The Missouri Department of Corrections makes staff wellbeing a priority.

Like those working in the military, law enforcement, emergency medicine and other first-responder careers, corrections professionals encounter stress and trauma that can have a pervasive, long-lasting impact on their lives.
As part of a series of department strategic initiatives, MODOC has re-focused the Employee Health and Safety Unit with renewed attention to promoting wellness and managing mental health and workplace stress.
The unit has launched a three-part model that aims to:
Prevent: Holistic wellness resources, services, programs and trainings designed to provide care and build resiliency in staff.
Respond: Resources and strategies designed to assist staff with unique occupational stressors.
Support: A culture that allows for ongoing support of staff, enhances their overall health and benefits their lives.
Employee Resources
Missouri DOC employees have access to many support and wellness resources. Our teams work hard to organize on-site wellness activities, all-staff challenges, and promote awareness about existing internal and external resources. Please contact your Warden’s Secretary or Unit Supervisor if you have questions about activities and programs available in your area.
As a Department, we invest in programs and resources that are designed to help employees manage stress in positive ways and build resilience. Subscribe to the Work Well newsletter for wellness tips and the latest updates on programs and resources. Click to view an archive of previous newsletters.
Follow these links to jump to different resources:
Employee Self-Service portal
Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan
Active & Fit Direct
Sydney Health
GuidanceNow℠ (the SELF Mobile app)
Recorded Webinars
Trauma Resources
Click to find your worksite specific MoDOC Cares Team.
For questions about specific resources, programs and all staff challenges:
Employee Health, Wellness & Safety
Asst. Division Director, VanDee Miller
Employee Wellness
Wellness challenges, worksite amenities & events
Coordinator, Caitlin Rudolph, MBA
Employee Trauma Response
Manager- Meckenzie Hayes, MSW, LCSW
Employee Support Services
Employee Health Nurse Team
Coordinator, Amy Kitchens RN
Family and Medical Leave (FMLA)
Coordinator: Richelle McDowell
Employee Self-Service portal: ess.mo.gov
This is a secure web-based employee self-service portal that is accessible only to State of Missouri employees or former State of Missouri Employees who have received a paycheck from the state within the last five years. This site does not contain information for Colleges and Universities.
Instructional Information for Employees
Currently users of this site can:
- View pay check details from a given point forward.
- View leave balance summary information which is current as of the last regular pay cycle.
- View W2 information.
- Electronic W2 Consent.
- View training history.
- Follow a link to State of Missouri Vendor Payment Services.
- Links to Benefits Providers: This feature makes accessing your resources EASY!
Cafeteria Plan/AsIFlex, MOSERS, MoABLE, MOST 529, MOVLIC, MCHCP, etc. - Print blank W-4 forms for federal or state.
- Submit name and/or address changes to your HR/Payroll office.
- View employee announcements.
- State employee discount websites, Discount Hub and WeSave.
Click here for a benefits overview.
Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan
Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP), www.mchcp.org , provides coverage to employees and retirees of most state agencies, as well as public entities that have joined MCHCP. MCHCP is a separate, stand-alone state entity created by statute and organized under the direction of a 13-member board of trustees. We are driven by our vision to be recognized and valued by our members as their advocate in providing affordable, accessible, quality health care options.
Programs arranged by MCHCP include:
- Anthem BCBS Health insurance plans (HSA, PPO 750, PPO 1250)
- Active & Fit Direct multi-gym membership, more info below.
- Sydney app – great personal healthcare tool, more info below.
- LiveHealth Online
- SmartShopper
- Anthem Health Guide
- TRICARE Supplement Plan
- MetLife Dental insurance
- NVA Vision insurance
- ESI Pharmacy programs: Home Delivery & Smart90 program
- RX Savings Solutions
- SELF (Strive Employee Life and Family), our Employee Assistance Program, more info below.
Follow this link to view an overview of MCHCP: http://www.mchcp.org/stateMembers/memberEducation/mp4_files/IntroToMCHCP.mp4
Other helpful videos about MCHCP and specific programs:
Active & Fit Direct

$28/month MULTI-Gym membership. Access by visiting Anthem.com and logging in to your personal profile. Log in to your anthem.com profile, click CARE, then DISCOUNTS, then Active & Fit Direct to enroll.

Sydney Health
Sydney Health makes it easy to find doctors near you, get important information about benefits and claims, track your progress toward health goals and more. You can even get your member ID card right from Sydney.
Download the Sydney Health app today in the Google Play or Apple App Store!
Anthem BCBS Health Insurance members can access these FREE SUPPORT PROGRAMS in the sydney app:

Click for an introduction to the app.
Strive Employee Life & Family (SELF)

The Strive Employee Life & Family (SELF) program (part of MCHCP’s state Employee Assistance Program) helps state workers reduce stress, improve health and enhance life balance. State employees eligible for Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP) medical coverage, as well as
members of their households, may use the SELF program 24 hours a day. Members can access tips and resources on diet, exercise, anxiety, grief, managing finances, finding child care and more. Register online through GuidanceResources. If this is your first time logging into the Guidance Resources website, click “Register”, enter “MCHCP” as the organization Web ID, click on “Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan”, then complete the online registration form and follow the instructions to create your free account.
Employees and their household members can also reach a GuidanceResources Consultant at any time by calling 800-808-2261.
GuidanceNow℠ (the SELF Mobile app)

GuidanceNow℠, the SELF Mobile app, provides fast, easy access to your ComPsych employee assistance program and a wide array of health and well-being resources. On GuidanceNow℠ you can:
- Browse and Search Resources—Browse a wealth of local-language, informational tools and resources. These resources are organized into categories such as well-being, relationships, work, education, finance and lifestyle
- Find a Provider—Use one-touch access to speak with an intake clinician and get a referral to a local provider
- Learn More—Access authoritative, regional resources (such as third-party government-sponsored, not-for-profit and private domain websites) which connect people to additional resources and benefits
- Access Program Information— Review your company’s specific employee assistance program benefit information
- Provide Feedback—Respond to surveys to help ComPsych improve future program offerings for employees and their household members
ComPsych Corporation - GuidanceResources Online - Login
Recorded Webinars
Guidance Resources Program Overview
Healthy Lifestyles: Changing the Way You Think About Diet and Exercise
Connecting Mind and Body for Healthy Living
School’s Out: Getting Everyone Through the Summer
Being Part of a Multigenerational Team
Trauma Resources
Peer Action and Care Team (PACT)
The department's peer support program, PACT, is made up of staff at each worksite or Probation and Parole region who are able to provide information, resources and confidential support to employees who experience personal or workplace stress or potentially traumatic events. PACT members are not mental health professionals; they are peers with personal experience and specialized training.
Any employee may contact or request to see a PACT member at any time.
PACT members will always:
- Maintain confidentiality (within limits outlined in policy) and respect the rights, dignity and self-determination of others
- Build respect and understanding
- Actively listen
- Display sensitivity and model integrity
- Work within established guidelines (please refer to D2-15.8)
- Work as a team member to ensure the best possible care and outcome
- Be open-minded with a willingness to learn
Utilization of PACT is entirely voluntary. Members can provide a listening ear, assistance locating resources or services, information about Strive Employee Life and Family (SELF) and other supportive measures. PACT has representation in each DOC division, and has provided assistance to thousands of staff members since its inception in 2001. Anyone can become a PACT member, and we aim for our team to reflect the diverse population of employees within the department with respect to job class, age, race, and gender.
Who is my PACT member? How do I become a PACT member? Ask any supervisor, or locate the PACT team roster and nomination form on the PACT folder in the K: Drive.
Employee Trauma Response
The Department’s Employee Trauma Specialists are mental health professionals within the department who can:
- Provide brief emotional support for staff until more appropriate resources are identified
- Conduct outreach and follow-up after a serious or critical incident
- Offer assistance with locating and connecting with local resources or services
- Assist with applications for financial assistance through the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation
- Consult on crisis response strategies
The Employee Trauma Unit does NOT:
- Provide direct services to any staff member under investigation by the Department, with the exception of offering community resources.
- Conduct fit-for-duty evaluations or determine ability to complete essential job functions.
- Provide any clinical services that are otherwise available in the community
Interactions with the Employee Trauma Unit are free, voluntary, and confidential.
Meckenzie Hayes
Manager of Trauma Informed Employee Care
Employee Support Services
Employee Support Specialists are trained professionals who:
- Offer confidential support to DOC employees experiencing personal stressors, impacting day-to-day lives
- Support corrections employees at institutional and probation and parole sites
- Help promote positive change through individualized goal planning and scheduled time for exploring issues affecting employees and their households
- Help to bridge the gap between local resources and employees
- Advocate for staff needs and help employees solve problems when overwhelmed
Employee support specialists won't: provide legal advice or advise employees in an investigation; provide counseling or mental health assessments; intervene or mediate job-related disciplinary action; or report information to anyone without informed consent, except mandated reporting cases.
To contact the Employee Support Services Team, reach out to your site’s assigned employee specialist, or email DOC.ESSTeam@doc.mo.gov.

Post Critical Incident Seminar (PCIS)
MoDOC’s Post-Critical Incident Seminars (PCIS) offer a secure, 3-day, off-site setting for staff to share and process line-of-duty traumatic experiences.
Contact Steph Tandarich for more information: