderly operations of department facilities. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Security Threat Group (STG) Behavior Behavior which is consistent with a STG or organization. This includes, but is not limited to, conduct that leads to the commission of an unlawful act and/or violation of policy demonstrating a nexus to an STG. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Security Threat Group (STG) Committee A group of staff members appointed by the CAO or regional administrator that meet quarterly about STG-related activities and processes in accordance with the STG manual. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Security Threat Group (STG) Coordinator A designated staff member that reviews and approves validation of a STG member and serves as a liaison to the STG manager and ensures the implementation of this procedure at their worksite. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Security Threat Group (STG) Manager A designated staff member in the security intelligence unit (SIU) responsible for oversight of this procedure, the STG manual, STG database, and STG processes at each facility and serves as a liaison to all outside law enforcement entities. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Security Threat Group (STG) Officer A designated staff member assigned to complete STG-related tasks at their worksite such as the interview of offenders to determine if they are STG members or associates, collection of supporting evidence, and documentation of activity. (4-1-21, D1-8.11)

Security Threat Group (STG) Screening A form that consists of specific STG-related questions that shall be asked of offenders during reception and diagnostic intake or initial assessment after being assigned to probation and parole through the courts. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Security Threat Group (STG) Subject Profile A form that staff members can complete to document any suspected STG related information on an offender and submit to the worksite STG officer. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Security Violation The failure to follow approved security procedures. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Segregation The act of separating an offender from access to other offenders and/or specified offenders. (10-7-20, IS5-2.1, IS11-37.1, IS11-39, IS21-1.1, IS21-1.2, IS21-1.3, IS21-1.4)

Self Care Care for a condition that can be treated by the offender and may include over-the-counter medications. (11-22-19, IS11-46)

Self Declared Emergency A statement by an offender indicting he has an emergency and needs to see medical personnel. (6-29-20, IS11-41)

Self Medication Program or Keep on Person (KOP) Allows for a responsible offender to carry and administer his own medication as determined by the practitioner and not deemed a controlled medication within the correctional facility as outlined in this procedure. (10-23-15, IS11-27.15)

Self Selection An individual choice to consume or abstain from those foods provided on the master menu. No supplemental foods are provided. (12-16-16, IS10-1.8)

SEMA State Emergency Management Agency.

Sending Institution The institution from which the offender is assigned. (12-3-19, IS5-2.5, IS20-4.2)

Sending State A state in which conviction or court commitment was had. (8-7-20, D1-8.5, IS5-2.6)

Seniority The length of an employee’s continuous service with the department. Reference the appropriate bargaining unit agreement for the definition of seniority for bargaining unit positions. (1-12-16, D2-2.13, D2-8.2)

Sensitive Issues Information or issues which have the potential to adversely impact the department with internal and external publics. (6-6-18, D1-3.1)

Sensitive Items Items considered attractive or easily pilfered with an acquisition cost or fair market value of $999.99 or less may be declared a sensitive item. Each work location/section shall decide which items they feel are sensitive and then determine the method by which they wish to track the items. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

Sentence and Judgment A standardized form developed by the Office of the State Courts Administrator certified by the County Circuit Clerk pronouncing sentence on an offender’s offense. The following specific information should be included: status violated, court-ordered probation not supervised by the department, the offense cycle number, any court-ordered restitution owed to the victim, date of offense, charge, case number, class/misdemeanor/felony, type of plea, sentence enhancement, special stipulations or program participation and statement sentencing offender to the department with a minimum of one (1) year sentence. This documentation shall be given to the records officer or designee prior to or upon delivery of the offender. (1-8-19, IS5-1.1)

Sentence and Judgment File A physical file which contains court documents legally confining an offender to the department and other documents as specified in this procedure. (5-5-21, IS7-1.3, IS7-1.5, IS22-1.1)

Sentencing Assessment Report (SAR) A report which assists the court in determining the impact of the offense on the victim and to determine an appropriate sentence based upon information regarding the nature and severity of the offense, prior criminal history, risk and other related factors. The report also provides information regarding available department programs and resources to effectively manage the client’s presenting risk factors. (8-26-16, D5-4.3, D5-4.29)

Sentencing Order Sentence and judgment or probation revocation that executes a commitment to the department, division of adult institutions. (1-8-15, IS7-1.3)

Sentinel Event Any unanticipated event in a health care setting resulting in death or a serious physical or psychological injury to a patient or patients, not related to the natural course of the patient’s illness. (3-19-21, IS11-06, IS11-13)

SEOC State Emergency Operations Center.

SEOP State Emergency Operations Plan.

Serious and Persistent Mental Illness (SMI) Offenders who have a history which suggests clear evidence of serious impairment in each of the following areas of behavioral functioning:

  1. Social Role Functioning: Ability to functionally sustain the role of worker, student, homemaker or a combination of these.
  2. Daily Living Skills: Ability to engage in personal care (grooming, personal hygiene, etc.) and community living activities (handling personal finances, using community resources, performing daily chores, etc.) at an age-appropriate level. (6-1-07, D5-8.12)


Serious Communicable Diseases Include those that are transmitted sexually, through the respiratory system, or by infected blood (for example, syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, HIV, tuberculosis, hepatitis). (11-22-19, IS11-08)

Serious Illness A condition which threatens an offender’s life and that may persist for a period of time. (11-8-16, IS11-10)

Serious Incident An event resulting in death, serious injury, sexual abuse, hospitalization or that may result in media interest or may result in an investigation by another department or agency.

  1. Death of an incarcerated offender from natural causes where an autopsy is not conducted is not a serious incident, unless the death results in an investigation by another department or agency. (10-3-18, D1-12.1)

Serious Injury or Illness – Military (NOTE: Per legal, FMLA regulations use the term “servicemember” as one word) An injury or illness that was incurred by a servicemember while serving in the Armed Forces in the line of duty or a pre-existing condition that was aggravated by service in the line of duty and manifested itself before or after the member became a veteran. (10-11-19, D2-8.15)

Serious Mental Health Need Offenders with serious mental health needs, psychotic disorders, or mood disorders (for example, bipolar disorders), the aggressive mentally ill; and serious suicidal offenders. (11-22-19, IS11-08)

Serious Mental Illness A mental disorder of sufficient severity and duration to meet criteria for diagnosis as specified in the current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association. The mental disorder must cause significant impairment in functioning. (11-5-15, IS12-3.6)

Serious Physical Injury Physical injury that causes serious or permanent disfigurement, serious impairment of health or loss, or protracted impairment of the function of any bodily organ or limb, or that requires outside medical attention. (7-3-17, Rules of Conduct reference document)

Serious Suicide Attempt A threat to harm oneself or exhibit behavior giving the indication of the desire to harm oneself or an act focused on taking one’s life that is unsuccessful in causing death. (10-3-18, D1-12.1)

Serious Suicide Event (SR-3 Rating) A suicide attempt by an offender that requires treatment by a physician or a nurse practitioner beyond the initial assessment of injury by site nursing staff members. The bodily injury may have required hospital or infirmary admission in order to monitor the offender’s vital signs and physical condition or provide additional treatment. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Service Credits A numerical score, established by MOSERS, that reflects the employee’s credible service, this score is used to determine employee order of layoff and placement on the reinstatement register. (2-17-13, D2-3.4)

Service Firearm A firearm for which a staff member has been trained and certified to use during the course of their duties. (5-3-21, D2-16.1)

Service Recognition An award bestowed for years of service rendered by employees in the field of corrections. (10-13-20, D2-7.2)

Serviceable Property that requires minor maintenance. (9-19-17, D4-5.3)

SES Suspended execution of sentence.

Sex Offender All persons under the supervision of the board of probation and parole for the offenses listed in P3-64.4, Section II.S., for which sexual treatment is mandated by statute or required by department policy.  Other sex offense classes not specifically listed but prosecuted as “attempt” class cases also require sex offender supervision and treatment. (9-18-15, D5-10.6)

Sex Offender Assessment A specialized team in the department that assesses sex offenders sentenced pursuant to 559.115 RSMo in order to determine the nature and extent of psychopathology, risk for reoffending and psychological treatment needs. (8-30-09, D5-4.3)

Sex Offense Offenses under Chapter 566 or any offense involving a child under Chapter 568 or 573 for which sexual treatment is mandated by state statute. Offenses prosecuted as attempt class cases also require sex offender supervision and treatment. (11-9-16, D5-1.2)

Sex Related Offenses For the purpose of this procedure includes:

  1. Sexual assault offenses as set out in 589.400 through 589.425 RSMo.
    1. rape,
    2. forcible rape,
    3. statutory rape, 1st and 2nd degree,
    4. sexual assault,
    5. forcible sodomy,
    6. statutory sodomy, 1st and 2nd degree,
    7. child molestation, 1st and 2nd degree,
    8. deviate sexual assault,
    9. sexual misconduct involving a child,
    10. sexual abuse,
    11. sexual contact with a student while on school property,
    12. sexual contact with a prisoner or offender,
    13. unlawful sex with an animal, if second offense,
    14. enticement of a child,
    15. trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation,
    16. sexual trafficking of a child,
    17. sexual trafficking of a child under 12,
    18. child abuse when the abuse is sexual in nature,
    19. attempts to commit any of 1.a. through 1.r. above. (8-30-09)

Sexual Abuse Opportunity Areas Areas of a facility that allow for limited visibility of offender activities, thereby providing increased likelihood of offender sexual abuse in areas such as hallways, storage areas, individual cells, showers, etc. (10-8-19, D4-4.8)

Sexual Assault A sexual act that is coercive or assaultive in nature and where there is the use or threat of force. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS12-4.1)

Sexual Assault Exam An examination performed by a SANE/SAFE after a reported offender sexual abuse allegation which involved penetration of the mouth, anus, buttocks, or vulva, however slight, by hand, finger, object instrument, or penis that is alleged to have occurred within the last 120 hours. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

Sexual Assault Forensic Examiner (SAFE) Specifically trained health professionals who ensures victims of sexual assault are provided with competent, compassionate, and prompt care, while providing the most advanced technology associated with DNA and other sexual assault forensic evidence collection and preservation. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Specifically trained nurse who ensures victims of sexual assault are provided with competent, compassionate and prompt care, while providing the most advanced technology associated with DNA and other sexual assault forensic evidence collection and preservation. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS11-68)

Sexual Assault Offense Offenses listed in Section 589.015(2) RSMo that require successful completion of the Missouri sex offender program (MOSOP) if the offender is imprisoned for any of the listed offenses.  These include, but may not necessarily be limited to:

  1. Rape in the 1st Degree;
  2. Rape in the 2nd Degree;
  3. Rape;
  4. Forcible Rape;
  5. Statutory Rape in the 1st Degree;
  6. Statutory Rape in the 2nd Degree;
  7. Sexual Assault;
  8. Sodomy in the 1st Degree; 
  9. Sodomy in the 2nd Degree;
  10. Sodomy;
  11. Forcible Sodomy;
  12. Statutory Sodomy in the 1st Degree;
  13. Statutory Sodomy in the 2nd  Degree;
  14. Child Molestation in the 1st Degree;
  15. Child Molestation in the 2nd Degree;
  16. Child Molestation in the 3rd Degree
  17. Child Molestation in the 4th Degree;
  18. Deviate Sexual Assault;
  19. Sexual Misconduct;
  20. Sexual Misconduct in the 1st Degree;
  21. Sexual Misconduct in the 2nd Degree;
  22. Sexual Misconduct in the 3rd Degree;
  23. Sexual Abuse;
  24. Sexual Abuse in the 1st Degree;
  25. Sexual Abuse in the 2nd Degree;
  26. Attempts to commit any of the above crimes;
  27. Incest;
  28. Child Abuse which involves Sexual Contact pursuant to Section 568.060.1(1);
  29. Use of a Child in a Sexual Performance; and
  30. Enticement of a Child or Attempt to Commit Enticement of a Child. (D5-4.1)


Sexual Offenses Replaced with Sexual Assault Offense. (11-9-16)

Sexual Offenses Against a Child For the purposes of this procedure these offenses include prior and current offenses and similar old code offenses, including but not limited to:

  1. Forcible rape,
  2. Statutory rape in the first degree,
  3. Statutory rape in the second degree,
  4. Sexual assault when victim was a child at the time of the commission of the offense,
  5. Forcible sodomy,
  6. Statutory sodomy in the first degree,
  7. >Statutory sodomy in the second degree,
  8. Child molestation in the first degree,
  9. Child molestation in the second degree,
  10. Deviant sexual assault when the victim was a child at the time of the commission of the offense,
  11. Sexual misconduct involving a child,
  12. Sexual contact with a student while on public school property,
  13. Sexual misconduct in the first degree when the victim was a child at the time of the commission of the offense,
  14. Sexual misconduct in the second degree when the victim was a child at the time of the commission of the offense,
  15. Sexual abuse when the victim was a child at the time of the commission of the offense,
  16. Enticement of a child,
  17. Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation when the victim was a child at the time of the commission of the offense,
  18. Sexual trafficking of a child,
  19. Sexual trafficking of a child under the age of twelve,
  20. Incest,
  21. Endangering the welfare of a child in the first degree when the endangerment is sexual in nature,
  22. Child abuse when the abuse is sexual in nature,
  23. Genital mutilation of a female child,
  24. Use of a child in a sexual performance,
  25. Promoting sexual performance by a child,
  26. Promoting obscenity in the first degree,
  27. Sexual exploitation of a minor,
  28. Promoting child pornography in the first degree,
  29. Promoting obscenity in the second degree,
  30. Promoting child pornography in the second degree,
  31. Possession of child pornography,
  32. Furnishing pornographic material to a minor, or
  33. Attempts to commit any of the above offenses when the victim was a child at the time of the commission of the offense. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

Sexual Orientation 1. The gender to which one is sexually attracted. (4-14-13, D2-11.4) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, sexual orientation is the direction of one’s sexual interest towards members of the same, opposite, or both genders (e.g., heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual). Sexual orientation and gender identity are not related. (1-9-19, IS5-3.3)

Sexually Explicit Materials Items which by their nature or content pose a threat or are detrimental to the security, good order or discipline of the institution, offender rehabilitation, or facilitate criminal activity, including, but not limited to the following that depicts or describes:

  1. explicit sex acts, sadistic sex acts, or sex acts in violation of state or federal law.  This includes, but is not limited to, intercourse, sodomy, fellatio, cunnilingus or masturbation,
  2. sex acts where one participant appears to be non-consenting,
  3. sex acts where one participant appears to be forceful, threatening, or violent,
  4. sex acts where one participant is dominating another,
  5. sex acts where one participant is degraded or humiliated,
  6. sex acts or behaviors where one participant appears to be a child,
  7. sex acts where penetration is visible,
  8. any bodily excretory function (defecation, ejaculation or urination), and
  9. bondage, sadomasochistic behavior (sexual gratification by inflicting or submitting to physical or emotional abuse) or bestiality (sexual relations between a human and an animal).

Sexually explicit material does not include material of a news or informational type, or material illustrative of medical, scientific, artistic, religious, educational, or anthropological content. (11-12-14, IS13-1.2)

Sexually Violent Offenses The felonies of rape in the 1st degree, forcible rape, rape, statutory rape in the first degree, sodomy in the 1st degree, forcible sodomy, sodomy, statutory sodomy in the 1st degree or an attempt to commit any of the preceding crimes, or child molestation in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th degree, sexual abuse, sexual abuse in the 1st degree, rape in the 2nd degree, sexual assault, sexual assault in the 1st degree, sodomy in the 2nd degree, deviate sexual assault, deviate sexual assault in the 1st degree, or the act of abuse of a child  involving either sexual contact, a prohibited sexual act, sexual abuse, or sexual exploitation of a minor, or any felony offense that contains elements substantially similar to the offenses listed above. (12-23-16, D5-4.4)

Sexually Violent Predator Criteria Any person who suffers from a mental abnormality which makes the person more likely than not to engage in predatory acts of sexual violence if not confined in a secure facility. (9-19-14, D5-4.4)

ShareLeave Committee A group of employees appointed by the department director to review all requests and determine if employees are eligible to receive shareleave. (7-30-20, D2-8.12)

ShareLeave Pool A repository of leave hours donated by eligible employees that may be conveyed to other eligible employees, which is maintained by the office of personnel. (4-24-17, D2-8.12)

Shelf List A catalog of items in a library collection, arranged by call number, with each item represented by one record. This list includes but is not limited to print, media and periodical records. (9-19-11, IS15-1.1)

Sheltered Housing Provides a protective environment that does not require 24-hour nursing care as opposed to an infirmary, or observation beds. The beds can be in the infirmary, or in other designated areas of the institution (for example, where hospice-level care is provided). Sheltered housing is equivalent to home care for those not confined to a correctional institution. (7-30-20, IS11-52)

Shift For the purpose of this procedure, an 8 hour or 12 hour time period per nurse assignment schedule, 7 days a week. A shift will occur 2 or 3 times in a 24 hour period. (7-30-20, IS11-52)

Shipping Paper A shipping order, bill of adding, manifest or other shipping document serving a similar purpose and containing the information required by 49 Code Federal Regulations 172.202, 172.203 and 172.204. (12-13-02, D4-2.11)

Shock Incarceration Program (SIP) A court stipulated program for offenders sentenced under the state of Missouri statute. The focus is to provide therapeutic education, offender evaluation, vocational guidance, and the development of community release plan. (5-13-16, D5-4.29, D5-4.36)

Short Term Substance Use Disorders Treatment Program A highly structured 84 day treatment program for offenders stipulated by the court or parole board with emphasis placed on substance use disorders treatment, relapse prevention, criminality, and community release planning. (11-4-16, D5-1.2, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.37)

SHP State Highway Patrol number.

Sick Call The evaluation and treatment of an ambulatory patient in a clinical setting, by a qualified health services professional. (12-17-19, IS11-01, IS11-08.1, IS11-37.1, IS11-42, IS12-3.2)

Sick Leave A period in which the employee is incapacitated for the performance of assigned duties for medical reasons or for periods of personal wellness. (10-18-19, D2-8.3, D2-8.12)

SIEC State Interoperability Executive Committee.

Sign Language A form of communication in which hand shapes represent entire words, phrases or concepts. (9-25-18, D5-5.1)

Signature The name of a person written with his or her own hand that serves to set apart his identity. (1-8-19, D2-6.1)

Significant Event Behavior or event that affects 2 or more domains in ORAS. (5-11-21, D5-10.4, D5-10.6)

Significant Loss Significant loss by the DEA and the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs defines significant loss as dependent on various factors such as quantity lost in relation to the type of business and the total volume of substances handled, pattern of losses and other factors. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1)

Significant Other 1. For the purpose of this procedure, significant other is one person selected by the offender who may visit during visiting times for immediate family members unless otherwise restricted by standard operating procedures. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1) 2. A person who is in a romantic relationship with the offender such as a boyfriend, girlfriend or fiancé. (10-4-17, D2-11.10)

Significant Reaction A tuberculosis skin test considered to be positive as determined by the Missouri Department of Health guidelines. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Single Feasible Source One vendor who possesses the unique and singularly available capability to meet the requirements of the solicitation and that meets state statute criteria. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Single-Use Items that can only be used once then discarded (for example, needle, disposable syringe, suture or staple removal kit). (6-23-20, IS11-28.1)

SIP Shock incarceration program.

SIS Suspended imposition of sentence.

Site Advocacy Liaison Designated staff members at each institution responsible for coordination of advocacy services. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

Site Orientation A training and onboarding provided by the volunteer site coordinator for volunteer, reentry partners or guests, of the area where services are to be provided. (3-1-21, D2-13.1, IS18-6.2)

Skill Training Programs designed to provide specialized training and experiences in specific trades or occupations. (9-6-15, IS18-4.1)

Skilled Nursing Home Care This level of care is needed when an individual is unable to perform the activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, eating, etc. without the assistance of medical staff. (3-7-08, D5-8.5)

Skin Turgor A test of the skin to determine dehydration. (11-21-17, IS11-41.2)

Sleeper An offender who is officially assigned to one institution within the department, but for logistical reasons (court, medical, investigations, etc.) is being temporarily housed at another location within the department. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

Small Entity A for-profit enterprise of fewer than one hundred full or part-time employees. (7-15-09, D3-2.5)

Small Quantity Generator A generator who generates less than 1000 kilograms of hazardous waste in a calendar month. (9-8-03, D4-2.9, D4-2.10)

SMART Guidelines Plans that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time oriented. (11-25-19)

SMART System The State of Missouri Agency Records Tracking system used for archiving records. (D3-3.1, D3-9.4)

SMI Serious mental illness.

Smoking Area An outside area at least 25 feet from an entrance door of a state building that has been designated by the chief administrative officer for the use of tobacco products. (6-2-20, D2-11.9)

Smokeless Nontobacco Alternative All types of nontobacco chewing blends as well as all forms of nontobacco snuff. (10-16-17, D2-11.9)

Smokeless Tobacco All types of chewing tobacco as well as all forms of snuff. (10-16-17, D2-11.9)

SNS Strategic national stockpile.

SNU Special needs unit.

SOAP 1. Subjective complaints, objective findings, assessment and treatment plan 2. Sex offender assessment process.

Social Media A term used for a wide spectrum of user-driven internet communication technologies. Social media includes any online tool, applications, social network, weblog or blog that is used as a means of communication or information sharing on the Internet. These sites include but are not limited to Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, MySpace, Podcast, Twitter, YouTube, and Widgits. (3-27-13, D2-11.16 DRAFT)

Social Rehabilitation or Mental Health Unit A specialized unit within a facility that provides residential mental health care. The unit is designed to provide the security, medication, and counseling services required to maintain the optimum level of institutional and mental health adjustment possible for offenders with significant mental illness.  This unit is not intended to provide either acute psychiatric care or intermediate hospital care. (4-8-21, IS12-3.6, IS20-3.1)

SOG Standard operational guidelines.

Solicitation 1. The process of notifying prospective bidders that the department wishes to receive bids or proposals to provide goods or services. (10-4-13, D3-2.6) 2. For the purpose of this procedure solicitation is any personal contact, use of interagency mail or use of department facilities or equipment, to initiate the sale of, or support for, an item or service. (10-18-16, D2-11.7)

Solvents A substance that dissolves under substance. (9-8-03, D4-2.10)

Son or Daughter of a Covered Servicemember (NOTE: Per legal, FMLA regulations use the term “servicemember” as one word.) A covered service member’s biological, adopted or foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or a child form whom the employee stood in loco parentis, and who is of any age. (10-11-15, D2-8.15)

Son or Daughter on Active Duty or Call to Active Duty Status The employee’s biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or a child for whom the employee stood in loco parentis who is on active duty or call to active duty status, and who is of any age. (10-11-19, D2-8.15)

SOP Standard operating procedure.

SORNA Sex Offender Registration Notification Act.

SORTS Sex offender rehabilitation treatment services.

SOSA Senior office support assistant.

Special Accommodations A situation that may require reasonable accommodations to allow a staff member to participate in work related activities. (1-8-19, D2-6.1)

Special Audit 1. An audit that is requested by the CAO, division director or investigator or designees at anytime during the fiscal year that targets a specific area or section. (10-16-17, D3-4.1) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, audits conducted by designated trained staff members, from outside the institution using select components from the department’s security audit tool reference document of identified high-risk or problematic areas. (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

Special Classification Hearing A special hearing with the offender, corrections case manager, functional unit manager and custody supervisor to determine whether an offender in general population should be referred to the administrative segregation committee or remain in general population pending transfer due to an increase of the offender’s external classification score. (10-19-15, IS5-2.1)

Special Delegation of Authority (SDA) A document issued by the OA/DPMM granting the department local procurement authority to purchase specific supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services identified in the SDA for a limited period of time. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Special Education File A permanent file developed for each offender containing documents relevant to special education growth and accomplishments. (1-9-15, IS7-1.7)

Special Education Program Manager Central office staff member who is responsible for supervision and coordination of the special education program. (1-9-15, IS7-1.7)

Special Health Needs Offenders Offenders with chronic diseases or conditions that require regular care. (11-22-19, IS11-51)

Special Management Offenders This includes all offenders not housed in general population. (10-2-19, IS20-1.2)

Special Needs Offenders For the purpose of this procedure, individuals under the age of 22 who need special help and methods or learning in order to function in an educational setting. These special needs could include physical, mental, social, cognitive or emotional adaptation. (9-27-15, IS18-3.1)

Special Needs Student Any individual who may require reasonable accommodations to participate in any program, as established in the Americans with Disabilities Act, or Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. (1-13-15, IS18-4.1)

Special Needs Unit (SNU) A mental health unit within Potosi Correctional Center. Mental health treatment is targeted at maximum custody level offenders, developmentally or intellectually deficient offenders. (11-3-15, IS12-3.4)

Special Performance Appraisal An evaluation or series of evaluations completed when circumstances dictate a need for a performance evaluation based upon a significant change. (11-12-12, D2-4.1)

Special Restraints Restraints which may be utilized due to special circumstances or security risks, such as a restraint chair, leg braces, leather restraints, spit net, disposable cuffs or other approved mechanical restraints. Alternative methods of restraining may be used on offenders having casts, braces, who are pregnant or are required to be in a wheel chair or use other medical support items for medical conditions. (12-3-19, IS20-2.3, IS20-4.1, IS20-4.2)

Special Search A search ordered and performed as designated by the chief administrative officer or designee. (8-24-18, IS20-1.3)

Special Units The units who do not have open access to the library including, but not limited to:  infirmary, reception and diagnostic units, temporary administrative segregation units, administrative segregation units, disciplinary segregation units, protective custody units, mental health units, transitional care units, treatment units, and youthful offender units. (4-2-20, IS8-1.1, IS8-1.3, IS8-1.4, IS11-39, IS15-1.1, IS17-1.1)

Special Visit A visit authorized due to unusual or special circumstances, at an unusual time, in a special area, or a visit from the media with a specific offender. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

Special Work Project A short-term project where offenders perform work outside the department facility or institution’s security perimeter. (1-18-19, IS23-2.1)

Special Work Project Assignment An agreement that utilizes offenders on a project for a one-time, limited period of time. (5-2-15, D3-2.4)

Specialty Care Specialist-provided health care such as nephrology, psychiatric surgery, dermatology, and orthopedic. (4-16-20, IS11-30, IS11-30.2)

Specialty Firearms Nonstandard firearms used by select staff members in specific areas or situations with approval from the division director or designee. (5-5-19, IS20-2.1)

Specialty Use Vehicles State vehicles especially equipped for a specific function or purpose such as, but not limited to:

  1. offender transportation (when screen has been installed in vehicle);
  2. law enforcement pursuit;
  3. wrecker;
  4. dump truck;
  5. aerial bucket;
  6. road tractor;
  7. handicap accessible; or
  8. mobile emergency response vehicle (MERV). (7-18-08, D4-4.1)

Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound (SMART) Criteria A method to develop specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound performance objectives consistent with the organizational goals and mission. (12-3-15, D2-4.1)

Specifications A description of what the purchaser seeks to buy and what a bidder must be responsive to in order to be considered for award of a contract. (10-4-13, D3-2.6)

Spirituality Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs Any substance use disorder programming that is based upon spiritual foundations. (10-19-16, IS18-5.1)

Split-Tunneling A term used to denote simultaneous connections to more than one network. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Sponsor A person who may or may not be affiliated with an organization outside the institution who assists in the establishment and/or operation of an offender organization and is a volunteer in corrections. (9-8-16, IS9-1.1)

Squad A subdivision of the platoon. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

Squad Leader A veteran offender who carries out the tasks as directed by the platoon leader for the day-to-day operations of the unit. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

SRU Social rehabilitation unit.

SSRU Secure social rehabilitation unit.

ST Short-term treatment program (84-day and 120-day treatment).

Staff Interpreter A department staff person with a proficient knowledge of a non-English speaking offender’s native language, who is willing to translate written or verbal information to and from English, and who has been approved by the chief administrative officer or designee. (8-19-16, IS13-1.1)

Staff Member Any person who is employed by the department (permanent, temporary, part-time, hourly, per diem) and is paid by the State of Missouri’s payroll system; contracted to perform services on a recurring basis within a department facility (i.e., medical services, mental health services, education services, vocational services, substance use treatment services, etc.) pursuant to a contractual agreement and has been issued a permanent department identification card; a volunteer in corrections; a student intern; or issued a department identification card or special access in accordance with the department procedure regarding staff member identification. (10-7-20, D and IS procedures containing reference to staff member.)

Staff Member Family Day Tour May be established as an annual institutional event for family of staff members. (8-26-19, IS1-5.2)

Staff Member on Offender Sexual Abuse Included under definition of offender sexual abuse definition. (7-7-16, D1-8.4, D1-8.9, D1-12.1, D5-3.2, IS21-1.1)

Staff Member Sexual Harassment of an Offender Includes but is not limited to: verbal statements or comments of a sexual nature to an offender by staff members, and demeaning references to gender or derogatory comments about body or clothing. (1-5-21, D1-8.1)

Staff Member Sexual Misconduct – Physical Includes, but is not limited to: any behavior or act which is sexual in nature directed toward an offender, staff member or official visitor by a staff member. Romantic relationships between staff and offenders are included in this definition; sexual acts including, but not limited to, intentional touching of the genitalia, anus, groin, breast, inner thigh, or buttocks with the intent to abuse, arouse, or gratify sexual desire. (1-5-21, D1-8.1)

Staff Sexual Misconduct – Verbal/Other Includes, but is not limited to: threatened or requested sexual acts, addressed by a staff member to an offender, other staff members, an official visitor or toward the public when on work time; an invasion of privacy, or voyeurism for sexual gratification by staff members. (1-5-21, D1-8.1)

Staffing Plan A detailed listing of full-time equivalent (FTE) staff members assigned to health services posts and positions where coverage is required (including current incumbents and vacancies), and addresses how full coverage shall be accomplished if all positions are not filled (e.g., PRN, temporary, or part-time staff members). (4-16-20, IS11-23)

Standard Issue Firearms

  1. Glock .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun,
  2. 223 caliber semi-automatic rifle,
  3. 12 gauge shotgun pump or semi-automatic. (4-22-15, IS20-2.1)

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Worksite requirements that describe specific tasks, actions, or activities relative to the organization’s procedures. (5-14-21, D1-2.1, D2-8.16, D5-4.11, D5-4.34, D5-10.4, IS1-1.3, IS11-1.1, IS15-1.1, IS18-4.1, IS20-1.3)

Standard Precautions A combination of the major features (use of protective barriers such as gloves, gowns, aprons, masks, or protective eyewear to reduce risk of exposure of skin or mucous membranes) of universal precautions (designed to reduce the risk of transmission of blood borne pathogens) and body secretion isolation (designed to reduce the transmission of pathogens from moist body substances), applied to all patients receiving care, regardless of diagnosis or presumed infection status. (4-7-15, IS11-14.1, IS11-14.4, IS11-14.5)

Standard Work Schedule A schedule established for an institution, district office, worksite, etc. under the control of a chief administrative officer. (2-23-21, D2-2.7, D2-8.11)

Standard Work Week Time frame established by the department for calculation of overtime (Sunday 12:00 a.m. through Saturday 11:59 p.m.). (10-18-19, D2-8.1, D2-8.4)

Standardized Ammunition (Duty Issue)

  1. (15 rounds) 12 gauge 00 buckshot,
  2. (45 rounds) (3) 15 round magazines) .40 caliber (non-reload) semi-metal jacketed hollow point rounds,
  3. Not to exceed (3) 30 round magazines loaded to capacity of .223 caliber jacketed soft point rounds. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Standardized Ammunition (Training)

  1. 12 gauge 00 buckshot and #4 field loads,
  2. 40 caliber (non-reload) full metal jacket (round nose or semi-wad cutter) rounds,
  3. 223 caliber jacketed soft point rounds. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Standardized Firearms

  1. Glock .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun,
  2. 223 caliber semi-automatic rifle,
  3. 12 gauge shotgun pump action or semi-automatic. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Standardized Munitions Delivery System

  1. 12 gauge launching cups,
  2. 12 gauge dedicated less lethal shotgun (fluorescent green, yellow or orange forearm and stock),
  3. 37mm or 40mm grenade launcher (multiple or single shot). (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Standing Orders Written orders that specify the same course of treatment for each offender suspected of having a given condition that specifies the use and amount of prescription drugs. (6-24-20, IS11-40, IS11-43)

State Business Any activity conducted in conformance to these rules and directed and controlled by a state agency to advance the lawful policies and purposes of the department. (7-8-08, D4-4.1)

State Compensatory Time Hours calculated at straight time when a code 1 employee works in excess of an assigned daily shift or physically works over 40 hours in a standard work week, or a code 2 employee works in excess of an assigned daily shift, but has not physically worked in excess of 40 hours during a standard work week. (9-22-20, D2-8.4)

State Issued Equipment/Property May include, but not be limited to:

  1. uniforms/clothing items;
  2. identification cards;
  3. keys;
  4. badges;
  5. cell phones;
  6. laptop computers;
  7. personal digital assistants such as a blackberry;
  8. pepper spray; and
  9. utility belts. (3-11-10, D4-5.4)

State Issued Property Property belonging to the state that are issued to the offender for their use within an institution. (4-27-14, IS22-2.1)

State Vehicle Any licensed motor vehicle owned, rented, borrowed, or leased by the State of Missouri and used primarily to transport people or property over roads, highways or state property. Rental vehicles are considered state vehicles when rented by a duly authorized employee and while used for official state business. (7-18-08, D4-4.1, IS20-1.10)

Statement of Information Sharing with Community Resources The portion of the TAP which when signed authorizes the staff of Department of Corrections to provide copies of the TAP to agencies and individuals listed in the TAP. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Statewide Advantage for Missouri (SAM-II) An electronic system that provides support for government functions through fund-based accounting, budgeting, and controls. It incorporates budgeting, general ledger, purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, inventory control, fixed asset management, job costing, cost allocation and grant and project accounting into one system. (9-28-14, D2-2.7, D2-11.14)

Statewide Advantage for Missouri (SAM-II) Security Coordinators A person designated in the central office human resources unit and a person designated in the fiscal management office who checks criminal history on staff authorized to access the Statewide Advantage for Missouri II (SAM II) systems (human resources or financial). (1-6-16, D2-2.1)

STINT Short-term intensive treatment.

Stock Medication An approved supply of medication that is not patient specific that is maintained in a secured, designated health services area. (6-17-16, IS11-27.3)

Strategic Planning A decision making process used to analyze environmental challenges or opportunities, set performance targets and design strategies to move toward the organization’s key outcomes (usually 3 to 5 year time frame). It is a continuous, systematic process for identifying intended future outcomes, how outcomes are to be achieved and how success will be measured. (11-29-02, D1-6.1)

Strength An offender’s ability, characteristic, resource or skill, which may contribute to his success. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Strip Search A search in which the individual is required to remove some or all clothing where the breasts, buttocks and genitalia are exposed. A strip search will include the visual inspection of the ears, mouth, nose, anal, vaginal, genital areas, and prosthetic devices but does not include the touching, opening or probing of these areas by the person conducting the search. The person being searched may be required to bend or squat. Casts and bandages should be inspected by appropriate medical personnel. (3-8-21, D2-11.13, IS20-1.3, IS20-4.1, IS20-4.2)

Strive Employee Health and Family (SELF) Program Provider A contracted professional who provides assistance to an eligible employee or member of the employee’s household. (2-28-19, D2-7.9)

Strive Employee Health and Family (SELF) Program Specialist A staff member of the SELF program who is responsible for making a general assessment of an employee’s problem, gathering demographic information, and referring the employee to an approved SELF program provider. (2-28-19, D2-7.9)

Student Achievement Form A form utilized by education staff members to provide offenders an evaluation of their ongoing progress and determine whether he has made an honest good-faith effort in pursuit of obtaining his high school equivalency certificate. (10-17-18, D5-8.11)

Student Intern Coordinator Any employee designated by the CAO, who manages the intern program at the local level, to include institution activity coordinators at correctional centers and volunteer coordinators at probation and parole offices. The supervisor of department volunteer services will manage the intern program at central office. (2-16-16, D2-13.2)

Student Intern/Practicum Student Any student who performs any assigned duties within the department with no monetary or material compensation from the department and who has completed student orientation. The student must be currently enrolled in an accredited college, university or vocational school.  For the purposes of this procedure student interns and practicum students are synonymous.

  1. Students whose services do not involve offenders must be 18 years of age or older.
  2. Students whose services involve offender contact must be 19 years of age or older or have direct supervision at all times when on duty if under 19 years of age. (2-16-16, D2-13.2)

Student Intern/Practicum Student Orientation Mandatory standardized training (a minimum of 6 hours) provided to students by the designated worksite staff members; designed to assist students in the performance of duties and to familiarize them with policies and procedures of the department and divisions. (2-16-16, D2-13.2)

Stun Device A less lethal munition that creates significant trauma when detonated. It is used for tactical entry where temporary disorientation is needed. Stun munitions are significantly more powerful than a diversionary device. Stun devices can come in either grenade or blast strips. (3-13-14, IS20-3.3)

Subjective Complaints, Objective Findings, Assessment, and Treatment Plan (SOAP) Format A charting or recording process, which reflects subjective complaints, objective findings, an assessment, and treatment plan. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS11-37.1, IS11-43, IS11-52, IS11-60, IS20-3.1)

Subpoena Duces Tecum A subpoena requiring a person to bring records to a deposition or court proceeding. (2-2-14, D1-11.2)

Substance Abuse An incident or pattern of substance misuse. (6-17-17, D2-11.12)

Substance Abuse Assessment Replaced by Substance Use Disorder Assessment. (10-16)

Substance Abuse Counselor Replaced by Experienced Treatment Counselor. (11-16)

Substance Abuse Education Process (SAEP) A substance abuse education process that is designed for female board offenders as an alternative to revocation or institutional treatment center placement. (9-7-07, D5-4.30)

Substance Abuse Professional An individual credentialed by the Missouri Substance Abuse Counselor Certified Board Incorporated or individually licensed (certified psychologist, social worker, employee assistance professional) by the Missouri Board of Professional Registries. (5-1-18, D2-11.12, D4-4.5)

Substance Use Disorder A significant incident or pattern of substance misuse. (6-13-18, IS11-54)

Substance Use Disorder Assessment The department approved substance use assessment, utilized to determine applicable substance use treatment programs and services. (6-27-18, D5-1.5)

Substantiated An allegation that has been determined to have occurred. (2-22-21, D1-8.4, D1-8.13, D2-2.2, D2-2.8, D2-5.1, D2-13.2)

Substituted Specimen For the purpose of this procedure, a urine specimen in which the creatinine and specific gravity levels are so diminished or excessively high that they are not consistent with human urine. (5-11-21, D2-11.11, D5-7.1)

Suicidal Behavior The expression either verbally or behaviorally of intent to do harm to oneself that may have potential to result in death. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Suicide Gesture (SR-2) Rating A gesture made or a self-inflicted injury by the offender to himself that did not require treatment by a physician or nurse practitioner or treatment beyond the initial assessment of the injury by site nursing staff members. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Suicide Verbalization (SR-1 Rating) An offender’s statement of suicide intent, suicidal plans, and/or suicidal command hallucinations with no physical attempt to hurt himself. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Suicide Risk Rating (SR) Scale An offender behavioral rating scale that rates both the offender’s prior level of suicidal action and the seriousness of recent suicidal verbalization or action. (7-7-16, IS12-4.1)

Suicide Watch Placement of an offender in a controlled environment for suicide watch to determine mental health signs and symptoms and potential harm to self, others, or property due to a mental disorder. (10-29-19, IS11-33, IS12-4.1)

Summary Receivables Summarized accounting data from the agency’s accounts receivable billing system. (10-23-10, D3-3.3)

Supervised Outside Clearance Assignment Assignments located outside the security perimeter that are on department property and supervised by department staff members. (1-18-19, IS23-2.1)

Supervised Release An offender who has met the criteria for release and been approved for release from the institution on parole, conditional release or probation, under the supervision of the division of probation and parole. (5-3-21, D5-8.6)

Supervised Work Release A program where offenders are employed outside the institution and supervised by department staff members or trained employees of another governmental agency, not-for-profit agency, or private entity. (1-18-19, IS23-2.1)

Supervision Strategies A systematic continuum of community corrections programs intended to provide a balance of intervention, control, and treatment of offenders. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

Supervisor 1. Persons within the department that supervise another person or persons, whether staff or offenders. (9-16-05, D4-2.1) 2. For the purpose of this procedure a supervisor is the individual for whom the injured employee is working at the time of the accident/incident. (4-4-10, D2-15.5)

Supervisor of Department Volunteer Services Replaced by Volunteer Services Coordinator.

Supervisor of Religious and Spiritual Programming (SRSP) A person appointed by the director of adult institutions whose responsibilities include approving and monitoring religious and spiritual services and programs including resource requisition, coordinating and supervising programmatic and administrative aspects of the work of institutional chaplains, assisting with the chaplaincy hiring process, and acting as consultant to department staff members. (5-27-20, D2-2.20, D2-17.1, IS17-1.1)

Supplemental Reentry Tool (SRT) A standardized assessment tool designed to be used with offenders releasing from an institution who have served 4 years or less. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Support Team Staff members assigned to supplement the functions of the handler and dog by providing protection of the handler and dog while tracking. (9-16-15, IS24-4.1)

SUPT Superintendent (prior term, replaced by warden).

Surface Impoundments A facility or part of a facility which is a natural topographic depression, man-made excavation, or diked area formed primarily of earthen materials, which is designed to hold an accumulation of liquid wastes or waste containing free liquids and which is not an injection well. Examples of surface impoundments are holding, storage, settling and aeration pits, ponds and lagoons. (9-8-03, D4-2.10)

Surplus Property Any tangible supplies, materials or equipment for which the state has acquired ownership by means of purchase, donation, dedication, transfer, abandonment, exchange or any other lawful means, which is no longer needed by the using department. (9-19-17, D4-5.3)

Surveillance Identification and reporting of all offenders and staff in the system or institution who are infected with tuberculosis. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Survey In this context, survey will include written requests for information which originates outside the department and are intended to collect aggregate information on a subject related to the department’s operations or staffing practices. Requests for clarification should be sent to the Planning, Research, and Evaluation unit director. (11-29-02, D1-6.2)

Suspected Member An offender who is suspected of being an STG member, based on behavior or actions, who shall be monitored for additional supporting evidence for a pending STG validation process. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Suspended Execution of Sentence A final judgment, therefore, a conviction. (5-1-10, D2-2.14)

Suspended Imposition of Sentence (SIS) The court did not sentence the defendant, but granted a term of probation. A SIS probation is not a final judgment, therefore is not a conviction. (5-1-10, D2-2.14)

Suspended Sanction A corrective sanction that is not imposed for a specific period of time unless another conduct violation occurs during the time indicated, however, the violation will remain as a part of the offender’s permanent record. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)

Suspense File A file in the department computer system that must be reviewed and electronically signed by the practitioner to confirm the order before the order is released for dispensing by the pharmacy. (10-23-15, IS11-27.7)

Suspension 1. For the purpose of this procedure, to bar from duty without pay for a prescribed period of time. (9-24-10, D2-9.2) 2. A period of time during which all activities for an offender organization cease to allow time for an administrative decision regarding continuation or disbandment of the organization. (9-8-16, IS9-1.1)

Suspicious Circumstances Any indication that the death was not due to natural causes.

  1. Suspicious circumstances may include, but are not limited to:
    1. previous correspondence from an offender’s family that threats had been made against the offender, or that the offender was afraid for his life;
    2. recent indications from the offender that he feared for his life;
    3. the death resulted from injuries sustained in an unknown manner;
    4. unusual circumstances as determined by the CAO or deputy division director in consultation with the assistant division director of health services, division of offender rehabilitative services; or
    5. there are no plausible reasons to explain the offender’s death.
  2. Suspicious circumstances do not include:
    1. death during long term care in an infirmary where death is anticipated; or
    2. death following a critical or terminal illness. (4-2-18, D1-8.5, IS11-11.1)

Sustained Allegation Replaced by Substantiated. (8-2-14, D2-2.2, D2-2.8, D2-5.1)

SVP Sexually violent predator.

Symbolisms Any visual or verbal means by which security threat group members identify their affiliation, including but not limited to clothing, colors, slogans, tattoos, hand signs, or symbols. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

Systemic Random Selection Process A system of participants form a group of staff members so that each staff member has an equal chance to be selected. This selection shall be made by a computer program or by other means as determined by the director of research and evaluation unit to ensure a specific employee is not targeted. (3-8-21, D2-11.13)


TA Training Academy.

TABE Test of adult education.

Table Delaying the prescribed time frame for holding a corrective hearing or adjustment board hearing due to extenuating circumstances. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)

TAC Technical Advisory Committee.

Tag Fund Code Tags are color coded to show the fund from which the property was acquired.  They are as follows:

  1. Fund 0101 – General revenue tags are red lettering on white background.
  2. Board of probation and parole general revenue tags are black lettering on a white background.
  3. Board of public buildings tags are black lettering on white background.
  4. Fund 0130 – Federal fund tags are blue lettering on white background.
  5. Fund 0510 – Working capital tags are black lettering on white background. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

TALX A national service that provides automated employment verifications for state employees. (9-28-17, D2-5.1)

Tardive Dyskinesia A chronic disorder of the nervous system characterized by involuntary jerky movements of the face, tongue, jaws, trunk, and limbs, usually caused by prolonged treatment with antipsychotic drugs. (IS11-27.10)

Target Testing Urinalysis testing performed on an offender as identified within this procedure. (3-11-16, D5-7.1)

Target Testing – Alcohol Urinalysis testing performed on an offender as identified within this procedure. (6-23-13, D5-7.2)

Targeted Audit For the purpose of this procedure, an audit of a specific area or specific process. (1-10-20, IS20-5.1)

TASC Temporary administrative segregation confinement.

TB Tuberculosis.

TC Time credit date; also TC Date.

TC Date Time credit date; also TC.

TC Program Therapeutic community program.

TCC Tipton Correctional Center.

TCSTL Transition Center of St. Louis.

TCU Transitional care unit (medical unit) (prior term, replaced by infirmary).

Team Leader 1. For purposes of this procedure] A CERT member responsible for member assignments, team readiness and conducting or assisting with training. The team leader assumes control of the team in the absence of the CERT field commander and the assistant CERT field commander. (5-9-15, IS24-2.1) 2. [For purposes of this procedure] A person trained in response team tactics assigned by the shift supervisor to supervise the response team. (3-13-14, IS20-3.3)

Technical Error An act or assertion that unintentionally deviates from what is correct, right, or true.  Examples of technical errors include, but are not limited to:  wrong: date, time, offender name, department number, incomplete report, or the lack of noted extenuating circumstances. (4-1-19, IS19-1.6)

Technical Violator Process (TVP) A process designed to provide short-term intervention for board male offenders who have reporting, employment and/or stability issues, but where substance abuse was not the primary reason for community failure. (9-7-07, D5-4.30)

Technique A tool used in the case management process to increase plan compliance, develop desired skills, and motivate behavioral changes. Examples of techniques include face-to-face meetings, sanctions and incentives, cognitive behavioral interventions, and referral to service providers. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Technology Steering Committee A committee formed to review and prioritize projects requiring information systems technology and/or resources. (12-29-06, D1-7.3)

Telecommunications Contact An individual assigned to the central office information technology services division that is responsible for coordinating equipment used to communicate electronically, i.e. cellular phones, calling cards, blackberries, satellite reception, transmission equipment landlines, data lines, 2-way radios, and air cards/mi-fi/wi-fi cards. (8-14-11, D4-4.7)

Telecommunication Device for the Deaf (TDD or Teletypewriter (TTY) An electromechanical typewriter that either transmits or receives messages coded in electrical signals carried by telegraph or telephone wires. (4-5-19, D5-5.1, IS13-2.1)

Telecommunications Equipment Equipment used to communicate electronically, i.e. cell phones, computer terminals, satellite reception and transmission equipment, telephones, data lines and 2-way radios. (10-04-01, D4-6.1)

Telecommunications Management System (TMS) A web-based billing system used by the Office of Administration that provides state agencies access to the monthly invoices, call details and associated charges for respective worksites where telecommunication equipment/service is used and monitored. (8-14-11, D4-4.7)

Telehealth The use of telecommunications technology to provide, enhance or expedite health services by consultation with off-site providers. (4-16-20, IS11-30, IS11-30.2, IS11-70, IS11-71)

Telephone or Verbal Order A written or verbal order by a practitioner authorized by law to give such orders, and performed by authorized nursing personnel pursuant to respective nurse practice act. (6-24-20, IS11-40)

Telephone Order An offender specific treatment or medication order received by a nurse from a practitioner by telephone when the physician is not available on-site. (10-23-15, IS11-27.7)

Telephone Relay Service (TRS) A system that enables deaf, hard of hearing, hearing impaired or speech impaired people to communicate by telephone (utilizing a third party). (4-5-19, D5-5.1, IS13-2.1)

Telepresence The method of using robotic and other instruments that permit a presenter to perform a procedure at a remote location by manipulating devices and receiving feedback or sensory information that contributes to a sense of being present at the remote site and allows a satisfactory degree of technical achievement. (4-3-18, IS11-30.2)

Temporary Administrative Segregation Confinement The act of temporarily separating an offender from other offenders for his own protection, or safety, or that of others; or due to the need to separate the offender from other offenders due to his behavior. (2-25-15, IS7-1.10, IS11-66.2, IS21-1.5)

Temporary Contract Workers Individuals performing time limited services that are anticipated to last less than one year. (4-9-20, D2-14.1)

Temporary Disabilities A temporary impairment that substantially limits a major life activity. Whether a temporary impairment is significant enough to be a qualified disability shall be resolved on a case-by-case basis taking into consideration both the duration, or expected duration of the impairment and the extent to which it actually limits life activity. (7-24-11, D5-5.2)

Temporary Living Expenses Hotel expenses or temporary apartment rental, with utilities, for up to 30 calendar days.  No meals or other expenses are allowable. (6-21-15, D2-6.2)

Temporary Operating Procedure (TOP) or Directive A document approved by the department director or the applicable division director that requires immediate dissemination. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Temporary Work Schedule A short term change in the work schedule of no more than 90 days. (2-23-21, D2-8.11)

Terminal Agency Administrator The department central office liaison who coordinates the law enforcement access (Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES), National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and Regional Justice Information Service (REJIS) in the department. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Terminal Agency Coordinator (TAC) The department employee designated by the chief administrative officer of each worksite who is the operational liaison with all employees at that worksite certified through Missouri Uniform Law Enforcement System (MULES), and the National Crime Information Center (NCIC). (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Terminal Identifier Four character code that identifies an individual video terminal or printer ID. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

Terminal Illness and/or Injury A progressively deteriorating condition that is life threatening and determined to be incurable with current available technology. Death would be anticipated from this illness or injury within foreseeable future, regardless of the administration of life-sustaining treatment. (6-15-20, IS11-73, IS11-74, IS20-4.2)

Terminally Ill For the purposes of this procedure, offenders include those with a life expectancy of one year or less due to illness. They may require special services to provide comfort, relief from pain, and special counseling and support in anticipation of death. (4-1-15, IS11-08, IS18-5.4)

Test Designated Positions Safety and security-sensitive positions that meet one or more of the following criteria:

  1. Regularly performs duties inside the secured perimeter of a correctional facility.
  2. Has regular, unsupervised access to or interaction with offenders who are confined in a department facility.
  3. Uses or carries a firearm or is authorized to carry a firearm in connection with official duties whether on or off duty.
  4. Provides drug counseling or drug use monitoring of offenders whether in custody or on probation and parole.
  5. Provides direct health care to offenders or staff members.
  6. Drives a motor vehicle as one of the principal activities of the position or possesses a commercial driver’s license as a condition of employment.
  7. Regularly uses or operates equipment or machinery which could cause death or serious physical injury. This does not include small equipment such as a lawnmower or the occasional use of a motor vehicle.
  8. Has the authority to access computer system operations and thereby able to disrupt central or remote computer systems to destroy all computer data on those systems and to interrupt or corrupt the recovery process.
  9. Any position in which a single drug related lapse could have irreversible and disastrous consequences for any aspect of the department’s operations. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Test Fire A live fire operation under controlled conditions to ensure a firearm is functioning properly.

  1. Test Fire Shotgun: Load three rounds into the magazine tube, chamber one round, and fire all three rounds to check the functioning operations of the shotgun.
  2. Test Fire Rifle: Load three rounds into a magazine. Insert magazine into rifle, chamber first round, and fire all three rounds to check the functioning operations and point of impact (for common zero) for correct sight adjustment.
  3. Test Fire Glock Semi- Automatic Handgun: Load three rounds into the magazine. Insert the magazine into the handgun, chamber the first round, fire all three rounds to check the functioning operations and point of impact (for common zero), for correct sight adjustment. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)


Voluntary Testing: Testing requested by the offender, no more than one time per year.

Mandatory Testing: The requirement to submit to an HIV test either willingly or by use of force, as directed by statute or court order (for example: entry testing, exit testing, etc.).

High Risk Exposure: An incident involving exposure to blood, semen, or body fluids to which standard precautions apply through another’s eye, mouth, laceration, or non-intact skin. A needle stick puncture or incision if it occurs with instruments that are soiled with an above noted fluid.

High Risk Behavior: An incident of behavior, which suggests the possibility of exposure to infection to include but not limited to:

  1. sexual contact that involves the exchanges of body fluids to which standard precautions apply;
  2. injection drug use;
  3. possession of needles or syringes;
  4. tattooing and piercing of a body part; and,
  5. involvement in an incident where one’s blood is exposed to another person.  The person exposed may be staff or offender.

Symptomatic Testing: Testing for HIV based on display of medical signs, indications, or symptoms of HIV related illness or AIDS.

Western Blot: Laboratory confirmation blood test procedure with results positive, negative or equivocal. (2-9-15, IS11-14.4)

Therapeutic Community A residential treatment model in used in institutional substance use disorders treatment in which participants are designated as families and/or communities. Staff members are considered rational authorities and the community itself is considered the primary agent of change. (12-9-16, IS19-1.5)

Therapeutic Family or Community Members The institutional therapeutic community participants. (12-9-16, IS19-1.5)

Therapeutic Gain Achievement of therapeutic goals and objectives established by the treatment plan and growth toward responsible behavior, as indicated by active participation, following rules and personal application of program principles and concepts. (12-9-16, D5-4.26, IS19-1.5)

Therapeutic Interventions Tools for bringing awareness of negative or positive behavior or attitude to an offender, therapeutic family, or community and to assist in the achievement of and/or reinforce therapeutic goals and growth toward responsible behavior. (12-9-16, IS19-1.5)

Third Trimester of Pregnancy The beginning of the 7th month of pregnancy. (8-6-18, IS20-1.3)

Thorough Pat Search Running of the hands over the clothed body of an offender, staff member, non-staff member or visitor; examination of pockets, shoes, mouth, hair and all articles found in the person’s possession at the time of the search to determine whether the individual possesses contraband. (8-24-18, IS20-1.3)

THU Transition housing unit.

Tighthouse The most intense form of therapeutic community interventions in which the focus is on the therapeutic family or community to bring about a change.  This may be required when the therapeutic family or community has repeatedly displayed or tolerated behaviors that are unacceptable and threaten the integrity and welfare of the therapeutic family or community. (12-9-16, IS19-1.5)

Time and Attendance File A record documenting an employee’s leave usage and accrual and maintained in accordance with the employee file index reference document and the department procedure regarding time and attendance. (4-20-21, D2-5.1, D2-8.11)

Time Line For the purpose of this procedure, timeline is the series of deadlines developed by the grant administrator. This timeline encompasses the review of the request for a letter of support, development and delivery of a recommendation to the department director or deputy director and the relaying of the department’s decision to the individual or organization that requested the letter of support. (3-28-13, D3-8.2)

Tip of the Finger Spacing Test The recommended method of assessing the correct tightness of applied handcuffs and leg restraints. After handcuffs or leg restraints have been applied to correct tightness, the staff member should only be able to slip the tip of a finger under the handcuffs or leg restraints, on the top, bottom, and sides. (8-6-18, IS20-2.3)

TMH 1. Tele-mental health. 2. Tele-psychiatry.

TMS Training management system.

Tobacco Products Cigarettes, cigarette papers, clove cigarettes, cigars, smokeless tobacco, smoking tobacco, any smoked or chewed product, or other forms of tobacco products and paraphernalia. (6/2/20, D2-11.9)

Tool Control Specialist An institutional staff member responsible for inventorying, ordering, receiving, issuing and monitoring all tools utilized within the work site, including MVE, vocational education and contractual services. (6-23-20, IS4-1.6, IS11-28.1)

Tool Box A securely locked box for storing tools. (12-6-19, IS4-1.6)

Tools Implements which are used by staff members and offenders in the maintenance and repair of departmental equipment and structures. (1-30-15, IS4-1.6)

TOP Temporary operating procedure.

Toxicology Laboratory Testing facility established to test offender urine, or saliva, for the presence of drugs or their metabolites. (5-11-21, D5-7.1)

Trace Technology Equipment Equipment which detects and measures the presence of vapors and microscopic particles of narcotics and/or explosives. (8-24-18, IS20-1.3)

Trace Technology Equipment Coordinator A staff member selected by the chief administrative officer, who is responsible for coordinating repairs to the authorized trace technology equipment, ordering supplies, training staff, troubleshooting difficulties and maintaining liaison with the manufacturer. (8-24-18, IS20-1.3)

Trace Technology Equipment Operator A staff member trained to operate departmentally authorized trace technology equipment. (8-24-18, IS20-1.3)

Trace Technology Search A search of a person, an object, or an area in which departmentally authorized trace technology equipment is used to determine whether traces of narcotics and/or explosives are present. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1, IS20-1.3)

Tracking Dog A dog trained to track humans. (9-16-15, IS24-4.1)

Tracking Management System Computerized training record keeping system designed by information systems. (11-29-15, D2-12.4)

Traffic Arrest System/Alcohol and Drug Offense Record System (TAS/ADORS) A database yielding traffic arrests by the Missouri State Highway patrol and any records of drug and alcohol arrests by all Missouri law enforcement employees. (2-28-10, D5-10.2)

Trained Examiner A person who has satisfactorily completed training and has been issued a certificate by a recognized instructor in truth verification and the use of the selected instrument. (1-25-21, D1-8.2, D1-8.3)

Trained Facilitator A staff member who has completed the department approved facilitator training and who has received their training certificate. (8-22-16, D5-4.11)


  1. Academy Trainer:  An individual employed for the express purpose of providing practical and technical instruction through the department training academy.
  2. Institutional Training Officer:  A corrections training officer employed for the express purpose of providing practical and technical instruction at an institution.
  3. Regional Training Coordinator:  A corrections training officer employed for the express purpose of coordinating and providing practical and technical instruction at the probation and parole level.
  4. Adjunct Trainer:  A qualified individual assigned to assist the institutional training officer or regional training coordinator and provide practical and technical instruction at the institutional or probation and parole level. (8-14-17, D2-5.4)

Training File A record documenting an employee’s training in accordance with the employee file index and the department procedure regarding employee training records. (4-20-21, D2-5.4)

Training Management System Computerized training record keeping system designed by information systems. (11-29-15, D2-5.4, D2-12.4)

Training Record Any database stored employee training information or paper documentation of employee training maintained by the training academy or the training centers. (8-2-08, D2-5.4)

Transfer Screening A process in which offenders continue to receive appropriate health services or health needs already identified and that unnecessary repetitive tests are avoided. (10-29-19, IS11-33)

Transgender A person whose gender identity (i.e., internal sense of feeling male or female) is different from the person’s assigned sex at birth. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS5-1.1, IS5-3.1, IS5-3.3, IS11-34.1, IS20-1.3)

Transgender Committee A group of staff members assigned to each institution to make informed recommendations regarding the health and safety of transgender and intersex offenders assigned at that facility. The committee must be comprised of the health services administrator, medical director, institutional chief of mental health services and the PREA site coordinator or designees (the deputy warden or PREA site coordinator must serve as the chair of the committee). (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS5-3.1, IS5-3.3, IS11-08.1)

Transgender Review Team (TRT) A group of staff members that provides oversight to the transgender committee and is comprised of the applicable deputy division director of the division of adult institutional; the director of the division of rehabilitative services; and the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) coordinator. (1-8-19, IS5-3.3)

Transition Measures that change one’s gender expression or body to better reflect a person’s gender identity. (1-9-19, IS5-3.3)

Transition Accountability Plan (TAP) A continuous document that follows the offender through the current cycle which establishes meaningful goals and includes action plans to achieve those goals. (7-20-13, D5-4.11, D5-4.13, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.30, D5-8.12, D5-10.1, D5-10.5, D5-10.6, IS5-1.2, IS12-3.1, IS12-3.2, IS12-3.3, IS12-3.4, IS12-3.6, IS18-6.1)

Transition Accountability Plan (TAP) Review Date This process is no longer being used and has been removed from these procedures. (11-8-16) A date established by the offender’s case management team or standard operating procedures to review the TAP. (1-1-11, D5-10.1)

Transition Accountability Plan – Treatment Plan This process is no longer being used and has been removed from these procedures. (11-8-16) The transition accountability plan that is used by the substance abuse program that is also in compliance with the Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Certification Standards. (1-2-10, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.26, D5-4.30, D5-10.5)

Transition Status Six months or less prior to release or discharge when the offender is assigned to a case management team for release preparation. (6-5-06, IS20-1.10)

Transitional Disciplinary Transfer This is no longer in procedure.  This definition has been removed from these procedures. (11-8-16) An administrative transfer from a substance abuse program when the program review committee has determined an offender, sentenced under 559.115 or 217.362 RSMo, in the re-entry phase is unable to remain in the program because of unacceptable behavior. This shall be documented as an administrative unsuccessful transfer. (8-19-07, D5-4.22, D5-4.24)

Transitional Housing Unit (THU) A housing area of an institution dedicated to offenders preparing to be released. (5-11-21, D5-10.1, D5-10.4, IS18-6.1)

Transitional Phase The phase that begins the date the offender is placed on transitional status until release to the community, up to 6 months prior to the anticipated release date and as reflected in the transitional accountability plan. (5-12-07, IS18-6.1)

Transitional Status Six months or less prior to release or discharge when the offender is assigned to a case management team for release preparation. The offender may be placed into a transitional housing unit or may remain where presently assigned (e.g., general population, administrative segregation, etc.). (5-12-07, IS18-6.1)

Transportation Officer A custody staff member whose primary duties is the safe and secure transportation of offenders under the supervision of the Missouri Department of Corrections. (12-3-19, IS20-4.2)

Traumatic Event A work related incident which could reasonably be expected to cause the staff member to suffer emotional and/or physical trauma that could inhibit or prevent successful job performance. For example, when a staff member is involved in, or witnesses, an incident involving staff members, offenders or other which is assaultive and/or potentially harmful or deadly in nature. This includes homicidal or suicidal acts by offenders and/or other staff members. A traumatic event is generally determined by the CAO. (4-21-20, D2-15.8, D2-15.9)

Travel Card Purchasing card utilized by the State of Missouri to purchase travel accommodations which include airfare, hotel or motel, shuttle services, registrations, and car rental. This is the preferred method of paying for travel accommodations. (1-8-19, D2-6.1)

Treatment File The record of information established by the assigned treatment staff members, pertaining to an offender’s progress during participation in a treatment program. (12-9-16, D5-1.5, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.26, D5-4.30, D5-4.37, D5-10.5, IS7-1.5, IS7-1.6, IS19-1.5)

Treatment Plan A document recording individualized treatment goals, objectives and interventions to address the needs and record the progress of an offender in a treatment program. (11-22-19, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.24, D5-4.26, D5-4.37, D5-10.5, IS11-51, IS19-1.5)

Treatment Review The treatment team evaluation of the offender’s progress toward the treatment plan goals and objectives as well as participation and conduct in the program. (11-29-16, D5-4.22, D5-4.24, D5-4.26, D5-4.37)

Treatment Staff Member A staff member responsible for implementing an institutional substance use disorder treatment program. (11-29-16, D5-4.24, D5-4.26, D5-10.5)

Treatment Team A group of professionals comprised of treatment and non-treatment staff members, that work together to guide the offender’s progress on the treatment plan and within the program. (12-9-16, D5-4.22, D5-4.23, D5-4.37, D5-10.5, IS19-1.5)

Triage An assessment of offenders or offender health services requests to determine severity or priority of need and a proper place for health services to be administered due to the circumstances of the event. (6-29-20, IS11-07, IS11-37.1, IS11-41)

Truth Verification Examination Either a computer voice stress analyzer or a polygraph examination. (1-25-21, D1-8.2, D1-8.3)

Tuberculosis (TB) Tuberculosis is an airborne disease that occurs three times more often in correctional facilities than in the general public. Symptoms of TB may include: night sweats – waking up drenched in sweat; fever/chills lasting for several weeks, unrelated to a known illness; cough lasting longer than 3 weeks; unexpected weight loss; coughing up blood; fatigue – feeling tired all the time; weakness; and/or anorexia – loss of appetite. (11-29-15, D2-7.8)

Tuberculosis (TB) Assessment An evaluation of an offender for the purpose of tuberculosis surveillance and the process of making such an evaluation in determining a course of surveillance, containment, and/or treatment. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Tuberculosis (TB) Nurse The medical unit nurse assigned to monitor the tuberculosis program. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

Tuberculosis (TB) Testing The administration of the Intradermal Mantoux Purified Protein Derivative (PPD) skin test followed by a reading 48 to 72 hours after the administration to determine the reaction. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Two Point Restraint System Point One – a handcuff will be placed on one wrist.  The other handcuff will be affixed to one end of a leg restraint.  The second end of the leg restraint will be affixed to the bed frame (this process secures one hand to the bed frame). Point Two – One pair of leg restraints will be placed on the offender’s ankles. A waist chain will have one end pass around the chain between the ankles and through the large swivel link on the other end of the waist chain. The waist chain will be pulled through the large swivel link cinching down around the leg restraint chain.  The other end of the waist chain will be secured to the bed frame with a padlock. Disclaimer: Different bed configurations, physician instructions or other environmental issues may require the use of special restraints as approved by the institutional shift supervisor. (12-3-19, IS20-2.3, IS20-4.2)

Two Step Testing Used for the baseline testing of staff members who will receive annual testing or if more than 13 months has elapsed since the last test. It is done to distinguish a boosted reaction (caused by tuberculosis infection) that occurred from new infection. TB testing is to be completed within 3 weeks of starting employment.  If there is documentation of a previous two-step testing another one is not necessary. The department TB coordinator must approve the documentation. (10-14-15, D2-7.8)

Two Step Tuberculosis Testing The implanting of the second PPD test within a specified time period following the initial negative test performed at intake at diagnostic reception centers. (2-15-15, IS11-14.2)

TX Transmitter talk.


UA 1. Unauthorized. 2. Urinalysis.

UAC Unified area command.

UAS Unassigned.

UC Unified command.

UCALL UHF calling channel.

Unauthorized Absence An unauthorized absence is when an employee fails to report to work as scheduled, is tardy or leaves work without prior authorization. (10-1-97, D2-9.3)

Unauthorized Aircraft Any aircraft that continually flies over, lands, or attempts to land on institutional property. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Unauthorized Drug Use Use of any illegal drug or substance, abuse or misuse of prescription or nonprescription drugs, or use of prescription drugs without a prescription. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Unauthorized Person Any person who is not authorized in the designated vehicle perimeter patrol area. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Unauthorized Vehicle Any vehicle that is not authorized in the designated vehicle perimeter patrol area to include vehicles that appear abandoned. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Unclaimed Funds Funds that are presumed abandoned by an offender who is no longer being supervised by the department after the offender finance office has exercised reasonable and necessary diligence, consistent with good business practice in notifying the offender that the department holds an unclaimed balance due him. (9-28-14, D3-5.11)

Uncollectible Account An offender account that the department has not reasonable expectation to collect because:

  1. The debt has been discharged in bankruptcy;
  2. The offender has died without sufficient assets to pay the department; or
  3. The offender is no longer under the supervision of the department and has debt older than 3 years. (10-25-09, D3-5.14)

Uncooperative Person Any authorized person who by statement or action has indicated an unwillingness to cooperate with the vehicle patrol officer. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Under Threshold Property Items which have an acquisition cost of $999.99 or less. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

Undergarments For the purpose of this procedure, one pair of underwear, one pair of socks, and one bra (females only). (4-27-14, IS22-2.1)

Unemployment File A record that contains information on unemployment claims and maintained in accordance with the employee file index reference document and this procedure. (4-20-21, D2-5.1)

Unexpected Death An offender death that was not immediately relatable to an ongoing critical medical condition for which the offender was receiving care. (3-22-18, D1-8.5)

Unfounded An allegation that has been determined not to have occurred. (2-22-21, D1-8.4, D5-3.2, D1-8.13, D5-3.2)

Uniformed Maintenance Staff Members Department of Corrections maintenance staff members required to wear the standard maintenance uniform:  maintenance worker I, labor supervisor, maintenance worker II, garage supervisor, electronic technician, locksmith and maintenance supervisor I. (10-5-15, IS2-1.4)

Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) A federal law that establishes rights and responsibilities affecting employment, reemployment and retention when employees serve or have served in the Armed Forces. (8-26-13, D2-8.7)

Union A bargaining representative certified by the State Board of Mediation to represent a specific bargaining unit.  The department of corrections has three certified bargaining representatives: AFSCME Council 72, MOCOA, SEIU Local 1. (10-5-13, D2-11.15)

Union Grievance 1. Any dispute or difference between the employer and the union or any employee with respect to the meaning, interpretation, or application of a bargaining unit agreement. (12-30-15, D2-10.1) 2. Any dispute or difference between an employee or union and the employer with respect to the meaning, interpretation or application of a union agreement. (10-5-13, D2-11.15)

Universal Precautions An approach to infection control.  All blood and certain human body fluids will be treated as if known to be infectious for Hepatitis B and C, HIV and other blood borne pathogens. Universal precautions apply to blood, other body fluids containing visible blood, semen, and vaginal secretions. Universal precautions also apply to tissues and to the following fluids: cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial, and amniotic fluids. Universal precautions do not apply to feces, nasal secretions, sputum, sweat, tears, urine, and vomit unless they contain visible blood.

  1. Universal precautions do not apply to saliva except when visibly contaminated with blood or in the dental setting where blood contamination of saliva is predicted.
  2. Universal precautions involve the use of protective barriers such as gloves, gowns, aprons, masks, or protective eye wear, which can reduce the risk of exposure of the staff member’s skin or mucous membranes to potentially infective materials.  In addition, under universal precautions, all employees must take precautions to prevent injuries cause by needles, scalpels, tattoo guns, broken glass, and other sharp instruments or devices. (6-1-07, D2-15.6)

Universal Product Code (UPC) A code printed on retail product packaging to aid in identifying a particular item. It consists of a machine readable barcode, which is a series of unique black bars, and a unique 12-digit number beneath it. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Unprofessional Conduct For the purposes of this procedure, verbal, written or physical conduct exhibited by a staff member towards another staff member which fails to exhibit the level of dignity, respect, and courtesy commonly expected of trained, experienced adults in a professional work environment; which does not comply with the standards of employee behavior established by the policies, procedures, and rules of the department.

As used in this procedure, examples of unprofessional conduct that should be reported to the office of professional standards include, but are not limited to:

  1. derogatory comments or name calling related to one of the a protected characteristics identified in the department’s discrimination, harassment, retaliation and unprofessional conduct procedure,
  2. all unprofessional physical contact between employees,
  3. yelling, screaming, use of abusive language or profanity from a supervisor toward a subordinate, or
  4. berating, belittling or insulting behavior by a supervisor toward a subordinate.

For the purpose of this procedure, example of unprofessionalism conduct that should be reported to, and addressed by supervisory staff members include, but are not limited to:

  1. yelling, screaming, use of abusive language or profanity from a staff member towards another staff member,
  2. berating, belittling or insulting between staff members,
  3. engaging in aggressive behavior,
  4. gossiping and teasing,
  5. common disagreements or bickering between staff members,
  6. refusal to perform assigned tasks or being uncooperative in their daily duties, or
  7. insubordination. (1-5-21, D1-8.1, D2-11.4)

Unscheduled Absence Any absence not requested or reported before the end of the employee’s shift or workday. (10-18-19, D2-8.1, D2-8.3)

Unscheduled Absence-24/7 Facility (replaced Unauthorized Absence) Any absence not requested or reported before the end of the employee’s previous shift. (9-26-19, D2-8.1)

Unscheduled Absence-Single Shift Office (replaced Unauthorized Absence) Any absence not requested at least 60 minutes prior to the start of the employee’s work day. (9-26-19, D2-8.1)

Unsubstantiated An allegation that has been investigated and produced insufficient evidence to make a final determination as to whether or not the event occurred. (2-22-21, D1-8.4, D1-8.13)

UOF Use of force.

US 1. United States. 2. Unit supervisor.

USACE United States Army Corp of Engineers.

USAR Urban search and rescue.

USDA United State Department of Agriculture.

Use of Force An action used to overcome active resistance to maintain or gain control of an offender. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Use of Force Packet A group of informational documents including, but not limited to, the shift supervisor summary, use of force forms, report of incident forms, witness statements, medical emergency encounter forms and any other documentation concerning a use of force incident. (4-8-21, IS20-3.1)

Useful Life Estimated useful life assigned to different fixed asset types. The department has established the following useful lives:

  1. Vehicles – 5 years;
  2. Buildings – 40 years;
  3. Land and building improvements – 15years;
  4. Computer equipment – 3 years;
  5. All other equipment – 5 years;
  6. Tools – 5 years. (6-7-10, D4-5.2)

User A staff member who has been authorized to access the department’s information system network. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

USPS United State Postal Service.

UTAC UHF tactical channel.


V-Score Vocational score.

Valid Prescription A prescription written for the staff member by a licensed health care provider within the past 365 days. A qualifying patient identification card for the use of medical marijuana is not considered a valid prescription. (10-11-19, D2-11.11)

Validation Process The process by which a security threat group (STG) officer gathers information to determine whether an individual meets specific criteria to be considered an associate or actual member of a STG. (4-5-21, D1-8.11)

VAP Visiting application; also VQ.

VCALL VHF calling channel.

Vegetarian Meat alternative or a vegetarian substitute for the meat entrée. (2-1-12, IS7-1.10)

Vehicle 1. To include all-terrain vehicles, motorized equipment vehicles and state vehicles. (6-5-06, IS20-1.10) 2. Any motorized device on wheels, designed primarily for use on highways and institutional grounds. (7-18-08, D4-4.1)

Vehicle Patrol Log A standardized form to document equipment inventory and daily activities associated with the vehicle perimeter patrol post. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Vehicle Perimeter Patrol Officer A custody employee who has successfully completed standardized perimeter patrol training and has a current shotgun certification. (2-1-10, IS20-1.8)

Vending Contractor An individual approved to provide services to a department facility who must be accompanied by a department staff member at all times while providing services to that site. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

Vending Machines Any mechanical device that dispenses items (such as snacks, drinks, etc.) which is provided, maintained, and serviced by an outside vendor. (2-10-20, D2-7.10)

Vendors Businesses and their employees who are contracted by the department to perform services such as delivery of goods, products, materials, etc., and normally enter the institution under escort. These individuals are not considered staff of the department and do not receive a permanent department identification card. (9-24-19, IS20-1.7)

Verbal Order An offender specific treatment or medication order received by a nurse from a practitioner while the practitioner is on-site but unable to enter an order into the department computer system due to extenuating circumstances. (10-23-15, IS11-27.1)

Vermin Various insects or small animals that are destructive, annoying or pose a potential health problem, such as cockroaches. (12-20-02, IS4-1.3)

Very High Risk Level Enhanced supervision or residential placement such as the community supervision center, programming shall be provided for moderate and high need domains. These offenders are at considerably high risk of recidivism, based on the Ohio Risk Assessment System. (5-11-21, D5-10.4)

Veteran An offender who served in the military. (IS5-3.4)

Veterans Administration File A record maintained at the employee’s worksite or regional human resources office of his participation in the Veterans Administration On-The-Job Training Program. (9-28-17, D2-5.1)

Veterans Unit Housing designated for the veterans unit specific to a particular institution. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

Veterans Unit Manual A reference document manual maintained by the unit commander that outlines guidelines for daily operations, structure, activities and core values for the veterans unit. (4-28-21, IS5-3.4)

VIC Volunteer in Corrections.

Victim A person, as identified by the prosecuting attorney’s office, who suffers direct or threatened physical, emotional or financial harm as the result of the commission or attempted commission of a crime. The term victim also includes the family members of a minor, incompetent or a homicide victim. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D1-5.2, D1-5.4)

Victim Advocate An individual with specialized training who provides direct services to male and female victims of sexual abuse. (2-22-21, D1-8.13)

Victim Impact Guest Speakers Crime victims, survivors and service providers able to describe crime’s impact on victims. (11-13-06, D5-4.33)

Victim Information Notification Everyday System (VINES) An automated notification system utilized by the department to provide information to victims regarding changes in offender status. (6-1-06, D5-8.6)

Victim Offender Dialogue A process that enables the victim of a violent crime to meet the offender and discuss the impact of the crime. This process focuses on the harm done to the victim and the offender’s responsibility in the repairing of that harm. (7-21-06, D1-5.4)

Victim Services Coordinator An employee who is responsible for oversight of the office of victim services, the monitoring of statutory compliance regarding victim’s rights, oversees the implementation of programs, policies and procedures to ensure the rights of crime victims are enforced; assists the development of victim impact programs for offenders, consults on the training of correctional staff on general victim’s issues, and serves as the departmental liaison on victim’s issues to other victim service organizations and criminal justice agencies. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D1-5.2)

Victim’s Immediate Family Shall be defined as:

  1. spouse,
  2. children,
  3. siblings,
  4. parents,
  5. grandparents, or
  6. legal guardian. (1-31-18, D2-8.5)

Video Court A process where the offender appears before the court via an audio or video link; the offender does not leave the correctional facility to attend court. (7-1-07, IS8-1.8)

Video Relay Service (VRS) A system that enables deaf, hard of hearing, hearing impaired or speech impaired people the ability to communicate through use of the contracted offender telephone system by video (utilizing a third party). (11-16-16, D3-5.1, D3-5.13, IS13-2.1)

VILT Virtual instructor-led training program.

Violation of Conditions Failure An offender fails to meet any of the conditions of her/his extended limits of confinement assignment. (8-23-13, IS23-1.1)

Violation Report Formal notice to the court or parole board that an offender has failed to comply with conditions of supervision. (12-5-15, D5-4.36)

Violence Written threats to harm others, any description of criminal violence, or photos of violence that would cause a reasonable person to believe reading or seeing these items could provoke an individual to cause harm to others. (11-12-14, IS13-1.2)

Violent Crime For the purposes of this procedure this will include any crime which results in physical or emotional harm. (7-21-06, D1-5.4)

Violent Offense An offense in which a person has incurred direct or threatened physical or psychological harm as defined by the criminal code of the state in which the crime has occurred. (9-20-16, D5-1.2, D5-4.24)

Virtual Private Network (VPN) A means by which authorized staff members have secure access to the department’s information system network via the internet when off site and/or outside of the department’s network. (10-27-20, D1-7.1)

Visiting Liaison A case manager or higher ranking staff member assigned at each institution and treatment center to coordinate communication between the facility and visitors. (8-23-19, IS13-3.1)

Visual Images Images captured on security camera equipment being viewed live through a monitor, personal computer or remote viewing station. (5-5-12, D4-4.8)

Visual Impairment Includes blindness or an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects an individual’s life performance and ability to access needed services. (4-25-10, D5-5.3)

Visual Recording Any recorded image, including but not limited to, images recorded on compact disks (CDs), digital video disks (DVDs), video cassettes, or film. (4-8-21, D4-4.8, IS20-3.1, IS20-2.3)

VOAD Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.

Voluntary Demotion A status change whereby a regular, reinstatement probationary, or re-employment probationary employee requests an assignment from a position in one class to a position in another class of lower rank. (6-23-13, D2-2.12)

Voluntary Transfer A status change whereby an employee requests an assignment from a position in one class to a position in another class. (8-24-14, D2-2.13)

Volunteer A classification of approved individual who provides services without compensation from the department and has successfully completed the volunteer training. (3-1-21, D2-2.20, D2-13.1, IS8-5.1, IS17-1.1, IS18-6.2)

Volunteer Coordinator A staff member designated by the chief administrative officer who manages the volunteer program at the local level at probation and parole offices, and the institutional activities coordinators at correctional centers. (4-9-20, D2-14.1)

Volunteer in Corrections (VIC) Trainer A volunteer who has the skills and talents to train offenders in the proper techniques of dog obedience and handling. All requirements to be a volunteer in corrections apply (including tuberculosis and urinalysis testing) in accordance with the department's procedure regarding volunteers. (12-11-20, D5-4.34)

Volunteer or Reentry Partner or Guest File A file containing personal information on a volunteer, reentry partner, or guest. (3-1-21, D2-13.1)

Volunteer Services Coordinator An employee within the Office of Personnel who is responsible for providing the direction for volunteer and student intern activities. (3-1-21, D2-13.1, IS18-6.2)

Volunteer Site Coordinator A staff member, designated by the chief administrative officer or designee who manages the volunteer, reentry partner and guest(s) program at a worksite. (4-6-21, D2-13.1)

Volunteer Supervisor A staff member who is responsible for supervising activities of specific volunteers. (3-1-21, D2-13.1)

Voyeurism Perversion in which a person receives sexual gratification from seeing the genitalia of others or witnessing others’ sexual behavior. (D1-8.1)

VQ Visiting questionnaire; also VAP.

VR Violation report.

VTAC VHF tactical channel.

VTS Vocational training school.


W-Score Work score.

Wages For the purpose of this procedure, wages will be defined as follows:

  1. Base Pay:  Offenders that have a verifiable high school diploma or general educational development certificate (GED) will receive $8.50 per month when E1 score is entered into the department computer system. The wage received by an offender without a high school diploma or GED certificate will be $7.50 per month.
  2. Emergency Part-Time Pay:  Payment for the performance of duties beyond an offender’s normal work assignment.
  3. Federal Fund Pay:  A wage paid offender working for a federal funded work assignment.
  4. Premium Pay:  A wage paid for duties that have been identified as being compensated at more than the base pay level.
  5. Missouri Vocational Enterprises (MVE) Pay:  Working capital revolving fund wage paid to an offender employed in an MVE position, as outlined in the MVE Offender Work Guidelines (Attachment C).
  6. Work Release Pay:  Offender wage paid by a government entity, not-for-profit organization or private business as outlined in a formal work agreement approved by the division director. (12-26-10, D3-5.7)

Wait Notice An electronic notice that is generated to referred staff, requesting or updating a booking referral. This notice will be sent to the office email address for the referring staff, staff at the offender’s present location and staff at the offender’s pending location. (1-2-10, D5-1.3, D5-4.22, D5-4.24, D5-4.26, D5-4.30)

Walkaway An offender who leaves an assigned department or contracted residential facility without authorization. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

Wanted Persons An offender that has been entered into the MULES system as a wanted person entry. (8-15-13, D5-9.3)

Ward Chart A physical file maintained by corrections treatment center (CTC) staff members containing an offender’s treatment records while enrolled in a CTC. (IS12-3.2, IS12-3.3)

Warrant An order for arrest issued by the department command center when it is determined that an offender has committed a perimeter escape or a community release center escape. (12-10-08, D5-9.1)

Watch Take Occurs when an offender takes a medication under direct supervision of a nurse. (11-13-06, IS11-27.1, IS11-27.10)

Weapons Cabinet A secure gun safe or lockable metal storage cabinet located in a secure area designated by the chief administrative officer or designee for the storage of firearms, ammunitions, chemical agents, munitions and other security equipment at a facility without an armory. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Weapons Cleaning – Level One Wiping off all exposed metal with an oily cloth. This level of cleaning may be performed by any firearms certified staff member using proper firearms safety precautions. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Weapons Cleaning – Level Two Using standard cleaning materials, clean the bore and chamber then wipe off exposed metal with an oily cloth. This level of cleaning may be performed by a firearms instructor, armory officer, or any firearms certified staff member under direct supervision of a firearms instructor or armory officer. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Weapons Cleaning – Level Three Field stripping and disassembly per the manufacturer’s instructions. This level of cleaning may be performed by the armory officer, or firearms certified staff member under direct supervision of the armory officer. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Weapons Cleaning – Level Four Complete disassembly of a firearm beyond field stripping for cleaning or repair. This level of disassembly will only be conducted by a factory certified armorer. A level four disassembly by unauthorized staff members may result in disciplinary action. (4-22-15, IS20-2.7)

Weekday For the purpose of this procedure, Monday through Friday, exception of a state recognized holiday. (7-30-20, IS11-52)

Wellness Activity 1. An activity that promotes physical or emotional health. (2009, D2-7.5) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, activities include, but are not limited to, wellness education and physical fitness training for offenders. (10-18-16, IS16-1.1)

WERDCC Women’s Eastern Reception, Diagnostic & Correctional Center a.k.a. Vandalia.

WETC Women’s Eastern Treatment Center.

Within Band Transfer A manager transfer from one position in a band to another position within the same band. (3-19-09, D2-2.19)

Within Sight or Hearing An offender can gain the attention of health services staff member through visual or auditory signals, such as a call light and/or buzzer system. (7-30-20, IS11-52)

Witness 1. For the purposes of this procedure a person who can provide a firsthand account of the incident or situation under review. (4-1-19, D2-10.1, IS19-1.6) 2. Any person who has been, or is expected to be, summoned to testify for the prosecution, whether or not any action or proceeding has yet been commenced. The term witness shall include persons employed in the administration of criminal justice who are testifying in the course of their employment, except that such persons shall not be entitled to any witness fee. (8-21-18, D1-5.1, D1-5.2)

WMCC Western Missouri Correctional Center.

WMD Weapons of mass destruction.

Women’s Social Rehabilitation Unit (WSRU) Replaced with Special Mental Health Unit by WG. (3-10-17)

Work Any activity authorized by the chief administrative officer for which the offender may be compensated. (12-26-10, D3-5.7)

Work Agreement An agreement between the department and a public or private entity to provide payment for offenders in exchange for work. (1-18-19, D3-2.4, IS23-2.1)

Work Place Possibilities A resource to state employees and employers that assists in providing the necessary accommodations to allow employees to perform their job duties. (1-28-20, D1-1.3)

Work Release 1. A temporary release that allows an offender to perform any work in the community off of the institution grounds, with or without supervision. (8-21-18, D1-5.1) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, work release offenders are those offenders working for a private business at minimum wage or for a government agency. (2-15-07, D3-5.1)

Work Release Coordinator A staff member assigned to facility work release activities as specified in standard operating procedures. (1-18-19, IS23-2.1)

Work Release Savings A savings account established by the offender banking system for offenders assigned to the division of adult institutions that work for a government entity, not-for-profit organization or private business, and are compensated at a rate of $250.00/per month, minimum wage or higher. Deposits in this account may be made on a voluntary basis as well as a mandatory basis. (12-26-10, D3-5.7)

Work Section A group of employees assigned to work with each other for a specific goal or purpose, i.e., functional unit, recreation section, maintenance section, classification section, etc. (2-23-21, D2-8.11)

Work Section Supervisor or Administrator The employee responsible for the supervision or administration of a work section. (2-23-21, D2-8.11)

Work Week For the purpose of this procedure the term work week shall mean Monday through Friday, except for holidays. (2-1-14, D3-5.8)

Workers’ Compensation Coordinator A staff member designated by the CAO to handle all workers’ compensation claims and reports. (4-4-10, D2-15.5, D2-15.6)

Workers’ Compensation File A confidential containing information relating to an employee’s work related injuries in accordance with the department procedure regarding employee health records. (5-11-21, D2-5.1, D2-5.2, D2-15.5)

Workgroup (WG) An established group of subject matter experts (SME) appointed by the CAO or designee within each division or worksite, to meet, review, revise or develop subject matter expert processes within the assigned procedures. (4-10-20, D1-2.1)

Workgroup Administrator The lead person in each workgroup that is assigned procedures by the division director or designee. (14-10-20, D1-2.1)

Working Days Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, for record keeping purposes. (5-11-21, D2-4.1, D2-11.10, D2-10.1, D2-10.4, D2-12.5, D4-5.4, D5-4.36, D5-10.1, D5-10.4)

Working Education File A file on each individual offender maintained by individual teachers that contains current information on classroom activities. (1-9-15, IS7-1.7)

Working File 1. The authorized personnel records of employees not considered to be the official file, in accordance with the employee file index and this procedure. (4-20-21, D1-1.3, D2-3.1, D2-3.2, D2-5.1, D2-2.10, D2-11.4, D2-11.10) 2. For purposes of this procedure, the file maintained at the worksite or facility, not considered to be the confidential file. (10-4-16, IS18-6.2)

Working Stock Items removed from bulk stock and placed in a specific work areas for use. (6-23-20, IS11-28.1)

Workplace Violence Any situation or event which has the potential to cause physical or emotional problems for department staff members. (4-21-20, D2-15.8)

Workplace Violence Coordinator A person, appointed by the division director of human services, who is responsible for oversight and coordination of the workplace violence program. (4-21-20, D2-7.9, D2-15.8, D2-15.9, D2-17.1)

Worksite 1. For purpose of this procedure, a work location including those located in the director’s office, the division of human services, any facility of the division of adult institutions, any institution of the division of offender rehabilitative services, or a probation and parole region. (2-7-20, D1-3.2, D1-8.1, D1-8.4, D2-8.4, D2-15.10) 2. For the purpose of this procedure, worksite shall be the location where a staff member is conducting state business. (2-10-20, D2-6.1, D2-7.10)

Worksite Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator An individual appointed by the CAO at each institution, office, regional or field services office, to review, address, and propose resolutions of requests for accommodations, complaints, or grievances based on the ADA, Rehabilitation Act, and Missouri Human Rights Act, at that location. (10-30-19, D1-1.3, D5-3.2, D5-5.1, D5-5.2, IS8-1.4, IS15-1.1)

Worksite Contact Person The institutional personnel manager, central office personnel manager, probation and parole personnel manager and district office chief clerical employee. (2-8-18, D2-1.2)

Worksite Coordinator An employee appointed by the chief administrative officer. (3-8-21, D2-15.2, D2-15.3)

Worksite DNA Sample Collectors Staff designated by the chief administrative officer at each worksite who are responsible for obtaining DNA samples, including corrections classification assistants, reception and diagnostic officers, probation and parole urinalysis collectors and other staff as necessary. (3-25-10, D5-1.6)

Worksite Test Coordinator An employee designated by the chief administrative officer who arranges for substance abuse and alcohol testing and coordinates with the department test coordinator or designee. (10-11-19, D2-11.11, D2-11.12, D4-4.5)

Worksite Tuberculosis Coordinator An employee designated by the chief administrative officer to coordinate on site tuberculosis testing and/or reporting. (10-4-16, D2-7.8, IS18-6.2)

WRAT Wide range achievement test.

WRDCC Western Reception, Diagnostic & Correctional Center.

Write Off The cancellation and removal of offender(s) debt from the accounting records of the department after a determination is made that such accounts are uncollectible. (10-25-09, D3-5.14)

Written Agreement A contract or letter of agreement, or memorandum of understanding between the facility and the hospital, clinic, or specialist for the care and treatment of offenders. (4-16-20, IS11-30)

Written Information May take the form of a facility handbook, a handout, or postings in offender housing areas. (3-15-07, IS11-30.2)

Written Proficiency Test A written based exam given by an academy trainer, institutional training officer, regional training officer or adjunct trainer to determine pass or fail of a given subject and level of competency. (8-2-08, D2-5.4)

Written Reprimand A letter rebuking the employee, describing unacceptable behavior and warning of future consequences, issued by the appointing authority or designee. (9-1-18, D2-9.1)

WRTC 1. Western Regional Treatment Center. 2. Western Region Training Center.

WSRU Women's Social Rehabilitation Unit (WERDCC).


YAG Youth awareness group.

YOP Youthful offender post-secondary program.

Youthful Offender An offender under the age of 18 who has been adjudicated as an adult by the courts and sentenced to the custody of the department. (2-22-21, D1-8.13, IS5-1.1, IS5-2.5, IS5-3.1, IS20-1.3, IS21-1.1, IS21-1.3)


Zone Human Resources Office Offices established by probation and parole to handle all human resource functions for the worksites located within the designated zone. (9-28-17, D2-5.1)